Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1150: Big Dream 0 Autumn (Part 2)

"You! You!"

Jiang Ming pointed at his book boy helplessly, but he couldn't say anything. After all, if he thought about it, even if he saw this situation at the time, he would think that the priest had done something wrong.

"But young master, that Taoist seems to want to see you, so when he was kicked out by the younger one, he left an address, saying that if the young master wakes up, he will definitely ask the younger one to invite him."

"Then why are you still standing there? Why don't you invite the Taoist priest here soon?" Jiang Ming said happily.

Now he wants to ask Taoist Lu Wu how to restore his physical fitness and how to get in touch with the mysterious power of this world.

"You are really leisurely and elegant. Did you transmit such a false memory to every remnant soul that was cut? Time travel and rebirth? It's a strange word."

At the same time, in the gazebo, Jiang Heng's master and apprentice, who had been moving slightly, but never let go of their perception of the Qinglan star, were talking.

"Yes, Master, don't you think that adding such a special memory to these remnant souls will be very substituting? This will at least make up for their doubts about their identities, so that after they die one by one, the remnant souls will return to my body. The insights I get are the most real!"

Jiang Heng said with a smile, of course he couldn't explain why he wanted to add the memory setting of time travel and rebirth, after all, that's how he really started.

And this is indeed 100% acceptable to these remnant souls, and there are no loopholes. Even if they die, they will not suspect that they are just a remnant soul.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng couldn't help being taken aback.

"I can do such a thing, and there is no guarantee that other people will do such a thing. Could I be a remnant of an unknown body?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but send a chill down his back.

After all, there are many unsolved mysteries in his rebirth into this world. At least even now, Jiang Heng doesn't know how he got here, let alone the way back.

Before, he felt that the earth he lived in and this place were two universes of different dimensions, but it was a bit plausible, because some unknown factors came here by himself.

But as Jiang Heng entered higher and higher realms, he felt that this statement was a bit difficult to justify.

First of all, it doesn't make sense to have such a treasure of the universe as a jade plate after rebirth. It can't be that I arranged a perfect body in advance before crossing, and just stored an artifact in it, which is equivalent to the beginning equipment of a novice.

In short, no matter how I think about it, I feel that there seems to be a trace of deliberation in it, as if someone has made arrangements in advance, just waiting for him to travel through the past, directly accept the benefits of Tianhu's opening, and then go all the way unimpeded.

Jiang Heng knew very well that although his journey was extremely dangerous and he had experienced many life-and-death crises, he was able to resist in the end. Of course, part of this was because he was strong enough and determined.

But what if it was done by a certain powerful person?

If it had been calculated earlier, then this would not be a problem, because it was already destined, and he calculated that Jiang Heng would be able to reach the current height step by step unswervingly.

He even thought that Jiang Heng was thinking about the unusual things at this very moment.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but look up at the sky, as if he was watching some unknown existence.

"Why are you in a daze right now, kid?"

"Just lost my mind."

"By the way, do you have a clue about the Dao of Order?" Taoist Wuwei asked.

Now Jiang Heng's Dao of Reincarnation, as well as the collection of many other Dao laws, and the progress of the mind-scaring process are constantly rising, but the Dao of Order seems to have not seen any movement for a long time.

"I've figured it out, in fact, the cultivation of the Way of Order has already begun!" Jiang Heng thought for a while and said with a smile.

"Has it already started?" Daoist Wuwei was suspicious, he didn't know much about the Tao of Order, and he didn't understand where Jiang Heng started.

Jiang Heng just sorted out his thoughts a little bit before saying, "Master, do you think there is order in Qinglan Star before?"

"No... um... yes!"

Originally, Taoist Wuwei wanted to say that there was no such thing, but after thinking about it, the establishment of the dynasty, the various classes performed their duties clearly, isn't this order?

"What about now?" Jiang Heng continued to ask.

"Of course there are now." Taoist Wuwei nodded.

"That's it. In fact, my understanding of the Dao of order has already begun. The evolution of the six realms into the three realms is equivalent to establishing order on the original basis. Does this mean that the establishment is broken and then established?

The original mortal dynasty has been broken, replaced by the extraordinary dynasty, and changes are happening all over the world.

