Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1152: Reincarnation and Expansion (Part 1)

Little Plane of Sirius—

This is a small interface with the size of only one super galaxy cluster in space, and it is attached to the edge of universe.

Therefore, the cosmic energy here is also very thin, and the ethnic groups that can be born here are also very weak.

But this is a comparison with the main universe plane. In fact, their group is very aggressive. If they are against mortals, their strength is still stronger.

The wolf family is the name of this group. As the name suggests, their group has the characteristics of wolves, but they are different. They are usually no different from mortals in the main universe, at least on the outside.

But their plane will have a special energy tide every year, and they will become more violent wherever the tide passes.

The wolves of this group will continue to accumulate this kind of berserk factor from birth, and they will be impulsive and warlike when they reach adulthood, and they will almost become bloodthirsty madmen in their later years.

Therefore, this ethnic group hardly has a highly developed civilization, and some only have relatively ancient and brutal civilizations, and these dynasties also frequently conquer.

It can be said that in this plane, the wolf kingdoms in any living planet have spent years of fighting with each other.

Often there is a small war every year, and a big war once every ten years. On the one hand, it is to clean up the wolf clan that is about to enter old age, and on the other hand, the ruler cannot resist the killing intent and impulse.

At this time, another war broke out between Yifenglang Country and Blood Wolf Country. This is a once-in-a-century war, and it can be said that the power of the whole country is fighting.

The two countries have only 10 million people respectively, but the combat power used has reached the point of 5 million respectively.

The **** scene was staged here. On a cliff, a figure wearing armor and stomach like a **** was squatting on a boulder, throwing a small stone in his hand from time to time.

"It's really a boring task. I should have chosen a more difficult cleanup task if I knew it earlier. Although it requires a team or even a legion to work together, it's more fun than here."

This is an ordinary mid-level demigod soldier of the three champion legions under the Southern King.

As His Highness Nan Wang received the order, the subordinates of them also took action one after another.

Because the number of small planes is too large, it is too slow to gather the power of the legion to attack one by one.

Moreover, many planes do not need the power of a single legion to act at all, just like the Sirius interface in front of us, only an ordinary soldier can complete the task by himself.

Of course, there are also some large planes, where powerful fighting groups may be bred, and at this time, several small teams or the strength of a legion must be assembled to take action.

At this time, Wan Luo looked at the group of ants fighting below, which was really boring. His divine sense swept over him, and there was no opponent worthy of his shot in the entire plane.

"I really don't know why such a group needs to be recruited!"

Wan Luo murmured and shook his head. He also knew that a task is a task, and the necessary process still needs to be followed.

Such a weak race has to give the other party a chance to accept the recruitment.

The next moment, his figure quickly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in the sky above the battle between the two armies.

The lower part is still fighting selflessly, completely unaware of what kind of existence there is above.


The next moment, the two sides that were still fighting staggered and fell down one after another. They wanted to stand up, but they were surprised to find that they seemed to be suppressed by some kind of terrifying invisible force.

"What... what's going on?"

The monarch of the Blood Wolf Kingdom, a middle-aged man with a wolf head and a blood-red hair, was very puzzled.

Similarly, the monarch of the Wind Wolf Kingdom was also full of suspicion.

And at this moment, a magnificent voice resounded in everyone's mind.

It was said that the monarchs of the blood wolf country and the wind wolf country looked up one after another, and they all showed shock when they saw the person floating above their heads.

They didn't think that this sudden appearance was so irresistible. In their Sirius tribe, there were also masters who could fly into the sky. They were a group of top masters who were close to inferior warriors.

For example, the two monarchs can also fly, so at this time, in their opinion, this guy in the sky seems to be nothing special.

"Surrender or die?"

The man looked indifferent, and the words he spit out were even more indifferent, as if he was not asking, but interrogating and questioning.

It's just that this legionary soldier still overestimates the brains of the world's ethnic groups.

At this time, the monarch of the Wind Wolf Kingdom, the monarch of the Blood Wolf Kingdom, had already been attracted by his vicious nature. How can I listen to this at this time, my eyes are red, my mouth and nose are spewing hot air, and I just look up and curse.

"Where did you come from, little bastard, get out of here!"

"Yes! This is a battle between our two countries. Since your Excellency is a strong man who can't hide from the world, then just stay here."

