Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1148: Big Dream 0 Autumn (Part 1)

【The Overlord of Fist】【】

As the middle-aged emperor of the Dagan Dynasty suddenly brought out such an immortal master, all the officials were in an uproar.

It has never been seen before, because this dragon is so vivid, not only its demeanor is related to the totems related to dragons in their dynasties, but also its shape is exactly the same, but its size is too small.

"Your Majesty! Don't be fooled by this monster. This person's origin is unknown, and his sudden appearance must be a conspiracy, and this dragon is probably not real, but some kind of little snake that looks like a dragon. Dragons are similar, so they can be used to deceive people."

Lu Yun yelled and stood up.

Things had come to this point, and he didn't want to give up such an opportunity after all. This was an opportunity he dreamed of gaining military power to complete the class transition.

Don't look at him as majestic and majestic on weekdays, but this is only in the capital, and he is nothing if he leaves the capital.

Even in the capital, if he finds black information about the minister in charge of military power, he will not be able to manipulate the other party, because His Majesty will not hesitate to lean towards the minister with real power, and he is just a chess piece that may or may not exist.

"Oh, Lu Aiqing said that the chief is a liar, so you dare to try if the chief is really a liar?"

His Majesty the Emperor Dagan was very indifferent and seemed to have confidence.

However, at this time Lu Yun had no way out, and he regretted a little after he stood up and spoke. This was obviously a trap set up by His Majesty.

If he had no ability to lift such an outrageous person out, Lu Yun wouldn't believe anything he said.

It's just that the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, Lu Yun can only grit his teeth and shout, "Your Majesty, I dare to compete with this Taoist priest!"

"Okay! I don't know what Daoist Ge Xuan's intention is?" Shen Jun looked at the calm Taoist below and smiled.

"Of course!" Ge Xuandan nodded with a smile, with a composed expression on his brows, full of immortal demeanor.

"In this case, it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Just outside this palace, I invite all the ministers to observe together!"

As soon as the words fell, the emperor brought a group of ministers to the outside of the palace, and everyone kept talking.

I didn't expect that today's court meeting would evolve to this point. What's more, he didn't expect that Lu Yun would really fight with a person from the Taoist sect.

But having said that, everyone's expectations for Lu Yun are still higher than that of Daoist Ge Xuan.

Although there was a dragon-like creature lying on Ge Xuan's back, no one could guarantee whether it was a liar, after all, there were all kinds of monsters and ghosts in the big world.

"Daoist, you should invite me first. I have strong force, and I don't want to use force to overwhelm others!" Lu Yun looked proud, which was the confidence given by strong force.

Although a third-rank martial artist can't be as powerful as a first-rank martial artist, he is an enemy of a hundred or even a thousand in the army.

However, Ge Xuan just flicked his whisk lightly and said with a smile, "No, if Mr. Lu doesn't make a move first, I'm afraid there won't be a chance later."

"it is good!"

Hearing that Lu Yun's temper is also on the rise, martial arts are easy to be impulsive, let alone this is equal to words.

As soon as the words fell, Lu Yun rushed towards Ge Xuan with a brisk stride. He didn't see any weapon, but he was only bare-handed, intending to knock down this ghostly Taoist priest with a thunderous punch.

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【The Overlord of Fist】【】

But seeing that Ge Xuan didn't make much movement, he just flicked the whisk, and the whisk slammed towards Lu Yun, and the distance between the whisk and Lu Yun was still several meters away.

However, the next moment Lu Yun felt a terrifying hurricane rushing towards his face, and the next moment he flew out of control.

The whole of his strong body smashed into the distant palace wall, and was directly smashed through two walls before he fell limply to the ground.

Everyone looked at the scene in disbelief, and most of the ministers knew about Lu Yun's strength.

Knowing that the leader of the hidden world organization still has some strength, even stronger than many generals in the army, after all, not every general can be at the third rank in martial arts.

It's just that he didn't expect that facing Ge Xuan, a mysterious Taoist, he would lose before the real fight.

