Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 858: demigod is always god

"A mere mortal dares to compete with the gods. Today, I will kill you, you disrespectful boy!"

Kui Gang swelled with rage, every pore in his body seemed to emit the law of fragmentation, and a phantom of a long road and river emerged behind him, like a hideous opening in the void.

At this moment, the void seemed to be trembling slightly. This was a sign of the coercion of the mid-level demigod powerhouse. The majestic coercion continued to gather, and finally pinched towards Jiang Heng like an invisible big hand. Looking at this posture, it seems that Jiang Heng, an ordinary ant, will be crushed to death with a slap.

However, under the impact of this attack that even a low-ranking demigod could not easily resist, Jiang Heng's back was only slightly bent, and there was nothing unusual about it.

"This is..." Seeing this scene, Xiaoyue demigod who had been paying attention to Jiang Heng couldn't help but move slightly, "This son's martial arts will is already comparable to many low-level demigods, and even worse than ordinary low-level demigods." To be tough?!"

Xiaoyue demigod finds it inconceivable. In fact, although Jiang Heng's martial arts will is far superior to that of the same level, it has not yet reached the level of demigod. .

It has to be said that the heart acupoint is definitely a sharp weapon to bless the soul. After activating this acupoint, Jiang Heng felt that the surface of his soul was covered with a layer of armor.

But it is not an ordinary spiritual protective gear that only has protective means. On the contrary, the heart orifice has directly and comprehensively sublimated Jiang Heng's attack and defense capabilities in the soul, and its strength has directly jumped from the domain master level to the low-level demigod soul level. .

Relying on the tenacity of Jiang Heng's martial arts will, coupled with the demigod state of mind and soul, Jiang Heng is really not afraid of the coercion of the ordinary fourth-order median demigod.

But it would be different if it was at the fifth or even sixth level, and the gap between the demigod level and the domain master would be even wider.

The higher you go, the bigger the gap becomes. Of course, this refers to the pure realm level, as for other realms of laws and martial arts supernatural powers, magical weapons and weapons, it is another matter.

After all, it's not just for fun that a middle-ranked demigod is enough to sweep several or even ten low-ranked demigods. If there are some who have a high level of mastery of the law realm, the gap will only be greater.

But Jiang Heng is more rebellious now, and he has straddled so many ranks abruptly with a mortal body, and there is too much to catch up with.

"Good! Good! No wonder you were able to kill Tiangang and Tianhuo. I really underestimated you before!" Seeing that Jiang Heng was able to resist his martial arts will, Kui Gang was surprised and took it for granted.

After all, if he couldn't bear even his martial arts will, he wouldn't be able to kill the two middle demigods.

"Die to me!"

However, the next moment, Kui Gang's demigod had already struck brazenly before he could finish his sentence, and the entire void seemed to be disintegrated in an instant when he slashed out with a knife.

What disintegrated was not only the nearby meteorite group but also the space, and the surrounding space seemed to appear in an instant as fine cracks appeared in an instant.

Almost instantly, Jiang Heng secretly said that something was wrong, because the space was shattered, it is not impossible to forcefully enter the space at this time, but the risk is too great, and it is easy to fall into the depths of the space crack if you are not careful.

Jiang Heng, who has mastered the laws of space, is very familiar with the secrets inside the space. It is like a fast channel to the entire universe, and it is also like another inner world of the main universe.

But unlike the existence of high-dimensional worlds and dark matter planes, space is more like a glue that maintains the world of the main universe, which can also be called a patch.

If the space of the entire universe is broken, the entire main universe will also collapse, which may eventually lead to mutual chaos between high-dimensional and low-dimensional, and the invasion of other outer universe forces.

So there are so many secrets in the space. Although Jiang Heng doesn't have a superficial grasp of the space right now, he is very clear that he is still only using the surface of the space.

As for the in-depth use of Jiang Heng, there are also speculations. Maybe after stepping into the demigod, he can directly use the space channel to enter the high-dimensional or even low-level world through space.

Because the depths of the space seem to be like a huge maze, these mazes are full of many dangers, sometimes there are extremely terrifying space storms, and sometimes they enter completely unknown and strange spaces.

So most of the time, Jiang Heng didn't dare to step into the deep layer of space lightly, for fear of getting lost in it and never returning to the main universe.

