Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1156: breakout interior

"Inner scene! Could it be that Jiang Heng really stepped into the inner scene?"

Valkyrie felt extremely shocked.

It's no wonder he was so shocked, after all, whether it is for him or the entire universe today, it is really too far away to look up to.

Now this universe does not talk about seeing it, even some rumors related to inner scene-level powerhouses can only be heard occasionally as talking points.

After counting it down, now Li Shenjiang is the only one of the ancient strongman, and even his Valkyrie himself is only half of the interior.

Now that Jiang Heng has just advanced and succeeded in becoming an inner-level powerhouse, how could he not shock Valkyrie.

Even though there are many thoughts in Wushen's mind at this moment, but at this moment, the surrounding situation is still unclear, and the power of the rules is still affecting this place. Under this interior-level atmosphere, Wushen feels as if he is imprisoned. , not daring to take any other actions, and could only wait with some surprise and uncertainty.

This is also because he was seriously injured, and of course it wouldn't be like this if he was in a normal state.

Secondly, the other party has just broken through, and this breath is really hard to suppress, and there is almost no surplus in power to vent.

"Hey, isn't this the breath of a **** emperor? Why did it change again?"

On the contrary, now Li Shenjiang was stunned. He found that the familiar aura had changed, and it became a strange but familiar aura.

This breath seems to have been seen recently, who is it?

Li Shen glanced around, but only saw a small dot in the direction of the southern border.

"Someone is gestating the inner universe?"

Li Shenjiang's reaction was not slow, Wu Shen just rolled his eyes and said to himself that you only found out.

At this time, Valkyrie was filled with emotion, and he still finds it incredible.

Remember the last time I saw Jiang Heng, a junior, who seemed to be only a half god? Oh, no, it's the master.

"How could this kid advance so quickly?"

Martial God is a little confused now, in fact, every time he sees the changes in Jiang Heng's opponent, he will turn over.

Time flies by like this!

Although it was only ten years, under the anxious waiting of Valkyrie and others, it seemed as long as a million years or more.

With the movement of the origin at the center of the multi-dimensional mezzanine in the southern border, a thick power of law suddenly emanated from it, and it became stronger and stronger, but then these powers of law returned quickly, and began to present a vortex and began to go crazy Devour the power of law in the main universe.

This devouring force is very long and terrifying, like an endless giant whale crazily devouring the energy of this universe.

In other words, every inner-level cultivation is a force that greatly weakens the universe.

But fortunately, at this moment, the power of devouring quickly converged and disappeared.

"Huh? What's going on here? Isn't it still at the interior level?"

The Martial God was a little surprised, on the one hand he was surprised by the movement Jiang Heng made when he broke through, on the other hand he was also suspicious, the inner universe was obviously not perfect, why did it stop?

"It's the God Emperor! It's the inner universe of His Majesty the God Emperor!"

Suddenly, at the moment Li Shenjiang opened his mouth as if in a daze, Valkyrie also felt that another origin appeared next to that origin.

this... this is...

Seeing this scene, the martial arts boy Kong suddenly flinched, because this scene was so familiar.

Isn't this exactly the same as when he broke through the half-step interior scene?

Because it is difficult for the current main universe to maintain the birth of even a half-step inner scene, so it has to rely on external forces, and rely on the inner universe left by those ancient powers.

"So, this kid is devouring the inner universe of the **** emperor? But the inner universe of the **** emperor still exists?"

Hearing Li Shenjiang's words just now, Valkyrie couldn't believe it.

However, at this time, there is a huge and vast world within the origin, and the space of the universe in this square is so vast that it is almost on the scale of hundreds of super galaxy clusters.

And this is the foundation built by Jiang Heng. Once the inner scene is completely perfected, he will already be in the middle and upper reaches of the inner scene level powerhouse.

"Old man, is this really the case?"

Jiang Heng looked solemnly at the phantom of the ancient tree floating in front of him.

"Hehe, it should have been like this long ago. This moment is what this old man stayed in this world for."

The original ancient tree smiled.

"For the sake of this inner universe, I have supported it for hundreds of millions of years, and now I don't want to support it any longer. I want to follow the God Emperor and devour it with confidence.

