Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 860: clash again

Now these space fragments are like some active creatures, and they are gathering towards Jiang Heng little by little.

As these little guys got into his body, Jiang Heng frowned slightly, because his perception of space seemed to have some unusual changes.

"Can these things be directly manipulated by me?"

Jiang Heng was a little surprised, but what was even more surprising was that he seemed to have a deeper understanding of the laws of space.

It seems that he learned something from the previous narrow escape, and became more sensitive to the use of space laws, so that he became extremely sensitive to the surrounding space, as if everything here has become like a wave.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng moved his fingers slightly, and found that it was extremely difficult to move the fingers, but if he put all his strength on the fingers, he could barely move them a little bit.

With a flick of his fingers, an invisible space-cutting blade immediately cut through the terrifying waters of the Sea God Realm.

To be able to cut through the waters with such terrifying quality and pressure, Jiang Heng's method may also cut the space.

After the blade of space cut a small gap, it circled and directly cut off the water chains that bound the arms.

With the disappearance of the chain, Jiang Heng was finally able to move his arms.

Enduring the pressure of the still majestic waters around him, Jiang Heng grasped the treasured ax tightly with five fingers, and then swung it forcefully.


Surging power exploded from the water in an instant, even though the Seagod Realm was rapidly shrinking and compressing to make its mass rapidly expand, it still couldn't stop such terrifying pure power right now.

With one ax down, the entire Sea God Realm began to shake violently, and at the same time, a passage four or five meters long appeared in front of Jiang Heng.

The precious ax in Jiang Heng's hand disappeared almost at the same moment when his body was separated from the enveloping water.

Don't look at Jiang Heng's series of actions, but it happened in an instant.

"How could it be?" Wuchen Demigod was a little shocked by the scene in front of him.

He himself is very clear about his Seagod Realm, it is no exaggeration to say that it is enough to leapfrog the level and trap the treasure of the physical body and demigods. However, he was broken by the regional master of the first district, which really made him a little confused for a while.

But at the moment when he was in a daze, a figure appeared behind him in an instant.

"Watch out behind!"

When Kui Gang's demigod roared, Wuchen demigod woke up suddenly, but just as he reacted, the next moment nine invisible blades flew out quickly, directly dismembering Wuchen demigod with extremely swift means.

But to Jiang Heng's disappointment, the guy in front of him was dismembered and turned into a puddle of water. The water quickly merged with the previous Sea God Realm, and immediately transformed into a dust-free demigod.

His complexion was not very good at this time, not because he was injured, but because he almost fell into the hands of a domain master.

"Boy! Do you have any misunderstanding about the law of water movement? Don't you know that it is very difficult to kill the demigod of water movement?" Wuchen sneered.

Indeed, in terms of explosive power and a certain individual ability in the five-element conventional law, he is far less extreme than the other five-element laws.

But the most difficult thing to deal with is that he walks with the water.

Shui Xingyi is not only good at trapping and killing enemies, but also has a strong recovery ability and endurance ability. In addition, he also has a good self-protection ability.

It can be said that water moves together. If you want to say that his life attainment may not be too high, but if you want to say that he will not live for a long time, it is pure nonsense.

What Jiang Heng did before was all he could do, but the other party didn't have anything to do with it. Even the most crucial soul-like weapon that cut off the soul only hurt the other party's soul.

Now it seems that the opponent's water movement law still has the ability to heal the soul, otherwise how could he face the wound of the soul so easily?

Seeing Wu Chen's demigod's indifferent face, as if he had never been injured before, Jiang Heng couldn't help being secretly surprised.

There is only one Qui-Gon, and now there is another tricky demigod of water.

"Haha, brother Wuchen, your life-saving skills are really amazing. I was sweating for you just now. Now it seems that this kid has nothing to do!"

Seeing Jiang Heng deflated, Kui Gang felt extra joy for some reason, it was even more joyful than killing Jiang Heng.

As soon as the words fell, Kui Gang raised his hand and slashed at Jiang Heng's position.

Jiang Heng naturally submerged into the space in an instant, and moved away dangerously.

Qui-Gang grinned after losing the knife, he felt that the guy in front of him was too slippery, like a slug that couldn't be killed, and he couldn't be killed or slippery.

"It seems that you use the law of space a lot deeper. The space is broken into such that you can move it. I really underestimate you!"

