Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 799: demigods fall

Looking at Jiang Heng's direction, Tian Xingcong felt a little desperate, even if he wanted to, there was nothing he could do to help him.

The vampire sneered and grabbed at Jiang Heng. He wanted to open the man's body to see what treasure was hidden inside.

"The decline of heaven and man is a bit interesting."

Feeling the aura of doom surrounding the opponent's body, the vampire frowned slightly and didn't take it seriously. His law is the most tolerant to doom, and it's okay to bear the doom for the sake of treasure.

However, at this moment, a big hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the vampire's protruding right arm.

"!" The vampire looked shocked and disbelieving looking at Jiang Heng who suddenly opened his eyes.

The arm was held by the opponent, and from time to time there was a corrosive force corroding the opponent, but the opponent remained indifferent.

"So it's like this, relying on catastrophe to compete with my filthy law?" The vampire snorted coldly, and couldn't help but increase the force of the law, and the surging filthy force continued to impact the palm of the young man in front of him along his arm.

Under the impact of the power of filth, the power of catastrophe on the surface of Jiang Heng's body was seen to be decreasing sharply at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Are you using me to cross the catastrophe?!" The vampire suddenly realized that something was wrong. The other party was actually advancing instead of retreating. He looked like he wanted to fight him to the death, but he was actually using his filthy law to offset the disaster entangled on his body surface. robbery.

"Guessed right, but there is no reward!" Jiang Heng cracked his wrinkled lips. At this moment, his whole body was dry like an old man who was about to die with half a foot in a coffin.

Not only did the white hair on the head fall completely, but even the eyebrows and all body hair fell off by themselves, and the skin all over his body was slack like old tree bark.

However, it is such a fragile body that seems to fall down when the wind blows, but at this moment, it is tightly clasping the vampire's body, as if it is going to be welded together tightly.

"Give up!"

The vampire was a little anxious, he felt that the filthy laws around him were being consumed at an exponential rate.

This unusual consumption rate means that the catastrophe has ushered in another flashpoint.

The five declines of heaven and man represent five flash points, and each flash point means great danger. At this moment, the kid in front of him actually wants to survive this disaster on his own!


"Let go!!" The vampire roared angrily, but Jiang Heng ignored it this time, and just grabbed the vampire's arm tightly.

"Looking for death!" Seeing the vampire shouted in a low voice, he swung his left arm violently, and with his left arm, he slapped Jiang Heng's head with his left palm.

The Blood Palm slapped Jiang Heng's head into a blood mist without hindrance.


Almost at the same time, the vampire exclaimed suddenly. After touching Jiang Heng's body with his left palm, the vampire was shocked to find that the number of disasters entangled his body had increased, even like a group of locusts rediscovered The food spots rushed over in unison.

"Ah! ~Damn! Damn!" The vampire roared, his own law was being consumed rapidly, if it wasn't for the power of the demigod who could use the power of the great river, he might have fallen by now.

But Shuai Jie is Shuan Jie after all, even a person as powerful as a demigod would be dismayed to talk about it. The vampire has a short-term resistance to disasters by relying on the particularity of its own laws, but as time goes on, he finds that something is wrong.

"My divine fire!" the vampire said angrily in horror. Looking inside, he was shocked to find that his divine fire had weakened a lot, and he was in a state of depression.

The sudden change made him even more anxious and uneasy. Fortunately, the decline and calamity gradually passed the breaking point and began to calm down again.

"Thank you, senior, for helping me survive the fourth catastrophe!" Jiang Heng's head grew rapidly, and his whole body quickly returned to his heyday appearance, bones and muscles remodeled.

His whole body was as exuberant as a sea of ​​qi and blood, like an incomparably majestic blazing sun burning in his body, exhaling as if a terrible storm of flames was brewing.

"Boy, what can you do if you survive the fourth calamity? After all, you haven't broken through...what..." Only halfway through the words, I was shocked to find that the other party's breath was not right.

"Heh! I can barely fight with the senior at this moment!" Jiang Heng grinned and showed his white teeth.

"How dare you speak wild words!" Hearing this, the vampire was furious. This kind of humiliation by a domain lord-level powerhouse is unheard of.

As soon as the voice fell, he shot instantly, and the blood armor all over his body instantly turned into countless blood mist skeletons, claws and claws, rushing towards Jiang Qiu, as if countless evil spirits wanted to choose someone to devour!