There are still a lot of God Emperor's sentiments left in this universe, and it will be of great benefit to you if you devour them! "

The original ancient tree's words are true, because Jiang Heng has absorbed the four core laws of the **** emperor before. Once he swallows this inner universe, his mastery and understanding of these four laws will surely rise to another level.

"Then offend!"

Jiang Heng no longer hesitated at this moment, since the other party has already said so, he is not a person who hesitates.

Seeing Jiang Heng spread his hands, the inner universe, which is still in its infancy, moves rapidly. From the outside, it looks like a small dot covers another small dot.

It's like a big bubble traps a small bubble, and this is the world, just like the main universe where Fang Jiang Heng and others live.

In the beginning, it was conceived like a drop of bubble, very tiny.


As the two worlds were superimposed, the collision began, and the inner universe began to shake violently.

Faced with this violent shock, the original ancient tree that was really rooted in the God Emperor's inner universe did not resist at all, and it began to pull out the roots rooted in this void one by one.

It has always relied on this method to maintain this inner universe that should have collapsed long ago.

Once these roots are pulled out at this time, the interior scene will quickly collapse like gravel, and this is also the best interior scene to absorb.

You must know that even if it is the inner universe of Taoist Wuwei, even if he is willing to hand over the inner scene to Jiang Heng, it is very difficult to integrate it.

Because Jiang Heng's inner scene is just a nascent inner scene, and it is not strong yet.

General fighting methods do not affect it, but this kind of fusion between interior scenes will inevitably involve collisions between interior scenes.

With the strength of Jiang Heng's current internal scenes, it is simply impossible to compete with the hundreds of millions or even billions of internal scenes on one side.

At this time, with the voluntary abandonment of the original ancient tree, the engulfment of the entire interior scene was perfect and soft, and Jiang Heng even felt only a slight tremor of the interior scene.

With the continuous integration of the interior scenes, Jiang Heng only felt that there were many more messages in his mind, which were all the insights of the God Emperor back then.

Some are incomplete, and this is also because the interior scene itself is very incomplete.

At the same time, the area of ​​the entire inner scene also expanded again, two million, five million, until it reached nearly one-fifth of the size of the main universe plane.

Almost at the same time, the giant body of the original ancient tree also disintegrated little by little, turning into a row of spotted trees. Gradually, Jiang Heng found a small green seedling appeared in the corner of his inner territory.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng let out a soft breath.

Although the predecessor of the original ancient tree fell, its characteristics of the original ancient tree have undergone a different kind of rebirth, but this rebirth is not real, the consciousness that once belonged to it has disappeared, this is a brand new it.

"He has a beginning and an end, and his soul will always follow the God Emperor." Taoist Wuwei couldn't help but sighed when he saw this scene.


Jiang Heng was a little sad. He didn't have much contact with the eccentric senior Yuan Chu Gu Shu, but he was worthy of admiration. He followed one person all his life, and guarded everything he had for many years until his master died.

But now is not the time to be sentimental.

"The interior scene has been perfected, and the rest only needs to be consolidated slowly, and this breakthrough can be completely ended now."

Thinking of this, Li Changsheng will completely integrate his own laws into this interior scene, forming a complete chain of laws in it. Because only in this way can the universe be truly maintained.


However, at this moment, Taoist Wuwei's voice suddenly sounded.


Jiang Heng was a little puzzled, why did Master interrupt suddenly at this time?

"Don't forget, there is also the interior scene of the teacher, what the teacher said, and I will give it to you at that time!"

Taoist Wuwei smiled lightly, and he didn't hear any sadness or reluctance in his words, but only a lot of happiness and relief.

"Master! This won't work, now my internal scene has become more perfect, there is no need to continue like this!"

Jiang Heng categorically refused, his current level of completion of the interior scene can be integrated into the avenue of laws to form a chain of laws.

Although one's own foundation is very solid, the power of the inner scene required is great, and even has to use the reincarnation path to swallow those small planes as the carrier.

But now it is enough, devouring the interior scene left by the God Emperor, now it is enough to ascend to the sky and step into the interior scene.


The interior scene of not devouring the **** emperor before, the breakthrough afterward is probably half a step interior scene.

Similar to the concept of Valkyrie, the law chain in the inner universe does not exist at all, and the inner scene is also very unstable. This needs to wait for the inner scene to gradually become perfect, and the laws that one has mastered are enough to form a law chain.

