Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1155: Mountain and river map

[Chapter name is wrong, sorry, it is actually Chapter 1154, the VIP chapter is not easy to modify, everyone will just let it go. 】

out of bounds—

At this time, Lord Luo Yu and Lord Tingshan were recuperating in their respective armies, and this time the two suffered serious injuries, especially Lord Luo Yu really suffered a lot this time.

I thought I could eat this piece of fat all by myself, but it turned out that stealing the chicken would cost me nothing, but I caused a lot of trouble.

Although the collapse of a major law can be restored, it will take a lot of work to restore the law of the inner scene level, and it will not be restored in just a few million or even tens of millions of years.

However, at this moment, the two of them seemed to feel something and opened their eyes.

"Tingshan, have you ever sensed it?"

"Luo Yu feels something, but I can't believe it. It seems that some kind of law is becoming more perfect. This person can't control this breath. Could it be that someone is going to break through the inner scene?"

The voice of Tingshan Lord God was a little surprised and uncertain.

"I'm not sure yet, but I can be sure that there will be another change in this universe. Let's go in and have a look!"

Lord Luo Yu said categorically that he really didn't want to give up this expedition after paying such a high price.


However, Lord Tingshan was a little hesitant. His loss this time was not too big, and even the losses of his subordinates were minimal. Lord Luo Yu was responsible for the previous battle, but now he has the intention to retreat.

"Tingshan, are you afraid? Have you forgotten that you are the main god-level powerhouse of my Shengyuan alien race. If you dare to run away, I will go back and read the previous book, and you will know the consequences!"

Facing the scolding of Lord Luo Yu, Lord Tingshan fell silent, his teeth itching with hatred in his heart.

This **** Lord Luo Yu wanted to eat meat but couldn't eat it, so he dragged him into the water.

He knew that Lord Luo Yu was clearly a red-eyed gambler in this state, and he had already placed all the bets, so it was impossible for him to leave the gambling table easily.

But he still wants to drag himself into the water.

But Ta Tingshan really can't go against the meaning of Lord Luo Yu. Even if the opponent's strength is damaged now, it is impossible for him to take down the opponent unscathed, not to mention the opponent's power in Shengyuan's native land.

Of course, if he can easily take down the opponent, and take over all the opponent's tribe, he will also win if he wins. After all, the person behind the opponent can't be a dead person.

At most, Tatin Hill will be punished.

But he was also not sure what hole cards the main **** Luo Yu had, and he was also the kind of main **** who was good at attacking.

Thinking of this, he sighed and said, "Okay! Lord Luo Yu, let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, the two disappeared in place, and when they reappeared, they had already broken through the boundary barrier and appeared within the boundary.

At this time, the two of them had jumped out of the state to watch the world, and ten scrolls were quickly spread out in their field of vision.

They followed the change in the breath and began to search, and soon they locked on the southern border of the empire.

"Hey! Multiple small planes are rapidly merging. This is surrounded by an extremely powerful power of law. This power of law itself contains the power of planes. At this time, it is going to devour these small planes. To expand the quality and level of its own law, once it is devoured, then even if this law is not an interior-level rank, it is still a half-step interior-level rank!~"

Lord Luo Yu frowned. Why did he feel a little familiar with this situation.

It seems that the last time he conquered this world, he seemed to have seen similar methods in the hands of that strong human race.

"How dare you dare to break into this world again!"

At this moment, there was a loud shout, and before the two of them could react, a giant hand covering the sky covered them.

Rumble! The terrifying aura message enveloped the two of them, but when they felt the aura, their faces changed slightly and they also shot together.


An invisible impact spread rapidly, and the three of them were all jumping out of the state to fight. At this time, they were all colliding with pure inner cosmic force.

The two sides collided and broke apart at the touch of a touch, and the figure of the Valkyrie staggered backwards.

Although it was a sneak attack, his state obviously couldn't help these two when he used this move, and the situation got even worse.

"Hmph! So it was you, you were injured more than me, and you dare to come out to die?"

Lord Luo Yu snorted coldly. Although he had broken a rule of inner vigilance level, he was a real inner-level powerhouse, so his foundation was extremely stable. At least he still had a sustaining state from the last time he fought with Valkyrie. state.

On the contrary, the universe inside Valkyrie's body has long been on the verge of collapse, and if he dares to make a move now, it is tantamount to courting death!