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The emergence of the Three Realms will allow them to enter reincarnation after death. The kind people will be reincarnated as humans, and the evil ones will be reincarnated as animals, or they will be sent to **** and hungry ghosts to enjoy pain and torture.

Even some people with profound yin virtues can become yin gods, condensing their souls through the six reincarnations, and sit in one side to deal with the world of the dead of the local people. "

Jiang Heng spoke slightly to describe what he had done.

Taoist Wuwei sighed after a long while, "Your boy can be regarded as having learned ten percent of the skills of the God Emperor back then!"

Taoist Wuwei sighed with emotion, because everything Jiang Heng did was almost exactly the same as what the God Emperor did in the territory of Shenting.

Evolving the Three Realms with the Dao of Reincarnation covered almost a quarter of the universe at that time. In comparison, what Jiang Heng is doing now is nothing but a big deal.

However, Jiang Heng's current cultivation base is limited, and it is not an interior scene. It is not easy to achieve this step.

In the territory of Shenting at that time, except for the Kingdom of God where the true **** ruled the interior, the rest of the creatures living in the territory of Shenting on the main universe plane almost followed the six reincarnations.

The dead will enter the underworld, and practitioners can ascend to participate in the assessment of the Shenting Army. Those who pass can join the Shenting Army and become one of the core members of the Shenting Army.

What Jiang Heng is doing now is similar. His current Heavenly Court is still dominated by the sages and true emperors, supplemented by many heavenly gods, true gods and souls, which represent the divine courts of the past.

At the same time, he also set up an ascension program for the practitioners in Qinglan Star. When they step into the realm of low-level warriors, they can step into the heaven, which is today's Tianshen Dao.

What makes Jiang Heng quite depressed is that only one person has reached this threshold now, that is, the descendant of the Shen family who lives in seclusion in the mountains.

This person is now in the Tianshen Dao, and Jiang Heng ordered the gods and souls who ruled the original gods of the Tianshen Dao to teach this person well. It is really rare to be able to reach this point in Qinglanxing, which is gradually declining in martial arts, without relying on family inheritance, purely relying on talent and special research on martial arts.

For this kind of person, Jiang Heng felt that as long as he didn't look crooked, he would be a demigod at least to start with so many true gods in the gods and Taoism to teach him carefully.

If it is impossible to step into the demigod, Jiang Heng thinks that either the person is completely lying down, or those true gods are not doing their best.

It's a pity that such people are still in the minority. Although this place is used as a testing ground, Jiang Heng does not intend to make a one-shot deal.

If he could use this experiment to comprehend the way of perfect reincarnation and the way of order, he would not mind extending it to his entire territory.

Nearly dozens of super galaxy clusters will be completely controlled by the six reincarnations, which means that Jiang Heng has an undead army.

Unlike resurrecting those who fell on the battlefield before, these people who were shrouded in the six realms of reincarnation would directly enter the six realms after death. Jiang Heng could reincarnate them in advance without any effort.

It is nothing more than the need to re-cultivate. As for the memory, Jiang Heng can make some adjustments, so that some people who are gifted and strong enough in the previous life can continue to retain the original memory.

"However, your boy's remnant soul is lucky, and he was valued by Lu Wu. Do you think he guessed your identity?"

Daoist Wuwei laughed suddenly, Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately remembered who he was talking about.

"The remnant soul was born weak and sickly, and after being eroded by the power of the remnant souls of the other three evil ways, the soul body became fragile. However, he was lucky, and he was still able to persevere after years of damage to the soul body. Although the body is fragile, its toughness is not inferior to some middle or even high-level warriors."

Jiang Heng sighed, that Jiang Ming was a remnant soul that he paid close attention to.

"As for that Lu Wu, I think it's because I value the tenacity of my remnant soul, so I appreciate it and want to take it under my family."

Being able to raise the toughness of the soul and body to the realm of a superior warrior at the mortal level, it has to be said that this is unique in the entire Qinglan world, even the Shen family members who have already ascended do not have it.

"Well, it makes sense, but you are lucky to be able to get Lu Wu's inheritance." Taoist Wuwei nodded.

"Master, you are very familiar with this Lu Wu, isn't he a great figure in ancient times?" Jiang Heng asked suspiciously, he found that Taoist Wuwei seemed to care about Lu Wu's appearance very much.

