Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 859: Death

Hearing the anxious call of Kui Gang's demigod, Shui Xing's demigod Wuchen also became anxious.

How could he not know the power of the treasured axe? Without the slightest hesitation, he stretched his body and rolled towards Jiang Heng to take away the treasured ax in Jiang Heng's hand again.

Although the law of dust-free water movement is not the second stage, it is also a more in-depth existence than the ordinary low-level demigods grasp and use. With a wave of hands, three chain-like water currents roll towards Jiang Heng's arms.

The speed of the three streams is extremely fast, obviously faster than that of ordinary low-level demigods, and its speed is unmatched by Jiang Heng, who is currently unable to use space teleportation.

Almost instantly, the two arms were engulfed by two streams of water, and the third chain of water stream was rolled towards the precious ax in Jiang Heng's hand.

wrong! The water is weird!

Jiang Heng's muscles and veins in both arms are violently running. Physical martial arts will forcefully break free from the opponent's shackles, but the chains formed by the water flow seem to have endless terrifying power. Once the power of the arms is used, it is like a mud cow entering the sea. Under it, it disappears into the invisible.

"Junior! Don't think that when you meet some water law domain masters at the domain master level, you think that all the water law controllers in this universe are weak!" Seeing Jiang Heng's unbelievable face, Wuchen said indifferently.

"Each of the five elements is not simple, and the water is impermanent, but its upper and lower limits are the largest among the five elements.

The water element at the domain master level is very weak, but the water element at the demigod level is the most difficult among the five elements! Boy, you can enjoy the feeling of being submerged in water today! "

As soon as the words fell, Wuchen demigod flicked his fingers, and a drop of crystal clear water shot out from his fingertips and flew towards Jiang Heng.

The moment Jiang Heng saw this drop of water appear, he felt the hairs all over his body stand on end.


The warning from his body told Jiang Heng that this seemingly ordinary drop of water in front of him contained great danger.

"Just kidding, how can the water line be so powerful?" Jiang Heng was still a little unbelievable.

But at this time the water droplets were getting closer and closer, but he was completely unable to break free from the shackles of the water flow chains.

However, the water droplets began to expand rapidly in the middle of the journey. One hundred square meters, five thousand square meters, one hundred thousand square meters!

The water droplets became bigger and bigger. As the water droplets gradually turned into a vast ocean, the surface of the sea began to be restless. Then the sea level rose suddenly, and hundreds of feet of waves rose out of nowhere. Then the entire seawater turned into huge waves. It's like Tianwei taking a horizontal shot towards the river.


When his body touched the waves, Jiang Heng felt as if he had been punched by the barbarian king who was extremely powerful.

The terrifying force made Jiang Heng's body burst into countless blood mist in an instant, and none of the bones in his body was intact in just a moment, and the blood vessels in his body also burst at the same time.

There was a buzzing in his head, everything seemed to be suddenly covered in blood, and his eyes were full of his own blood.

After the huge wave passed, Jiang Heng tried his best to control his physical body to recover, but the breath of broken law that existed all the time in this void seriously hindered Jiang Heng's recovery.

And it was only at this time that Jiang Heng realized that the tricks of the demigod of water in front of him were far from over.

Seeing that the huge wave seemed to have regained its calm again after the crash, it turned into a square ocean, and Jiang Heng was in it.

"What the **** is this?"

Feeling that he was in the water, Jiang Heng tried hard to manipulate his body to surface, but the water here was weird, it seemed that the quality of every drop of water was extremely terrible.

It seemed that every drop contained an extremely terrifying weight, and Jiang Heng, who was in the water, felt that his whole body was being pressed and squeezed by countless terrifying weights.

"No! You can't continue to sink, and even the middle-level body of the body and the demigod will be crushed into blood foam!"

Feel the pressure that the body needs to bear every time it sinks into the body.

This place is like a real sea, the deeper the sea area, the greater the pressure there.

Obviously, as long as they are high-level warriors, they can swim in the void without breathing oxygen, and even low-level warriors can hold their breath for a long time.

But at this moment, Jiang Heng had a deep-sea effect that he hadn't seen for a long time, he was stuffy and had difficulty breathing, and even his physical body felt overwhelmed.

Such an environment is too depressing, as if the surroundings are filled with extremely terrifying gravitational fields that can crush low-ranking demigods.

