Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 863: Surprise and Reversal

As a ray of dazzling light accumulated to the limit, an extremely terrifying sword light popped out of Jian Wushen's hand in an instant.

The moment the sword energy flew out, it didn't look very eye-catching, it looked like a very thin silk thread, but as the sword energy flew halfway, it split into countless dense silk threads, like densely packed homing missiles began to bombard the formation. go.

At this time, the whole body of the large formation is like a super giant ball, and the edge cannot be seen at a glance. In fact, it has shrunk by tens of millions of times compared to the original super galaxy cluster territory. It is still absorbing nearby free energy to run the formation on its own. zoom out.

And with the bombardment of these dense sword lights, dense halos of light began to appear on the surface of the big ball.

Wave after wave of terrifying shock waves swept in all directions.

Almost at the same time, Patriarch Tianshuang, who was in the formation at this time, seemed to sense something and suddenly looked up at the nothingness above.

"It's now!"

Patriarch Tianshuang let out a long cry, leaped with both hands and began to continuously mobilize all the energy accumulated before the array at this time.

I saw dense energy threads gushing out from the array, and began to gather at the feet of Patriarch Tianshuang, and merged into his body at the same time.

Patriarch Tianshuang's aura swelled rapidly in an instant.

This scene made Kui Gang, who was about to pursue Jiang Heng, startled slightly. At this moment, everyone in the formation was attracted by this scene.

Tianshuang Patriarch Yang Tian let out a long howl.

"Haha! Today is the day when my ancestor stepped into a high position!"

Patriarch Tianshuang let out an incomparably hearty laugh, and saw that the energy gathered by several people before was directly kneaded into a small ice crystal ball by him and held in his hand.


Listening to the inexplicable words of Tianshuang Patriarch, Xingyun and the others were taken aback, a little puzzled.

However, everything changed very quickly.

"A bunch of idiots! But I still have to thank you, as well as Brother Thunderstorm outside, thank you for your ignorance to allow this ancestor to find this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

As soon as the words fell, Patriarch Tianshuang slightly pressed the void with his fingers, and with his light press, the nodes of the array under their feet reversed rapidly.

It's as if the original transmitting end suddenly became the absorbing end.

At the same time, a ray shot out from the array disk and bombarded towards the void above.


There was a violent shock between the heaven and the earth, and the entire space in the big formation was violently shaken. Everyone only felt that the surrounding law fluctuations were in chaos, no! It should be said that it was just a moment of chaos and then all gathered towards the array.

"This... is this a high-level formation? But what kind of formation is this? The outer formation began to collapse and converge towards this formation. Can it directly pry the outer formation?"

Demigod Xingyun has some understanding of the formation at least, but Rao still feels terrified and can't figure out what's going on for a while!

"Haha! To tell you the truth, I have not only been cultivating myself for so many years.

This seat has long been a peerless genius in the world, and he can learn everything quickly! At the time when I was injured, I was really disheartened, but there was another village, and I got a set of formations from the age of the ancient gods by chance, so I used this long time of waiting to die for special research.

But it's not easy. It took hundreds of thousands of years to study this heaven-defying formation with my talent.

But it's all worth it!

This formation is called Stealing the Sky Great Formation! Today I will steal all the great opportunities of this day! "

Patriarch Tianshuang laughed loudly, in fact, this is also a coincidence.

When he got this set of formations and supporting formations in the early days, he really thought about planning something, but it is almost impossible for such an opportunity to arise.

But today it appeared. Ever since the hegemony's surprise attack and the establishment of the Gu raising array, the almost desperate state of mind of Patriarch Tianshuang began to rejuvenate.

The opportunity has appeared, and then he only needs to plan step by step!

Fortunately, hard work paid off, he finally waited for this moment!

Thinking of this, Patriarch Tianshuang couldn't help shouting excitedly.

"You could break through this formation a long time ago, you are using us?!" Xiaoyue demigod also understood at this time, and suddenly felt extremely furious.

"Hmph! I advise you not to act rashly! Now that almost all the energy in your body has been input into the array, how much energy do you have left?

And even if I wanted to crush you to death in your heyday, it would be as easy as crushing an ant! There are also a few brats in Ba Yu, I don't want to talk to you now, so you should be honest and don't make trouble for me! "

Ancestor Tianshuang's tone was extraordinarily domineering, with a hint of indisputability, besides, he did have the capital to be rampant now, because the will of martial arts burst out, and everyone's bodies were numb, and they had no resistance at all.

