Master of Fist

Chapter 163: Ambush

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"Well, this person dared to enter the city with only two people this time, which makes me a little uncertain whether this person has something to rely on, or is he just a simple man."

"My lord, are you worried about this person cheating?" Zheng Shisan heard his lord's worry and asked.

"Well! I have concerns about this aspect. I have a banquet with this person today, and this person's aura is very restrained. Even if he is drinking, this person is not leaking. To be honest, I am a little bit confused about this person!"

Lu Jin frowned slightly, feeling a little worried in his heart.

"My lord, I have already inquired about this little one, and this person was still at the sixth rank a few years ago.

This level of strength is undeniably brave, but as long as one has not stepped into the territory of the master and has not transformed his energy, then everything is manipulable! "

Zheng Shisan rolled his eyes and thought for a while, trying to lower his voice and laugh.

"That's right!" Hearing this, Lu Jin nodded, and he had a deep understanding of this.

If he was prepared to confront a thousand soldiers in an open field, not to mention winning, at least it would be possible to retreat calmly.

As for the narrow areas, not to mention thousands of people, as long as hundreds of people armed with powerful bows and crossbows, they will attack and kill with hidden arrows. That was an inescapable and inevitable situation.

"Heh! According to what you said, it's a little bit of praise for this general to say that it's undeserved bravery!"

Lu Jin shook his head and chuckled.

"My lord! I can prepare more manpower. I promise to handle this matter beautifully!"

"I don't worry about your work! But you have to pay more attention, the tall man next to him seems to be an expert at the pulse refining level. As for the woman who has no blood and internal energy fluctuations, she should be an ordinary woman.

Be clean and tidy, don't let you run away when no one kills you, there are more than 100,000 soldiers outside the city staring at you! "Lu Jin carefully warned that there must be no mistakes in this matter. Once this person escapes, it will be a disaster.

"Well, let's go!"

Lu Jin waved his hand, Zheng Shisan nodded yes, and immediately bowed out of the carriage, leaped, and disappeared into the night.

Sitting in the rickety carriage, Lu Jin lowered his head and pondered carefully. Thinking of something, he couldn't help shaking his head.

"It's impossible to rely on Fatty Jiang, this guy is more than successful than failure!

I thought this scholar must have a lot of gossip in his stomach, but he was a coward! If it wasn't for the fear of being held accountable afterwards, even he would have been slaughtered! "

Thinking secretly in his heart, Lu Zhen suddenly felt as if he had overlooked something, rubbed the center of his brows, and wanted to recall something again.

But when he carefully recalled the details of the drinking and chat just now, he didn't notice anything unusual, but this still couldn't make Lu Zhi feel relieved.

I don't know why, but now he just feels restless, as if something bad will happen.

"Oh, I hope I'm worrying too much!"

Shaking his head, no matter how much he thought about it, Lu Jin didn't feel that there was any omission, and finally had to give up.

Three carriages were driving slowly on the quiet street. Time passed slowly. Gradually, the two carriages in front sped up a little bit, and were soon hidden in the night. Only the last carriage was still moving slowly. .

There were three people sitting in the carriage, none other than Zhang Jiangzhu and the beautiful woman and tall man brought along with him.

At this time, the tall and strong man lifted the corner of the curtain and glanced out, looked at Zhang Jiangzhu with a flat face and said: "General, there is something wrong with this carriage."

Wen Yanzhang slowly opened his red phoenix eyes, enjoying the gentle massage of the beautiful woman, and he lazily and casually spit out two words: "It's okay!"

Seeing this tall and strong man, he just nodded slightly, lowered the curtain, and looked at his nose, nose and heart, and didn't seem to care too much.

At this time, the carriage turned a corner to the left, and the carriage entered a secluded and dark alley, which seemed even more secluded and dim.

Except for the beautiful woman, the three people in the carriage continued to massage Zhang Jiangzhu tirelessly. Both Zhang Jiangzhu and the tall and strong man were calm as usual, as if they were closing their eyes and resting their minds or fell asleep.

However, after a certain distance, the carriage stopped slowly.

