Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 796: (True) Star Picker

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: []https://The fastest update! No ads!

ps: There was a chapter with the same name before, that one was a wrong chapter, and this one is the real one to watch.

However, at this moment, an early-stage domain lord standing next to the late-stage domain lord suddenly rolled his eyes, and then fell down without warning, his figure suspended in a vacuum environment, and suddenly passed out. like.

"Brother Tang? Brother Tang! Hello, are you okay?" Seeing this, several domain owners around stepped forward to check.

However, after some investigation, a domain owner tremblingly said: "The breath is still there, but the soul... the soul is gone!"

And as soon as this person finished speaking, several people rolled their eyes and fell down, suspended in the void like the previous person without moving.

Then this kind of momentum is like the spread of the plague. Once a domain master falls down, there is no movement.

"How is this going?!"

Some of the more powerful domain masters in the mid- and late stages exclaimed, and at first they could hold back their fear and stay where they were, but then as the situation spread on a large scale, they couldn't help but run back in terror. stand up.

It seems that this is an area where the virus spreads, and if you stay here, you will be like these people sooner or later.

"Uncle Master!" Seeing this scene, Tian Xingcong couldn't help being moved.

"Something has happened, and the demigod has made a move!" The Nine Heavens Demon Lion looked at the white-haired and bearded Ming Daozi in the distance.

Pieces of domain masters fell down, almost at the moment when this happened, Tianshuang and other demigods also noticed something strange.


The next moment Xingyun demigod made a bold move, the other party really had no good intentions, and took advantage of the time delay to attack secretly.

Xing Yun moved half-consciously, and saw him make a big move, and the next moment, it was as if Zhou Tian and the stars were taken into his hands, and countless stars appeared in his palm.

"Little Xingyun, your grandpa is here to try your weight!" The bully demigod sneered and rushed towards him brazenly.

At the same time, the demigods on both sides are fighting each other and using all means without reservation.

And almost instantly, the Nine-Heaven Demon Lion suddenly swelled up, turning into a huge nine-headed Demon Lion the size of dozens of stars in just an instant.

He opened his **** mouth suddenly, and swallowed all the domain masters present, including Jiang Heng, in one gulp.

Putting these into its stomach, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion turned around again and suddenly swallowed them all at the fort.

It was as if there was an immeasurable world in his belly that could swallow everything. As the **** mouth opened wide, the warriors who were still in various positions in the fortress felt that the sky was covered in darkness for a moment.

The next moment the fortress disappeared in place, replaced only by the Nine Heavens Demon Lion that shrunk rapidly and returned to normal.

Glancing at the sky-shattering situation above, he turned his head and quickly fled towards the void deep in the central area.

The devouring just now was almost indistinguishable, even the star gate was swallowed by him in one gulp. At this time, it is impossible to go back, so I can only continue to escape from this place.


A cold snort exploded next to the Nine Heavens Demon Lion's ears, and under the powerful fluctuation of the law, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion's mouthful of blood spilled directly from the corner of its mouth.

He saw a big hand covering the sky towards him, and the moment the big hand opened, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion felt an incomparably solid wave of laws around him began to firmly bind him and pulled him towards the opponent's palm.

Seeing the body of the Nine Heavens Demon Lion swell again, he turned around and roared angrily, and saw the remaining eight heads flying out of the body except the head, turning into phantoms of Demon Lions and biting towards the giant palm.

The Nine Heavens Demon Lion was not at ease after finishing these tasks, his figure swelled hundreds of times again, his size suddenly skyrocketed, and he opened his **** mouth and bit the opponent's giant palm fiercely.

The giant palm twitched hard, as if feeling a sharp pain, it had to be pulled back temporarily.

But obviously this blow annoyed the owner of the giant palm. Before the nine-day demon lion escaped too far, the giant hand struck again.


A low shout resounded, and the movement of the giant hand suddenly stopped.

Feeling the majestic force bound to him and retreating directly, the Nine Heavens Demon Lion heaved a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but look back at the chaotic area full of various distortion forces and law forces. He knew that it was his master just now. Help at great risk.

Turning his head away from the chaotic area, he plunged into the depths of Xu Holdings.

"Haha! Xingyun, you trash is also worthy of being a strong man in the physical body. Let's see how I kill you today!" Although Xingyun hindered him, the bully demigod was even more proud.

After a fight, the result was that he had the absolute upper hand in hand-to-hand combat against the demigod Xingyun who had no power to fight back.