Kui Gang's move was obviously aimed at Jiang Heng's law of space, directly sealing off the possibility of Jiang Heng drilling into the space and moving continuously.

"This is the second stage! His law realm has entered the second stage!"

Seeing this scene, Patriarch Tianshuang couldn't help but let out a small sigh, obviously quite surprised by it.

"The second stage?!" Hearing this, not only Xingyun demigod, but Xiaoyue demigod also looked puzzled.

"The so-called second stage is the application of the laws at a deeper level. I believe that after so many years of practice, you have understood that every martial arts practitioner has some subtle and different levels of understanding and application of the laws."

Several people agree with the statement of Tianshuang Patriarch. They all know that the law is actually a proficiency and comprehension. The law is counterbalanced.

It is not impossible to overthrow first-class laws as long as some ordinary laws are understood deeply enough.

"I don't know how this rule determines that it is the second class. How come I never knew about it before?" Having said that, Demigod Xingyun has been practicing for so many years and really doesn't know that there is such a thing.

Also like Xingyun demigod is Xiaoyue demigod, she is also very confused when she hears this kind of statement for the first time.

"It's normal if you don't know. This is an untransmitted secret that originally belonged to the temples, but it was created by a true **** of soul-like laws. This shows that the use of laws is particularly important."

"The secret of the law comes from the soul?" Hsing Yun demigod muttered, looking at where Kui Gang was, his complexion suddenly became ugly.

At the same time, Kui Gang stared at Jiang Heng with a sinister smile, as if a hunter was staring at his prey with confidence.

Jiang Heng's heart sank to the bottom, and he also stared at Kui Gang without daring to relax for a moment.

Right now, Jiang Heng has to raise his vigilance, otherwise, if the other party tries to move him a little bit, something big will happen.

However, the next moment, the opponent's figure flashed and disappeared from Jiang Heng's perception.

"So fast!"

Jiang Heng was terrified, not because the other party had space to move, but because the speed was beyond his perception.

"Aren't you very fast before?" Kui Gang's voice suddenly rang from Jiang Heng's ears, and his figure also appeared, punching out.


He hit his abdomen with a punch. He thought that this punch would have no effect on him, but soon a wave of terrifying broken laws struck, like countless fine cutting knives cutting Jiang Heng's physical laws.

The laws of the flesh body are like a steel plate, but right now these steel plates are constantly being torn, and after being torn, they try their best to heal, but these broken laws continue to affect it and prevent it from healing.


Jiang Heng couldn't help cursing in his heart, this is too difficult, no wonder the law of brokenness is called the law of attack and kill that most restrains the law of the flesh.

The other party also seemed to be very aware of his destructive power against the physical martial arts, so he turned with one hand, and the blade in his hand fell suddenly.

Almost instantly, I felt a thin layer of goosebumps quickly crawling up my back, and an extreme sense of crisis came to my mind.

Knife down!


Rao Jiang Heng tried his best to dodge, but the opponent's speed was too terrifying.

At this moment Jiang Heng finally came to his senses, yes! That's right, I seem to have ignored the strength of demigods too much.

Before beheading the low-level demigod like a pig-butcher dog, it was because the opponent was caught off guard with the help of space teleportation and God-slaying Gourd's unpredictable method.

But if he were to fight a strong demigod head-on, even if it was just a low-level demigod, Jiang Heng felt that with his current strength, he would be around a low-level second-order demigod.

As for the middle-ranked demigods, in terms of escape speed alone, even the low-ranked demigods can't keep up.

At this moment, Jiang Heng finally knew why his master Xingyun demigod and Tongtianhou were so excited after knowing that he mastered the dual laws of space and body.

If a physical martial artist masters the laws of space, it is indeed a different concept from an ordinary physical martial artist.

But right now...


The blade broke into the body almost instantly. Rao Yijiang Heng quickly stretched the star body and other physical martial arts to open up the strength of the physical body to the limit.

"Damn it!"

Feeling the coldness of the neck and the rotation of the vision, he knew something was going to go wrong.

The beheading of the head was nothing to the martial artist in the physical body, and Jiang Heng wanted to control the rest of the body to dodge quickly even after the head was cut off.