This is the coercion of the sixth-order demigod! !

Everyone was shocked, but they didn't expect that the one who hid the most was the Tianshuang patriarch who had been keeping his face all this time.

Jiang Heng was also a little dazed at this time, and the twists and turns made his mind a little confused.

It can only be said that all this happened too fast, not to mention him, even the demigods like Xingyun have to sort out their thoughts now.

At the same time, the hegemonic demigods outside the formation also became somewhat suspicious.

Because the big array seems a little weird.

"What's going on here?" Kui Mie frowned, and couldn't help but look at Minghuo, the leader of the formation.

"I don't know what's going on, it seems that the energy accumulated in the formation is starting to flow away!" Minghuo's face was a little ugly, and his mind was also full of question marks.

"It shouldn't be. Even if the formation is damaged, it shouldn't be the case. The impact will only stimulate the resistance of the formation. How can there be such a phenomenon of energy loss?"

Cangtian Zhangjiao also has a deep study of formations, but he is still extremely confused now.

In fact, it is not to blame for their confusion, because the ancestor Tianshuang's formation skills have far surpassed them, reaching the level of a high-ranking formation master at the level of a demigod.

Jian Wushen also narrowed his eyes slightly, and he seldom studied formations, but he is a high-level player after all, so his vision is quite high, and he can still see abnormalities that other people can't see.

"The big formation started to run in reverse, what is going on, I think you should be very clear, right?" Jian Wushen looked at the thunderstorm with a half-smile.

He had felt that Thunderstorm's intentions were not pure from just now, but now it seems that he is really tricky.

Hearing this, Thunderstorm froze.

Although the other party did not show any obvious killing intent for the time being, the half-smiling eyes already carried a strong sense of threat. Maybe as long as he was a little careless, Jian Wushen's sword energy would make him original. died.

"Seniors don't need to worry too much, this is part of the junior's plan, but seniors don't need to worry about the big formation for the time being, and my companion will take care of everything." Lei Tian smiled repeatedly.


Hearing that Jian Wushen gave a cold snort, he didn't take it seriously, but went all out to wear away Shi Yu's tortoise shell again.

He didn't care what kind of tricks Lei Feng was up to, anyway, as long as the other party disagreed, he would kill the other party.

It's nothing more than a sword qi!

At the same time, the formation has begun to collapse little by little, and the collapse is very obvious. Now, even Bayu and his party can see it. This is definitely a big problem.

"It's over, someone stole my ancestor's chance by some unknown method!" Minghuo's face turned pale when he saw this scene.

His family's ancestor Pluto is now waiting for a large-scale alchemy to break through the high-ranking realm, but now it is nothing but a bamboo basket.

"Who the hell?!"

Thinking of the punishment he would receive when the ancestor left the customs, Minghuo couldn't help but growl hysterically.

And Kui Mie and Cang Tian didn't look too good-looking. Although they were more repulsed by Pluto's breakthrough to a high position, they didn't want their opportunity to dominate the domain to be taken away by others.

After all, even if Pluto breaks through, it is still his own people, and outsiders are different.

At this time, within the large formation, a terrifying vortex converged vertically towards Tianshuang Patriarch like a funnel.

And that vortex is not a cosmic storm, but an energy storm formed by the gathering of extremely pure and dense energy.

At this moment, Patriarch Tianshuang began to swallow the dense and pure energy pouring into his body like a huge swallowing vortex that was constantly releasing floods.

As the energy continued to devour him, his aura continued to expand and skyrocket.

Seeing this scene, the demigod Xingyun, the demigod Xiaoyue and even the demigod Kui Gang were shocked.

Unexpectedly, the two of them fought to the death, but in the end they became someone else's wedding dress.

"He wants to break through the realm of high positions, brother Kui Gang, why don't you stop Yi Er?" Xing Yun demigodly sneered at Kui Gang who was also holding the ground with his hands on the ground not far away.

Hearing this, Kui Gang couldn't help but rolled his eyes and stopped the fart, now that one of them counts as one, who can stand up under the pressure of the opponent's sixth-order peak demigod?

Even standing up is useless, the opponent's coercion is too terrifying, the closer the opponent is, the greater the pressure, and it is simply unrealistic to stop the opponent.

Unless there is a sixth-order demigod here, it is wishful thinking.

