Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 862: Do not talk about martial arts

There was a hint of sarcasm in Jian Wushen's laughter, and he spoke coldly.

"This object comes from the relics of an ancient true **** named Jin!"

"Forbidden? Who is he? What is this thing?"

Shi Yu was already a little hysterical at this time, he felt something was wrong, the runes that penetrated into his body made him feel very bad, and the movement of the law of time in his body seemed to be gradually becoming dull and slow.

"Then let me put it another way. The law mastered by this ancient true **** is the law of banning. Now, seniors should understand it very well. I believe you should have guessed it by now. How does it feel to be banned?"

Jian Wushen's eyes gradually became sharper, and faint killing intent began to emanate from him. ,

To be honest, this treasure is not simple, but a treasure given by Sanshen Mountain.

To put it bluntly, it was Shi Yu's own fault. His time law is certainly terrifying, and he can travel through time and space to kill the enemy invisible while taking advantage of his weak point.

But this has a big hidden danger, that is, it will change the trajectory of time.

That is to say, if the time controller didn't kill the opponent when he shuttled past, then he would be in big trouble.

Because the past experience of the opponent will change at that time, just like the sword Wushen at this moment.

Since Shi Yu failed to kill Jian Wushen in the past, Jian Wushen's previous experience has changed. ,

After the sudden appearance of the mysterious person failed to attack and kill him, Jian Wushen learned from the three demigods of Sanshen Mountain that this person might come from the future. He even told this demigod Shiyu who might be from the future.

With such a premise, Jian Wushen was naturally shocked, because at that time he was barely able to step into the seventh level, and he didn't even know what Shiyu demigod was.

Fortunately, he is backed by the Sanshen Mountain. Although the Sanshen Mountain is only a casual cultivator organization, it is an organization founded by three high-ranking demigods. Of course, there is no need to say more about its background.

And this relic from Jin, the true god, came from Sanshen Mountain. It can be said that if Shi Yu hadn't missed, Jian Wushen would not have made such preparations today. It can be said that since Shi Yu failed to kill Jian Wushen, Jian Wushen's experience has changed.

If it is said that Jian Wushen was unprepared for facing Shi Yu before, but this time, because of Shi Yu's miss, Jian Wushen knew tens of thousands of years ago that he must have a battle with Shi Yu in the future!

"Senior Shi, tens of thousands of years ago, your attack was a bit gentle. If you didn't kill me at that time, then I will deal with you today!"

Hearing these words, Shi Yu suddenly wanted to understand why Jian Wushen didn't carry such a treasure before but suddenly appeared today.

For a moment, Shi Yu was full of regrets, if there were no three guys at that time, he would have succeeded in beheading Jian Wushen, and there is no such thing as today.

However, it was already too late, and Jian Wushen's killing intent was boiling at this moment.

He is a combative person, and what he likes most is to challenge the strong, and he is very excited to challenge the eighth-order demigod, not to mention that this is an eighth-order time avenue demigod.

Thinking that he was going to kill such an existence with his own hands, Jian Wushen felt excited and excited all over his body.

Almost as soon as the words were spoken, a sword light burst out from Jian Wushen's body, and the sword light rushed towards Shi Yu who was not far away like a terrifying cosmic tide.

Such fierce and terrifying sword energy could have been easily avoided or even eliminated if it had been Shi Yu before, but now he is driving the power of law and feels that the law in his body is like a quagmire, making it very difficult to move.

The time light wheel behind it only exudes a slow brilliance, and it is extremely difficult to rotate and reverse time.


The sword light soon completely covered Shi Yu's whole body. Under the terrifying sword energy, the time force field formed by the time law on Shi Yu's body surface resisted for a while and then quickly dimmed.

It's not that his law is not enough, but that the speed of the law cannot be increased, and the time force field on the body surface is naturally easily wiped clean by the boundless sword energy.

Following a blast of sword energy that lasted for several breaths, when the sword light gradually dissipated, what appeared before the eyes was nothingness.

Shi Yu actually fell directly.

A surge of time law fireworks exploded. Although Shi Yu's body was completely wiped out by the sword energy, the scene of the time law bursting and returning to the long river after falling could not deceive others.

"Dead... dead?"

Seeing this scene, all the demigods of the hegemony looked in disbelief.

