Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 857: this is a massacre

Having said that, for a while, no demigod of the hegemony dared to step forward.

"Why are you still standing there? Kill him! Kill him!"

Seeing that no one responded, Kui Gang couldn't help shouting angrily,

However, everyone is still a little hesitant at this meeting, and they are really scared by Jiang Heng, the weird domain master.

These people have a clear understanding of the achievements of the young man in front of them, especially the earliest group of demigods in the western district who are still alive today.

For example, the vampire venerable that Jiang Heng killed in the first place fell physically, then he beheaded the demigod Tianying, then King Kuiman, and now the two demigods Tianhuo and Tiangang fell.

In this way, there are five demigods who died at the hands of Jiang Heng.

If this is a fifth-order mid-level demigod, everyone will not think much of it. After all, his strength is at such a level, but this is just a domain master in front of him, which is particularly strange.

"If you don't kill him, he'll kill us! A bunch of idiots, he's just a district lord, after all, he's just a mortal, and you majestic demigods are afraid of a mortal?!" Kui Gang was so angry that he vomited blood, but right now he I have to suppress my anger to show how powerful it is.

Hearing these words, everyone also came to their senses, yes. If they don't kill each other, how can the other party let them go.

Soon a mid-level demigod stood up, and this person was the only remaining mid-level demigod among the hegemonic demigods besides Kuiman.

Originally, there were five median demigods descended in the second batch, but now the Barbarian King, Tianhuo, and Tiangang have fallen in sequence.

Right now, only this single seedling and Kui Gang, the bright leader, are left.

If Beitian demigod hadn't betrayed the gods of the Hundred Kingdoms before, I am afraid that the number of demigods who can still draw their hands to fight among the gods of the Hundred Kingdoms has surpassed that of the Hegemony.

This demigod is azure blue and has hair made of smooth water flow. From this, it can be seen that this is a master of the water law of the pantheon system.

He looked at Jiang Heng and then at the group of low-ranking demigod companions behind him, frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Now that the matter is up to now, you should all kill this little **** first!"

Hearing that the boss and the second had spoken, all the low-ranking demigods of the hegemony could only obey orders, and slowly approached Jiang Heng one by one. It could be seen that they were very cautious.

After all, this matter is too demonic, who would have thought that the domain master could kill a demigod? And they have already killed several of them one after another, just like killing chickens.

"Hmph! People who want to kill us don't take us seriously?"

Seeing this situation, several low-ranking demigods from all over the world who still had combat strength came towards Jiang Heng to defend them. Among them were the quadrupole demigods and the twin demigods who were injured a lot in the fight against the hegemonic demigods. In addition, there was also the Demigod from the southern area. Besides, the demigods similar to Xike had already fallen.

And the rest of the low-ranking demigods in the southern area were either killed by the hegemony, and one was a traitor, and the other was an unlucky guy who was backstabbed by a traitor and died.

It can be said that apart from Xiaoyue and Diting Demigod in the Southern District, the rest of Beitian rebelled, and the other two have already fallen.

"I really didn't expect this seat to join hands with a domain lord today. I have lived for hundreds of thousands of years and never expected to encounter such a thing." Siji Demigod spat out a mouthful of golden blood foam and shook his head wryly.

In fact, the four-pole demigod's ability to fight head-on is the worst among all the demigods present. The reason why he can survive until now is not because of his good luck, or because he is strong and has many cards.

But his special ability, the law of anger can constantly interfere with the emotions of the opponent's strong man, thus effectively assisting his companions to advance and retreat.

It is also because of this that the twin ancestors have been protecting him.

With the existence of twin ancestors who can meet sixth-order demigods 50-50, it is not difficult to survive four-pole demigods in a short period of time.

In contrast, Di Ting, the only lucky person in the southern area, was able to survive the ferocious offensive of the demigods in the previous hegemony, all because of hard power.

Of course, he was temporarily withdrawn from the group of Broken Arrays to support this side.

Originally, Patriarch Tianshuang didn't want to withdraw any person who broke the formation, but there was no way that the situation would deteriorate too quickly. If a person who had relatively little influence on the formation was not allowed to withdraw to support, I am afraid that there would be no way to support him. If they break the formation, they will be chopped to pieces by Kui Gang.

Di Ting was panting heavily. He is a demigod with the dual laws of the physical body and the law of perception. With his physique, he had fought three low-ranking demigods in the hegemony alone. In a short time, he fought back and forth. Seriously injured, that's because the mid-level demigod of the law of water on the opposite side suddenly intervened and slapped him seriously.