"Hehe, a mere injured half-step insider dares to come out and fight the two of us. I admire your courage, but die to me!"

After confirming that there was only Wushen alone, Tingshan Lord God laughed grinningly, and killed Wushen in a flash.

Although his internal combat power is at the bottom, what strength is the opponent? He is not hypocritical.

The moment the voice just fell, the big hand of Tingshan Lord God had already covered it, and the moment his palm was shot, it covered hundreds of light-years. The size is second, and the key is that the big hand that quickly turned into a rock has evolved from an inner universe .

This palm is undoubtedly the most powerful palm of a Neijing-level powerhouse.

With the current strength of the Martial God, once touched, the inner universe will completely collapse and the realm will fall or even fall.

Seeing this scene, Lord Tingshan didn't see the slightest fear in the opponent's eyes, but instead saw the Valkyrie take out a scroll with his hands calmly.

"Mountain and River Map!"

As soon as the words fell, the Martial God waved his big hand, and saw the scroll in his hand spread out quickly, and saw that the scroll was actually a very majestic ancient painting depicting mountains and rivers.

And at the moment when the picture scroll was unfolded, it was too late to take back that big hand, even if Tingshan Lord God felt something was wrong, it was too late at this moment.

The palm collided with the map of mountains and rivers. Unexpectedly, that kind of earth-shattering collision did not happen. Instead, the palm fell into the sea like a mud cow and directly sank into the scroll.

It looks particularly strange when a large hand shrinks rapidly and then sinks into the picture.

Lord Tingshan pulled hard, but he couldn't get his palm out of the picture no matter what, which made him frown suddenly.

But then he seemed to feel his eyes light up.

"An interior-level treasure refined from one side of the earth and one interior scene?!"

One sentence couldn't help but blurted out, Tingshan God's breath was a bit heavy, this is an indescribable treasure for the inner scene-level powerhouse of Tu Xingyi!

"What the **** is going on with Tingshan? Take this person down quickly!"

Seeing that the master **** of Tingshan was dragged by the opponent's picture scroll, the master **** of Luo Yu was a little displeased.

"No hurry, I need some time to break free from this treasure."

At this moment, the master **** Tingshan still cares about the master **** Luo Yu, his greed grows rapidly, which is the most precious treasure of the earth.

He couldn't even imagine that anyone would have such a boldness to use his own soil to perform an interior-level rank just to refine a treasure.

Of course, this does not rule out that the other party is taking the path of integrating the inner universe into the treasure. Isn't that the case with the lunatic I met last time, integrating his own inner universe into that pagoda.

In this way, the treasure itself is integrated with the opponent, and its power cannot be underestimated.

However, at this moment, this treasure is clearly unowned, and its original owner has obviously fallen long ago, and the other party is not the original owner, and secondly, it is just a half-step internal scene with serious injuries.

Now he not only wants to take this treasure but also refines it, how can he have the time to deal with Lord Luo Yu.

However, seeing this, Lord God Luo Yu was annoyed for a while. This God Tingshan is really a waste. If the other party could not take advantage of it, he would have slaughtered the other party now.

"Die to me!"

Seeing that the main **** of Tingshan was useless, the main **** of Luo Yu had to do it himself.

Between the backhands was a round of purple blazing sun suspended behind him, and it expanded rapidly in just a short breath, enveloping the Valkyrie in an instant.

At this time, in a mortal palace somewhere on the main plane, a strong and stalwart man with his upper body naked and hugging left and right is drinking wine while enjoying the service of the beautiful mortal women around him, and laughing incomparably.

"My lord~ why don't you drink the wine I handed over, what's so good about my sister's!"

"You little rascal has the face to say that I'm not coveting the king's body?"

"Haha!" Hearing the jealousy of the beauties around him, Li Shenjiang let out a hearty laugh, "Alright my concubines, don't be jealous, I'll drink, I'll drink all the good wine from you two!"

That's right, the person sitting in the palace of the mortal dynasty at this time is that crazy **** general Li Shenjiang.

After the great war, he fell into a period of confusion again. After passing a mortal planet, he began to walk on the surface of the planet.

He concealed his inner scene-level aura, and included all the power of law, divinity and coercion in the inner scene, which made him look no different from mortals, and even mortals could look directly at his true content.

However, this mortal planet has been attacked continuously, and the dynasties have been replaced in just a few hundred years, and countless people died in the war.

