Master of Fist

Chapter 171: each with his own mind

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"Anyway, the meat is already in front of you, so it's the same whenever you eat it. But such a master hides in the dark, I feel uneasy!"

Zhang Jiang looked at the red silk beside him and said with a light smile: "It's been hard for you these few days, you go around more, go door to door to check for me, don't rush to do it if you feel the strong qi and blood fluctuations, come back and report to me! "

Hearing that Hongsi nodded sensiblely, and was about to say something, but General Zhang waved her hand, and she quickly stopped talking and looked into the distance.

But I saw a large group of people rushing towards this side in a hurry, but it was Lu Jin and Jiang Fuzun. The former turned over from a handsome red exotic horse, and the latter struggled to get out of the carriage with the support of the groom. Get down.

It seemed that only Zhang Jiangzhu and a retinue were here. As for why the other retinue was not there, Lu Zhi ignored it for the time being, and now he has breathed a sigh of relief.

"General Zhang, what are you doing here?"

Lu Jin smiled and cupped his hands from afar.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't do this?" Seeing the meaningful smile on the other party's face, General Zhang asked the other party with a smile.

"General Zhang was joking, Lu didn't say anything here, he was just curious, you said this... tsk tsk, the city collapsed for no reason, alas, this former official who was responsible for repairing the city wall really deserves to die. "

Lu Jin looked at the collapsed wall around him and said slowly. Then he looked at General Zhang and smiled and said, "General Zhang, this place is also very unlucky. I will leave the repair of the city wall to your government office, and I will take General Zhang to take a good look around this place later. Zhoucheng, don't let this disturb General Zhang's mood."

Hearing this, Jiang Fuzun's complexion froze, and he quickly showed a flattering smile and said:

"That's right! General Zhang, you didn't order the top card last night, and now Miss Xiaoya is thinking about the general very much. Miss Xiaoya likes the great men like General."

"Haha! The two old brothers have a heart!"

Several people were all smiling, and they knew each other well.

It was another time of drunkenness and dreams, but the actions of the few people were frequent, each with their own thoughts.

The wall in the north of the city has been piled up in a very short time. It can be said that there is no room for rapid repairs. Even at night, some young coolies can be seen busy. Why is it so urgent? Only the superiors know.

And there were more soldiers on the city wall, and even Zhen Fusi had several black-clothed guards who took turns guarding the city wall, and there were even silver-clothed guards sitting among them.

The weakest of the three is Jiang Fuzun. Jiang Fuzun, who returned to the mansion late at night, looked tired at this time. He did not go back to the house to enjoy the moving concubine, but sat quietly in the courtyard Enjoying the kneading by the maid and drinking the hangover soup, it was much better.

He was born as a literati, and he has no martial arts, let alone the physique of a martial artist. After drinking a few drinks, it is even more difficult for him to drink compared to these martial arts due to the amount of alcohol he has trained all year round.

In the past, relying on the mysterious Master Yun and his own status, he still had the confidence to wrestle with Lu Zhen. Now....

"Lu Zhi, this kid has not been very peaceful recently, and that dragon crossing the river is not easy to mess with!"

Jiang Fuzun had a sad face, he was in a chess game, and he knew that he was the weakest side at this time. There are a lot of people who can be used in Fucheng, but those old and weak government servants oppress the people like that. If they fight with warriors and soldiers on the battlefield, they don't know how they will die.

Exhaled a breath, but saw a close friend coming quickly, went to Jiang Fuzun and knelt on one knee to salute.

"grown ups!"

This person's breath is long, and the breath is hidden but not uttered, and there is a faint breath flowing in the eyes. It is impressive that he is a martial artist at the pulse refining level.

"En! Come and sit, Master Liu!" Jiang Fuzun smiled and motioned for the man in front of him to sit opposite, and the two took their seats in the small courtyard pavilion.

The night breeze was slightly cool, and it blew gently, but Jiang Fuzun's drunkenness was blown away. He looked at the rough man in front of him with an amiable and amiable face, without any official authority.

"Lord Liu, have you gotten used to it recently?" Jiang Fuzun waved his hand to signal the maidservant to serve tea, and then looked at the man in front of him with a smile.

"Thank you for taking care of me, my lord. Mr. Liu is just an exile. It is thanks to the kindness of my lord that he can be a part-time official in the government office."

"Alas!" Jiang Fuzun waved his hands, and said kindly: "It is a great fortune for me to have the help of such talents as Mr. Liu!"

Speaking of which, Jiang Fuzun slightly restrained his smile, and asked softly: "I don't know, Mr. Liu, how are you doing with that matter recently?"

Hearing Jiang Fuzun's inquiry, the man surnamed Liu straightened his face quickly, and said solemnly and solemnly: "My lord, I have already summoned many old ministries, and now I am continuing to recruit many wanderers from Liuzhou. Warriors, there are already 20 people in the entry-level state, and three people in the pulse-refining state!"

"Haha! Good job!" Jiang Fuzun was very excited when he slapped the stone table.

"Lord Liu has worked hard and made great achievements. Don't worry, as long as Master Liu helps me with my affairs, I will definitely excuse Master Liu in the court. Not to mention letting Master Liu be completely guilty, at least most of the crime of dereliction of duty can be eliminated. And if you do meritorious service this time This official even used the relationship between North Korea and China to make a good statement for Mr. Liu!"

Hearing what Jiang Fuzun said, the man surnamed Liu was obviously more excited. He clasped his fists and said excitedly: "My lord is so kind, I can't repay you with a lowly position! I will definitely do my best to do things for my lord!"

"Okay! Okay! Master Liu is determined. You are the general of Liuzhou. It stands to reason that you and I are at the same level. There is no need to be like this!"

Jiang Fuzun waved his hands with a smile, appearing more magnanimous.

Liuzhou, Yunzhou, and Huanghaizhou are different from Cangzhou and other places in the Central Plains. They are located in the frontier, and generals pay more attention to strength in terms of force, which is much better than the idiot generals in the Central Plains and Jiangnan.

"Oh, it's just that I'm really worried now. That boy Lu Zhi and that mere defeated general really treat me as nothing. I can't do anything about it. I really need Lord Liu to help me a lot!"

Seeing that Jiang Fuzun's face was soon covered with haze, he was very worried, sighed long and shook his head endlessly.

Hearing the other party talking about the defeated general, the man surnamed Liu had a faint look of embarrassment on his face, but he said in a deep voice again: "My lord, this Lu Zhi is just a mediocre person. Someone has already found out in the dark It is clear that although this person is at the sixth rank, his aura is in disarray, it is obvious that his promotion was too hasty or he was severely injured in the early years, this person can be defeated by certain three moves!"

"It's just... the general of that chapter, this person can't see it clearly. But... the inner strength of a certain is the most overbearing and long-singing sword energy, the adults only need to borrow it." With me alone, let someone step into the realm of the master, and great things will be accomplished!"

"Oh!" Jiang Fuzun sat up straight now, and looked at the man in front of him with some seriousness. Because of his slovenliness, the man in front of him at this time has long lost the dignified manner of being in a high position in the past, and looks more like a savage in the world.

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