Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1155: Ghost of the past

Now Li Shen will understand! Although he didn't know how this matter had anything to do with Jiang Heng, but considering that the Dao of Reincarnation seemed to be where the God Emperor was, he immediately realized it.

right! Don't let these thieves hurt His Majesty the God Emperor!

Once Li Shenjiang was angry, he would not take other things into consideration. At this time, he quickly came to the head of Lord Luo Yu in a flash.

Lord Luo Yu only felt that something was gathering above him, and as soon as he looked up, he saw a huge tower like a world quickly suppressing it.


For a moment, Lord Luo Yu's mind was shaken, and the inner universe fell into chaos again.

He suffered a big loss in the fight with Valkyrie in the previous battle, one of the main laws was damaged, and now he has suffered such a heavy injury, he vomited blood even more.

The whole person retreated quickly, his expression visibly sluggish.

"Tingshan, it's already this time, why don't you hurry up!"

God hates Luo Yu! His teeth itch with hatred, this **** Lord Tingshan is really an idiot controlled by greed.

"How dare you harm His Majesty the God Emperor, you really deserve to be killed!"

Li Shen put his hand on the pagoda and pointed at the main **** Luo Yu like singing, his posture was like facing a traitor.

This madman!

Seeing this scene, Valkyrie took a breath but smiled.

That's it. I heard that the ancient powerhouse Li Shenjiang was insane, but now it seems that he is so.

As long as this person gets involved, the victory rate will be unknown.

Right now, the situation between him and Lord Luo Yu is about the same, but it does not rule out some unconventional means of the other party. After all, he has achieved the inner scene level for many years, and the background is unimaginable.

On the contrary, the main **** of Tingshan has been dragged down by Shanhetu, and it will never be so easy to get out.

Just as Martial God guessed, Lord Tingshan was a little embarrassed at this time, and he couldn't hold his head up in the face of Lord Luoyu's reprimand.

There is no way, even if he wants to break free now, it is too late. Once the map of mountains and rivers starts to be refined, the fusion of the two interior scenes will begin.

If he breaks free rashly, he will definitely hurt himself. Compared with asking for help from Lord Luo Yu, he feels that refining the map of mountains and rivers is more important.

This is a complete inner scene of one side's earth movement. Once he merges, his own law of earth movement is bound to rise to a higher level.

At that time, even in the heyday of Luo Yu, the main god, he would not be his single enemy. As far as the internal scene-level powerhouses in the entire Shengyuan world were concerned, although they could not be ranked in the forefront, they would still be in the first echelon level.

"Tingshan! What are you still doing? Come and help me!"

Seeing that Lord Tingshan was still hesitating, Lord Luo Yu was completely angry.

"Luo Yu! This seat is not your subordinate, but you are bossing me around again and again. What do you mean?"

The main **** of Mengdi Tingshan suddenly raised his momentum and shouted at the main **** Luo Yu.

Facing the sudden attack of the Lord God of Tingshan, the Lord God of Luo Yu was stunned.

What's the situation, when did you Tingshan Lord God be so stubborn? Take gunpowder?

"Tingshan, why are you crazy? I don't want to argue with you now, this is a foreign war! Help me quickly!"

Lord Luo Yu lowered his tone and said as tactfully as possible, the anger in his heart had already swelled, and he vowed to read him a book when he went back.

"What about foreign wars? I have my own opinions, but you, Lord Luo Yu, are always making foolish moves. What qualifications do you have to drive me?"

Lord Tingshan didn't give any face again.

Valkyrie and Li Shenjiang were taken aback by the sudden quarrel between the two, but they didn't expect that these two would suddenly quarrel.

Valkyrie had some guesses in his heart, and sneered on his lips again and again, this situation is naturally the best.

It's not good if you don't make any noise. Now the longer the delay, the better.

"How courageous! Ting Shan, have you really forgotten your duty? Don't forget who is standing behind me!"

Lord Luo Yu didn't bother to argue again, so he simply brought out the big backer behind him, trying to completely suppress this **** rebellious boy.

"Of course I know who is standing behind you, but what can I do? Where is your Luo Yu now, and what is your situation? You always use the old master to overwhelm me, and I have long been unhappy. for many years!"

The Lord God of Tingshan is also completely angry, this f*cking backer who talks every day, you have a backer, right?

Once he absorbs and integrates this inner scene, he will still have the right to speak in front of the old lord when he goes back. When he stands with Lord Luo Yu, it is self-evident who the old lord values.

He is really not afraid of the threat of Lord Luo Yu now.

"You... you... hello! Very good!"

