Master of Fist

Chapter 162: Hongmen Banquet

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"Except for Zhang Jiangzhu, there are only two people accompanying him into the city!"

"Two people?"

"Yes!" Su Yu confirmed again.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng frowned, pondered for a moment and said, "Describe those two people in detail. Their appearance and martial arts realm."

Su Yu nodded, thought for a while, and said, "One is tall and the other is short, the tall one has a burly body and can clearly see the traces of martial arts. Specifically, no matter how far away the martial arts realm is, the disciples dare not get too close. He looks younger, but he has a bald head. Looking at the armor, he should be a first-class general.

And the other... is a woman, this... is dressed, some...somewhat like a singer and a dancer, this is not like a member of the army, and she looks very beautiful Yan. This..."

"Okay! According to what you said, this chapter leader brought a confidant and a woman. It's really interesting!"

Jiang Heng looked a little weird, this general is really unique.

If someone who is a general actually walks with beauty while marching and fighting, then either this person is an incompetent idiot, or this person is very confident in his own strength.

"Master, do you think there is anything else I need my disciples to do? Right now, Mr. Fu Zun and Commander Lu are hosting a banquet in Zhenbao Pavilion to entertain this general. The disciples can find ways to find out some news."

"En! Just pay more attention." Jiang Heng nodded, feeling a little preoccupied for a while, waved his hand and smiled: "By the way, you have been too busy with your own family affairs recently. The situation in the city is unknown. You should discuss it with your elders. one two.

Recently, as a teacher, I will arrange for your Su family to leave the city as soon as possible and move to Cangzhou City! "


Su Yu was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that his master had already thought of him. Recently, he also feels that the situation in the city is getting more and more wrong, and some local big merchants in the city have already started to evacuate Cangzhou City one after another.

For example, the land deeds in the city have fallen sharply, and many people have already started to throw away the deeds in their hands.

Now the value of the house deeds in the city can be said to be falling again and again, and many small and medium-sized merchants in the city obviously feel that their business is getting more and more difficult recently.

Now, instead, local merchants are starting to leave Cangzhou City for the time being, and some merchants are getting closer. Merchants from the Central Plains and southern prefectures are constantly transporting grain to sell at high prices.

All these kinds of chaos show that Cangzhou City will be in chaos.

Su Yu was a little moved, and solemnly saluted his master as a disciple.

Meanwhile, Treasure Pavilion—

This is the largest restaurant in Cangzhou City. At this time, there are guards from the government office and people from the Zhenfu Department inside and outside the entire restaurant waiting below. Except for these policemen, there is not a single guest in the entire Zhenbao Pavilion.

The shopkeeper walked back and forth at the door of the back kitchen with a worried expression on his face, and there were a few policemen beside him staring at him and the cooks and helpers in the back kitchen without blinking. It seems that as long as they are unfavorable in doing things, they will directly draw their knives and click them off.

In the private room on the second floor, there is a table of banquets. There are already a variety of dishes on the table, and there is a lot of laughing and talking inside, with a happy appearance. Best friends who haven't seen each other for a long time are talking to each other.

"Haha, General Zhang, you have finally come to Cangzhou, and I will take you to taste the specialties of Cangzhou. Come and drink, this is the best wine in Cangzhou, 30-year-old Fusheng wine! "

Jiang Fuzun, who was plump like a smiling Buddha, toasted his glass and said to General Zhang opposite with a smile on his face.

"Haha, that's right! General Zhang, since you're here, let's have a good taste of Cangzhou's characteristics. These Japanese officials will accompany General Zhang to eat, drink and have fun together, and enjoy the customs of Cangzhou. Definitely let General Zhang's trip was worthwhile!"

At this time, Lu Xun also raised his wine glass, stroked his beard and smiled, and said to General Zhang opposite.

"So, thank you two brothers!"

Zhang Jiangzhu was also in high spirits, and he also raised his glass to invite them, and several of them drank all the wine in their hands in one gulp. All the faces were full of smiles, a scene where the host and guest had a good time.

Several people drank and chatted with each other, all three of them were in the officialdom, and their words could be said to be watertight.

Always smiling. Both Jiang Fuzun and Lu Xun looked very happy to have friends coming from afar.

And Zhang Jiangzhu has a good self-cultivation, and his behavior is generous. One meal lasted from morning to evening.

The wine in the private room has been drunk more than ten jugs in a row, and Jiang Fuzun, who has the worst capacity for alcohol, is already a little bit drunk, obviously a little bit overwhelmed.

"Haha! Today, I'm very happy,'s a pity...hiccup...I'm a civil servant...This body is really weak, and I can't drink..." Jiang Fuzun's tongue seemed to be knotted In general, the speech is even more slurred.

"I wonder if General Zhang can enjoy himself with this drink?" Lu Zhen also blushed slightly drunk.

"Haha, have fun! Have fun! The two old brothers are polite!"

Zhang Jiangzhu's face was flushed, and he was even more drunk.

"Since that's the case, my Cangzhou terroir only allows General Zhang to experience the terroir, but this person hasn't tasted it yet. Why don't you go and experience the style of my Cangzhou women?" Lu Chen showed a manly smile and said. .

"Haha! Good! Good! I have long heard that Cangzhou women have both the boldness of northern women and the tenderness of Jiangnan They are really wonderful!"

Zhang Jiangzhu laughed heartily, full of itching and unbearable color, and a pair of beautiful red phoenix eyes narrowed into a slit.

"That's good, General Zhang, I'll go downstairs, and Lu has already prepared the carriage, so we can go directly!"

With a big wave of Lu Jin's hand, several people tremblingly supported each other and went downstairs.

The few people hooked their shoulders together, looking like close friends, intimate.

It is true that there are three carriages downstairs, and the grooms have been waiting for a long time.

Lu Xun and General Zhang helped Jiang Fuzun into one of the carriages together. After that, they each headed towards the carriage they were riding in.

At this time, Lu Zhi looked like his footsteps were flimsy, and he was able to get into the car only with the support of the groom.

However, before stepping into the carriage, Lu Zhi waved drunkly in the direction of General Zhang.

The groom was very considerate to help Lu Jin open the curtain, and when the curtain was closed, the drunken news on Lu Jin's face almost quickly subsided.

The rosy color on the face also dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"grown ups!"

At this moment, another person's voice sounded in the carriage, and this person was Zheng Shisan.

"En." Lu Jin nodded lightly, not surprised by Zheng Shisan who had been waiting in the carriage for a long time.

"My lord's plan is going well! No! It should be said that it is even more perfect than expected!"

Zheng Shisan said excitedly.


Lu Zhen responded softly, but he didn't look very interested, but instead looked pensive.

"My lord, this is a great opportunity! I didn't expect this reckless man to enter the city with only two people. He is really stupid!" Zheng Shisan said still enthusiastically.

"grown ups?"

Seeing his lord's preoccupied appearance, Zheng Shisan couldn't help calling softly.

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