On both sides are two rows of low-rise houses that are not too high. At this time, it is quiet and dark inside, and the surroundings are deadly silent, and a needle can be heard.


At this moment, with a low cry.

In an instant, countless whistling and piercing sounds came densely, and under the faint moonlight, densely dense cold light faintly reflected in the void.

At the moment when the low cry sounded, the coach driver had expected it, and almost used all his strength to roll to the ground. But before he touched the ground, his whole body was shot into a hornet's nest by dense arrows.

The arrow is not an ordinary thing, it looks longer than the arrow of the ordinary crossbow, and the arrow is sharper, and the strength is several times stronger than that of the ordinary crossbow. The groom's eyes widened. It's different, but his body has been nailed full of arrows, and the whole body is also nailed to the carriage.

At the same time, what was even more miserable was the carriage, accompanied by the sound of arrows piercing through the carriage, and the sound of clanging and clanging could be heard endlessly.

Since the arrows hit from both sides, in just a few breaths, the entire carriage completely turned into an arrow hedgehog.

After a wave of dense arrow rain, the street fell into silence again. Except for the slight sound of the wind, everything seemed to be the same as before.

Time passed slowly, more than a dozen breaths passed gradually, there was nothing unusual in the carriage, and the people lurking on both sides looked at each other in blank dismay.

Zheng Shisan, who was hiding in the dark, was a little puzzled. There was no sound at all. Could it be a success?

"My lord, this..." A young man beside him whispered.

This person was wearing a black suit, and there was nothing on his body that could identify his identity. But Zheng Shisan knew that this person was from the Zhenfusi.

For this operation, he has mobilized a lot of people from the Zhenfu Division. In addition, he has also mobilized a group of dead men who he has trained according to the commander's instructions over the years, which number around 200 people. Among them, there are as many as thirty-five warriors, even Xuanyiwei has transferred four or five people, and Yinyiwei has transferred one person.

In addition, these bows and crossbows used to set up ambushes are not ordinary things, they are all ordnance mobilized with the help of the relationship between the government and the government. Coupled with such intensive sudden attacks and killings, even a sixth-rank martial artist would capsize in the gutter if caught off guard.

After all, sixth-rank warriors are also human beings, and the internal energy shield attached to the body surface is far from the level of a grandmaster's stellar energy protection. Such a large number of powerful arrows may be able to block dozens of arrows , but with such a dense rain of arrows, there is no doubt that he will die!

"Heh! The customs and customs of Cangzhou are really This is the first time I come here, I will be treated like this, it's really interesting."

Just when Zheng Shisan was puzzled, a thick and magnetic voice suddenly came from inside the central compartment.

What? !

Zheng Shisan's complexion changed drastically, he gritted his teeth, and shouted again: "Fire the arrow!"

It had been reloaded, and it was said that the ambush soldiers on both sides fired arrows at the carriage again, and in an instant another dense rain of arrows swept away.

The arrow pierced through the silent sky, bringing out bursts of neighing.


It was full of energy, and the long arrow was nailed on the carriage, and the trembling carriage swayed from side to side.

But the strange thing is that it is still quiet inside, as if the sound coming from inside just now is just a hallucination of everyone.

"It's really enthusiastic!" Hearing the voice from inside again, Zheng Shisan unconsciously had a layer of fine sweat on his back.

What exactly is going on?

"My... my lord... the wind is tight?"

"Damn you! You play tricks! Kill them all!"

Zheng Shisan kicked away the frightened man next to him, drew his knife and shouted. Hearing that the hidden policemen of the Zhenfu Division were a little hesitant, but Zheng Shisan's dead men rushed to kill them first. Taking the lead, these Zhenfu Division officers had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush away.

Most of the Zhenfu Division officers who were dispatched by Zheng Shisan knew that Commander Lu was standing behind Zheng Shisan, and they also knew that this was what Master Lu meant, so it was not good to neglect each one of them and rush to kill them slowly.

"Hongsi, you haven't had enough for dinner yet, right? Then you go and meet them!"

The magnetic and thick voice from the carriage sounded again, but this time it was followed by a woman's soft, glutinous and sweet voice.


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