Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 798: Recalcitrant

"What on earth are you trying to do?!" Tian Xing stared at Le with wide-eyed eyes in disbelief.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, there is only one chance of survival. You know better than me, but you are too indecisive. It is just a waste of life for these comrades to let them fight alone. It is better to integrate with me directly than this! "

As he said that, Le flicked his fingers indifferently, and the formation moved faster, and the more terrifying power of ice swept across. A powerhouse at the domain master level could only watch helplessly in the formation within the formation. The law was gradually assimilated into Frost, and the law completely lost control and was driven by Le Yiren.

"Happy! You are so courageous, you slaughtered dozens of allies. You should be punished for this crime!" Tianxing shouted loudly.

However, Le at this moment has long been indifferent, and he jumped up, his whole body was already covered by frost, his whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of frost armor, glittering and translucent, like an ice crystal **** emerging from the sky.

"Interesting! Interesting! Is Tianshuang's immortal heir? But this kid is somewhat similar to Tianshuang. Whether it is character or means of doing things, it can be said that he has used all means to achieve his goals."

The vampire looked at the scene below with great interest and didn't hinder him in the slightest, he just looked at it with a smile and found it quite interesting.

"Senior Blood, I know your name and what you have done in the past, and I know that there is no conflict of principle between you and me. Today, I ask you to give my ancestors some face and let me retreat!" Le raised his head and shouted. The attitude is neither humble nor overbearing.

"Give your ancestor a face, what kind of thing is your ancestor!"

As soon as the voice fell, the vampire's figure flashed, and a ball of blood directly covered his body with a layer of blood armor with a big hand move, and hideous blood thorns emerged from the big hand covering.


The claws of the blood armor collided with the armor formed by the law of ice crystals, and the feeling of being evenly matched did not appear, but was replaced by a crushing collapse.

The armor composed of the Frost Law is like being burned by a ball of iron. The terrifying corrosive power instantly melts the layers of the Frost Armor.

Seeing this scene, Le couldn't help but his complexion changed greatly as he was wrapped in an armor composed of layers of ice crystals.

This was obviously beyond his expectations. He thought that he would not only have the strength to barely match that of a demigod, but it would be no problem to say that he could have a strength similar to it without taking two or three moves.

But the result was unsatisfactory.

"Boy, your tortoise shell is not very strong. It is far worse than your ancestor's!" The vampire laughed grinningly, and the blood armor all over his body began to squirm rapidly, like a sticky blood-colored monster that was constantly attacking itself. Split for the core.

As the viscous blood continued to split from his body, he saw that the blood began to consciously go towards Le, intending to swallow it and then directly corrode it.

Seeing this scene, Le could no longer maintain his superficial indifference, he gritted his teeth and pulled out a drop of pure ice crystals from the center of his eyebrows with one hand.

"Spiritual blood of the demigod! Your ancestors even gave you such a good thing?" The vampire couldn't help but change his face when he saw the ice crystal-like blood emerging.

"It's not just to guard against the existence of Senior!" Le chuckled, and the drop of ice-like blood fell directly into the palm of his hand, and the next moment, the drop of blood was directly crushed by him.


With a buzzing sound, a more piercing cold suddenly emerged, and a figure emerged from it indistinctly under a burst of frosty mist.

It's none other than Tianshuang Patriarch!

This drop of blood carries his will, and it is possible to accept the arrival of ontology consciousness to a certain extent.

Tianshuang's ancestor looked at Le and then at the vampire and frowned.

"Brother Blood Ghost, this is a bit too much. As a demigod, you are considered to be at the same level as me. If you come here to bully the juniors at such a senior level, wouldn't it be a joke if it spreads!"

Ancestor Tianshuang's words were obviously very dissatisfied with the vampire's move.

"Hmph~! The will contained in a mere ray of blood dares to dictate to this seat, let alone you, even if you come to this seat with your own body, you dare to sacrifice your family's heir to the flag!"

The vampire snorted coldly, and grabbed Le again with his big hand.

"Brother Blood Ghost, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Patriarch Tianshuang snorted coldly, grabbed the void with his big hand, and suddenly the temperature in the void began to drop sharply, and a long knife of ice crystals quickly condensed in the void. The shape of the knife is weird like a long whip.

"Frost Knife!"


Without the slightest hesitation, Patriarch Tianshuang slashed out with a single knife, and the next moment, the massive frost law began to be highly compressed, and his gaze turned into a silk thread to slash towards the vampire.