"Haha! Brother Wuchen, you still have a good hand with the law of water movement. If you are trapped, you have a hand. But if you can crush this kid directly, I am annoyed when I see him now!" Kui Gang smiled and then felt very annoyed, especially Seeing Jiang Heng still struggling to support himself.

"Since this boy has been trapped by my Seagod Realm, even if he is a fourth-rank demigod, it is absolutely impossible for him to escape, and it is even easier to crush him to death!"

As he spoke, he saw Wuchen slightly opened his hand and shook it lightly.

The next moment, the waters that trapped Jiang Heng suddenly began to shrink violently. The shrinking speed was extremely fast, as if it was about to shrink back to the size of the original drop of water.

Feeling the rapidly shrinking space around him, Jiang Heng's face changed again and again. He grasped the treasured ax with five fingers and tried his best to cut a way out, but his arms were not only bound by the chains of water flow, but even the surrounding waters that existed all the time It was as if all activities of Jiang Heng were to be blocked.

"Break it for me! Break it!"

Jiang Heng's eyes were bloodshot and he wanted to move desperately. Regardless of his injuries, he forcibly mobilized his physical strength and kept trying to pry even a little room for movement.

Although a martial artist with a physical body is powerful physically, if he is tightly bound in a cage, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

"Give up, you can't break through my sea **** realm! This realm has smelted the nine-yuan heavy water that I have collected and refined for hundreds of thousands of years." The voice of the demigod Wuchen was indifferent, but full of indisputable and certainty, It seemed to him that Jiang Heng was already a dead body.

"Want me dead! Dream!"

The words Jiang Heng gritted his teeth naturally could not have come out of his mouth, but the sound transmission of his thoughts. There is no way that as long as he opens his mouth now, countless nine-yuan heavy water of extremely terrifying quality will rush into his mouth, and the result may be Accelerated physical body collapsed.

"Spiritual stubbornness!"

With a cold snort, Wuchen demigod simply increased the force of law again.

Although his Sea God Realm seems to be just the product of a bunch of water-type treasures randomly and forcibly gathered together, in fact, the Sea God Realm has already surpassed the average fourth-order demigod, especially in his water-type demigod. Under the control, its power is doubled.

If he hadn't just dealt with Jiang Heng, even if he was facing a fifth-order demigod, he would have dared to trap him for a while with the Sea God Realm.


At this moment, Wu Chen suddenly let out a light sigh.

His eyes couldn't help but stare at Jiang Heng's direction. At this time, the entire Sea God Realm had shrunk to less than a hundred square meters, and the current pressure was hundreds of times that of before.

Under such terrifying pressure, it stands to reason that Jiang Heng's physical body should have already collapsed at this time when he was struggling to support him before.

But now Jiang Heng still maintains the same appearance as before, and seems to be a little more relaxed.

"How is this going?"

Qui-Gon was also puzzled.

"This,,, this may be because of his special physique. After all, this son has beheaded Tiangang Tianhuo demigods one after another. It seems that the physical body does have its own uniqueness."

Wuchen looked a little embarrassed, but he still forcibly used excuses to fool him.

But at this time, Kui Gang's patience had been worn out, and he had to kill the kid himself.

"Okay, let me do it!"

Kui Gang waved his hand, holding the treasured saber in his hand with one hand, the Law of Fragmentation in his body surged violently, and the next moment he slashed out directly with the saber.

"Die to me!!"

The knife qi flew out so fast that it almost submerged into the waters in the blink of an eye.

There was a slight tremor in the water area, and then it was like a storm in the water was blowing inside. The countless broken laws turned into the tiniest and deepest sharp blades to tear apart everything it touched.

As the saber energy entered, the sea god's territory was already in chaos, and there were water bubbles stirred by the law of fragmentation everywhere. Everyone's vision was blocked, but they could clearly see that the water area was continuously rendering a piece of red.

The internal quality of the Sea God Realm is too dense, and it is already difficult to penetrate into it and observe the situation with pure divine sense.

Seeing this scene, Wu Chen demigod showed a smile, bowed his hands to Kui Gang and praised: "My lord is still powerful, this son has been chopped into a blood mist by my lord!"

At the same time, Demigod Xingyun's complexion changed wildly when he saw this scene, and Demigod Xiaoyue's expression was not too good either.

As for the twin ancestors and the four pole demigods, they even sighed and felt helpless.

The Twin Ancestor is exhausted now, otherwise he could hold Kui Gang half-hearted for a while, seeing the current situation is also a little powerless.