Hearing that the demigod Xingyun just stared at the other party coldly, at the same time constantly intersecting with his fists and feet.

Both of them are Taoist demigods with physical bodies, and their realms are almost the same. Maybe the bully and demigod realms are less, but the bully demigods are both physical bodies and the golden one.

With the combination of the two, his physical strength can be said to be extremely terrifying. Often Xingyun's demigod's palm hits the opponent without pain, but when the opponent punches him, the pain is so painful that he grins his teeth.

Not only the demigod Xingyun was suppressed and beaten, but also the other demigods from a hundred nations were completely suppressed.

Ming Daozi's opponent is obviously Tianshuang Patriarch. Apart from Tianshuang Patriarch's flamboyant Frost Dao, there is no sign of Ming Daozi making a move. Patriarch Tianshuang was in a hurry.

And the demigod Sik was suppressed by a skinny demigod who looked like a skeleton wearing a hideous flesh armor. Whenever he made a move, the flesh armor on the skeleton man's body would glow with red blood. When the blood light suddenly appeared, everything around him would change. It's so viscous that even the law has been greatly reduced by the sense of filth.

Another example is the four-pole demigod, he is not good at fighting one-on-one, and he is also a little flustered when facing a slim and beautiful woman.

The situation of the twin demigods is a little bit better. With the law of stealing, it seems that no matter who the opponent is, he seems to be able to handle it with ease.

"You guys don't fight now, do you want to stay here?" Ancestor Tianshuang said in a weak voice.

"I've tried my best. My strength is limited and I can remain undefeated is the limit!" Demigod Sick spoke first.

"Hmph! If this is the case, the old man will be on the verge of distortion. Why don't I just blow myself up and die together!" Patriarch Tianshuang was annoyed when he heard this.

"Okay, everyone, don't be angry, since everyone wants to hide like this, then hide it. I won't play with you for now!" The person who spoke was Xing Yun.

As soon as the words were spoken, the next moment Xingyun demigod clasped firmly with one hand.

Seeing that his punch was caught by the opponent without moving, this made the bully demigod who had always had the upper hand startled slightly.

But immediately after, I saw Nebula showing a sinister smile, a majestic nebula emerged around him, and each acupoint seemed to contain fiery furnaces that erupted with terrifying distortion and the power of law.

When he squeezed his big hand, Tyrant Bull Demigod felt a pain in his wrist, and before he could react, a big hand that seemed to be made of starlight suddenly appeared in his lower abdomen without warning.


As if breaking open tofu, the Tyrannosaurus Demigod stared wide-eyed, his physical defenses couldn't even block it at all, and he felt that big hand stirring in his belly.

Supernatural powers! !

Almost instantly, all the demigods who were fighting each other around were startled.

"Supernatural Star Picker?!" Seeing Xingyun's third hand that suddenly appeared, it was a magnificent arm made entirely of starlight. It looked beautiful but actually contained an extremely terrifying crisis.

Ming Daozi's face was solemn, and his figure had unconsciously made a series of defensive movements.

"Haha, I knew you were hiding something, brother Xingyun!" Ancestor Tianshuang laughed out loud, he was right, he really was hiding something.

Ignoring the flattery of the ancestor Tianshuang, Xingyun's sharp eyes flashed, and the third arm reached out again, this time directly grabbing the head of the bully demigod.

Seeing this scene, Ba Niu Demigod didn't know the power of this thing, and while trying to dodge, he exclaimed: "Senior Ming, Senior Haidaozi, save me!"

Before he finished speaking, Ming Daozi and a low-level third-rank Hai Daozi on the other side of the hegemony side went to the left and right to kill Xingyun demigod, trying to force Xingyun to retreat.

Seeing their opponents, Tianshuang and Shuangsheng also tried to stop them.

However, at this critical moment, Xingyun actually did not retreat but advanced, sneered, and directly passed through the protective measures put on by the bully demigod with his big hand, and directly clasped it on the opponent's head, followed by a light pinch .


The blood of the gods shot out, blood staining the starry sky.

However, even if the demigod powerhouse with a physical body is such a fatal injury, he is fine, and his headless flesh and blood squirmed, and he consciously retreated again and wanted to get out of it quickly.

"The Star Picker can do more than just this!"

Xingyun laughed lightly, and he did not see any other movements, but the third hand reached forward and disappeared, as if it was absorbed into another dimension.

