Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1149: Big Dream 0 Autumn (Middle)

"Scholar Yang?"

Jiang Ming was a little confused and frowned slightly.

"It's that poor scholar, if the young master doesn't like it, I'll blow this poor student away!"

Seeing that his young master frowned slightly and thought he didn't like this person, Jiang Guang said hastily.

At this moment, Jiang Ming also remembered what was going on.

This Yang Shusheng is a native of Fuyang County, and he belongs to the kind of poor family who can't get rid of the pot.

In fact, in the early years, Yang Shusheng's family had quite a small fortune, because he had been studying in the imperial examination for 20 or 30 years, but he lost his name every year.

In these years, just studying and taking the imperial examinations cost a thousand taels of silver. How could the family live in such a wasteful way.

The old father was **** off, and his wife and children were separated. In the end, even the fields and houses were mortgaged to the Jiang family.

People in their forties and fifties have achieved nothing.

And a few days ago, this guy happened to be in urgent need of money, and the rebels had nowhere to borrow it, so they finally came to the Jiang family.

He held a picture of a beautiful woman and said it was a famous painting handed down from his ancestors. In fact, Jiang Ming didn't care about these at that time.

Seeing that the painting is indeed quite decent and has a certain charm, I sent a few taels of silver to this guy.

I didn't expect it to be a fuss.

"As long as he can afford the ransom, the painting will be returned to him!"

Jiang Ming didn't bother to bother about such troubles, so he ordered directly.

"Oh, good young master! It's just too cheap and poor!" Jiang Guang smiled and nodded, but his mouth was chattering endlessly.

I remember that when he first came to this world, he was on the carriage to this small county, and he inherited most of the memories of this body.

The original owner was the third young master of the Jiang family. He was neither as talented as the eldest son, nor as sweet-mouthed as the second son. In addition, the **** was born in the mansion and was very unpopular.

Later, Jiang's father sent him to a small county called Fuyang County in Sanchuan County to manage the Jiang family's property here.

Because of this, the original owner experienced a strange thing on the way here...

At that time, because I miscalculated the time required for the journey, I was unable to get out of the mountain road when it was approaching dusk when passing through Heiqiu Mountain.

A total of seven people in three carriages drove along the dark tree-lined path under the bright moonlight, hoping to get out of this gloomy place as soon as possible.

Although he is not suitable for reading, he loves to study books very much, and he is very contented sitting alone on the scroll, completely unaffected by the surrounding environment.

But for some reason, the carriage stopped slowly.


Old Liu, the coachman, called softly outside.

"What is it?"

He frowned and reluctantly put down the scroll, lifted the curtain and looked out.

But at some point, there was a beautiful woman in a red wedding dress standing in front of the carriage. The wedding dress on the woman's body was a little damaged, and her face was also dirty.

After some inquiries, I found out that this woman was originally a woman from a good family who was plundered by bandits nearby. Because the king of the mountain liked the woman's beauty and asked her to be Mrs. Yazhai.

Fortunately, the bandit was mostly drunk, so she took the opportunity to escape. It's just in the wilderness, she really can't find a way out, and now she is hungry and tired.

The original owner was an idiot who read books, so he was not suspected when he heard about this. Poor this woman, not only decided to give him dry food and water, but also agreed to take the woman for a ride.

Even in order to take into account the etiquette of his daughter's family, he let the woman ride in his own car, while he sat outside with the coachman Lao Liu.

But when he sent dry food and water in, he found that the compartment was empty.

I asked the two guards riding on horseback if they saw someone jumping out of the window, but the guards told me they didn't.

He asked Jiang Guang and the coachman Lao Liu if they saw the woman, but they all shook their heads and said that they had never seen any woman.

He also said that he clearly went down to ask a woman to get into the carriage, didn't you all see it?

As a result, everyone only said that seeing their young master said it was convenient to go down, and then got into the carriage not long after, but at that time everyone wondered why the young master didn't stay in the carriage, but squeezed together with Lao Liu.

This made Lao Liu excited and wanted to have a few words with the young master, but his young master was in a very strange situation at that time, and he was so confused that he didn't know what to say to himself.

Knowing this made the original owner feel very horrified, followed by a violent jolt of the carriage, the carriage almost turned over, someone got off the horse to check, but found a pile of bones exposed.

These bones should have been washed out by the heavy rain not long ago, but there are still some traces of red torn clothes on the bones...

The original owner fell ill that night, his whole body was cold, especially his shoulders and the top of his head were as cold as a dead person.

