Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1151: sweep the world

"That's right, it's not just one or two, it's hundreds of thousands of people. Could it be that Marquis Wuwei is some unborn genius who can teach and educate people? Can he train these hundreds of thousands of people to high positions in a short period of time?"

Bei Wang opened his mouth, and even he himself found what he said absurd.

"Unbelievable, big brother, if you didn't lie to me, then the world must have gone crazy? I suspect that my previous years of cultivation were all in vain!" Dong Wang also took a deep breath, his face full of disbelief.

Only Nan Wang pondered for a while, his eyes flickered, and after thinking for a while, he said in a deep voice, "Could it be some kind of quick success method from ancient times?"

King Nan's understanding of the ancient times was second only to the Great Zhou Emperor, so what he thought was reasonable.

Because ancient times was an era when a hundred flowers blossomed and a hundred schools of thought contended. At that time, martial arts cultivation was extremely brilliant, and various martial arts wizards emerged in an endless stream. In addition, there were many internal scene-level powers sitting in the town, so it was naturally much more convenient for internal scene-level powers to deduce their skills.

Many of today's exercises are actually born out of ancient times, but they are just picking up people's wisdom, and they haven't even been fully learned. Many ancient exercises have been lost today.

In particular, the top direct-inherited exercises of the four major forces have been lost.

"That's right! The boy Jiang Heng and I have indeed talked about this matter. His Wuwei Army practiced exactly the Shenting Army's Shenting Army under the command of the God Emperor. It is famous for its quick success. Of course, its flaws are also obvious."

Speaking of the Great Zhou Emperor's direct voice transmission, Ling Hai was training the legion outside.

Not long after, Ling Hai walked in with a Wuwei soldier.

"I have seen Your Majesty! I have seen the four princes!" Entering the command room and seeing several people, Ling Hai did not dare to neglect and hastily bowed and saluted.

"Ling Haihou, you are also the Marquis now, so you don't need to be too polite. Let me show you the difference between practicing Shenting Kung Fu and normal kung fu."


After receiving the instructions, Ling Hai gestured to the soldiers around him.

The person next to him is a middle-aged man who looks nearly middle-aged and wears the armored stomach of the Wuwei Army. He nodded, and immediately burst into his aura, and at the same time a halo of law rose from behind.

The halo of law kept swallowing the breath of law that flickered, and everyone began to carefully perceive it with their spiritual thoughts.

After a while Nanwang nodded, "No wonder, the aura of the law is very weak and the foundation is vain. It should be said that the foundation is just casually stocked up, and the law as a whole seems to be floating. The law blows away."

Nan Wang was naturally full of contempt for the principles cultivated by this kind of exercise, but he also saw the value of this exercise.

Similarly, none of the other three kings is a fool, and everyone can see the value of this exercise.

"Although this technique has great flaws, its value cannot be overestimated in terms of its quick completion. I wonder how long it took this brother to cultivate to the highest level?"

It was King Bei who spoke, and he stared at the old soldier with burning eyes. It was hard to see that the old soldier was a casual cultivator with no future before.

"Reporting to your Highnesses, and Your Majesty, I used to be just a low-level casual cultivator, because I was the first batch of people to join the Wuwei Army, so I was also the first group of people to start practicing Shenting Gong.

My aptitude can only be considered mediocre, otherwise I wouldn't be stuck at the first level and unable to advance. From the first level of cultivation to the middle level, it took a total of thousands of years for the humble job. It took tens of thousands of years to cultivate from the middle position to the high position, and then it was much slower to cultivate from the seventh level to the ninth level. Now more than 50,000 years have passed, and it is only now that I have stepped into the ninth level.

If you want to step into the limit of Shenting Gong, you may have to grind it slowly at the peak of the ninth rank. "


After listening to the description of this ordinary-looking old soldier, several princes present could not help but gasp.

The youngest of them have lived for tens of millions of years, so it can be said that they have never seen anything in the world.

Perhaps the most talented person they have ever seen is Jiang Heng, but he is a special case, so we won't mention it for now.

In addition, it is the fastest to practice from the first level of the low position

It took a full 200,000 years to reach the highest level, and it was none other than Jian Wushen, the former kendo leader.

From now on, even members of the royal family would spend millions of years cultivating from a low rank to a high rank the fastest, and this is still the case when the talent itself is very strong and the resources are unlimited.

But what resources can a casual cultivator have, even after joining the Wuwei Army, many resources are provided vigorously, but how can it be compared with members of the royal family.