Both of them were very disdainful about this, basically saying that you are also considered a talent, but we don't have time to talk to you right now, so don't look for trouble, just stay where you are cool.

Seeing the attitude of the group of ants below, the soldiers of the legion remained calm and indifferent. He just raised his hand lightly, and the next moment a round of terrifying high temperature swept across, and the next moment the entire planet of life was disintegrated and gasified little by little.

As for the powerhouses of the two countries, the moment this person raised his hand, they disappeared in smoke.

Looking at the already empty area, Wan Luo just felt bored.

I didn't expect such a weak ethnic group to dare to disobey the will of the largest empire in the main universe. I really don't know what it means.

Wan Luo shook his head, he still had a lot of things to deal with.

Just because this ethnic group has not completed the great unification, in the face of this situation, Wan Luo can only consult each country and each planet, which can be said to be quite thankless.

Passing by dozens of planets with life in a row, they were all wiped out by him in the end, and he was tired of watching the planetary fireworks at the end.

It's really that this group of idiots are weak and only think about fighting, they are really stupid.

This ethnic group is equivalent to worthless to the empire. Weakness is not a principle. What is wrong is that you are weak if you are weak.

Even if this ethnic group is placed in the logistics department, it is impossible to honestly repair things and build anything.

It took a full month for Wan Luo to completely wipe out the entire Sirius clan. If it weren't for the rules, he needed to be consulted to the end, and if it wasn't for the fact that there is no great unity here, why would he need to be so troublesome.

With demigod-level strength, it doesn't take much time to destroy a plane the size of a galaxy cluster.

Leaving the already dead Sirius plane, Wan Luo came to the nearby transfer station of the Southern Legion through the star gate.

In order to facilitate the conquest, the empire has built small transfer stations in various places to facilitate the deployment of troops. Even if they are flattened in the later stage, they can also serve as monitoring stations for small planes, so that they can observe the birth and destruction of civilizations in these small planes in real time.

When he came to the transfer station, Wan Luo found many colleagues coming in and out, and his eyes lit up when he saw one of them.

"Ham, are you here to hand over the task too? Is the speed so slow?"

Wan Luo looked a little happy when he saw the bearded man not far away. He was a colleague of King Nan and his legion.

Hearing the voice, the bearded man was obviously taken aback, and his eyes swept over with joy.

Hamm smiled, raised his eyebrows, and grinned his big white teeth, "Wan Luo, what's the matter, isn't it just the first time you have handed over the task?"

"Uh... Could it be..."

"Yes, this is the fifth time I have handed over the task, and now I am preparing to execute the plan to clear the sixth small plane." Hamm looked smug, and Wan Luo wanted to punch him in that way.

"So fast? How could it be so fast?"

Wan Luo couldn't believe it. Although he was facing a special situation, he shouldn't be so slow.

You must know that the order of the King of the South has been paid special attention recently. On the one hand, it will be based on the strength of the conquest plane, and on the other hand, it will also be based on the number of conquest planes. The superposition of the two will be able to exchange for corresponding military exploits. Military exploits can be exchanged for treasures, magic soldiers , elixirs, and even mystical supernatural powers.

Yes, that’s right, the empire has now opened up the exchange of supernatural powers

According to the past, the supernatural powers were only possessed by some members of the royal family, or some powerful high-ranking princes.

But now it is different. The empire and the four kings are united and will jointly open the collection of books, but they also need military achievements to exchange.

Not only this time, but the achievements of the previous two battles can also be accumulated.

As far as Wan Luo knew, those soldiers of the Wuwei Army had participated in the Second World War and had outstanding military exploits, so many people of the Wuwei Army with considerable military exploits had already successfully exchanged their magical powers.

Although many of them appear to have weak foundations due to their practice of Shenting Gong, this does not affect their cultivation of supernatural powers, especially some inferior supernatural powers.

Today, the library of the empire has disclosed a total of twenty-three supernatural powers, including fifteen low-level supernatural powers, five medium-level supernatural powers, and three high-level supernatural powers.

When he heard the news, Wan Luo became eloquent about these supernatural powers, so greedy.

His own strength is good, and his foundation is solid. I believe that he will be able to step into a high position with his own skills in a short time, and there is no need to follow the route of Shenting skills.