"Impossible! The Messenger is the eighth-level avenue of time! Time is one of the top avenues, how can it fall so easily!" Some people don't believe it. After all, it doesn't make sense for a big man like a demigod of time to fall so easily.

But no matter how unbelievable they were, the scene in front of them really existed, which symbolized that Shi Yu, the master of one of the top avenues in the universe, had indeed fallen.

However, compared to the confusion and uncertainty of the demigods of the hegemony, Jian Wushen's expression remained dignified.

"The dissipated power of the law is far from reaching the level of the eighth-order demigod. It seems that he is not dead yet!"

Jian Wushen's eyes were sharp and he kept scanning his surroundings.

It's just that there seems to be nothing around except the breath of these domineering demigods, and everything seems to be nothing out of the ordinary.


Jian Wushen frowned, and the delicate sword law began to radiate from the whole body. These strands of sword law began to expand outward, as if they were inspecting every inch of the nearby area inch by inch.

"found it!"

When the kendo law expanded to a certain place, Jian Wushen suddenly opened his eyes, and shot out a slender sword aura from his mouth, and the sword aura passed through a certain void in an instant at an extremely fast speed.

As the sword energy passed by, the void twisted for a while, and an old-faced Shi Yu appeared immediately.

"Hmph! Still want to escape!"

Seeing that the other party's hands were frantically trying to pry the time law that was constantly silent in his body, and wanted to open the time channel to leave this place, Jian Wushen shook his hand, and immediately the dense sword energy spurted away again.

Seeing this scene, he understood that just now he just cut off Shi Yu's past body, but now is the future body of the other party.

The time and space realm of the future body has not broken through to the ninth level, but the power of law has indeed reached the limit of the eighth level. Even though he is constantly being affected by the power of the ban, it is still difficult for him to leverage the power of time in his body.

Seeing Jian Wushen attacking again at this time, Shi Yu's complexion changed a few times, and as soon as he shook his hand, he saw a huge bronze bell suspended in the air, and the bronze bell flashed and directly enveloped Shi Yu's whole body.

clang clang clang!

A series of sword qi collided with the copper bell quickly, making a series of sounds of gold and iron clashing.


Seeing that his sword energy couldn't hurt this treasure at all, Jian Wushen's eyebrows showed a touch of surprise. valley

Because it is difficult for the opponent to operate too much power of law now, this makes this treasure work without law input at all.

"It seems that I still underestimate Senior Shi Yu. I didn't expect that Senior Shi Yu has so many treasures on his body, and it's just a broken ninth-order and a half artifact!"

Jian Wushen smiled faintly, he could feel that there was no weapon spirit in the other party's treasure, so even if he could still block his attack, it must be an incomplete ninth-order semi-sacred weapon.

"However, senior Shi Yu, you are one of the twelve gods in the temple of gods. If you are so timid and timid, if it gets out, you will be laughed out of your teeth!"

Hearing Jian Wushen's provocative remarks, Shi Yu who was hiding in the bronze bell could only curse secretly.

I said in my heart that it's not that you don't talk about martial arts, if you can't beat it, you just play the magic ban, how can you play it?

Now Shi Yu's heart is so distressed, the price of a past body is too great.

Although he can still cultivate when he goes back, but if he wants to reshape a past body, the time law consumed is extremely huge, especially now that he is still at the eighth level.

The higher the realm, the greater the cost of repairing the three bodies,

Of course, the biggest trouble is whether he can leave here alive.

Jian Wushen's hand really caught him off guard, who would have thought that the opponent would pull out a real artifact-level treasure with his backhand.

However, Shi Yu could also see that the other party's treasure should be a one-off, so it's not something that Shi Yu will be able to crack in a short while.

"Damn! It is indeed a treasure left by the true god. Even in the past so many years, the power of banning it is still extremely powerful. With my current strength, it will take hundreds of thousands of years to slowly grind it!"

Shi Yu was a little depressed.

In fact, he has also heard of the law of banning, after all, he has so many years of experience here.

I heard that the banning laws are one of the super-class laws even in ancient times. The reason why they are not ranked among the top laws is because their actual combat ability is too hip. Apart from the means of banning laws, they have no combat benefits at all. increase.

Moreover, the banning rules also have great restrictions. It is not possible to ban anyone at will, which has to be judged according to the strength of oneself and the opponent.