With a sound of scoffing, the vampire's figure flashed, trying to evade its vital points, but the Frost Knife turned out to be weird, cutting everything it passed along the way seemed to be stuck in a quagmire.

Whether it's the flow of cosmic energy particles or the vampire in the direction of the blade, at this moment, I feel that the blood circulation is in a very uncomfortable state of stagnation. As for the corroded avenue summoned by the vampire, the corner of the long river showed signs of freezing, and it was extremely difficult to be driven by the vampire for a while.

"No, no, no! Brother Tianshuang has something to say!"

The vampire showed panic. He didn't expect that the ancestor Tianshuang, who had been mediocre in the five-on-five fight before, would have such strength.

How much strength and will can be carried by just a drop of blood? But people can show such incredible means.

Then there is only one possibility, the ancestor Tianshuang is extremely terrifying, but he is good at disguising and has been hiding his true strength.

"What a cunning strongman of a hundred nations!" The vampire cursed inwardly.

However, Xuying, the ancestor of Tianshuang, had no intention of listening to what the vampire said at this time, but just looked at the vampire indifferently, then waved his hand lightly, and slashed out with a knife.

The biting cold quickly climbed to the top,

The vampire yelled in horror and wanted to escape, but he couldn't dodge it, because the terrifying cold had long restricted his movements, especially the blood escape method he depended on for a living.


The sound of the knife blazing passed by, the vampire staggered, and the whole person quickly stopped in place as if struck by lightning, standing in place like an ice sculpture.

"After all, my knife can't fully display the level of my body's strength. It can only limit him to ten breaths, and he can walk quickly within ten breaths!" After saying that, the phantom of Tianshuang Patriarch quickly dimmed, and there was no sign of existence after a while.

Feeling that the efficacy of this drop of blood essence from his ancestor was completely exhausted, Le dared not neglect to drive most of the frost law in his body to cast another freeze on the vampire.

Immediately after sweeping his eyes, he noticed the location of the star gate that was already in the final charging stage below, and flew towards the star gate without hesitation in a flash.

It can be said that he didn't care about it along the way, and he didn't look at the few domain masters who were still struggling and crying under his big formation. He just fell headlong into the vortex of the star gate that had just been fully charged and opened.

"This bastard!" Seeing that Le Yi ran away without hesitation, Tian Xing couldn't help yelling, and he had to report the matter to his suzerain when he returned.

However, he didn't dare to be negligent at this time. Although he didn't know the specific situation of the demigod powerhouse right now, it could be seen that Le this guy turned his head and ran away, which showed that the situation was not optimistic.

With this in mind, Tianxing never hesitated, and with a sweep of his eyes, he quickly locked on to Jiang Heng not far away, and flew towards Jiang Heng as soon as he stretched out his figure.

"It seems to be going through a kind of decline!" Feeling Jiang Heng's ups and downs at the moment, Tian Xingcong pondered slightly.

Declining Calamity is also called Declining Calamity, which generally means the five declines of heaven and man.

What is the five declines of heaven and man generally refers to the conditions that some strong people will experience at the end of their lifespan, such as dirty clothes, withered hair, sweaty underarms, filthy body, and unhappy seat.

Of course, this kind of situation will also be experienced in some special calamities. For example, when Tianxing breaks through the domain master level from the master of the galaxy that he knows, there will be calamities, but that is completely incomparable with the five declines of heaven and man. There are three kinds of small declines in the soul, but what Jiang Heng is showing right now is the big five declines that only the physical Taoist domain master can experience when he breaks through the demigod!

Only after experiencing the Great Five Declines, can the strong in the physical body purify themselves and reach the power that can truly accept the long river of the physical body in the universe, and use their own insignificance to shake more power of the long river of the physical body!

"My new master uncle is really not simple, there are such catastrophes in the later stage of breakthrough! I'm afraid that once the breakthrough is made, the strength will be unimaginable!" Seeing this situation, Tian Xing could not help being shocked.

He had never heard of this kind of situation before, and he didn't know to what level his strength would rise after breaking the mirror.

Looking around, Tianxing simply lifted Jiang Heng from the ground and lifted him up, escorted by several Nebula sect disciples, and flew towards the star gate.

Tens of millions of meters, one million meters, one hundred thousand meters... ten thousand meters... one thousand meters... one hundred meters!

Just when the star gate was only a hundred meters away, the eyes of the vampire bound by layers of extreme cold frost suddenly rolled within the ice layer, and there was a monstrous anger in those blood pupils.


