Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1153: Reincarnation and Expansion (Part 2)

"Surrender! I choose to surrender!"

How dare Yaolonghuang be arrogant at this time, he has already deeply realized that the person in front of him is by no means something he can provoke.

The other party might be able to destroy him with one finger, but there seemed to be a lot of leeway just now.

"Since you choose to submit, then three days from now, all subordinates of all ethnic groups must be summoned here, and those who violate it will be killed!"

As soon as the words fell, the Yaolong Emperor looked up again, and found that the other party had disappeared.

He waited cautiously for a while, then looked left and right, and then let out a sigh of relief.

"How could such a strong man suddenly appear? Could it be that he came from the main world?"

The Demon Dragon Emperor is quite knowledgeable. His ancestors once warned him that there are countless small planes outside this world, and the world they live in is just a small world, and there is a main world outside the small world. is the source of all small worlds.

There are so many strong men in the main world, so don't set foot in the main world unless you have to.

Of course, even if the ancestors did not have these warnings, the Demon Dragon King would not set foot in the main world, because with his strength, he could not break through the void and enter the main world.

If you want to break through the power of the plane and step into the main plane, you must be at the domain master level to guarantee the bottom line.

And he, the Demon Dragon Emperor, is one of the three powerful men in this world, and if his own strength is comparable to that of the master world, he has just stepped into the realm of the master of the galaxy.

"Phew, no matter what, I have saved my life. Although I don't know what the purpose of this person is, let's worry about the tribe first!"

The Demon Dragon Emperor was worried that the other party would think of killing them all, but after thinking about it, he vetoed it.

Although his followers are scattered on various planets, to such a strong man, this distance is really nothing, as long as he wants to destroy it, it is just a thought.

After thinking about these things clearly, he felt relieved.

However, there were those who knew the current affairs like the Yaolong Emperor, and some were blind. In the end, Wan Luo slaughtered the other two emperors.

Speaking of being an emperor, in Wan Luo's view, farts are nothing.

After annihilating these two clans of emperors, Wan Luo directly let the Monster Dragon King control all the creatures in this plane. In the future, if there is any trouble in these races, he will only look for the Monster Dragon King.

After discussing with the Demon Dragon Emperor, Wan Luo planned to take the Demon Dragon Emperor and his group to leave this small plane.

However, when the plane barrier was torn apart, Wan Luo froze on the spot, his expression a little ugly.

"how so?"

"Did something happen to that senior?" Seeing Wan Luo's frightening senior frowning, the Demon Dragon Emperor carefully accompanied him with a smile.

"The barriers of the planes cannot be torn, this is definitely not my problem!"

Wan Luo is very sure, he is a mid-level demigod, and he is not far from a high-level realm, so how can he not break through the barriers of this mere small plane?

Wan Luo frowned and tried a few more times, but his face became more and more ugly.

The halo of law behind him began to collapse rapidly, and the terrifying power of law roared and condensed in his chest and inside his body. Emerald green vines wrapped around his body to form a stomach, and at the same time, a wooden sword emerged in his hand.

"Break it!"

With a low growl, Wan Luo's muscles knotted, and he slashed out!

The majestic power of the wooden law combined with the majestic and pure power of the golden road burst out violently.

However, after a while, the surroundings were quiet. If Wan Luo hadn't been thick-skinned, his face would already be flushed.

"Senior, what happened to this accident? Why don't we forget it, the junior thinks it's good to stay here."

The Demon Dragon Emperor rolled his eyes and said with a smile.


Wan Luo stared, and Yaolonghuang's smile froze instantly.

There is no way, the other party is much stronger than oneself, so I can only admit it by pinching my nose.

"There must be something wrong, I'll think of a way!"

Wan Luo waved his hand to signal the Demon Dragon Emperor not to get in the way, and he began to think hard.

It's just that there are many difficulties in the way. He has tried to use some means of communication that can pass through the barriers of the small plane to contact the outside world, but the world seems to be firmly shrouded by something, and nothing can pass through.

And just as he was thinking hard, suddenly the entire plane began to tremble slightly.

This trembling was completely undetectable to Yaolonghuang and others with low strength, but Wan Luo could clearly perceive it.