The only person present who was relatively indifferent might be Tianshuang Patriarch. He just kept manipulating the array with all his heart, trying to adjust the array to the best state so that he could join hands with the outside world to break through the formation. .

"Haha! It's good to die! It's good to die!" Kui Gang laughed loudly, and then felt that he was so excited to kill the regional lord of the first area, and he quickly restrained his smile as if it seemed a bit too much.

"It's just the regional master, Tiangang Tianhuo and others are incompetent, can I be like them?"

"That's that, that's that!" Hearing this, Wuchen had no choice but to echo, but he couldn't help secretly slandering himself, saying who was forced to end himself by a domain master before.

"However, this kid is really a genius. If he hadn't fought against me, maybe I would have spared his life."

"This this..."

"What's wrong?"

Kui Gang couldn't help being a little annoyed when he saw that Wuchen who was talking beside him was still distracted.

" lord, he...he's not dead!" Wuchen looked in the direction of the Seagod Realm with his pupils locked in disbelief.

"Not dead? How is this possible?" Kui Gang sneered as soon as he heard it. He was cut off by his knife and was trapped again. Demigod, otherwise he will surely die.

But when Kui Gang turned his head and found everything, he had to believe the scene in front of him, the other party was really not dead!

"This is impossible!"

Seeing Jiang Heng in the water standing still intact, Kui Gang felt that his previous cognition was about to be subverted.

It is true that Jiang Heng is not dead, but it is almost the same. There are fine cracks all over his body, as if the entire surface of the porcelain is covered with such cracks, and it will fall apart with a slight touch.

"It's really fatal!"

Jiang Heng couldn't help his chest heaving violently, and he still had lingering fears. If there were no accidents just now, he would really be a dead word.

"If it wasn't for this thing, I would really be dead!"

Jiang Heng looked at a nearby space crack that was still slowly healing.

At that moment before, Jiang Heng had no way of escaping, but in desperation, he remembered his portable cave.

Naturally, this secret cave is not the small emerald world that Jiang Heng left in the Milky Way, but was created by Space Principle after he entered the domain master level.

In desperation, Jiang Heng thought of a way, that is to use the secret cave as a springboard to directly move the entire body to the nearby space debris.

However, this can only avoid external dangers for a short period of time, because Kui Gang's Law of Fragmentation is too terrifying, and even has a certain restraint effect on the Law of Space.

Of course, this is also because Jiang Heng's space attainments are too low. If it is only the space law of the lowest low-level demigod realm at the demigod level, Jiang Heng can directly strengthen the surrounding space with the powerful space law attainments, and the opponent's broken law is fundamental. Unable to shake, then it will be the slaughterhouse of the space demigod.

That is to say, relying on a nearby space fragment that was previously chopped into pieces by the law of fragmentation, Jiang Heng almost narrowly avoided this crisis.

But if it comes again, it won't work, not to mention that my own secret cave has also been blown up by the law of fragmentation, and even the nearby space fragments have been shattered more thoroughly.

Now the size of the nearby space debris is not enough to hold a living person, even a soybean.

"Space fluctuations? Although I don't know how you can still perform space teleportation under such circumstances, but it's the same if you strike again, you are dead!"

Feeling the wisps of spatial fluctuations around him, Kui Gang soon wanted to understand what was going on.

But this is the only thing that makes sense at the moment, otherwise Jiang Heng would really be alive if he could not die.

Seeing that the opponent clenched the sword again, but he was still unable to move, Jiang Heng raised his heart again.

The brain is thinking about the countermeasures quickly, but it seems that no matter what, they can't escape today's catastrophe.

"Hey! This is..."

Jiang Heng suddenly felt that something was different around Originally, in Jiang Heng's view, space was just space and a dead thing, but at this moment, some unusual changes took place.

These shattered spaces seemed to be displayed in Jiang Heng's field of vision like some active elements, and these shattered tiny space fragments began to link together autonomously.

This is self-healing in space.

The process of space self-healing is very common in the universe. As long as the entire space of the universe cannot be blown up in one go, any exploded space in the universe will slowly heal itself.

That seems to be the case right now.

It's just that Jiang Heng couldn't observe this phenomenon so intuitively before, he could only see the space heal itself, but he didn't know how they healed themselves.

However, this phenomenon is like a door opened directly in front of Jiang Heng.

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