It is rumored that there are three fires on a person's body, the shoulders and the top of the head, which are the Yang fire of a person. If the fire is lightly extinguished, yin and evil will enter the body and cause disease, and if the fire is extinguished in severe cases, you will die!

Then the original owner died within a few days, and Jiang Ming thus occupied the magpie's nest. It was only later that I found out that there were bandits in Heiqiu Mountain. There was a group of bandits a few years ago, but for some reason, that group of bandits died overnight.

Looking back now, Jiang Ming felt chilly all over.

Afterwards, even after Jiang Ming was reborn, he continued to have that strange dream every day.

The strange woman in the strange dream was like a tarsal maggot that couldn't be shaken off, always staring at Jiang Ming with a strange and stiff smile on his face.

In the first few days, the two were still far apart, but now they are less than ten steps away from him, and they can even clearly see each other's pitch-black hair and pale face.

This nightmare continues every day, and every day it gets better.

Along with the nightmare is the deteriorating physical condition.

During the period, I asked many doctors in the county to look at it, but they all said that it was just an ordinary wind and cold.

I have taken the medicine prescribed by the doctor but it has no effect at all, and my body is still weakening day after day.

Jiang Ming also understood that this was obviously not an ordinary illness.

In the end, Jiang Ming had to ask people to find some Taoists and monks. Originally, Jiang Ming would never come to this point. After all, he didn't believe in those gods and monsters in his previous life.

It's just that the strange thing that happened to this body shook his firm heart.

The several well-known experts nearby were all liars.

They were either selling Daluojin elixir, or selling dog skin plasters. The cowhide was blowing loudly, but it was useless at all.

He still didn't give up, so much so that now the whole Fuyang County knew that Mr. Jiang, who came from the county, was paying a lot of money to find an expert.

After nearly half a year of searching, he still found nothing, and at this moment, the imperial court issued an announcement saying that it was going to establish Zhenmagic divisions in various places, and that Xuanwu Dangmo Zhenjun in the capital would personally teach his apprentices, and they would be in charge of each of these Zhenmagic division branches. The act of sweeping up demons everywhere. It didn't take long for Jiang Ming to see the construction of civil engineering in Fuyang County, and heard that the head of the town magic division from the capital would arrive in ten days.

Upon receiving this news, Jiang Ming seemed to grasp the last straw.

However, within ten days, someone knocked on Jiang's door the next day.

Then Jiang Ming's room was knocked hastily by Jiang Guang.

"Ah Guang, what happened?" Jiang Ming's tired voice sounded from the back room. He was really tired. After dragging for another half a year, his body was getting thinner and thinner.

He was tortured by nightmares every day, which made his mental state very unstable, and the long-term poor sleep quality also caused his body to be very thin.

He was obviously still a young man in his prime, but at this moment, he looked like an old man on the verge of death, with sunken eye sockets, skinny and emaciated all over his body.

This once made the family very worried, but there was nothing they could do. They hired all the doctors that should be hired, and then they looked away.

Especially the head of the Jiang family, that is, Jiang Ming's father, heard that he even secretly started contacting him for funeral affairs, and even ordered the coffin.

Jiang Ming had heard about this before, but he didn't take it seriously, it's just human nature.

What's more, the Jiang family has three sons, one more than him is not too many, and one less than him is quite a lot.

Maybe it's better if I die?

Jiang Ming sighed lightly.

And Jiang Guang's voice sounded outside the door, "Young master, young master, this time it is a Taoist who said that there is a way to cure the young master's disease!"

"Taoist? A Taoist again?"

Jiang Ming frowned. A lot of Taoist priests have come here recently. They are either Taoist priests or doctors. Most of the former are bluffing and deceiving. I guess they heard that their Jiang family has a lot of money and know Jiang Ming's situation, so they want to trick him. , make some money.

And the latter just wants to try to see if he can cure Young Master Jiang. If you can cure this difficult and miscellaneous disease, the treatment fee will be a lot of money, not to mention the fame and fortune, why not do it?

It's a pity that none of the doctors I've seen can give a treatment plan, they just prescribed some calming prescriptions to let Jiang Ming rest in peace.

"Young master, just take a look, what if this priest has real skills?" Jiang Guang said earnestly.

Seeing his young master getting thinner and thinner, he was also very worried.

Jiang Ming sighed and began to put on his clothes, but he couldn't put them on anyway, because he was too weak.

Outside the door, a few maids hurried in, and then dressed Jiang Ming and prepared a wooden wheelchair to push Jiang Ming out.

