Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1157: Interior Scene into Time Tracing

Jiang Heng still didn't want to give up, Master had paid enough for himself, if he could feel relieved in the face of Senior Gu Shu, Master really couldn't.

My mind is running fast, I want to think of a practical solution, but I can't get past the threshold of interior scene after much deliberation.



Jiang Heng felt a twinge of pain in his heart, why couldn't he revive the Neijing level powerhouse?

Inner Scene Level This is like a hurdle that cannot be overcome. Inner Scene represents uniqueness, which means that this person has transcended this universe, otherwise there would be no Inner Scene to jump out of this.

Strictly speaking, they are regarded as beings that are not controlled by this universe, and the laws here can hardly affect them, unless they fight at the same level, or open up the powerful resurrection of this universe.

"Teacher, when did you hesitate so much, and make up your mind quickly, the universe in your side is about to stabilize, if you don't hurry up, it will be too late."

Taoist Wuwei continued to urge, he really wanted Jiang Heng to swallow his inner scene, and estimated that even if he didn't swallow it, his inner scene would not be able to maintain it in tens of millions of years, and it would be a waste to collapse at that time, instead Not good.


Uncharacteristically, Jiang Heng agreed without hesitation, and the next moment the interior scene coincided with the space-time interior scene of Taoist Wuwei again.

Seeing this scene, Taoist Wuwei finally felt relieved, so that he could leave something for his disciple.

However, when the package was swallowed, Taoist Wuwei gradually became suspicious.

"Teacher, what are you doing? Why are you so slow, your internal scene is strong enough now, and you don't need to be afraid of being damaged during the fusion of the internal scene!"

Daoist Wuwei is very puzzled. It stands to reason that Jiang Heng's internal scene is strong enough now that he had the internal scene of the Devouring God Emperor before.

"Master, I'm sorry, but I have to let you go with my apprentice!"


Taoist Wuwei didn't understand, but the next moment, he was rejected in an instant.

The originally merged interior scenes of the two sides separated again, and the next moment Jiang Heng's interior scenes began to stabilize rapidly, and he was moving towards a real interior scene-level powerhouse.

Seeing Jiang Heng flicking his sleeves, a chain of laws composed of many laws quickly spread across the interior scene like a bright galaxy.

With the entry of the law chain, these laws began to find their respective positions, and at the same time began to stabilize the interior scene.

Looking from the outside, you can see that the origin is hesitating, and then it starts to stabilize rapidly until it is completely stable!

"This... this is the successful advancement into the interior scene?!"

At this time, the Valkyrie who saw this scene from a distance was stunned.

There is both envy and emotion in my heart. At that time, he praised himself as invincible in the world, but in a blink of an eye, he was slapped to death on the beach by Houlang.


However, in the next moment, he was shocked here, and at the same time, Shenjiang Li was also shocked.

Li Shenjiang regained consciousness with great difficulty, and at this time he felt a great shock to his soul again.

This shock did not come from Jiang Heng, whose inner scene had been perfected, but from the previous void, a gap was opened in the void, and the boundary barrier was opened, and the old giant eye reappeared. Violence and madness.

It seems that one glance can make countless creatures fall into distortion and madness.

Seeing the reappearance of the giant eye, Valkyrie and Li Shenjiang both showed astonishment.

"As expected of the old days! It seems that Jiang Heng's little trick just now can only barely expel it, and it is impossible to suppress and kill it!"

Valkyrie quickly figured out the reason, but just because he thought it through, he also felt that this matter was too troublesome.

Just now, it was Jiang Heng who drove him away with the most peak power that broke out at the moment of breakthrough, but when the inner scene gradually stabilized, it was impossible to explode such power when he really stepped into the inner scene.

The next step is bound to be crushing like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

There was a burst of despair in Valkyrie's heart. This is not an interior scene that can compete with it. Perhaps those top powers in ancient times can still wrestle with this old phantom.

But right now...

Martial God doesn't think that Jiang Hengneng has the kind of heritage comparable to ancient power once he breaks through. This is not determined by talent and foundation, but accumulation.

Countless babblings formed in his mind, that kind of madness swept over again, and the distorted reaction that had been suppressed with great difficulty reappeared, and Valkyrie painfully endured this distorted pain.

Not only the physical body, but also the soul is distorted a little bit.

He is not bad, Li Shenjiang is even worse, he has already fallen into madness, and this moment will only intensify this madness.