Kui Gang snorted coldly, he is already a little over the top now, he feels that he will not be able to get through his mind right now.

Jiang Heng was noncommittal about Kui Gang's words, but right now he was already a little exhausted.

It took a lot of energy to kill Tiangang and Tianhuo before, and then he was trapped by the Wuchen demigod, and it took a lot of energy to get out, and even cut out the precious axe during the period.

The blow of the precious ax almost emptied the laws of flesh in the body, and right now it is relying on the few laws of space to hold on.

The chest heaved violently, like a broken bellows trying to absorb the nearby cosmic energy to fill the gap.

"Damn it!"

Jiang Heng glanced at the few people in the array behind him and felt a little toothache.

Now it can be described as a dilemma. Although retreating can save oneself for a short time, it still cannot escape death in the end.

But stay and hold on, and within ten breaths, when the space law in the body becomes a little tired, he will be caught by the two fourth-order demigods in front of him, which is also a death sentence.

The battle has long exceeded Jiang Heng's expectations, and he never even thought that he would have to face the attackers of the entire hegemony alone in this battle.

Just as Jiang Heng was constantly dealing with the two mid-level demigods, at this time nearly a hundred hegemonic demigods outside the formation were constantly urging the formation to keep locking the range of the formation, but step by step to refine the demigods in the formation. All living beings and energies.

"Come on! Come on!"

Tian Cang stroked his beard with a demigod smile.

"But why hasn't Kui Gang come out yet? Could it be that the group of remnants from a hundred kingdoms inside are still stubbornly resisting?" Suijin Huang Kui Mie, who was dressed in military uniform, narrowed his eyes and asked in confusion.

"But it's not right, the big formation has been activated at this time. Even if the group of defeated soldiers from the Hundred Kingdoms wants to break the formation, it is impossible to do it. Even if there are people hiding their strength in it, even high-ranking demigods are powerless at this time .In that case, why is Kui-Gang still making such fuss?"

Kui Mie was very confused. After all, there is no need to worry about the next thing even if you don’t cut the grass and roots. You only need to slowly refine the formation, and the people trapped in it can escape through the sky.

Kui Mie didn't believe this, even if he himself was trapped in it, it would be wishful thinking to destroy the formation from the inside with the destructive power of his sixth-level peak Shattering Law.

So Kui Mie was very confused and didn't know what Kui Gang was still doing in the formation. Could it be that he wanted to compete with the demigods from the Hundred Kingdoms?

"Hehe, I don't need to worry about this now. Now that the overall situation is settled, they can't make waves no matter what. Just wait for His Excellency Pluto to break through to a high-ranking demigod!" Minghuo smiled and stroked his beard. The happiest thing, after all, it is his ancestor who wants to break through.

With Pluto's strength, he has already stepped into the high-ranking realm with half a foot, but the gap between the high-ranking realm and the middle rank is too great. Even if many conditions are met, Pluto has worked hard for thousands of years and barely grasped it. second chance.

It can be said that everything is ready and only owes the current east wind.

Hearing this remark, a kind of domineering demigod all laughed, and of course there was a hint of deep meaning hidden in some people's smiles.

After all, Pluto belongs to only one of the three major powers and cannot represent the entire Hegemony, but as long as Pluto breaks through to a high position, then Hegemony will really be the only one in the future.

Any high-ranking demigod is not comparable to the middle-ranking demigod, even if he uses tricks to force his way in.

The gap between high-ranking demigods and middle-ranking demigods is like that between a domain master-level powerhouse and a low-ranking warrior. It can be said that there is no comparison at all.

In front of the high-ranking demigods, the powerful middle-ranking demigods are nothing more than pigs and dogs that can be slaughtered in an instant.

However, just as everyone was laughing and manipulating the nodes of the formation, a sword cry suddenly resounded through the entire void nearby.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of sword energy shot out from somewhere in the distant starry sky, and it came in front of everyone in the blink of an eye, and instantly pierced through a middle-ranked demigod.

This person was still manipulating the nodes, but the next moment a pair of piercings appeared between his eyebrows. Almost instantly, his body was shattered and exploded by the terrifying sword energy pouring into his body. Broken soul.

The real sword killed a middle demigod, and even the soul couldn't escape.

"Sword Wushen!"

Feeling this familiar sword energy, there were no Bayu demigods present who were not familiar with it, and all of them had red eyes.