But at the next moment, the figure of the bully demigod who had escaped from this place hundreds of light years away suddenly stopped. The life fluctuations in his body were still there, but the inner soul disappeared without a trace.

However, when the star picker appeared to Xingyun's side again, this arm vaguely captured an illusory burly figure, struggling continuously, and it was the soul of the bully and demigod before!

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

"Wait a minute, brother Xingyun!" Seeing this, Ming Daozi finally spoke.

Hearing the sound, Xingyun immediately glanced over, his sharp and sharp eyes seemed to be real.

"It's easy to discuss if you have something to say. Since brother Xingyun has such a trump card, we can naturally discuss it separately. It's better not to hurt brother Ba Niu's life right now."

"Discuss? It's not impossible!" Xing Yun sneered as he looked at the domineering demigod in his hand that looked like a dead dog.

"Then I don't know how to discuss it right now? After all, your people are in my hands now. And judging from the fact that neither of you and I have a middle-ranked powerhouse above the fourth rank, I can still do it by beheading two more of."

Xingyun sneered, his words were extremely arrogant, but when they heard this statement, several people in Bayu just frowned slightly but could not refute it.

They also saw it clearly when Xing Yun made the move just now, and indeed if they thought about it differently, if they were bullying and demigods, it would be difficult for them to survive under this star picker.

"Hehe, of course! Of course! If you have something to say, let's talk about it. After all, it's not easy for everyone to cultivate, and no one wants to just get involved." Ming Daozi also heaved a sigh of relief, very satisfied with Xingyun's understanding.

"How about this, how about we pay some treasures and promise to let this matter go?"

As he said that, he saw Ming Daozi swipe with one hand, and a group of objects emitting astonishing precious light floated in everyone's field of vision.

"Besides, how about giving everyone the water of life from the ten directions?" Ming Daozi flicked his sleeves and more than ten storage rings flew out.

Ming Daozi's gift was not light, and he didn't say anything, which made the demigods on the Baiguo side breathe heavily.

"Okay! The old man is happy, so I am happy too!" Xing Yun did not refuse to wave his hand, and the illusory figure lightly waved towards Ming Daozi.

After receiving the phantom figure, Ming Daozi gently grasped the figure in his hand and directly kneaded it into a small spot of light, which he put into his sleeve, and immediately bowed his hands to Xingyun and his party very politely.

"That's it for nagging!" After that, he lightly winked at the demigods beside him, and they immediately understood without hesitation.

A cloud of blood mist bulged out from the skinny man with a skull in a blood-red armor, and the next moment the blood mist turned into a blood line and flew into the distance at an astonishing speed.

Seeing all the demigods pouring into the blood mist one after another, followed by figures being drawn by the blood mist to quickly go to the other side of the blood line, this is obviously a very good escape technique.

The demigods of Baiguo breathed a sigh of relief after watching the other party's group until they completely disappeared from sight.

"Brother Xingyun, in my opinion, you should kill this group of guys directly, so as not to waste any more effort in the future!" Siji demigod said a little sullenly.

Hearing this, several people present nodded slightly. After all, since the two sides entered the game, they were mortal enemies. If you let the other side go this time, then the other side will not hold back next time.

Only Patriarch Tianshuang looked at the silent Xing Yun with a pensive look on his face.

"Let's go!" Xing Yun didn't say much, turned his head and took the lead to fly away to the Eastern District, as if he was in a hurry to leave.

Seeing that even if the demigods present hadn't reacted yet, they thought of something, and they immediately understood.

" I think that although Xingyun has such incredible means as supernatural powers, it is well known that the price of using supernatural powers is not small every time. Why..."

Arriving in the North District, several people stood still for a while, and the thin man in blood armor frowned slightly and looked at Ming Daozi and muttered.

"Stupid!" Wen Yanming cast a cold glance at the man and said with a sneer, "It is true that the supernatural powers are powerful, but I think it is okay for this man to grit his teeth and kill one of us. Why do you want to be the second one to be killed?" ?”

These words made the man in blood armor speechless.

"Don't worry, it's good to force out his trump cards this time. Next time, think of a way to temporarily trap him. The Supernatural Star Picker is ranked thirty-seventh. One can imagine his power under his reputation. .” Ming Daozi grinned lightly, today’s events still gave him a lot of surprises.

However, supernatural powers are certainly talked about in the universe, but in the eyes of old demigods like Ming Daozi, they are just a kind of hole card. As long as they find a way to limit delay, it is not a cause for concern.

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