"As I said, you all have to die!"

A distorted, hideous and crazy voice resounded in the minds of Valkyrie and the others.

It is the former Lord God Luo Yu. Although he still retains a ray of soul, he has become the carrier of the old days, and he has suffered a lot of distortion and madness at this moment.

"It's really a big deal. I didn't expect that I, the Valkyrie, could still enjoy this kind of treatment in my life."

The Valkyrie smiled miserably, he thought it was worth it to die under the power of the old days.

At least it's not in the hands of a cat or a dog.

And his sarcastic words even stimulated the already sensitive Lord Luo Yu at the moment.

"Under the old sun, please kill this beast quickly!"

As soon as the words fell, the child hole of this giant eye began to enlarge a little bit, and the terrifying power of distortion began to increase exponentially.

The originally pitch-black void around the giant eye was quickly rendered into a grotesque and distorted environment centered on the giant eye, and began to spread outwards rapidly.

The speed is extremely astonishing. If it is not restrained, every inch of this universe will be occupied by the terrifying distortion emanating from the giant eye within a year.

Seeing this scene, Valkyrie no longer struggled, and everything was over.

It is said that in ancient times, the alien race of Shengyuan also used this method, but it was blocked by the ancient power at that time.

But now there is no such opportunity.

However, just when the Valkyrie was in despair, a voice that was as cold and indifferent as the Dao of Heaven sounded again.

As if his voice was the rule and order.

"Outsiders are not allowed to move an inch!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a slight pause as the sign of the giant eye hole expanding.

And just when it was about to break through the influence of this power of order, a figure suddenly suspended above the giant eye without a sound.

As soon as the giant eyes broke through the barrier, they turned the child's hole suspiciously and looked up.

But what I saw was a big hand grabbing the void.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding time and space distorted rapidly, and in the next moment, the figure and giant eyes all disappeared within the vision of Valkyrie Li Shenjiang.


Feeling the power of distortion suddenly like water without roots, both Valkyrie and Li Shenjiang were taken aback.

"Was that Jiang Heng just now? Where did he bring the phantom of the past?"

No wonder Valkyrie was confused, this sudden move seemed useless. ,

It would be useless to simply exile in some inaccessible places in this universe.

The phantom of the old days itself is comparable to the first-line interior scene level existence, and it also takes into account some of the power of the old days.

Within its field of vision, it is in a state of jumping out all the time, no matter where it moves, its distortion and madness can still affect the entire universe.

However, the Martial God still thought about it, and Jiang Heng didn't even think about exiling the old days.

At the same time, in the long river of time, Jiang Heng captures the old days with one hand, and at the same time travels backward in time along the historical trajectory of Taoist Master Wuwei.

"You are crazy, do you want to... use this old phantom as a medium?"

Taoist Wuwei was shouting crazily at this moment, he didn't know whether it was Jiang Heng who was crazy or himself, he dared to do such a crazy act of courting death.

"It doesn't matter if you give it a try. This beast itself is powerful enough, and it also has higher-level characteristics. It may be used as a medium for reincarnation, and it may be able to revive the master!"

Jiang Heng thought clearly and spoke quickly.

In fact, the old days are indeed a transcendent existence among the Shengyuan clan. The old days will resurrect the strong members of the clan every once in a while, whether they are ordinary warriors or inner-level master gods, as long as they have enough meritorious service, they will resurrect them in batches on time.

It's like fishing in a sea of ​​dead.

This seems to be a rare and common thing in the old days. Of course, only one of the Saint Yuan aliens has this ability in the old days, and it just so happens that the phantom summoned by the main **** Luoyu at this time is that one.

The powerful aura of the old days is beyond the reach of low-level monks, but Jiang Heng still feels that this phantom of the old days may be the key to revive Taoist Wuwei.

"It's you again! You are the guy who just shot, please kill him under the old sun!"

Master Luo Yu's spirit body was about to explode.

This person seems to be an insider, but his methods are all kinds of strange, treacherous and powerful.

But so what, this method only restricts the old days, and in the end he still can't escape the end of being suppressed and killed.

As soon as his words fell, the giant eyes were also a little annoyed, and he wanted to open them completely to show this human ant a little bit of color.

However, in the next moment, a sentence sounded again.

"The interior of this place will be imprisoned!"