If it wasn't for the four extreme demigods in the middle to quickly mobilize the other party's emotions, and the special ability of the twin ancestors who took over in time to carry the middle demigod of water for a short time, I am afraid that Di Ting would have fallen.

"Boy, if you don't kill them today, I'm afraid we will all die here." The twin ancestors at the side saw Siji demigod teasing Jiang Heng, so he simply started teasing.

He doesn't have much impression of Jiang Heng's junior, but he only knows that the other party is suspected to be the illegitimate son of Xingyun demigod. In addition, the amazing performance of beheading the Skyhawk demigod and the barbarian king made him have a little impression of Jiang Heng.

Other than that, it was an unexpected move to kill two mid-level demigods one after another.

"The two seniors really think highly of me!" Jiang Heng couldn't help laughing bitterly when he heard the words.

However, looking at the group of Gods of the Overlord who were slowly approaching, their expressions also became fierce.


Seeing that the demigods of Baiguo were in extremely bad condition, the Shuixing demigod no longer hesitated, and with a wave of his big hand, he beckoned the demigods to charge away.

In addition, he himself turned into a stream of water and shot across the river like a sharp arrow. The speed was by no means comparable to that of any stream in the world.

And at this moment, the twin ancestors made a timely move, and the way he made the move was exactly the same as that of the opponent. He also turned his body into a stream of water, but instead formed a round shield to quickly block the demigod of water.

Apparently, the Twin Ancestor's 50-50 opening ability exploded again, but his current state is very bad, his face is pale, and this time the resistance is staggering, as if it was due to excessive consumption.

But there is no other way now, Jiang Heng and the others were all relieved to see him blocking the middle demigod.

However, the hegemony and demigods gathered around on the other side also rushed forward in unison, one after another using their own laws, as if they were about to burst out the strongest means in an instant to strangle this group of remnants of a hundred kingdoms.

Among them, the traitor Bei Tian was the most eye-catching one. He was a powerful body martial artist, and now he immediately used the secret art of the physical body to deal with his former companions.

With a clap of big hands, the goal is clear, and it is directly to say hello to Di Ting.

Before he and Di Ting belonged to the demigod camp in the southern area, he had long been unhappy with Di Ting in his heart, so he wanted to take advantage of Di Ting's serious injury and slap him to death!

At the same time, the Four Pole demigods also made a move, and invisible flames of heart quickly burst out from his eyes, and the angriest situation in his life appeared in the minds of the hegemonic demigods who rushed around him the next moment.

The eyes of several low-ranking demigods who were not high-level quickly turned red, and they were almost about to directly greet their companions with their attacks.

"Calm down!!"

At this moment, a loud shout shook the minds of the demigods.

It was Kui Gang who spoke, and he couldn't sit still for a while. Dealing with such a group of small bugs is really troublesome, and it is easy to get tricked if he is not careful.

With a flash of figure, he directly ignored Tianshuang Patriarch and the others, and he decided to finish his work first and crush the group of ants in front of him to death first!


However, just as he was about to move, Jiang Heng, who was surrounded by a group of hegemonic demigods, suddenly moved.

"It's space teleportation! Quick! Don't let him get away!"

Seeing this scene, Kui Gang's demigod immediately thought of taking advantage of the chaos and escaping.

After all, a domain master who masters the laws of space really wants to escape from them, but there is nothing he can do.

However, their thoughts were diverted. Although Jiang Heng could escape this moment, once the barriers of the formation continued to shrink the refining circle, he still couldn't escape the end of death in the end.

Almost instantly, when Jiang Heng reappeared, his figure had already appeared in front of a low-level hegemonic demigod, just face to face.

The other party was also obviously taken aback, and when he realized that he was about to make a move, Jiang Heng had already unplugged the gourd at his waist, and immediately invisible blades flew out.

The speed was too fast, and the low-level demigod didn't notice the danger at the first time, so the body was instantly torn apart, as if it had been dismembered in an instant.


A brilliant firework exploded, and this low-level person fell directly, and the surging power of law returned to the avenue, and part of it escaped from the surroundings.

This scene happened so suddenly that no one expected such an amazing scene.

"How is this possible! Even the soul..."

A demigod exclaimed.

