Master of Fist

Chapter 173: fist burst

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The muscles surged again, like the first attempt, this time the heart-feeling breathing method is almost connected with the qi and blood, and gradually tends to the same rhythm as the qi and blood surge. As time goes by, the breath gradually controls the qi and blood, and begins to Control the influx of Qi and blood into the right arm one by one.

The right arm seemed to start charging, and the shoulder muscles swelled first, as if forming an unsightly muscle tumor, and began to rush towards the biceps. He didn't dare to be careless, and ignored the dense sweat on his forehead, clenching his teeth and continuing to hold on to his mind. The spirit is as tight as a string.

It is also necessary to focus on keeping the muscles in the best condition at all times, and the muscles are contracting tightly. At this moment, the burly figure is like retrieving energy before the tsunami comes. All the strength is exhausted, and the muscles begin to tighten further.

The body shape began to become leaner, like an elastic ball being compressed, and the compression was waiting for the subsequent explosion.

"Give it to me!!"

With a low drink, the blue veins on Jiang Heng's forehead were clearly visible, and his breathing began to become longer. Every time he inhaled, he inhaled a large amount of air, and then exhaled slowly, so that the muscles and blood in the body remained vigorously active. Don't let it riot.

The clothes were completely soaked in sweat, and the breeze was blowing, and the wet and heavy clothes didn't even move.

Qi and blood are like springs continuously condensing toward the right arm, accumulating power!

And the tumor-like muscle mass on the right arm swelled again, slowly squirming like a cannonball being pushed towards the barrel.


When the flesh that swelled to the limit was pushed near the forearm, the bones also heard bursts of overwhelmed sounds.

Kaka! ~

The previous sound was like a warning, and soon a series of bones bursting sounded.

"No! You must let go!"

Jiang Heng gritted his teeth, it is obviously unwise to gather all the energy and blood of the whole body in one place. Covering the sea's move is not comparable to Xuesha. Although Xue Fiend's nine layers of qi and blood are superimposed, he also superimposes the whole body's qi and blood to his hands.

But the former is completely different from the latter. Fu Hai poured every trace of Qi and blood in his body into his hands, and cooperated with the breathing method to make it extremely solid.

But the blood demon is different, it is superimposed nine times on the total amount of qi and blood released by the original move. The Qi and blood released by just one arm is not a lot for the whole body, it can even be said to only occupy a small part. I'm afraid it won't even reach one tenth.

Even if the qi and blood are superimposed nine times, it is equivalent to releasing one-twelfth of the whole body's qi and blood at one time.

But Fu Hai releases seven or eight out of ten of his whole body's energy and blood at once, which is by no means comparable to a martial art like Xue Fiend.

If you want to release the moves, your own blood volume is the cornerstone, breathing method is the central link, and Fuhai itself is the releaser, a martial art that releases the blood almost at once!

Of course, I learned from those ancient books of Mr. Fu in the past few days. Most of the lower third-rank and internal martial arts practitioners in this world can only exert one-twelfth of their total energy and blood.

However, foreign martial arts practitioners hundreds of years ago can perform at most nine out of ten! And the remaining one is its own vitality!

If the last one is fully utilized, then the warrior himself will go to the west directly!

Therefore, Fu Hai's martial art is already a very powerful martial art of external skills, and it is a rare and superior martial art to be able to display seven or eight out of ten!

But the helpless Jiang Heng had no choice but to adjust his breathing a little to let out part of his blood. At this moment, the qi and blood in the right arm seemed to have found an outlet, rushing frantically from this tiny opening.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he couldn't even adjust his breathing technique. He could only watch the condensed Qi and blood drop to sixty-seven out of ten!

Can't wait any longer!

Gritting his teeth and pumping his breath, Jiang Heng's blue tendons were twisting, his muscles were surging, and his breathing method began to push towards his right palm regardless of the backtracking of Qi and blood, from his limbs and bones!

It seems that because the condensed qi and blood have been continuously falling, this time the push was extremely smooth, and it reached the right palm in just a few breaths.

Feeling the faint pain in his right palm, which turned red, he slashed out directly in front of him without any hesitation.


With a palm strike, Jiang Heng's body was completely emptied, and at this moment, his blood was like a sea that capsized in an instant, evacuating five or six out of ten of it in an instant!

There was a humming in his ears, and a wave of air swept from the front, like a shock wave blowing Jiang Heng's drenched clothes to make a grin.

Because this palm is a little bit towards the sky, there doesn't seem to be anything unusual about it.

This kind of feeling is like clearly exhausting all your strength, but there is no response at all, which is very disappointing.

But he quickly adjusted his mentality, there was just a dull sound, other than that, there was nothing special about it.

This made Jiang Heng scratch his head in embarrassment. In order not to attract the attention of others, this move was made upwards. But this is depressing, and there is no effect.

Shaking his head slightly, a little downcast, he didn't bother to take care of his image and sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

This move is really tiring, one move, the whole body seems to be exhausted. Sweat kept falling like rain.

Feeling the qi and blood in the surprised Jiang Heng, the qi and blood really decreased by 50%, and because it is the breathing method that mobilizes the qi and blood in a more subtle way. So this 50% qi and blood volume is a real 50%!

As in the past, using Blood Fiend, no matter how hard you try, you can slowly recover a lot. But this 50% cannot be recovered slowly. You have to cooperate with breathing and eating to speed up recovery.

Not too worried, he took out the porcelain bottle from his sleeve, poured out two pills and swallowed them directly.

This is specifically asked for by Mr. Fu, and it is only suitable for his violent qi and blood elixir. The ingredients in it are all great tonics, which are violent pills that don't come very often. Ordinary warriors would probably get nosebleeds instantly after eating it. Moreover, the medicine is too powerful, and the body has to absorb it slowly.

But this is not a problem for Jiang Heng at all. There are black balls, and he eats and replenishes as he eats, and he quickly recovers a lot of blood that has been depleted by more than half.

"Try again, this time find a secluded place and try."

Shaking his head, Jiang Heng stood up, ready to change into a suit of clothes. But just as he was about to turn around, his figure froze.


In front of him was a **** corpse, some couldn't see what it was.

Only when I got closer did I realize that it was a sparrow with feathers, flesh and bones squeezed into a pulp!

Staring carefully at the bird corpse for a moment, the surprise and surprise on Jiang Heng's face became more and more intense.

This bird just flew nearly ten meters high, right?

"Could this be caused by my punch just now?!"

"With such a distance, you can kill a bird in the air..."

Jiang Heng muttered to himself, people who don't know will definitely find it inexplicable when they see this scene, but Jiang Heng knows that external strength is different from internal strength, and a punch can still have such power without the transmission of objects. It's not as simple as saying...

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