The next moment the ice layer shattered, and a large amount of blood burst out. The vampire frantically reached out his senses to find the son of the **** ancestor Tianshuang, and to smash his body into pieces to vent his hatred.


When he saw the location of the star gate but couldn't find Le, the vampire knew it was too late.

"Damn! Damn!"

The vampire roared sharply, and glanced at the group of people who were galloping towards the star gate under his eyes, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Want to escape!"

Just when Tianxing dragged Jiang Heng and was only one step away from the star gate, the next moment he felt a sudden stagnation all over his body, as if being slapped by an invisible force, and the whole person flew upside down, even dragging his shoulders. The fallen Jiang Heng also flew out backwards.

"You're the heel of Xingyun sect, are you the son or grandson of that boy Xingyun?" The vampire's figure flashed and he had already reached Tian Xing's side, and with his big hand, he immediately grabbed Tian Xing in the palm of his hand.

The huge force pinched Tian Xingcong's neck, making Tian Xingcong a little out of breath.

"Senior...Senior, it's really disgusting for you to act like this!" Tian Xingcong also had a backbone, he gritted his teeth and glared at the hateful person in front of him.

"Hmph! You dare to speak nonsense in the later stages of the main level!" The vampire coldly snorted, and the strength in his hands became even stronger.

The strength in the hands is second to none. What really makes Tianxing suffer is the extreme corrosive power brought by the touch of the opponent's palm. The terrifying corrosive power, even with the strength of the physical body, Tianxing can't bear it, and his whole body has begun to turn purple rapidly. red.

"Huh? I advise you not to play these little tricks!"

Just when Tianxing was enduring the severe pain and preparing to drive the suzerain's blood in his body, the vampire suddenly opened his mouth, and the next moment, he directly melted Tianxing's flesh and blood from his chest and directly penetrated into his body. I groped carefully.

After a while, he took out a drop of golden blood, and with a flip of his palm, the drop of golden blood was collected by him.

Seeing this scene, Tian Xingcong was completely discouraged, and with the previous happy behavior, it was obvious that the vampire was much more cautious, and had long been on guard against this move!

For the members of Tianxing's direct lineage, most of their demigods would leave a drop of blood for self-defense.

But this is one thing, if you want to use it, you have to not be noticed by the demigod powerhouse, otherwise it will be nothing.


At this moment, the vampire was attracted by something else, and his eyes flickered slightly to look at a certain place, which was obviously where Jiang Heng was.

"It's interesting. In the late stage of the main level of the district, you are already experiencing the five declines of heaven and man that you will only experience when you reach the peak of the physical body and become a demigod. And there seems to be a treasure in your body!"

He hadn't noticed much before, but now under such a close inspection, many things are difficult to hide from his inspection no matter how secretive they are.

Hearing that Tian Xing's complexion changed drastically, something that he didn't want to happen He tried hard to struggle, but the vampire had already lost interest in him, he pinched Tian Xing directly from the neck of his powerful body It was crushed, and immediately a ball of blood flew directly towards Tianxing with a flick of the hand.

The appearance of the blood stain made Tian Xing stop his movements, which he wanted to do even if his neck was pinched, and his complexion twisted immediately when the blood stain touched his body.

The terrifying corrosive force forced him to quickly start running the Nebula Kungfu with his legs crossed, and the Nebula Palm used massive energy to continuously counteract this terrifying corrosive force.

And this is just a random blow from the vampire, he is confident that the opponent will definitely die with just this casual strike!

His eyes glanced at Jiang Heng's eyes without concealing his greed.

He approached Jiang Heng as soon as his figure flashed, and now his perception became clearer. There is indeed a treasure in this kid.

"What the **** is it? It seems to be hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness. Could it be a soul artifact?" Thinking of this, the vampire's eyes lit up.

Even at the demigod level, the value of soul weapons remains high, not to mention that the fluctuations in the treasures emitted by Jiang Heng's body are not small.

"Since it's in this kid's body, then dig it out!" Too lazy to want the vampire to reach out and grab Jiang Heng's head.

The level of the demigod belongs to the state of the unity of soul and body, even if the soul does not need to leave the body, it can easily touch all soul weapons.

But his grasp was also in the rhythm of directly killing Jiang Heng.

"Master Uncle!" Seeing this scene, Tian Xingcong's eyes were about to burst, and a few Nebula Sect disciples on the side wanted to help, but seeing Tian Xingcong's state right now, they could only help him to counteract this corrosive force.

"Go help and leave me alone!"


Several people showed sorrowful expressions, they knew very well that even if it passed, it would be nothing more than a few more lives.

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