But it was already too late, and with Kui Gang's speed, he could naturally form a combo quickly, and saw the light of the knife in his hand slashing out quickly, and the dense light of the knife fell on the rest of Jiang Heng's body like a violent storm.

The sound of breaking the body was endless, and the physical body was quickly fragmented like a spider web.

Just when Kui Gang was about to slash out again with a grinning grin to completely smash the pieces of meat into slag, he saw a figure approaching quickly, and at the same time he quickly raised his hand, and at the same time, the law of brokenness that was exactly the same as Kui Jin's demigod The blow collided with a bang.

The person who came was the twin ancestor, and he stood in front of Jiang Heng with a pale complexion.

"Boy recover quickly!"

The twin ancestors hurriedly said.

"Here comes another one to die!" Kui Gang was not in a hurry when he saw that his attack was neutralized by the old man in front of him.

He had noticed the weirdness of the twin ancestors before, the opponent seemed to be able to imitate the realm and laws of the opponent, and every time he encountered an opponent, no matter whether it was a low position or a middle position, he would always be able to fight equally with him.

Although it is not clear what strange laws the Twin Ancestor has mastered, but it is not likely that this state will last long.

"Forget it, since you don't want to live well but come to die, then I will fulfill you too!"

As soon as the words fell, Kui Gang's demigod began to continuously slash at the twin ancestors with terrifying shattering laws, and the twin ancestors also blasted towards the opponent with waves of surging shattering laws.

The two sides suddenly fought without distinction, as if the demigod Qui-Gon was fighting with himself.

The principles of the two methods are the same, the realm is the same, and even the martial arts are exactly the same.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng naturally didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly manipulated the pieces of meat to gather rapidly.

Seeing that these pieces of minced meat were like magnets with magnets, they began to attract each other and stick together, and Jiang Heng only spent less than a breath of effort to return to normal.

But looking at the demigod Kui Gang who was like a **** descending from heaven, Jiang Heng couldn't help but tremble a little.

For the first time, Jiang Heng felt that he was too dependent on the law of space, so that he had swelled to the point where he could kill the middle demigod.

Seeing that the twin ancestors and Kui Gang were on equal footing, Jiang Heng still keenly noticed that the state of the twin ancestors was declining rapidly uncontrollably.

Obviously stealing other people's laws of martial arts and realm consumes a lot of their own laws of stealing.

The higher the target realm of stealing is than oneself, the more difficult the stealing will be, and the stealing time will be shorter.

Jiang Heng intends to step forward to help, but this space seems to be full of broken laws, and these broken laws are disintegrating Jiang Heng's resilience and consuming his defense almost all the time.

This made Jiang Heng's previous injuries still unhealed, and he could vaguely see many bloodstains on many parts of Jiang Heng that had not completely healed.

"The apprentice continues!"

At this moment, the voice of the demigod Xingyun sounded from Jiang Heng's mind, and Jiang Heng followed his gaze to the place where the demigod Xingyun was.

Sure enough, a small ax turned into a stream of light and flew straight from Xingyun Demigod's place to Jiang Heng's place.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng immediately reached out to grab it.

But at this moment, a stream of water from far to near would also sweep away the precious axe.

But Jiang Heng was faster, and the energy in his body exploded almost instantly, and at the same time he directly drilled into the space with one hand,

Immediately afterwards, when Jiang Heng stepped into the vortex, he came This time he did not disappoint Jiang Heng, and saw his palm taken out from the space again, but this time it was the same thing that was brought together. Ax with a handle.

Jiang Heng simply doesn't play these twists and turns with the opponent, and directly grabs it by means of space, which makes the opponent have no way to stop it.

Seeing this scene, the water demigod seemed to remember that Jiang Heng, a young man, had slaughtered the man not long ago, and the weapon he used was this precious axe!

In many people's minds, once this precious ax is shot, it must be bloody.

So who is that lucky one? For a moment, the water law looked nervously at the demigod Qui-Gon not far away, who was completely immersed in the joy of fighting.

"Kill him! Kill him! What are you still hesitating about?" Kui Gang roared angrily. He was now distracted, and if he wanted to kill Jiang Heng, he would kill the twin ancestors who stood in front of him first.

However, to Kui Gang's surprise, the other party only forcibly escaped and was about to move directly to the area where Jiang Heng was located. He was set fire by these two people for a second.

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