"Destroy the demons and monsters!" Jiang Heng shouted loudly, his whole body was full of energy and blood, his five fingers spread out and the infinite nebula gathered, and the fifty layers of Nebula Palm erupted in an instant.

The starlight gathered in the palm and touched countless blood ghosts. Amidst a burst of sizzle, countless blood mist skeletons were blown away.

Seeing this vampire didn't take it seriously, right now his own laws are empty, and at this moment, the divine fire in his body is in a weak state again. Seeing this, the big hand suddenly clapped out.

"Blood Shadow God Palm!" The palm cut through the void and drew double shadows on the way, as if tens of millions of palms fell at the same time.

Boom! The two palms intersected, and after a very short stalemate, the two of them took a few steps back.

After a while, Jiang Heng's face turned blue and purple, and the terrifying power of filth was corroding and burning his body.

On the other hand, the vampire is just a pale body that has been consumed too much, and the verdict is instantly judged.

"Boy, you can now fight one-on-one with this seat. If it is normal, this seat only needs one finger to kill you!" The vampire snorted coldly.

Being forced into such a situation by a domain master-level powerhouse, it is really embarrassing to say it and throw it to grandma's house.

"Heh! Each other, if it's normal, I only need one finger to kill you!" Jiang Heng sneered with a flick of his right palm that had been corroded and visible bones.

"How dare!"

Hearing that the vampire was even more furious, he couldn't help but stamp Jiang Heng's chest heavily with another palm on his body.

Under the extreme oppression of the law, Jiang Heng had no way to avoid it, and he was beaten for real.


A purple **** handprint appeared on Jiang Heng's chest, several centimeters deep.

Looking at the handprint in front of him, the vampire felt even more humiliated. If he had slapped the kid in front of him, he would have died on the spot, so there is no chance for him to speak out!

"It's... not too bad!" Jiang Heng sneered, staring at the vampire with a pair of fierce eyes.

"court death!"

The vampire roared and slapped Jiang Hengtian Linggai directly.


Suddenly, Jiang Heng stretched out his palm and grabbed the vampire's arm full of filthy force.

"You...what do you want to do, kid?"

"What else can I do... The fifth calamity is here!"

As soon as the words fell, the vampire's complexion changed drastically, and the terrifying and familiar power of decay struck again, this time even more swiftly and powerfully.

Almost instantly, the vampire only felt that the divine fire in his body became bright and uncertain as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head. Immediately afterwards, the law of internal filth began to be consumed rapidly.

The same is true for Jiang Heng who is the same as him. His energy is rapidly depleting and decaying at a speed visible to the naked eye, like an old man in his dying years, even his eyes have become dim.

But there is a small and faintly radiant thing that is always suspended in Jiang Heng's sea of ​​consciousness to protect its true spirit.

"If... there is indeed a treasure!"

The vampire's eyes were shining, but at this moment he felt that his breathing was a bit heavy, and his hands and feet became weak.

"Damn it! Why is the fifth calamity so terrible?!"

The vampire leaned forward and tried hard to reach out to grab Jiang Heng and the treasure floating in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Kakacha! ~

There was a sound like glass and porcelain shattering, the vampire's figure froze, and his face froze in disbelief.

" could this divine fire...extinguished?!"

Feeling that the divine fire in his body dissipated and extinguished, the vampire's spirit really began to wilt rapidly this time. At this moment, the phantom of the Great Dao of Dirty Law and the long river that he summoned above his head also disappeared into the universe again at this moment.

Losing Shenhuo also means losing the connection with Dao Changhe, which undoubtedly represents the greatest ability of the demigod powerhouse, and the means of communicating with Dao Changhe has disappeared.

It also means that this demigod powerhouse has fallen from the realm and returned to the realm of the domain master.

As the realm fell, the face of the vampire also quickly aged, and the long life of the demigod powerhouse was able to withstand the withering power brought about by the decline.

Losing the demigod realm at this moment, Shouyuan directly fell back to the realm of the domain master, and the signs of this kind of decline are extremely obvious.

What's more, the fall of the realm is extremely fatal to any demigod powerhouse. At the least, the lifespan is only a few thousand years, and at the worst, the lifespan is only a hundred years.

At this time, the vampire was lucky, and this was not a drop in realm caused by injuries, so his lifespan was barely a thousand years old, but under the influence of the decline, even a thousand years' lifespan was decreasing sharply.

"No no no!"

The vampire roared weakly and terrified, but all this was irreversible, and the lifespan was still passing away.