The situation of Valkyrie is very simple, the typical interior scenes are not enough, and the chain of laws is not perfect.

Even if his internal scene has become perfect in the future, if the chain of laws is still not perfect, he still cannot enter the internal scene.

Of course, if the Martial God continues to participate in the Dao of the Flesh Body, and comes into contact with the Flesh Dao of the ancient powerful with the same law or the power of the Flesh Body Dao in the outer domain, he may be able to complete the final accumulation and form a chain of laws with one law.

But Jiang Heng is different. There are many laws and avenues that he has comprehended before. During this period of time, through continuous comprehension through the incarnation, many laws have also been comprehended. Now the total number of laws has reached 360.

It happens to form a Zhou Tian Xing Dou, which can be regarded as a chain of laws.

Although most of the laws themselves are still very weak, and some of them can even reach the level of demigods, this is still enough to form a link in the chain of laws.

So now Jiang Heng doesn't need the inner scene of Wuwei Taoist to continue to be enriched.

"This was supposed to be given to you. I know it well for the teacher. I think it is impossible for the teacher to be resurrected in the situation. If you continue to stay, it is just a dying day."

Taoist Wuwei sighed.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng fell into silence. After being together as a disciple for so many years, he is very clear about the state of his master.

This is just a wisp of remnant, not even a remnant soul.

If Wuwei Daoist was just a demigod, Jiang Heng might still have a way to follow the time of the year to capture by relying on the way of reincarnation and time.


Mengdi Jiang Heng was taken aback!

"Master, the disciple may be able to revive the master!"

Jiang Heng spoke quickly, and his expression was filled with uncontrollable excitement.

"Apprentice, you don't need to comfort me at this time. I have already seen it. I shouldn't exist. I can still have a sliver of remnants and accept you as an apprentice. I am very satisfied with my teacher." .”

Daoist Wuwei was indeed emotional and relieved that the sect he founded back then did not have any great talents, but after so many years, Cannian unexpectedly accepted such a peerless genius.

Jiang Heng's performance made him extremely satisfied. Among the many arrogances in ancient times, almost none of them could advance as fast as his apprentice.

And there are very few basic talents that can match it.

Maybe Jiang Heng's foundation and talent were not able to surpass many ancient prides before, but now that he has swallowed part of the God Emperor, he is now very different.

Who is the **** emperor?

He is a genius who has been active since ancient times, and one of the original gods. He is no less than ten billion years old and has mastered more than 20 complete avenues.

Moreover, the core laws of the ranks are even at the interior level, which is also an existence that can be proud of, and the understanding of many laws is almost hand-crafted.

Absorbing the insights of such a powerful person, the future is naturally extraordinary, it should be said that he has been completely reborn at this moment.

"Master, this disciple is telling the truth, time! Time! Disciple can use the way of time to chase the past and capture your soul!"

Jiang Heng was extremely excited and said what he was holding back in his heart.


Daoist Wuwei was also stunned halfway through his words.

He is the master of time and space, he masters time and space, and his understanding of time is beyond Jiang Heng's ignorance of a few streets, so he can understand it at one point.

But then he shook his head.

"This is not going to work!"

"Why doesn't it work?" Jiang Heng asked unwillingly.

Taoist Wuwei groaned for a while or sighed: "As a teacher, you are a powerhouse at the internal scene level, so what if you capture the soul? Can you revive the strong man at the internal scene level in the way of reincarnation?"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng also suddenly came to his senses, and UU Reading felt extremely depressed for a while.

That's right, resurrecting the inner scene, even the **** emperor couldn't do it back then. I was just picking up the wisdom of others. Why do I think I can surpass the predecessors?

"Hey, apprentice, I know you want to be resurrected as a teacher, but at this time, it's too much to change your fate. If it doesn't work, it won't work after all!"

Taoist Wuwei smiled lightly and said calmly, "Let's take it, this interior scene, I have two perceptions of time and space in this interior scene, after you devour it, the two paths of time and space will become perfect.

As a teacher, I really can't stand your half-time-space level. "

Faced with Master's ridicule, Jiang Heng was always unhappy for some reason.

He is very clear that he can have what he is today, Master Wuwei has put in a lot of effort.

If he hadn't worked hard to lay the foundation for himself when he was weak at the time, and made precise suggestions for his collection of treasures and opportunities, it would have been impossible for him to get to this point.

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