More importantly, with this kind of cultivation method, stepping into the high ninth rank is a certainty. As long as the resources are sufficient, spending a little time will definitely become a ninth rank powerhouse.

If such a good thing is known by some mediocre people, wouldn't they go crazy and want to join the Wuwei Army?

"It seems that this king's understanding of Shenting Gong is not very deep just now. This is a book of inestimable value. Its importance is almost priceless!"

The Northern King said with emotion, and the other three kings also nodded in agreement when they heard the words.

I can't imagine that if all the frontline soldiers practice Shenting Kungfu, it will take only tens of thousands of years to build an army of nearly several million people at the ninth level.

Perhaps these soldiers are at a disadvantage in the face of the same level, but the number of so many high-level demigods is enough to wrestle with those Saint Yuan fighters.

"Brother, if we organize the army and prepare for war with all the soldiers at the ninth level, I believe it will definitely make the Shengyuan alien race suffer a lot!" Bei Wang looked excitedly at the Great Zhou Emperor.

The Great Zhou Emperor also nodded in agreement. He had only a half-knowledge of the Shenting Kung Fu before, but now he was shocked after hearing it. With the help of such a kung fu, he believed that the previous decline would soon be reversed.

"Well, I don't know Ling Haihou, but the Wuwei Army is willing to share this exercise?"

Although the Wuwei Army is also a part of the Great Zhou Empire, the Great Zhou Emperor still wants to seek advice, mainly to save face for Jiang Heng, his son-in-law.

"Well, back to Your Majesty, the head of the legion has already ordered the humble officer to donate this exercise for free as long as the empire needs it!" Ling Hai hurriedly cupped his hands and bowed.

This was naturally ordered by Jiang Heng in advance, and the Great Zhou Emperor was not surprised by this.

"That's right, it's one thing to have powerful soldiers. The key is that many of our fortifications can also be fully upgraded!"

Indeed, most of the formations set up in the previous fortifications were mid-level and low-level formations, and occasionally there were only a few high-level demigod formations and true god-level formations.

If all the soldiers step into the high-level realm, then the previous low-middle-level demigod-level formations can be banned.

You can even build a lot of true god-level formations. Anyway, they are all ninth-level powerhouses. Forming small battle formations can also explode with true god-level strength. It is not impossible to control the true god-level formations.

In this way, it is equivalent to a huge update iteration of the defense line of the Great Zhou Empire. The next time the alien race wants to attack on a large scale, if it is still on the previous scale, I am afraid that it will be beaten all over the head.

"That's the way to arrange it quickly!" The Great Zhou Emperor acted vigorously.

Now that the war is still going on, no one can guarantee when the next big war will be, so the Great Zhou Emperor will not use any bureaucratic accent.

"Yes! I will order all the Wuwei Army to disperse to each legion to teach them and teach them Shenting Kung Fu!"

Ling Haihou saluted and left in a hurry.

Seeing Ling Haihou leave, the room fell into a brief silence.

After a long while, Zhou Huang looked at Xi Wang, his most cowardly brother.

"Xiwang, has the loss you are responsible for counting come out?"

"Brother, the damaged and completely destroyed fortifications have been counted, including the consumption caused by our attack. This battle directly wiped out the treasury savings of our empire for the past 20 million years."

Xi Wang was a little apprehensive as he said that, he was also taken aback when he got the news.

Similarly, the Great Zhou Emperor who heard the news at this time also frowned, and the other three kings also frowned. Obviously, this amount is not small.

Although the Great Zhou Empire inherited many of the legacy of the old Great Zhou Empire, the state treasury

Incomparably full, coupled with hundreds of millions of years of treasury savings, such a war can be sustained many times.

It's just that everyone knows that this is just a small-scale war between the Shengyuan alien race.

For the Shengyuan world, which is far more powerful than their own universe, their strength and background are far beyond the imagination of the Great Zhou Emperor and others.

"Brother, in fact, the loss this time is a bit beyond the budget. This is mainly because the front line collapsed too quickly, causing a lot of unnecessary losses. Many fortifications were completely destroyed without even firing an energy cannon."

Xi Wang sighed, this battle was really a loss to grandma's family. If Jiang Heng hadn't forcibly reversed everyone's life and death by using the Dao of Reincarnation afterwards, I'm afraid this battle would be even worse.

It will even lead to the point where the empire will be unable to support the next battle.

"Put this aside in advance, and urge the logistics troops to start rebuilding the fortifications as soon as possible. This time, we will build according to the scale of the high-level formation and the true **** formation."

