Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 797: demigod hunt

"As for now, don't we have other prey?" Ming Daozi suddenly turned his eyes to a certain direction in the void and smiled.

"Yes! I almost forgot about those little guys!" The man in blood armor also slapped his head and suddenly realized.

"It's just that those guys ran away the first time. I know that guy should be this Xingyun demigod war beast. Although this beast's strength is not at the demigod level, its escaping method is not bad. With his escaping speed comparable to the first-order demigod , I'm afraid it will not be easy to find the trail of this beast later." Another demigod said with a frown.

"That's not necessarily the case!" Ming Daozi stretched out his hand to grab it, and it was as if there was an invisible thread in the void being caught in his hand.

"Is it a soul thread?!"

Seeing Ming Daozi's actions, all the demigods smiled knowingly.

The soul line is one of Ming Daozi's many cunning methods. As long as he has met the person and secretly connected the soul of the other party with the soul line, he can still sense his position even if he is separated by countless light years.

"Which of you are interested in dealing with these little guys?" Ming Daozi said, looking around.

What he said meant that there was no need to mobilize troops to deal with these guys, and it was true that the demigods were powerful, but they also felt that such a group of demigods attacking and killing a group of domain masters was obviously bullying the big.

The most important thing is that it is not a problem for a few people to stay in the central area now. If it really causes the Hundred Nations side to completely disregard the treaty and act outrageously, it will also violate the original decision of the hegemony.

The four demigods looked at each other, and finally the man in blood armor nodded consciously.

"Then I will do it myself, and I will torture those little guys to death one by one!" The man in the blood armor showed a cruel smile as he spoke.

He knew that his realm was the weakest among all the demigods, only one level lower than the demigods.

It stands to reason that he can't be on an equal footing with these demigods at this level, but he is particularly good at escapism, which is why he has a chance to win the respect of these demigods.

"That's good! Let the vampire brother take action. This is his soul line linking with you, and you can find his target by relying on the positioning in the dark!"

After saying that, Ming Daozi flicked his fingers, and the invisible thread directly sank into the vampire's body.

Almost instantly, a vague perception emerged in the vampire's heart, and this perception was driving him in a certain direction.

"Everyone, come back, I will solve this matter within three breaths!"

As soon as the words fell, the blood armor on the vampire's body quickly spewed out thick blood mist, and the blood mist quickly gathered into a ball and spread rapidly in a certain direction, shooting out a blood line.

Hoo hoo!

"Shouldn't be paying attention to us anymore!" In a barren star belt, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion was panting slightly. Just now he ran away with all his strength, and he was relieved when he felt that the demigod waves in the distance could not be detected at all.

"The correct solution is to open the star gate and return to the East District as soon as possible!"

Thinking of the Nine Heavens Demon Lion opening its mouth here, a large mass of things was spit out immediately, it was a huge fortress, and there were countless fighters standing in the fortress densely, and there were some domain master level powerhouses spinning around in mid-air .

As the starry sky reappeared, all the warriors in the fortress breathed a sigh of relief.

Before, they only felt that everything around them was shrouded in a layer of darkness, and even the free cosmic energy in the air was isolated.

In that environment, it was okay for a short time, but after a long time, everyone knew that they were either corroded by a corrosive force that existed all the time inside, or they lost energy absorption and their realm fell.

"What the **** is going on, Uncle Nine Heavens Master?"

Looking at the strange starry sky in front of him, Tian Xing hurriedly flew to Jiu Tian's side, puzzled.

"Don't ask too many questions, build the star gate first, and evacuate this place as soon as possible!"

Jiu Tian panted slightly and hurriedly ordered.

Hearing that Tianxing was also aware of the seriousness of the matter, he didn't dare to neglect and got up quickly and began to set up.

The previous Stargate collapsed after being swallowed by Nine Heavens together, and the speed of rebuilding is not slow now. There are spare Stargate building modules, and it only needs to be built quickly.

Everyone's speed is not slow, and soon the entire star gate will be built, and it only needs to be charged to open the star gate and escape into the eastern boundary in an instant.

However, at this moment, the domain masters noticed a familiar blood line shooting from somewhere far away. Almost before everyone recovered their senses, the blood line had already crossed the sky and reached everyone's sight.

"not good!!"