His expression changed drastically and he looked around, his divine sense even enveloped the entire small plane, but there was no gain at all.

This kind of movement of the entire plane must be affected by external forces, but now his divine sense can't get out of the interface.

The trembling of the interface continued, and it became more and more intense. Now even the Demon Dragon King can feel it clearly.

"Senior, what is going on here? Why do I feel that the plane is moving?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

Wan Luo snorted coldly, how could he know, he is still confused now.

What Wan Luo didn't know was that not only his side, but also many small planes were moving uncontrollably at this moment, and some soldiers in the southern border who were performing missions were panicked and uncertain.

This is beyond the comprehension of demigods, and even some true gods may not be clear.

The loss of contact in the small plane has also aroused the vigilance of various transfer stations. Some of the strong left behind at the transfer station have dispatched one after another, going to the weaker area corresponding to the small plane before to investigate.

However, after some investigation, they found nothing, but these strong men had no choice but to report all the situation here through the transfer station.

In the past few hours, this anomaly appeared on Nanwang Eucalyptus Terrace.

Looking at the abnormal phenomenon presented, Nan Wang also frowned.

"How could this be? The position of the small plane has never moved since the records of the Great Zhou Empire. How could there be such a large-scale movement this time, and it got out of control?"

Fortunately, he is still sitting on the front line. After thinking about it, he directly passed the message of the meeting to the other three kings and the Great Zhou Emperor.

In just a moment, the five of them came to a separate command room.

Looking at the information Nan Wang handed over, several people frowned.

"Brother, you are the Great Zhou Emperor, you should know more than us, tell me what's going on?"

The warlike Eastern King really didn't like to use his brain, so he directly pushed it to the Great Zhou Emperor.

The Emperor of the Great Zhou couldn't help rolling his eyes, how could he know that this was the first time that even the Great Zhou had ever happened.

"I don't know either. Now that we have all stepped into the Realm of God, how can you do this kind of thing?"


These words made everyone dumbfounded.

"We still know how many catties and taels we are. How can we achieve such great power? The true **** is powerful and can easily destroy a small plane. Not only us, but demigods can actually do it too. But destruction is easy, this kind of It is really unimaginable for us to move or even completely cover multiple small planes."

This is the truth, and it is also the thinking of several people present.

Covering tens of thousands of small planes in one breath is simply not something a true **** can do.

"At least I can be sure that this is not a specific natural phenomenon of the universe, it must be a belief." Nan Wang took a deep breath and said.

"How did you see that?"

"Because there are only tens of thousands of planes covered, if it is a specific natural phenomenon, if it is supposed to move as a whole, even the main plane will be affected. But the main plane is still silent."

"This idea is a bit interesting." Hearing that the Great Zhou Emperor nodded, the words really made some sense.

"Why don't you ask father to come over and ask about one or two?"

At this moment, Xi Wang, who was relatively cowardly, suggested.

"This... is possible!"

Nan Wang also nodded, and looked at the Great Zhou Emperor, and the other kings also cast their eyes one after another.

Everyone knows that since his father seems to have been seriously injured after the last battle, if he wants to contact the other party, only the Great Zhou Emperor has this authority.

"My father told me not to contact him unless it is absolutely necessary, but the current situation is special, so I will try."

The Great Zhou Emperor frowned, if he hadn't had to, he didn't want to contact Martial God.

After all, Martial God is now the pillar of the Great Zhou Empire.

Although a mysterious interior-level strongman suddenly appeared on the battlefield before, but that strongman is now a dragon, and he is still a strongman from ancient times. After all, he is not his own.

The Great Zhou Emperor closed his eyes tightly, and wisps of spiritual thoughts quickly spread towards the designated area. After a while, he opened his eyes under the expectant gaze of the kings.

"Father responded that he has come."


Everyone was a little suspicious, and then they were shocked to find that at some time, there was an extra figure among them, and it was the God of Valor.

"Meet my father!"

"Meet my father!"


"Don't be so polite, let's talk about the matter, what exactly happened that needs to be done for the father?"

Valkyrie said concisely, his complexion has returned to normal now, but the inner universe is still in turmoil, and he needs to go there all the time to maintain and repair.

So it really can't be too long.

"Father, in fact, it's hard to say whether to take action on this matter, you should read this information."