Seeing all this seemed to touch Li Shenjiang's very long memory. He remembered that in the distant past, he seemed to have just stepped out of a mortal.

It also seemed to have experienced this kind of thing, so he tried to change in this way, conquered all the mortal kingdoms on the planet by himself, and created a unified dynasty that ruled the entire planet.

And then it became more absurd. At first, Li Shenjiang was still ignorant, he was a lunatic after all, but as time passed, his thinking mode gradually became the same as that of ordinary people, and even he fantasized that he was really the emperor of this ordinary person. monarch.

In the following hundreds of years, his concubine changed several times, and his heirs even changed several times.

It is true that he did intermarry with mortals here, but perhaps because all the manifestations of divinity were brought back into the inner universe, the offspring he gave birth to through intermarriage with mortals were only mortals.

It's just that they are all mortals born with supernatural powers, and Shouyuan is still no different from ordinary people.

Li Shen will not care about this. His madness seems to have improved due to the years he lived in the mortal dynasty, but this improvement is distorted, and he is simply assimilated by the influence of mortal thinking.

Even he has been assimilated into a mortal emperor, the emperor himself is indifferent, naturally he doesn't care about the life or death of his heirs.

During the period when he settled on this planet, there were also some foreign powerhouses, such as high-ranking warriors and lords of the galaxy, who visited this planet, but without exception, they all disappeared without a sound.

Gradually, this planet was also listed as a forbidden area by the nearby domain masters, and after reporting it to the empire, they ignored it.

However, there are too many things that the empire has to deal with now. This kind of trivial matter with unknown circumstances is really ignored and ignored.

At this time, Li Shen narrowed his eyes, and the sudden change in temperament immediately frightened the two concubines who were as beautiful as flowers and jade. They felt an unprecedented terrifying aura from the king. ,

It was like a natural suppression at the bloodline level.

"My... my lord, is something wrong?"

A concubine said tremblingly.

"That's right, if your Majesty has something important to do, let's deal with it first, my concubine and others are very sensible."

The two concubines now only hope that the king will leave quickly. The king in this state is too scary, which makes them feel a kind of fear that goes deep into their souls.


Li Shen quickly retracted his eyes, and the little bit of aura that had been leaked due to his emotions returned to calm again.

"Okay my concubines, I do have some things to deal with, you go back to the bedroom first, I will come back tonight!"

After seeing off the two concubines, Li Shen fixed his eyes and disappeared in place the next moment.

When reappearing, he has appeared in a jumping state.

Scanning his eyes, he soon found several familiar figures.

"Are these guys fighting again?"

Li Shenjiang found it a little interesting, and he was too lazy to intervene in this kind of thing because he was still a little out of order.

It's just that when he had this thought, he seemed to have noticed other changes in his breath, so he turned his head suspiciously and followed the breath to look in the direction of the southern border.

"Hey! This... this is not..."


Suddenly, Li Shenjiang felt a pain in his head, as if some inexplicable memories quickly appeared in his mind, he seemed to think of something, the huge pain made him unable to hold his head and howl.

Until the pain was difficult to relieve, when he looked in that direction again, his face was already full of excitement.

His memory recovered a bit, but he was still a little crazy, this time he remembered, this is the aura of the emperor's way of reincarnation.

That's right! This is almost exactly the same as the breath of the emperor's reincarnation when it unfolded.

Back in the day, the emperor could cover most of the universe with his full power of reincarnation.

In the early days of the war, facing the surprise attack of the alien race of Shengyuan, he relied on this hand to cover most of the creatures in the universe, and fully survived the first wave of the most violent attack by the alien race.

This will prevent most of the living beings in the main universe from being slaughtered in an instant.

And because of this, the human race had time to organize a counterattack.

Li Shen will be too impressed with that scene, UU reading www.uukanshu. com was so deep that his worship of the **** emperor was almost beyond words.

It's even more exciting now.

I can't wait to go to see His Majesty the God Emperor immediately.

However, at this moment, an urgent voice transmission entered his mind.

"Hurry up and help me repel these two people, their goal is to stop Jiang Heng!"

Jiang Heng?

Who is Jiang Heng?

Oh, by the way, that kid with some talent, but why did they want to stop Jiang Heng?

Li Shenjiang was a little lost.

But it seemed that he didn't move, and the sound transmission came again.

"Do you feel the breath of the Dao of Reincarnation? The key to preventing them from breaking through the Dao of Reincarnation!"


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