"But in this way, the loss will increase dozens of times!" Xi Wang said with a frown.

The layout waste of high-level and low-level formations is not at the same level. It doesn't take much resources to arrange a low-level formation, but a high-level formation is worth enough to cultivate one or two ninth-level demigods.

As for the true god-level formation, it will only be more terrifying.

"Do you still want to stop me after spending money?"

have to!

Hearing that the Great Zhou Emperor had begun to disregard brotherhood, King Xi also knew, so he did it like this.

No matter who said that he is the weakest, the western region is also the weakest region, and now he is about to become the head of logistics.

Not only responsible for the reconstruction of various fortifications, casualty statistics, loss statistics, but also responsible for resource regulation and many other

kind of matter. In short, all kinds of logistical matters are under his control.

Dealing with the logistics, the Great Zhou Emperor's eyes fell on Nan Wang.

"Second brother, the troops under your command are second only to the Wuwei Army among all the legions. You let the soldiers under your command practice Shenting Gong as soon as possible. Some qualified ones can be selected without practicing Shenting Gong, and others don't need to think about practicing Shenting. Let's do it!"

The Great Zhou Emperor sighed.

This is also a disadvantage of Shenting Gong. Although practicing Shenting Gong can greatly improve one's cultivation in a short period of time, it also brings a hidden danger. In the future, one will miss the true God Realm. This is naturally good news for those who are mediocre, but for those with outstanding qualifications, this will undoubtedly kill their future.

"Okay, but big brother, but what do you want to tell me?"

Nan Wang knew that the Great Zhou Emperor would not point him out for no reason.

"That's right, there is a task for you and your subordinates!" The Great Zhou Emperor said, pacing up and down the room, "Sweeping the universe!"

"Sweeping the world?"

The Southern King was startled, and looked suspiciously at the Great Zhou Emperor, unsure: "Your Majesty is going to launch a war against the Chaowei Divine Kingdom, or thoroughly clean up those neutral forces, but haven't those people already surrendered to the empire? As for fighting the super-dimensional kingdom of God, the price is not small!"

Nan Wang was very puzzled. It seemed that apart from these two options, there was nothing left to settle.

"It's not them." The Great Zhou Emperor shook his head, and he looked straight out of the window.

"What I need to wipe out are the creatures and groups of countless small planes. Some of these are ancient races that existed in ancient times. They chose to hide from the world back then. If that's the case, let's clean up. Since these people can't help, Just don't waste so many cosmic resources.

Some are hermits, but they are just a bunch of cowards and rats, and it's good to clean them up.

In addition, there are some small ethnic groups who ask them if they are willing to be loyal to the empire before the war. If they are willing to contribute to the empire and fight for this universe, they can keep their planes and let them survive to prove themselves. This is the opportunity I give them. ! "

Every word that Emperor Zhou said was very flat, but it set off a storm in the ears of King Nan.

So cruel! This is the emperor who controls this universe, too


Since the birth of the universe, in addition to the main plane, many small planes like capillaries have been bred. Some of those planes are equivalent to one-third of the main plane, and some may only be the size of a galaxy.

However, there are many sub-planes attached to the main plane, and there may be thousands or even tens of thousands.

Even in his once full-staffed Shura Legion, the Shura tribe in it was actually from a small plane.

However, like the Shura clan, they are generally talented, and there are too few small-plane groups with extremely strong combat capabilities.

What the Great Zhou Emperor said was equivalent to a dimensionality reduction attack on these small plane groups.

If you disagree, it will be completely destroyed.

Nan Wang felt that it would not be too easy to destroy these small plane groups with his own army.

That would be a complete massacre.

"Huh? Do you have an opinion?"

Seeing that King Nan was deep in thought and did not respond for a long time, UU Reading Great Zhou Emperor frowned slightly.

"This king has no objection, but what should we do with those ethnic groups who don't have fighting talent? It seems that this ethnic group can't bear the responsibility of fighting."

"Then send them to the logistics department to add bricks and tiles to my Great Zhou's defense line. Don't blame me for being ruthless. If this universe can survive in the future, we can survive. Then I will give them the status of free citizens of the Great Zhou Empire."

"This king did not question His Majesty's choice. This is indeed the best choice at present. If it is this king, this king will do the same."

Nan Wang nodded, and after finishing speaking, he cupped his hands.

"In this way, I will go back to prepare the military affairs first, and when everything is ready, I will start to clear the small plane in batches."

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