Lord Luo Yu really exploded with anger, when he turned his wrist, a drop of crystal blood floated in the palm of his hand.

"You know what this is!"

Lord Luo Yu stared directly at Lord Tingshan with sharp eyes, and at the same time looked around Li Shenjiang and Valkyrie, with a trace of hysteria in his eyes.

Seeing the appearance of this thing, Tingshan master prodigy Kong suddenly flinched.

Martial God and General Li Shen were still a little confused, they didn't understand what it was, but their eyes were very serious.

The aura emanating from this thing gave them a natural fear, a trace of fear that penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

What exactly is this?

"Old True Blood! could it be possible? How could the old sun bestow such a treasure on you?"

The previous arrogant expression of Lord Tingshan was gone at this moment, only the fear like a mouse seeing a cat was left.

That appearance is really scarier than seeing the great horror in the world.

"You're crazy! You're crazy! Even if the Old Corona doesn't mind you using this thing, aren't you afraid of the consequences of using it?"

Tingshan is really scared now, and he hopes that Lord Luo Yu will quickly withdraw his magical powers. Once this drop of blood erupts, it will definitely end in a catastrophe.

It is not an exaggeration to burn jade and stone together.

"Hehe, I will bear the consequences at the cost of my body and 90% of my soul, and you, including Ting Shan, you rebellious idiot, will be buried with them!"

As soon as the words fell, Lord Luo Yu raised his head and was about to swallow blood drops into his stomach.

"Not good! Stop him!"

The Martial God was horrified, although he didn't understand what would happen to the Lord God Luo Yu who swallowed this drop of blood, but judging from the breath of this drop of blood and the fierce reaction of the Lord Tingshan God, it was definitely a situation that no one wanted to see.

Hearing that Shenjiang Li still didn't understand what was going on, he also attacked brazenly.

With a flick of his wrist, the pagoda in his hand shot out quickly, and the pagoda crossed the dimension at an extremely fast speed and almost instantly crossed the dimension, and came to the head of Lord Luo Yu and suppressed it violently.

However, Lord Luo Yu, who had already swallowed the blood, only showed a cruel and ferocious smile when facing the pagoda.


The pagoda completely enveloped the main **** Luo Yu, and the layers of formations and the power of the inner scene began to run crazily.

Li Shenjiang also seemed to realize that something bad happened. He almost fully activated the power of the pagoda, and the power of the law and supernatural power behind him was fully activated, and his figure rapidly expanded and became bigger.

In an instant, he became a majestic giant shadow hundreds of light-years in size, and the giant shadow quickly enveloped the top of the tower.

Seeing the golden light shining brightly behind him, layers of phantoms emerged behind him, densely packed phantoms of heavenly soldiers and generals taking shape, they were obviously the soldiers of the Shenting Army back then.

As one of the four great generals of Shenting, he also takes care of the generals of Shenting army. He can control millions of Shenting troops.

Countless heavenly soldiers and generals began to move quickly, and soon surrounded the pagoda, forming the prototypes of battle formations one by one.


At this time, the entire pagoda began to shake violently, the complexions of Wushen and Ting Shan changed slightly, and the surrounding environment became extremely unstable.

And this is a bit unbelievable. You must know that you are jumping out of the environment now, not in the plane. This kind of environment is the most stable.

However, at this moment they felt that the surrounding space began to collapse towards the center of the pagoda, and the surrounding space began to condense a little and converge towards the center of the pagoda.

Li Shenjiang, who bears the brunt of the blow, has the most ugly face, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and his face is also pale.

"Scattered form becomes Qi, Qi condenses into supernatural powers, and Qi suppresses mountains and rivers for me!"

Li Shen quickly pinched the law with his fingertips, and the power of law in his body quickly flowed into the supernatural power like a river.

In the next moment, long streams of airflow began to emerge from the sky and the earth, and nine rivers of airflow quickly wound around the body of the pagoda.

As the breath continued to flow in, it gradually formed a pattern of dragons on the surface of the pagoda, exuding a faint golden glazed light.

However, the vibration of the entire pagoda became more obvious in the next second, and the fine cracks tore apart the textures formed by the airflow dragons. The surrounding dimensions began to elongate, and everyone's field of vision seemed to become like an abyss.

In an instant, the pagoda seemed to be split from the middle, and a terrifying giant eye with deep scarlet color appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The moment the giant eye appeared, Li Shenjiang, Tingshan, and Valkyrie all screamed, the inner universe oscillated non-stop in an instant, the terrifying power of distortion quickly emerged on the body surface, and consciousnesses that did not belong to them were interacting with the physical body. game.