The demigods are well aware of this, because they can feel that the coercion of Tianshuang Patriarch is obviously not as simple as the ordinary sixth level.

This is mainly because Tianshuang's patriarch was originally a senior of Tianzong. It seems that his cultivation base is only at the sixth level, but with his background, he barely has the power of the seventh level.

It can be seen from this that the strength of Patriarch Tianshuang is far beyond what they can fight against together, even the aura emitted by the other party cannot stop it.

"Hey! I thought I was old and cunning enough, but I didn't expect this guy to be more thief than me!"

At this time, Tong Tianhou, who had been observing the outside world, couldn't help muttering in admiration in Xing Yun's demigod mind.

"Senior, is there a way to break the deadlock?" Xing Yun frowned.

The current situation is out of control, which makes him a little confused and uneasy.

"No! Now this guy is not easy. If you can handle the opponent to some extent in your heyday, don't think about it now. Even if you are now a sixth-order peak demigod, it is impossible to win the opponent.

This kid's talent is much stronger than yours, and I think his mastery of the Frost Law is not easy. Even if he doesn't reach the second stage of the law, it is already the limit of the first stage.

There is no problem at all with his strength to fight against four or five strong men of the same level alone. If he is in the empire, he will definitely be at the level of a feudal lord! "

"Master Hou actually evaluates this person like that?!"

Hearing Tongtianhou's evaluation, Xingyun demigod was immediately surprised. He knew that Tongtianhou's temperament was not good enough to be arrogant, and if he could be praised by the other party, it showed that the other party's strength and methods were astonishing.

"If you want me to say that you should protect my apprentice as soon as possible now, he is not in good condition now, if something else happens next, you can still take him out quickly, can't you?"

Tong Tianhou's words reminded Xingyun demigod that since he was powerless to stop the opponent, he simply protected himself.

The demigod Xingyun directly took the distant Jiang Heng to his side with his star picking hand.

He observed carefully up and down, and found that Jiang Heng's condition was indeed extremely bad. The laws in his body were almost exhausted, and his physical body was on the verge of collapse. Obviously, he had already fought to the limit, and if he continued, he might really be in danger of his life.


Jiang Heng's chest was heaving violently. Now he only felt that it was laborious to lift his eyelids. When he breathed, he felt a burning pain in his heart, and his whole body felt a pain that was about to tear apart. If it wasn't for Jiang Heng, he would have experienced many kinds of dramas. Painful experience, I'm afraid I've rolled my eyes and passed out by now.

"Teacher, please rest in my cave. From my point of view, the current situation is chaotic. If something happens, I will take you out of here directly!"

The demigod Xingyun comforted his apprentice, he was actually quite at ease with Jiang Heng, but the current state of Jiang Heng made him too terrified.

He said in his heart that if his disciple is not the way of the physical body, if the recovery of the physical body is a little weaker, he is afraid that his disciple will have died countless times.

For Master's kindness, Jiang Heng directly drilled into the opponent's cave without any excuses.

In fact, Jiang Heng's other cave is also full of people at this time, all of them are the Galaxy Fleet that entered before the war.

After all, Jiang Heng didn't know if something would happen in this battle. He thought that if the formation disappeared, he would flee crazily away from this dangerous place with a huge galaxy fleet.

But now that Xingyun demigod is doing it for him, Jiang Heng naturally doesn't have to stay outside. The main reason is that Jiang Heng is too tired now.

He felt that as long as his eyes were closed, the monstrous drowsiness changes would hit him like mountains and seas.

At this time, Patriarch Tianshuang seems to have gradually come to an I saw him devouring the terrifying dense energy, while using his hands to continuously absorb the nearby terrifying energy to refine a elixir.

The main material of the elixir is the energy of the nebula demigods extracted from the array before, and the other substances of the elixir are the terrifying energy that is continuously drawn by the ancestor Tianshuang at this moment.

His movements were as fast as possible, and with the collapse of the formation, the pill in the hands of Tianshuang Patriarch also became completely round and clear.

This is Cheng Dan!

As the elixir took shape, Patriarch Tianshuang swallowed the elixir almost instantly, as if he was moving very quickly to prevent the night from having many dreams.

Time passed little by little, and after about ten breaths, the elixir seemed to start to completely dissolve in the ancestor Tianshuang's body.

Immediately, Patriarch Tianshuang felt as if a switch in his body was suddenly turned on, and the threshold of stepping into a high position seemed to appear completely in front of Patriarch Tianshuang.


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