Naturally, Jiang Heng's attack was not simple. Instead, he used the god-slaying gourd to cut the demigod's body separately. What was really deadly was that the space cut directly crushed the opponent's head, followed by a soul flying blade. The soul of the opponent.

This was also the other party's carelessness. He didn't notice the murderous intent in the gourd at the first time, and it was too late when he found out.

Before, even if the demigod was negligent, Jiang Heng's own mortal soul would have been extremely difficult to drive a demi-artifact soul weapon to kill a deity soul, but now it is different. With the stimulation of the heart orifice, he can control the demi-artifact-level soul flying blade again. No less than a general demigod driving a demigod.

After losing the protection of the physical body first, the other party died naturally without the soul protective gear.

"He disappeared again! Watch out!"

Seeing that Jiang Heng disappeared again, several demigods cried out in panic, fearing that they would be the next one.

But no one can stop Jiang Heng who has gone crazy.

I saw that he had appeared in front of another demigod again, raising his hand, nine flying knives rushed out of the gourd, just like before, and with a bang, a ball of fireworks erupted in this space again.

This scene made Bayu demigods terrified, and Beitian demigod was the most terrified.

He is a traitor, and he also knows how intolerable the things he has done are to the gods of the Hundred Kingdoms.

So at this time, he retreated slightly, wanting to keep moving closer to the demigod in the distance.

However, he thought very well, but soon that person had his eyes on him.

Jiang Heng calmly came to the Beitian demigod in front of him.

"I...we are our own...ourselves..."

In the middle of speaking, Bei Tian suddenly shot, he would not treat the other party as a fool, and of course the other party could not believe his nonsense, the reason why he said these things was just to attract the other party's attention.

However, his physical muscles were just about to swell to activate the physical body secret technique, but soon he found that each part of his body was cold, and then his limbs were instantly dismembered like fish on a chopping board, and at the same time, his soul was in pain.


Kita Meteor!

Jiang Heng is like a cold killing machine. The twin ancestors of the four poles and demigods and others stared dumbfounded at the slaughter of demigods by the younger generation of domain masters, as if slaughtering chickens. There is no such thing as a combination. The enemy is often an instant.

"When did the demigod become so fragile?" Siji demigod murmured to himself, he wondered if he was dreaming now.

"Is this still the domain owner?"

The horror of the four poles and demigods was not unreasonable, and the old seniority of the twin ancestors also opened their mouths wide.

"My dear, this kid is probably not the reincarnation of the ancient gods? How can it be so scary?"

The twin patriarch no longer knew how to describe Jiang Heng's younger generation. For a while, he felt that he had spent most of his life practicing on dogs.

With the last roar, all the low-ranking demigods of the hegemony on the field were all killed, but to Jiang Heng, this was just an insignificant matter.

I saw his chest rising and falling slightly, but his breathing didn't show any weakness.

It's not that Jiang Heng can pull Dao Changhe back to his body now, it's also thanks to the physical body Dao law reserves and various precious medicines left to him by the demigod Xingyun before.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!!"

When Kui Gang arrived, seeing that there was only Shui Xing demigod left, he almost vomited blood with anger.

Although these demigods were not all members of the Broken Gold Empire's team, they were all buried here. He would definitely not be able to escape the responsibility when he went back, plus the death of the barbarian king and the fall of the two middle demigods, Tiangang and Tianhuo.

Qui-Gon used his **** to think that he would be sanctioned by the base camp when he returned to the base camp. After all, he must be blamed for such a thing, and he, Kui-Gon, might be the most suitable candidate.

At this moment, the battle situation is already in the state of a decisive But neither side thought that the final decisive battle was actually to deal with the regional master of the first district.

At the same time, the three people sitting on the array are also dazzled, especially Xiaoyue Demigod.

She has always been very concerned about the younger generation, and in the territory she ruled, she paid special attention to the cultivation of the younger generation, and even recruited many disciples.

She is not only the empress of Xiaoyue Empire, but also the master of countless warriors in Xiaoyue Empire.

She doesn't even care about whether they are her direct descendants in cultivating disciples, she only cares about aptitude, talent and character.

This also led to Xiaoyue's demigod's subordinates being extremely loyal. These disciples were not only loyal to the queen but also following their master.

Compared with Xiaoyue demigod, Xingyun demigod needless to say, seeing Jiang Heng's performance, even though he, a master, felt incredible, but he was still proud of Jiang Heng, but he also felt a faint sense of crisis.

It seems that the apprentice will surpass him as a master soon?


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