Master of Fist

Chapter 172: Prepare

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"Master Liu, is what you said true?" Jiang Fuzun was a little serious, with a trace of uncertainty: "Are you really only a thin line away from the realm of the martial arts master?"

"That's right! Liu was originally a disciple of the Jiange in Shu, and he cultivated the most famous sword qi of Jiange! He entered the rank at the age of ten, became the ultimate third rank at the age of twenty, sixth rank at the age of forty, and is now fifty years old. He has already begun to try to practice. Gasification Gang.

But Liu's sword is not enough to support a certain sword, it needs a magical weapon forged from black steel and supplemented by Geng gold! "

Liu Shizong said proudly without hiding anything. He was originally from Shuzhou in the south, because he was dissatisfied with the fact that the sect does not raise swords, and that although there is a master in the sect, he keeps a low profile and hides in the mountains. .

Liu Shizong looked down on such sects, he felt that a swordsman should go straight with the sword and repay the merits of the world. He was originally a petty official in his family, and he has an extraordinary obsession with power, and he wants to make a fortune with this sword.

Regarding the imperial court, he knows some inside information, but he doesn't care, what he cares more about is power! Everything that hinders him from climbing will become the soul of his sword!

So what if the demon is in power? One day, I, Liu Shizong, will not have the opportunity to sit on the supreme throne!

As for the Jiang Fuzun in front of him...

Better, don't lie to me....otherwise...

No one could guess what Liu Shizong was thinking. Jiang Fuzun was very satisfied when he saw Liu Shizong who wanted to be reinstated as an official. He waved his hand and laughed loudly: "Okay! There are still some in the Heigang treasury. As for Gengjin, it is a bit difficult to find, but I will use my relationship to get it for you in the past few days! Master Liu, please wait for the good news!"

The two looked at each other and smiled slightly, each with their own thoughts. One desperately wants the official to return to his original post, and the other wants to use this person in front of him to get through the crisis as soon as possible.

The two use each other, but they don't care about each other.

At the same time, in an upper-class room of an inn in the city, candles were flickering, and General Zhang sat alone at the table with a wine glass.

However, there is no wine in the wine glass, but a glass of thick blood water, which looks particularly alluring under the candlelight.


A burly figure quickly entered through the window, looking at the iron tower-like iron wall at the corpse on the ground and at the general sitting at the table.

"General, this is..."

"It should be sent to monitor, but the strength is a little weak, only the fourth grade."

Zhang Jiangzhu said casually, and glanced at the tall and strong man: "Did you find something?"

The burly Iron Wall nodded, and took out something wrapped in silk from his sleeve.

"Only one arrow was found, and the body of the arrow was presumably shattered halfway."


Looking at the object in the silk, Zhang Jiangzhu's face changed slightly and he let out a slight sigh. After thinking for a while, he took out a handkerchief from his sleeve to wrap the object and put it in front of the candlelight to observe carefully.

"It's interesting! It turned out to be an arrow made by a demon corpse."

Zhang Jiang nodded, he put down the object lightly, glanced at the iron wall and asked, "Where did you find this object?"

Hearing that the iron tower-like man hesitated for a while, he said: "This...was found on a mountain five miles away. When it was found, the arrow sank ten meters into the mountain. Dozens of soldiers were used to dig it up. come out."

As soon as these words came out, the room fell into silence. General Zhang looked gloomy, and once again set his eyes on the things on the table, he didn't speak for a long time.

"Who are you talking about that has such great power?"

Facing the general's question, the iron-tower-like man lowered his head, with sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Subordinates...don't know!"

Fortunately, Master Zhang didn't seem to think that his subordinates would know, he waved his hand, and sighed softly: "I'm afraid the monster will feel bad if this arrow goes down, right?

Cangzhou is really the land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! Also yesterday, Ben Jiang could feel a sharp sword intent to lock from time to time, which really scared Ben Jiang very much! "

The candlelight was flickering, and the reflected figures of the two people were shaking slightly.

But at this moment, another figure stepped out of the shadows in the room, it was a graceful and alluring red silk figure.

"General~" the red silk whispered softly as soon as the red silk appeared.

"Have you found anything?"

The red silk shook her head slightly, but her charm was even stronger, and she slowly came to the handsome Zhang Jiangzhu and gently kneaded her. The iron wall on the side turned a deaf ear to this and was used to it.

"Aren't you the master of the palace with red sleeves and good at dancing? No matter how you use their relationship, it won't work?"

Master Zhang was enjoying the kneading of the red silk, and asked softly with his eyes slightly closed.

"This..." Hearing that the red silk's movements froze, she shook her head and smiled bitterly, "I don't know why... the Hongxiu Shanwu entrenched here has disappeared, and even the secret marks left behind are gone." No. It's really weird!"


Zhang Jiangzhu opened his Danfeng eyes and smiled lightly: "It's really getting more and more interesting."

Jiang Heng, who returned to the mansion to practice overnight, let out a sigh of relief. Now the small courtyard has been improved again, some redundant decorations have been removed, and the ground is also covered with cobblestones.

If the bluestone floor is laid, it will be troublesome if it has to be replaced frequently, and there is a shelf made of fine iron in the corner of the At this time, a white bone longbow is quietly placed on it, A few arrows lay quietly in the arrow basket next to them.

The reason why I didn't hide my clumsiness was because I found it troublesome.

After all, Jiang Heng's perception of qi and blood is very keen, and any uninvited guest who tries to get close to Jiang's mansion can be sensed within half a street away from Jiang's mansion.

In case of a strong enemy, you can also directly hold a strong bow to attack and kill!

Streams of qi and blood are exhaling and breathing like a swimming dragon in the body. Jiang Heng is in the shape of a horse, with a long and powerful breath. Every time he inhales and exhales, the fallen leaves in the distance are blown up and then fall.

At this time, there was no one else around, and Xiaorou Laifu was already directing the family to start moving some valuable things at home. It has been decided that in the next few days, the Fu family will arrange a boat to take them away.

Father Jiang's side is also busy in Jin Luo Mibu, and it's even busier there, and there are even some Canglang disciples helping to carry it.

Su Yu, Jiang Heng's unnamed disciple, has also been ordered, and now he is also busy helping his family pack their bags. On the other hand, the brothers of the Yang family, Zi Ran, have nothing to do. They are still helping to train their subordinates and recruiting more people.

Now about 2,000 people have been recruited at Dadaomen, and the number is still expanding.

It's just that the third uncle is the one who is more depressed. There is no way to handle the wedding banquet, so he has to move to the Central Plains to stabilize before he can think about it.

Jiang Heng is also at ease, and now he wants to use the trick of covering the sea even more.

Now every day is very fulfilling. In the morning, he used the ordinary bow and arrow method, and then continued to try to adapt to the demon poison. In the afternoon, he tried the breathing method and the sea cover.

Feeling the precise qi and blood wandering dragon in his body again, Jiang Heng controlled his breath, and breathed evenly with the breathing method to adapt himself to this feeling, arousing more and more subtle qi and blood throughout his body.

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