Jiang Ming originally planned to wait for the head of Zhenma to come over to take a look. He thought that since it is an official organization in this world, it has a certain authority, and maybe it is not the kind of swindling liar.

But Jiang Ming didn't expect that there would be other wild Taoist priests coming at this critical moment.

Thinking this way in his heart, a middle-aged Taoist priest with a rich and handsome appearance came not far away. This is the first time Jiang Ming has seen such a good-looking Taoist priest, which makes him look a little less immortal. On the contrary, he has a bit more of a middle-aged knight-errant feeling.

"I have seen Mr. Jiang, and I am going to Lu Wu. Although he is a Taoist priest, his practice is not authentic, but I believe that he is still somewhat sure of treating Mr. Jiang!" The Taoist priest Lu Wu was extremely confident when he spoke, no matter in terms of words or demeanor. Feeling full of confidence.

Jiang Ming was a little surprised, and couldn't help but look up and down at Daoist Lu Wu.

I was surprised by Lu Wu's appearance just now, and now I really look at him. The Taoist robe on his body is a bit old, but he is wearing silk clothes inside. I don't know where this Taoist robe was stolen or bought. unusual.

"I don't know how to treat the boss? It's easy to talk about the medical fee. As long as I can cure my son, I will give you five hundred taels of silver!" Jiang Ming looked at the other party with a smile, and he became a little interested. The unusualness of the other party made him Some casual and elegant.

"I don't need any means, I just need to tap the pulse!"

"It's that simple?"

Jiang Ming was a little suspicious, didn't he just pretend?

"It's that simple!"

Seeing that Daoist Lu Wu was still full of confidence, Jiang Ming frowned, and stretched out his hand patiently, simply to get the pulse, not to eat something weird.

A former Taoist priest also made a black ball, saying it could cure all diseases, but he vomited and had diarrhea after eating it, and almost sent him away in advance.

Lu Wu also stretched out his hand to get the pulse, but in a place unknown to Jiang Ming, Jiang Guang and others, Lu Wu blew out an invisible breath, and the breath quickly penetrated into Jiang Ming's seven orifices and disappeared.

After about a stick of incense, just when Jiang Ming was getting impatient, Lu Wu had already let go.

At the same time, what Jiang Ming didn't know was that a wisp of black air was forced out from above his head.

Almost at the moment when the black air came out, Jiang Ming felt his head lighten, as if something that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly disappeared, which made his nerves that were always tense due to nightmares relax, and immediately felt a deep sleepiness .

Then he fell asleep with his head tilted.


Before falling asleep, Jiang Ming could vaguely hear Jiang Guang's voice, but he could no longer speak. The sleepiness he hadn't seen for a long time made him unable to resist, but accepted it with joy.

I don't know how long I slept, but when Jiang Ming woke up slowly again, Jiang Guang's joyful expression caught his eyes.

"Master, you are finally awake!"

Seeing Jiang Ming wake up, Jiang Guang's eyes with dark circles were full of surprise.

Jiang Ming let out a sigh of relief. This sleep made him feel refreshed like never before. The previous nightmare of endless reincarnation had disappeared, replaced by a sleep until he woke up, without any disturbance from dreams at all.

This feeling surprised Jiang Ming.

"I... how long have I been asleep?"

"Master, you have slept for two days and two nights. You must be hungry. There is still some chicken soup here. You haven't eaten for a long time. You can't eat big fish and meat at first."

After receiving the chicken soup from Jiang Guang, Jiang Ming drank it slowly, his body was still a little tired, but it was much better than before when his mind was also very tired.

"Young master, your complexion has improved a lot!" Jiang Guang actually noticed Jiang Ming's abnormality a long time ago, and he was a little surprised when he saw Jiang Ming finish drinking the chicken soup.

"Yeah!" Jiang Ming smiled and nodded, UU reading www. immediately asked, "By the way, is that Daoist Lu Wu here?"

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Jiang Guang became a little hesitant for a while.

"Huh? Where did the Daoist go?" Jiang Ming frowned slightly. It was thanks to the Daoist Lu Wu that he was able to get rid of the nightmare. He also wanted to ask how to recuperate and how to get in touch with the mysterious power.

Ever since he discovered that he was reborn in this world, he has discovered many unusual things in this world. The Daoist Lu he met today is obviously a capable expert, and he is not comparable to those charlatans.

"Young Master, Daoist...I drove away the Daoist. You were in a coma at that time. I thought it was the Daoist who did"

Jiang Guang said in embarrassment.

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