Master of Fist

Chapter 164: ??class

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As the somewhat shattered car door that had been shot by random arrows was pushed open, a beautiful figure slowly walked out of it.

The eyebrows and eyes are picturesque, and the red lips are rosy and charming. The key is that long white leg dazzles people's eyes!

Wearing a bright red palace attire, her hair was **** in a delicate bun, and the rest of her hair was loosely scattered behind her head.

The woman had a charming demeanor in front of Zhang Jiangzhu, but when she got out of the carriage, her demeanor changed to a bit icy cold, and her eyes with evil spirits scanned the flow of people on both sides as if they were looking at delicious food.

"Whoever chops up this **** first will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver!"

Zheng Shisan shouted, and almost at the same time, the men in the front rushed forward like hungry tigers.

The woman watched all this indifferently, and stood there numbly. In the eyes of other people, this scene would be dazed and frightened.

However, the woman gave a slight smile, and she leaped lightly, reaching a full height of two or three meters, and the red skirt fluttered immediately. Upskirt scenery.

What can be seen is dozens of **** and viscous tentacles rushing out suddenly, with sharp bony spurs at the tips of the viscous tentacles, almost piercing through more than ten people in the blink of an eye.


A shrill scream just rang out, and then these people only felt another colic from the pierced part. Then everyone's eyes widened, watching these ten or so people lose weight rapidly in just a few breaths, and their skin and flesh were rapidly collapsing, as if the quality supporting the body inside was rapidly melting.


More than a dozen people knelt down on the ground together, and with a snap, the **** tentacles pulled out, and what seemed to be their life breath at the same time, their eyes turned white, their saliva flowed out, and they fell to the ground like skinny bones.

"This... this... this is Yin Sha's method!!"

"Yin Sha!"

Among the crowd, some well-informed people from the Zhenfu Department quickly identified the origin of this. Yin Sha not only appears in the form of ghosts, but at a higher level can condense flesh and blood. The methods are more treacherous, and the strength is multiplied, but it is also more dependent on flesh and blood!

Although they don't have the physique and terrifying strength of monsters, their dependence on blood food is almost comparable to that of monsters!

"Yin Sha?!" Zheng Shisan looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. His mind was a little confused, and he muttered to himself: "How could it be Yin Sha? Isn't it the Lord Zhang who I killed? Sha..... Could it be..."

Zheng Shisan was the only person present who knew the entire process of the ambush. At this time, his figure had unconsciously moved to the back of the crowd. He had a vague feeling that today's events were beyond his control.

"Good blood food! I'm almost vomiting from eating those wild game recently...then, let's all die!"

After the woman performed the trick just now, she landed on the ground, but the next moment her petite body turned sideways and flew around quickly, like a nimble and quick praying mantis preying on its prey, and the dozen or so tentacles on its tail were like a death knife. The whip kept swinging and twitching, each swing could easily take away the life of a dead man.


The woman's speed was completely unattainable by the dead on the scene. Every time she swooped, she felt a gust of wind hit her, and her head disappeared, leaving a headless corpse lying limp on the ground. Leaving a mummified corpse fell to the ground.

The sudden sudden turn of events caused the familiar Zhenfu Department members to quickly huddle together, led by the silver-clothed guard, and they all swarmed away.

"Brother Zheng, you have to explain this to your brothers..." Yin Yiwei is a middle-aged man with a gray beard. . He wanted to ask Zheng Shisan to give an explanation, but when he looked back, he could only see a figure running out in embarrassment.

"Zheng Shisan! You!"

"My lord, save me!!"

Just when the elderly silver-clothed guard was distracted, a spiked tentacles suddenly sprang out from the chest of a black-clothed guard beside him, and after the tentacles passed through the man's chest, Quickly rushing into this person's mouth, in just one breath, this person turned into a mummy, lifeless!

"Damn it! If you want my life, you have to..."

As soon as the words fell, Yin Yiwei's eyes widened, and he looked at the other tentacle that had penetrated his chest with a face full of disbelief!

Inner Qi body protection is useless? !

"You... you are... 攰..."

puff! A slender blood-colored viscous tentacle quickly rushed into the open mouth, and the silver-clothed guard immediately exploded with internal energy, wanting to twist this ghost thing into pieces, but his little energy and blood could not support him at all. Finish that step.


As the corpse fell to the ground, half of the two hundred or so people were gone, and the remaining half were completely frightened, even those who wanted to hold together and fight while retreating had no courage~www This is no longer a monster that ordinary warriors like them can deal with!

But they escaped fast, but the ghostly woman behind them was even faster, and they could only see a red light moving back and forth in the silent and dark night. The woman is like a beautiful boneless snake, her waist and limbs are exaggerated and twisted, as if it is just for more sensitive movements.

One moment she jumped onto the wall of the house next to the street, like a spider, lying on top of her twisted limbs, and the next moment she jumped onto the body of one of them with her whole body, splitting her fang-filled lips in an instant. The sides of the **** and beautiful vermilion lips split instantly.

Like a beautiful snake or a beautiful frog, when the lips split open, a tentacle protruded rapidly from its mouth, but this tentacle was full of sharp thorns, quickly wrapped around a person's neck, and with a sudden pull, the entire head was neatly It was cut away, and at the same time, the tentacles wrapped the head and quickly put it into the woman's mouth.

The fangs full of sharp teeth quickly crushed it into meat and swallowed it into its stomach.

The blood soon filled the streets, and the screams gradually calmed down, and everything was as quiet and peaceful as it was at the beginning!

Zheng Shisan glanced back in horror. At this time, there are two lanes away from the street. After hearing this, he quickly calmed down, and his heart was even more disturbed.


Run away!

"Damn it, what is the origin of the general of this chapter? Why is there a super-level Yin Sha by his side? Isn't he afraid..."

The cursing that was almost talking to himself stopped halfway through. Zheng Shisan raised his head and looked at the beautiful figure at the corner in the distance, feeling a chill all over his body.

"Brother~ You can really run away, I almost can't find you~" The soft voice seemed to be flirting, but it fell into Zheng Shisan's ears like falling into an ice cellar.

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