The last time Jian Wushen broke into the base camp of Ba Yu alone with a single sword is still vivid in the minds of everyone. Although the opponent is a high-ranking demigod, it also discredited the demigod Ba Yu.

Especially in today's Hegemony, who knows that he is backed by the temples, his spirit has already been raised, how can he bear it.

Immediately, several demigods were looking for that sword to fight Wushen.

But looking to the left and looking again, he didn't even see the opponent's shadow. The sword just now was completely a super long-distance stab.

Of course, the other demigods were thinking of looking for bad luck for Jian Wushen, but the leaders of the three major forces who knew the high-ranking demigods were a little panicked.

"Where is Senior Shi? Jian Wushen must have come here at such a critical moment to destroy the formation. With Jian Wushen's strength, I'm afraid the three of us combined won't be enough to kill him!" Kui Mie The tone was a little anxious.

He couldn't help being a little panicked, because he had already seen the fierceness of Jian Wushen last time.

Although the three of them temporarily blocked each other for a while relying on the siege of nearly a hundred and a half gods around them, he also knew very well that if Shi Yu hadn't arrived in time afterwards, they might not be enough to kill the opponent together.

What is it like to face a senior expert like Jian Wushen, even if the opponent is only seventh-ranked.

It's just that, people can easily kill mid-level and low-level demigods with a single strike. Whether it's the sixth-level mid-level or the first-level low-level, it doesn't make any difference to the opponent with a single sword.

It is not an exaggeration to cut out the soul and soul with one sword.

"Senior told me before that he will always hide on the left side. I believe that as long as Jian Wushen dares to come, senior will definitely come out and kill him!"

Cangtian demigod, the head teacher of the Tiancang sect, said in a deep voice, while he calmly and quickly took out a talisman and pinched it in the palm of his hand, as if he planned to protect himself quickly if the situation was not good, obviously he was extremely afraid of Jian Wushen.


In the next moment, a figure quickly appeared at the place where the previous middle-ranked demigod had fallen, as if Jian Guang had arrived as soon as he arrived.

Jian Wushen still had the same indifferent and stern expression, and the simple hilt and scabbard on the back looked like ordinary iron swords, but everyone knew that it was a high-ranking magic weapon.

"kill him!"

Some brainless shouted directly, but as soon as the words fell, the demigods around found that the person's body quickly exploded into a blood mist, and even the spirit of the soul disappeared.

A firework of the fallen demigod rose again.

"Senior is a senior, a high-ranking powerhouse on the first step in the universe. Why should such a big man make things difficult for a small and remote power like our hegemony?"

Seeing that Jian Wushen is so domineering and unreasonable, Ming Huo still bites the bullet and said, as the person who is currently talking about Ba Yu.

He said this as a bet that Shi Yu was nearby.

"You told me that these are not enough, senior Shi Yu, you should come out, otherwise I will attack these guys!" Jian Wushen said calmly without even looking at Minghuo, looking around.

Hearing this remark, all the demigods of the Overlord looked around.

At this moment, a vortex appeared out of thin air in the middle of the battlefield. The vortex was gray and white, as if a long river of time, and a figure was slowly walking out of it.

The person who came was none other than the eighth-level demigod Shiyu who had a private fight with Jian Wushen not long ago!

"Looking at the appearance of the senior, it seems to be younger. It is said that the demigod of time has three bodies, which are divided into the past, the present, and the future. I think this is the past body, right?"

Looking at Shi Yu, who is obviously younger than before, I don't know how many years Jian Wushen smiled lightly.

"Jian Wushen underestimated you last time. I didn't expect you to have the relationship with Sanshen Mountain, but don't worry, I won't go to Time Changhe to find your past this time. I will kill you face to face!"

Shi Yu's complexion was a bit uneasy. Last time, he suffered a big loss because he wanted to directly kill Jian Wushen, who was weak in the past.

So much so that now I have to use the past body as the external body. It is true that the current body was severely injured by the five-element magical power of the leader of Sanshen Mountain in the last battle, and it has not recovered yet.

"Time is scary, but I'm not completely unprepared this time. Let's not talk too much!"

Jian Wushen's words sounded like he was asking Shi Yu to strike first, but he had already drawn his sword swiftly the instant he finished speaking.

His words were meant to confuse him, and he could only act first when facing a demigod of time one level higher than himself.


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