If one's own state is higher than the opponent's level, then it is natural to achieve a ban, but the ban can only affect one target at a time, because if multiple targets are banned, the power of the ban will gradually decrease sharply.

That is to say, the eighth-level banned demigod originally sealed a seventh-level demigod. If you only seal this one alone, as long as you don't ban other people, the other party will always be banned by yourself, unless you are injured or your lifespan is exhausted. .

But if several seventh-order demigods are banned at the same time during this period, the power of the law will drop sharply, and the time and effectiveness of the ban will be greatly reduced.

Just like what happened to Shi Yu in front of him, if this true **** named Jin was still alive, Yu would almost have been sentenced to death at that time.

Shi Yu may not be able to use any time law in his entire life.

Unless the true **** diverts his attention to banning others, he will be silent for a lifetime.

Of course, right now it is a sealing force left behind by a person who has been dead for tens of thousands of years, and this sealing force has also experienced years of devastation.

Even so, Shi Yu still sadly found out that if he didn't spend hundreds of years, he might still not be able to unblock him.

Fortunately, it was left by the dead after all, and the power of the ban was not too dead, so Shi Yu can more or less use the power of time right now.

It's just that this power of time is so tiny that it becomes extremely difficult for him to open a time channel to escape quickly.

At this moment, feeling the constant whistling of swords and collisions outside, Shi Yu's face became more and more ugly. He still gritted his teeth and tried hard to open the time tunnel and leave this place.

He vowed that as long as he could leave here, he would not go out if he didn't find a place to retreat for millions of years to restore his past body.

"Not good! This dog is attacking the messenger!" a demigod of the overlord said loudly.

However, no one responded to him, which made the demigod a little embarrassed. He still wanted to let everyone besiege the sword Wushen to create opportunities for Shi Yu.

It's just that due to Jian Wushen's previous behavior of slaughtering low-ranking demigods at will, everyone has already had a clear understanding of the strength of high-ranking demigods. At this moment, no one dares to step forward again, because going up is a gift!

"Haha! The senior is really powerful, the senior restrained Yu when he made a move, it's really amazing!"

At this time, due to the poor time operation, the surrounding time flow rate returned to normal, and the thunderstorm demigod who also escaped burst into laughter.


Hearing Thunderstorm's praise, Jian Wushen just glanced indifferently and ignored it.

He didn't feel embarrassed seeing this thunderstorm, he also knew that he was using Jian Wushen after all.

"Senior, I don't think this beast can escape in a short time, why don't you break the formation first?"

Seeing Jian Wushen tirelessly bombarding the tortoise shell violently, Thunderstorm thought for a while and said.

He also wanted to help the ancestor Tianshuang who was trapped in the big formation at this time.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Hearing this, Jian Wushen finally looked at Lei Feng, but the eyes were so cold and piercing, it sent chills down Lei Feng's back, and felt that the next moment the other party would shoot a wisp of sword energy to kill him in place!

"Senior misunderstood, how dare I do this, it's just a suggestion! After all, there are helpers inside, and it would be more efficient for everyone to besiege this tortoise shell together!"

Thunderstorm hastily squeezed out a smile and said flatteringly.

Jian Wushen snorted coldly, and after a little thought, he felt that this statement was reasonable.

Parting a ray of mind, he glanced at the large formation that is still in operation at this It is impossible to break this formation in a short time, the operation time of this formation is too long, and it has already formed a cycle with the surrounding cosmic energy! "Just after a short look, Jian Wushen made a judgment.

"Senior's words are reasonable, but I already have my companions inside to take care of me. I think it only takes one or two shots from the outside to break the formation!"

Seeing that Jian Wushen didn't directly evade, Lei Tian hurriedly said.

Jian Wushen narrowed his eyes slightly, he was not stupid, he felt that the other party must have some schemes in wanting him to save the group of people in the formation.

It's not as simple as saving lives!

It's just that he is very confident in his own strength, which makes him often ignore some possibilities even if he thinks of them. Anyway, no matter what the other party plans, he only needs to use a sword in his hand to break it.

With this in mind, Jian Wushen divided half of his mind and law, controlling the sword energy with one hand to continuously burn down the bronze bell, and accumulating sword energy with the other hand to prepare to give this big formation a ruthless blow!


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