However, the more frightening thing is yet to come. Originally, the power of distortion in the body of the demigod powerhouse is constant, but at this time, as the realm falls, the power of law dissipates, but these distortions that originally require the body of the demigod powerhouse to bear The power can be directly burdened on the body of the domain master.

Then I saw the vampire roaring, and his voice was constantly changing, like a child for a while, an old man for a while, an old woman for a while, and finally all kinds of voices mixed together, as if he was gestating in his body. Like countless life forms.

The performance of the body was even more horrifying, countless tentacles and eyeballs emerged from his body surface, like a rapidly multiplying virus spreading rapidly.

"Damn it! Shut up!" The demigod is worthy of being a demigod. Even if the physical realm falls, with a roar of the soul, all the distorted reactions will be quieted down quickly.

"Boy! You ruined my body, **** it!"

The spirit of the vampire directly abandoned the original body, and a vampire figure that was almost indistinguishable from a real person slowly emerged from the body.

This is the soul of the demigod powerhouse. When the soul comes out, Jiang Heng only feels trembling even if there is a treasure protecting the true spirit at this moment. A natural level of soul coercion made Jiang Heng, whose consciousness was somewhat chaotic, feel extremely terrified.

"No! The power of decay and calamity here is too strong, and I don't know what is going on with this kid. How could he encounter such a calamity just after breaking through to the later stage."

The vampire in the state of ecstasy looked at Jiang Heng's nearly collapsed body with hatred, and his mind turned for a while, thinking of all kinds of thoughts to kill him, but they quickly disappeared.

"Let's let this kid go today, and I'll be ashamed when Kaizuo's body recovers!" In the end, the vampire was still extremely afraid of the terrifying power of catastrophe.

This thing doesn't matter whether you are in the physical state or the state of the soul, the vampire knows very well that once you are in this state and entangled with it, it will be bad luck.

With a cold snort, he glanced at his deformed body, gritted his teeth, turned his head and flew away into the distance.

This time the vampire only felt that he had stumbled. He who had never capsized in the gutter, today was completely capsized.

The speed at which the soul flies away is extremely astonishing, let alone at the level of a demigod.

"Huh?" The vampire who was flying down suddenly paused.

He looked around at the empty space, and couldn't help frowning and said in a low voice, "Which Taoist brother is pretending to be a ghost?"

"Brother Dao dare not be, the younger generation will wait for the senior here for a long time!"

A gentle man's voice suddenly sounded from behind the vampire. The vampire suddenly turned his head to look, but saw a middle-aged man covered in gold appearing in front of him.

This person is very weird, not only wearing a golden covered with golden skin, even his hair and pupils are also golden.

"At the pinnacle of the domain master level, who are you, junior?" It is also relieved to find out the other party's state easily by sweeping away the vampire at a glance.

As long as he is not a strong demigod, the vampire feels that even if he is only in the state of soul, he can easily get away, and even... it may not be possible to take this person away.

Thinking of this, the vampire rolled his eyes and stared at the golden monster in front of him with malicious intent.

"Everyone calls me Mr. Jin, if seniors don't mind." Mr. Jin said with a faint smile and a humble attitude.

"Mr. Jin? What the **** name?" Hearing that the vampire raised his eyebrows slightly, he felt rather disdainful, but the mere peak junior dared to call himself Mr. in front of him.

This person's state is not bad, and it's not bad to seize this person's body first.

Thinking of this, the vampire felt a little ready to move.

"Don't be impatient, senior. Why do you think I dare to show up to senior?" Mr. Jin seemed to be aware of the vampire's thoughts, but he was not panicked at all. He was still extremely calm.

"Why? That's right, it's impossible for this son to practice so far without knowing that a demigod powerhouse can kill a domain lord powerhouse even if it's just a wisp of divine soul, so why give him confidence?" The vampire also reacted when he heard this. come over.

He slowly released his perception to check the surrounding situation, but Mr. Jin had already opened his mouth to speak.

"There is a large array of binding gods here, and this junior spent nearly a million spirits to get it from Wanbaozhai. Please rest assured that the quality is guaranteed!"

"Bound God Formation?!" Hearing this, the vampire was startled.

"You prodigal bastard, although the God Binding Formation can bind the soul of a demigod, it can't kill me, and one day the Zodiac will break out of the formation and kill you like a butcher.

Now as long as you withdraw from the Great Formation, not only will you not be blamed, but you will also be accepted as a direct disciple and carefully cultivated as a descendant! "

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