As he spoke, the God of Valor quickly swept the table and began to read the contents.

It took him a long time to raise his brows slightly, rubbing his chin with one hand, apparently also in deep thought.

"Do you have the star map coordinates of the main world corresponding to these small planes?" Martial God said.


Nan Wang quickly called up a star map and marked some red dots at the same time.

The Valkyrie inspected it carefully, squinting his eyes slightly for a while, his expression was a little moved, and there was a little surprise.

"What did father notice?" Da Zhouhuang couldn't wait to ask.

"I'm not sure yet, but this situation is very similar to something in ancient times."

"Related to ancient times? What is this?"

"To be precise, it has something to do with the ancient power of the God Emperor." The God of War paused every word.


Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but gasp. The ancient relics excavated by the empire over the years, as long as they are related to the emperor, often have a lot of movement.

"The exact father is not sure yet, I just read a few words from an ancient record in Shenting."

There are indeed quite a lot of ancient ruins that Valkyrie has personally entered. Everyone believes in his words.

"Okay, I'll let my father take a look at this matter, just wait and see."

As soon as the words fell, everyone looked again, but the figure of the Martial God was no longer there.

The command room fell into a brief dead silence.

"You said that there is such a big commotion this time. Could it be that some treasure from the God Emperor was born? It can't be the resurrection of the remains of the God Emperor, right?" It was King Xi who spoke.

It's just that his words caused everyone to roll their eyes, the imagination is really rich.

Not to mention that according to the records, the God Emperor did indeed fall, and his physical body no longer existed. Even if he still existed, he spent so much time to revive him just to make such a noise?

Meanwhile the Southlands—

The figure of Valkyrie arrives almost instantly, and for half-step interior scenes, activities in this universe are like visiting your own back garden.

As far as he could see, Valkyrie didn't find anything unusual, and the sky was still peaceful and full of stars.

But the next moment his figure disappeared in place, and he was already jumping out. He decided to use jumping out to fully observe what happened here abnormally.

Compared to Jiang Heng using the laws of space to complete the jump out of tricks, the half-step interior scene can be regarded as the real jump out of the three realms and not in the five elements.

The field of vision has become more detailed, and everything has become a piece of paper.

What you can't know at the interior level is that the universe has multiple dimensions. If you don't get to the interior and half-step interior, you can only see one layer as far as your eyes can see.

But at this time, it is a full ten layers that are imprinted in the eyes of the Martial God.

Starting from the ninth dimension, there are nine layers directly to the main universe plane, and below the ninth layer is another piece of paper composed of many small planes.

At this time, in the eyes of the Valkyrie, there were indeed a large number of small pieces of paper in the southern border region converging in one direction, and as they gradually converged, these small planes began to appear in a state of fusion and splicing.

"It's interesting, it's so similar to the situation recorded in ancient books."

The Valkyrie muttered to himself, his gaze became deeper, and the image of that area began to zoom in and out.

He saw Wan Luo in a small piece of paper, and saw many southern soldiers in the paper. As his eyes moved closer to the center of these pieces of paper, he gradually discovered something unusual.

"Huh! Jiang Heng?!"

At this time, in the eyes of the Valkyrie, a familiar figure came into view.

For Jiang Heng, he actually only met a few times. When UU read the book many times, it was because of Jiang Heng's outstanding performance that he deliberately observed it.

Especially the last time Jiang Heng single-handedly resurrected hundreds of millions of creatures, it made the Valkyrie pay attention to this person.

"This is the aura of the way of reincarnation, no, there is also the aura of the way of order, what is he doing?"

Valkyrie was a little uncertain.

Because the ancient books he saw did not record in detail, the ruins that he entered at that time should be a collection of books in a Shenting that was destroyed, and what he saw about this phenomenon was a chronicle.

From the chronicles, he knew that in the early days of the establishment of Shenting, there was a situation similar to the present.

However, the recorder didn't know the truth, but later the God Emperor announced that there was no need to investigate the matter, so there was no follow-up to the chronicle.

"No wonder there is no follow-up. Isn't the way of reincarnation and the way of order the laws of the **** emperor, so that incident was made by the **** emperor back then, so this kid's behavior is exactly the same as that of the **** emperor. What is he going to do?"

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