Seeing this line of blood, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly, and as expected, while everyone was still reacting in panic, a blurry figure approached quickly, and quickly condensed into a complete figure in everyone's field of vision.

It was a blood-armored man vampire among the demigods who had seen it before!

"Haha! Sure enough, it's here!"

Feeling the dense breath of life around him, the vampire burst into laughter, and he could kill them all in one go.

Thinking of this, the vampire grinned, waved his big hand lightly, and slapped down.

The vampire downplayed it, but Jiutian's complexion changed wildly.

Jiutian is at the critical point of the domain master and is only one step away from the demigod. His eyesight is very sharp, and he can see at a glance that with the opponent's wave of his hand, the majestic power of laws like mountains and tsunami will instantly appear around him.

A big blood-colored hand quickly condensed into the palm of the vampire when it was shot. The huge blood-colored hand is so huge that it covers an area of ​​nearly half a light-year.

The field of vision of all the domain masters is full of blood.

"Open it for me!"

With a roar from Jiu Tian, ​​the beast's body swelled up rapidly, and a nine-headed lion roaring towards the sky emerged, but although his size was big enough, he was still as small as an immature baby compared to this monstrous **** hand.

Jiutian stepped on his limbs suddenly, and the power of the law agitated the whole body like a meteorite, hitting the giant palm above.


There was a silent muffled sound, and the **** hand and the nine-day demon lion were in a stalemate for a moment. After a while, the **** hand collapsed, and the nine-day demon lion also flew out.

"Hmph! Since you want to die, I will give you a ride first!"

The vampire snorted coldly, not too surprised that the Nine Heavens Demon Lion could block his blow. After all, it is also a starry sky behemoth at the peak level of domain masters. To a certain extent, it is capable of threatening the race of low-level demigods.

At this time, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion has no strength to fight again, every piece of hair on his body is intact, and a stench of corrosion emanates from his body from time to time, large areas of hair and flesh are corroded. The power of flesh and blood and its own law is constantly being corroded and absorbed by a corrosive law.

"Uncle Nine Heavens Master!" Seeing this, Tian Xingzong was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the uncle Jiutian Master who always existed in his heart like invincible would not even catch the opponent's palm.

"There are so many bugs, let's solve them together!" The vampire sneered, and made another move with his big hand, this time the movement was even bigger.

I saw a gap in the void above everyone, and inside the gap was blood red, as if the **** ocean was filled with all kinds of corrosion and stench.

The moment Gu appeared along with this long **** river, everyone felt that all kinds of corrosive forces were filling their surroundings.

"Ah~! Ah~ It hurts, it hurts!" Some ordinary soldiers began to scream, and saw that these ordinary soldiers had been stung by the intense corrosive force and rolled all over the ground, and the flesh and blood on their bodies seemed to melt under the sun. Like snowflakes, flesh and blood continued to fall off his body. At first, it was just a little bit, followed by blood avalanche.

Ordinary people died in just a moment, followed by low-level warriors, and then mid-level warriors, until the high-level warriors also found festering and corrosion on their bodies, and everyone began to collapse.

This feeling of sudden death before fighting with others is full of unknowns and fears.

Even many of the domain masters were extremely pale and ugly. They stared at the monstrous sea of ​​blood in the crack above and felt a sense of fear and powerlessness in their hearts.

This is the end!

"Scream! Scream even more fiercely!" The vampire laughed wildly. This is the demigod's contempt and indifference for the lower life. Everything is nothing but ants that can be easily eliminated.

It wasn't once or twice that a vampire did this kind of thing. His cruel bloodthirsty is well known in the entire hegemony. It is very clear that whenever he makes a move, it must be a genocide-like cleansing.

For this reason, the vampire thinks this is just a performance, a blood art!

"Bastard!" Tianxing's eyes were about to burst, and all the domain masters were furious.

I saw dozens of domain masters rushing upwards, followed by a group of galaxy masters. Everyone has no other thoughts now, only to fight to the death.

Even if it is death, everyone wants to die standing up instead of dying of humiliation because they can't even touch each other.

However, the vampire above was like a demon playing tricks on people's hearts. He smiled contemptuously and snorted softly, and when he flicked his fingers slightly, he saw monstrous blood rushing down from the crack.

It was sparse like a rain of blood falling in the cosmic vacuum.

Can't avoid, can't avoid!