"It's the old days! The phantom under the old sun's crown! It's over, we all have to die here!"

Lord Tingshan howled miserably, and at this moment he felt extremely regretful, he only wanted Lord Luo Yu to give up this action, but as a result, this guy's fiery temper would burn everything.

This is so stupid.

But what else can I do now?

escape? !

Seeing this scene, Lord Tingshan was already in despair, escape?

How to escape?

Everything perishes under the phantom of the old days.

In some world conquests, if it wasn't because the old days were responsible for suppressing the power of the realm, with the power of the old days, just a phantom could wipe out all the creatures in a realm.

"Tingshan, this is a matter of your Shengyuan alien race, do you know how to crack this thing!" The Martial God shouted, although Li Shenjiang was the first to bear the brunt, but he was in the worst condition, and the state of being hit at the moment is not much better.

"I... can't be saved, everyone must die!"

Tingshan has completely given up, and even the progress of merging the map of mountains and rivers has been delayed a lot.

Seeing that outsiders like Tingshan are useless, the Valkyrie can only look at Li Shenjiang who is not clear-headed.

"Senior, is it possible to suppress this beast?"

" course! I am the number one general under the command of the God Emperor, how can I not suppress it?"

Li Shenjiang was very self-confident, but the symptoms of the continuous distortion of his face and physical body showed the problem.

In fact, at this moment, the three interior scene-level powerhouses can't do anything, can't move, their thinking begins to stagnate, and all laws come to a standstill at this moment, as if they are being stared at by some higher-dimensional existence, and everything is almost frozen.

The pagoda is festering a little bit, and the inner universe inside is also the first to start to enter distortion.

It has to be said that this is an incredible thing to be able to infect the inner universe of a strong inner scene, but it just happened at this moment.

Simply because each Old One is equivalent to a source of distortion.

The terrifying power of distortion leaked out crazily along the gap of the pagoda.

"We can't let it continue!" The Valkyrie's face was extremely ugly, and he looked at Li Shenjiang with even more despair.

Li Shenjiang, this foolish man, had already fallen into a state of chaotic consciousness at this time. He already had a somewhat crazy will, but at the moment he was attacked by the force of distortion, his consciousness was eroding him even more.

And this is not the biggest trouble, once the biggest trouble waits for them to be completely finished.

Then there will be three distorted interior-level life forms in this universe, plus one source of distortion, and this world will become the second paradise for distorted life in a short time.

The original human race will usher in a complete reshuffle, and everything will be reset to zero. Perhaps hundreds of millions of years later, a conscious intelligent race will appear.

"How to do how to do?"

Valkyrie was a little annoyed at his incompetence.

He regretted the time when he was invincible for too long, because he spent too much light and shadow in those 100 to 200 million years when he thought he was invincible.

Without an opponent, he seemed to be at a standstill. If there is no progress in martial arts, he will only go backwards.

Although he didn't retreat, he was still too weak compared to the enemy in front of him.


However, at this moment, the surrounding space suddenly fell into a brief freeze.

How is this going?

He wanted to move his eyeballs, but found that his own eyeballs were also moving extremely slowly.

"Time? Time is affected?"

"No! It's not time, it's a rule, order!"

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Valkyrie looked at a certain place in the southern border with difficulty.

Looking at that time again, I found that the countless small planes that were still in a state of aggregation had gathered into a whole at this moment.

In the next moment, the whole body began to shrink rapidly and disappeared into his field of vision.

"This is done?!"

Martial God was a little dazed, although he was told in front of him that the boy might step into the interior scene or the interior scene for half a step.

But the previous concepts told him that UU Reading is impossible! There's no way it's that fast.

Back then, in order to break through the half-step interior scene, even if there was a complete interior scene gifted by an ancient soon-to-be-falling power, he still absorbed and digested it for thousands of years before he crossed the threshold with water and hard work.

And this is because of taking a shortcut, how could others be so fast?

"Outsiders are not allowed to enter this place!"

Suddenly, Valkyrie heard a voice indifferent like the way of heaven in his mind.

With the emergence of the sound, his eyes widened a little bit, and he saw the giant eye in front of him closing a little bit, and the surrounding distortion force began to shrink back into the giant eye little by little.

At first the retreat was very slow, but it seemed that after a period of stalemate, the retreat began to accelerate until it returned quickly like a tide.

Finally, the giant eyes closed, and the phantom gradually turned into a purple-black gaseous flame and submerged into a broken skeleton. In the next instant, Tingshan and the broken skeleton were swallowed up by the realm, and repelled by the power of the realm like excretion. outer.

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