At that time, if you have practiced supernatural powers, then you will step into the seventh level of high rank, and your strength will not necessarily be inferior to those who are strong in the ninth level of Shenting Gong.

And in this way, his potential will be extremely terrifying.

It is not impossible to step into the true **** in the future.

Wan Luo was a little envious, but if he wanted to exchange for the cheapest low-level supernatural power, the feat he needed was sky-high. At least he had to be like the Wuwei army, and he could stand his ground in such a cruel battle, and the battle was several times his own. enemies.

But at the moment, although he can still obtain meritorious service, with his current efficiency, I'm afraid it will be useless.

"Okay, Hamm, I won't catch up with you, I just finished a task, I have to speed up."

Wan Luo and Ham waved their hands and hurried into the transfer station hall to start handing over tasks.

There are virtual projection screens in the hall, which display the small plane tasks that have been accepted in real time, but more are still unaccepted.

After all, the number of small planes is very large, and the total number of southern legions is only about one million, and they cannot all be sent out.

The total number of people carrying out the clear plan this time is about 500,000, among which 15 legions are currently making every effort to attack large-scale plane groups.

In this way, there are only about 350,000 people left, some of which are multi-person teams working together, and the rest are lone travelers like Wan Luo.

But there are more than ten million small planes that have been discovered, and if you count the undiscovered ones, there may be more than tens of millions.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that these tens of millions of small planes require two or three hundred thousand lone travelers to conquer and conquer one by one. For example, Hamm calculates that the efficiency is fast and the efficiency is slow than Wan Luo.

So this time the clearing speed is really fast, and many of them show the unraided state.

After hastily handing it over, Wan Luo began to examine it carefully, but he was a little speechless after just flipping through it.

It has to be said that the empire's monitoring of the small planes has been really negligent in recent years, and there is nothing else about the information on these small planes other than the name of the mark.

Not even the general group name, characteristics, and political structure of the small plane group.

It's just a name, and it's up to the soldiers themselves to try out what it is.

After a glance, Wan Luo still chose a small plane with a bigger plane.

This is a small plane called Demon Realm, covering an area equivalent to ten super galaxy clusters, which belongs to small and medium-sized planes.

As for those big planes, their size is actually equivalent to one-fifth of the empire's territory, and there are countless powerful people born in them, so that is the focus of the legion's strategy.

As for the monster plane, it was still within the scope of a lone ranger like him.

A ten thousand zhang demon dragon is entrenched in a hall suspended in the void.

He was in a deep sleep. He was one of the three great demon kings in the demon world. Before he opened his eyes, he suddenly felt that there was an aura approaching him. When he opened his blood-red eyes, he was surprised to find that there was another person in front of him. Da Zhang, suddenly he shouted angrily: "Who! Dare to trespass on my palace?"

Wan Luo didn't say a word of nonsense at all, and flew towards the monster dragon that was more than ten feet Who the **** are you waiting for? Don't you know the prestige of my demon dragon emperor in the demon world? ! "The monster dragon roared.

Seeing this humanoid being covered in golden armor slowly fly over, the demon dragon let out a roar, and his whole body changed rapidly, turning into a half-human, half-dragon monster of hundreds of feet. A **** long sword appeared in his hand, and he vigorously Swinging out, a sea-like demonic aura surged out. This is an energy substance that belongs exclusively to the demon world. In fact, it is much weaker than the energy law practiced by the main universe practitioner. The terrifying demonic aura blasted towards Wan Luo.

At the same time, the demon dragon shouted loudly, stomped his legs, and his body swelled up a lot. Behind him, phantoms of demon dragons and dragon heads floated out, opening their teeth and claws... Just as the demon dragon roared Hou, Wan Luo, who had been walking towards the monster dragon slowly, suddenly sped up, and a halo of law rose rapidly behind him.

The demon dragon was so aggressive, but Wan Luo was already close to him for a moment, and he just slapped out with a palm like this. The palm containing the power of wood was imprinted on the body of the demon dragon emperor, and the flesh and blood on the demon dragon's chest quickly withered and flattened. The breath also seemed to be rapidly evacuated, and it quickly languished.

With just one move, the Yaolonghuang staggered and lost his strength, his legs softened and knelt on the ground, Wan Luo looked down at the Yaolonghuang, and said solemnly: "Surrender, or die!"

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