"Huh! This is natural. Lu Wu, one of the original beasts, belongs to the group of original gods born at the latest, but even if they were born later, they are still bigger than being teachers and those gods who cultivated by themselves the day after tomorrow. There are many, and the talent is inherently strong.

But this person was not very lucky, and fell at the end of the ancient times. At that time, he was only at the peak of dominance, if he lived to the ancient times, he would probably be an interior-level power.

And this is just a ray of remnant that His Majesty the God Emperor intercepted from this place of fallen existence back then, and then nurtured for many years with the Heavenly Dao of the Six Paths to give birth to such a ray of remnant soul.

I didn't expect this remnant soul to enter Qinglan Star because of this experiment. It seems that you are blessed.

Although Lu Wu's inheritance may not be suitable for everyone, it is suitable for you if it can value your remnant soul.

Although his remnant soul does not retain too many memories of his life, any inheritance of his original **** is a great treasure! "

Taoist Wuwei seems to have a very high opinion of this Lu Wu, and he described it in great detail.

Jiang Heng silently remembered it in his heart, and decided to pay more attention to this remnant soul named Jiang Ming in the future.

At the same time, when Jiang Heng was quietly comprehending the Dao here, the universe also returned to peace at this time.

And everyone knew that this was just the calm before the war. The soldiers in this war did not withdraw, but began to train more severely.

Perhaps it was because the previous battle completely shattered their original self-confidence. They were able to be resurrected this time, and they attached great importance to this opportunity.

As a result, the frontline camp was full of vigorous reconstruction work and pictures of various legions training in tight places.

From time to time, two different legions can be seen fighting each other, carrying out actual combat drills of the legions. When the two sides fight too hard, even the flesh may be destroyed. Fortunately, this situation is not common, otherwise the legion leader will have to be punished.

"The number of legions is still too small."

In the command room, Nan Wang couldn't help but heaved a long sigh as he watched the legions outside forming formations or performing actual combat exercises.

"That can't be helped. Now I have moved all the property from my hometown in the western region, and even brought my own guards from the West Prince's Mansion. That's how I can gather a demigod-level team of two million people. army."

King Xi sighed, and he said helplessly, "Even so, it is still too difficult to quickly form combat power.

Of my two million people, only 300,000 are the main battle army before, and most of the rest are recruited casual cultivators, some powerful children, and my guards. Except for the main battle corps, the others are both good and bad, with different cultivation bases, most of them hovering in the low-level demigod realm.

The combat effectiveness of each legion composed of such quality is really worrying. "

Xi Wang's words can be regarded as expressing the embarrassment of the four kings at this time, and even the Great Zhou Emperor was very depressed.

This is undoubtedly the pain point at the moment. Don't look at the tens of millions of troops that everyone has gathered, but except for the one or two million main battle corps, the rest are soy sauce, which can only delay the enemy.

The actual situation of this war is also the same. Those who can really fight head-on with the alien fighters of Shengyuan are those in the main battle army.

When the main battle legion was destroyed, the motley army composed of casual cultivators behind them was often a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, often dozens or hundreds of people could kill a foreign warrior of the Holy Yuan.

So looking at the practice outside was in full swing, but everyone felt very heavy.

"This king discovered that each of the hundreds of thousands of people under Wu Weihou's command is a high-ranking person. How can I remember that his army has only been formed for tens of thousands of years, right?"

When Nan Wang spoke suddenly, UU Reading immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"That's right. Marquis Wuwei indeed recruited casual cultivators. Why did they all become high-ranking powerhouses? Could it be that he recruited all high-ranking powerhouses?" Xi Wang was also surprised.

It's just that casual cultivators are all high-ranking powerhouses, isn't it nonsense?

No one knows the quality of casual cultivators, but whoever has achieved a high position is not willing to join the Great Zhou Empire if he has not gone to the former neutral star field to establish a sect and establish a faction to establish his own.

And even if it is the masters of the forces in the neutral star field, the combined number does not exceed a few hundred people, and these people are all high-ranking powerhouses among all casual cultivators.

Of course, it does not rule out some high-level casual cultivators who can't be seen in the world.

"These people were gradually cultivated after they joined my son-in-law." The Great Zhou Emperor coughed lightly for a while, and said quite complacently.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, but when they realized it, they all opened their mouths wide.

"Brother, you...are you right?"

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