As soon as the words fell, the child's hole of the giant eye was shrinking little by little, and it lasted for a few breaths. After the shrinkage stagnated, it began to open again.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng secretly sighed in his heart.

As expected of the old days, even if it was just a phantom, interior-level means still couldn't restrain the opponent for too long.

Stepping into the inner scene by myself is still the two as the core, and there are many laws to dilute the law chain. If it is placed among the inner scene level powerhouses, although it is not very top-notch, it is definitely more exaggerated than the first entry into the inner scene level.

Rao is so still unable to limit how long the old days will exist.

"Under the old corona, you and other ants can restrict it!"

Lord Luo Yu sneered, if it weren't for the projection of an old eyeball, even a real finger under the old corona could easily crush this person to death.

But this is enough, you can limit it for a while, can you still limit it?

But when the giant eyes opened again, a sentence resounded again.

"Don't open your eyes here!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Heng closed his eyes first, but his divine sense could still be sensed, and the eyelids of the giant eyes trembled slightly, but he had no choice but to close them slowly again.

Lord Luo Yu: "..."

After a stalemate with each other for several minutes, the main **** Luo Yu felt that the power of order of the other party might not be able to support such high-intensity consumption again.

I saw that the vision in front of me was distorted for a while, and then I saw that there was a void around me.

Lord Luo Yu looked at it for a while, and was a little dazed.

Has this position not changed? This is still where it is.

Wait, no!

Suddenly, Luo Yu's main god's spiritual thoughts quickly radiated, and his face suddenly became ugly in the next moment.

"No wonder this seat feels so familiar. It turns out that you sent this seat to the last war!"

At this time, Lord Luo Yu clearly felt the breath of several old acquaintances.

This is clearly some colleagues who fell here in the last conquest, as well as the strong human race in this world who had been beheaded by their Shengyuan clan long ago.

At this time, many of them are still alive, the war is still in a state of full-scale invasion, and the human race has not been completely defeated.

Jiang Heng has no time to pay attention to Lord Luo Yu now.

At this time, his complexion was a little pale, and the interior scene that had just been stabilized was shaking violently, and the law chain was even more wobbly, which obviously consumed a lot.

"My time has not been completely perfected, and it is still a bit difficult to drive the power of time to reverse time and space and go back to the great war hundreds of millions of years ago."

The reason for its success is that the interior scene has already been completed, and the time has an interior scene as a support, so that this feat can be accomplished in one leap.

Even if you have a complete grasp of time, time cannot be played with at will.

Jiang Heng is very clear about this, unless one day his own attainments surpass the Creator of this universe, otherwise it is impossible to travel to a more distant time node at will.

Even the limit of Taoist Wuwei back then was the ability to travel up and down a billion years, and he couldn't do it any further, and even the time node at the beginning of the universe was a taboo.

As long as it exists in a field that cannot be touched by the creatures of one universe, because that is the source of all this.

At that point in time, you may see the Creator, so this is impossible, maybe it can only be done if your cultivation level is equal to that of the Creator.

"What do you want to do by sending me here?!" Lord Luo Yu's voice was filled with fear.

This kind of fear comes from the fear of the unknown, and the other party must have spent so much effort to send him to this time node, it must not be for nothing.

"Master! Now it's your turn!"

Jiang Heng didn't pay attention to Lord Luo Yu at all, but forced a smile to send a message to Taoist Wuwei.

"Is this... really going to be like this? If you fail, you too..."

Taoist Wuwei hesitated.

"Master, this is the end of the matter, you don't want your apprentice to spend so much effort just for nothing, do you?"

Hearing the words of inaction, Taoists are helpless, UU reading www.uukanshu. com He quickly perceives the main body with remnants.

That's right, as Cannian reaches this space-time node, he can clearly sense the existence of the main body.

In fact, he didn't need to sense it, a familiar figure had already walked out slowly from the crack in time and space on Jiang Heng's flank.

It is a living Taoist of Wuwei, a Taoist of Wuwei at this point in time.

He looked at Jiang Heng suspiciously with his eyes, and he felt a familiar yet strange feeling in this young man.

He can be sure that he has never met the other party, but he has an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

An illusory figure floated out of Jiang Heng's body, it was a remnant.

Seeing the phantom exactly like himself, Taoist Wuwei's eyes flickered, and the next moment he took a light breath, Taoist Cannian Wuwei quickly turned into a little air and penetrated into Taoist Wuwei's mouth and nose.

"I see!"

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