Soon, the domain owner who bears the brunt was glued to the blood rain, and the blood rain touched his body. The domain owner frowned slightly, but he didn't feel anything unusual, and the strength of his body protection didn't seem to have any effect.

But soon his complexion changed drastically, because the blood melted through the Qi Jin body in an instant, and fell directly on the flesh.

As the blood water touched the body, the domain owner was relieved again, because the blood water only penetrated into the body, and it seemed to have returned to calm.

However, he didn't realize that his skin color was turning purple and blue at a speed visible to the naked eye, so fast that it was even silent.

After a while, with the sound of an explosion, the domain lord split into pieces and turned into purple **** water that splashed all around.

At the same time, the domain master who was splashed by the blood also began to react like that person, which soon caused a series of chain reactions.

"Suicide! This is suicide!" Tian Xing was stunned from the point of view, he stared blankly at all this.

He has always regarded himself as the true descendant of the Nebula Clan, and has always been extremely arrogant, thinking that although there is a gap between himself and the demigod, the gap should not be that big.

Today, however, he was directly hit in the head.

"No...don't go up! Come back...come back!" Tianxing murmured.

One person standing beside him was the Sixth Prince Le, who watched all this with a gloomy expression but didn't say a word.

None of them expected the current situation.

"Brother, we will protect you from now on, if you see that you can escape, run away!" Several disciples of the Nebula Sect hurriedly moved closer to Tian Xing Zong, trying to block Tian Xing Zong behind them.

The Xingyun sect has strict rules, especially regarding seniority and status. If there is any danger, all disciples must unconditionally protect the safety of the direct disciples.

Tian Xing's eyes were slightly red, he glanced around, and couldn't help frowning: "Where's Grand Master Jiang? Why isn't Grand Master Jiang here?"

He was a little anxious, it's okay if he died, if even Master Jiang's uncle died, then he would die without redemption.

Tian Xingcong also knew the importance of Master Jiang's uncle from the previous battle between his own suzerain and Jiutian master's uncle.

"There! Master Jiang's uncle is still crossing the catastrophe!"

At this moment, someone pointed in a certain direction and shouted loudly.

Looking along the finger of the other party, he saw that Jiang Heng was floating cross-legged on a platform in the fortress in the distance. Behind him, a star is flickering, as if experiencing an unknown doom.

"Quick! Protect Master Jiang's uncle first!" Tian Xing waved his big hand and ordered all his juniors to protect Jiang Heng first.

However, at this moment, the density of the blood drop soared to a higher level again, and the dense blood rain was like a dense hail of bullets, continuously splashing down.

Some people tried to hide behind the planet, but the corrosiveness of the blood water seemed to melt everything, directly melting through the planet and hitting these domain masters.

"Set up the formation!" Seeing this, the Sixth Prince Le finally spoke.

As soon as the voice fell, several domain masters around stood up. These people were the domain masters brought by Sixth Prince Le, a total of four people.

The four of them shot together and the four small flags were scattered in the four corners where all the domain masters were located.

"What are you doing?" Seeing the strange behavior of the sixth prince Le, Tian Xing frowned.

"Commander, don't I'm just setting up an array to protect you!" Le explained casually.

"Why do I look at this evil formation that looks like the power of the law of drawing people?" Tian Xing narrowed his eyes slightly, and he vaguely saw something was wrong with his good eyesight.

"I think the commander-in-chief is worrying too much. How could I be like this at a critical moment." Le smiled lightly and shook his head. His gentle smile made people feel at ease.

But Tian Xingcong still stared at the movements of those people.


It wasn't until seeing four people pinching a strange Yinjue Tianxing at the same time that they were completely sure that there was a problem.

However, it was already too late. As soon as the four people's seals were opened, the quadrilateral area formed by the four flags was instantly covered by a layer of ice crystals, and a bone-piercing chill erupted everywhere.

"what happened?!"

"Send what?"

A group of surviving domain masters just wanted to drive the laws in their bodies, but they felt empty, as if they were frozen, unable to move at all.

In just a moment, a domain master was completely frozen like ice sculptures.

Looking at all this, Tian Xingcong's expression was extremely ugly, because there were still many disciples of Xingyun Sect.

However, he has no time to care about him, because the power of law in Le beside him is already unstoppable, like a cold star that is rapidly cooling down.

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