Everyone fell into a daze, especially those military officers who looked even more ugly at this time. The meaning of Lu Yun's defeat is not simple.

It may mean that the status of warriors will become more and more unstable in the future.

Seeing the big from the small, everyone couldn't sit still, but they really couldn't find any flaws in Daoist Ge Xuan.

"Haha! Lu Aiqing is still being careless. I don't know what Master Liu thinks about this battle?"

As he spoke, Shen Jun looked towards Liu Jian, the court martial artist who always acted as the emperor's personal guard, who was known as the number one martial artist in the world.

Liu Jian's face was also a little surprised at first, but after he realized it, he was thinking slightly, as if he had encountered some big problem.

After a while, he said slowly, "Your Majesty, Daoist Ge Xuan is so powerful that I can't spy on him."

"Haha! I didn't expect that even Master Liu recognized Daoist Ge Xuan's strength so much. It seems that Daoist Ge Xuan really has real skills. Come here and draw up an order for me! I will seal it, and Ge Xuan will be my grand master from now on. In addition Build another Taoist temple in the palace! I want to make it the number one temple in the world."

"At the same time, the national teacher is appointed as the true emperor of Daqian Xuanwu Slaying Demons! For my sake and for the people of Dagan, sweep away the demons in the world!"

Several imperial edicts were issued one after another, which frightened all the ministers into a daze.

Many old ministers were already on the verge of collapsing when they realized it, and they kept chanting, the way of the monster, the way of the monster.

However, the matter has come to this point, and they are powerless to refute at this moment when the emperor is holding on to the general situation. Many people with ulterior motives have already decided to make plans after the next dynasty.

It is conceivable how much power fluctuations in the subsequent court will be caused by this turmoil.

Jiang Heng didn't care about this matter, he had already closed his eyes and began to feel it.

"You guys think this is interesting?"

"Master, do you see what the disciple is really doing?" Jiang Heng closed his eyes and smiled.

"You have just separated tens of thousands of minds, not just the method of incarnation, but the cutting of the soul, although none of the cut fragments of the soul are the same as ordinary people, it will not have much impact on you.

But I can almost feel that you want to improve your state of mind and complete the puzzle of the soul before stepping into the interior scene? " Taoist Wuwei laughed.

"I still can't hide it from Master. Master, you said that the reason why the inner scene is the inner scene is that it is powerful in all aspects, so powerful that the ruler is desperate."

Jiang Heng sighed, "This is even more true for the state of mind of the soul. If everything else is in place, but the state of mind of the soul is not enough, then stepping into the inner scene in the future may cause a lot of harm, right?"

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【The Overlord of Fist】【】

"Yes, if your state of mind is not perfect enough, you will fall into madness after stepping into the inner scene. Because you are the ruler, you only use this universe to achieve enlightenment, but after stepping into the inner scene, you have your own inner universe, and everything in the inner universe needs you to maintain. Including calculations."

Jiang Heng understands what Daoist Wuwei means.

It is nothing more than that under the inner scene, everyone is using the computer left by the creator of this universe to work, but after stepping into the inner scene, everything has to be calculated by oneself, and everything needs to be relied on by oneself.

If one's mind, soul, and mind are only at the level of mastery, then it is bound to be unable to bear such a terrifying amount of calculations, and madness is inevitable.

"Li Shenjiang's situation may be the same. He broke through rashly because his state of mind was not perfect enough, but the years he accumulated in those years were long enough, so he was crazy anyway, and he would not be completely distorted."

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Daoist Wuwei explained that although Li Shenjiang's madness is partly because he was greatly stimulated by returning to this world and discovering that things are different from people.

But don't forget, it's hard for them to go crazy with the general stimulation at the level of demigods and true gods, let alone an insider.

It can only be said that seeing the change of things and people is only an inducement, the real reason is that his soul and state of mind have long been running at full capacity, adding the last straw that overwhelms the camel's camel, and the situation will be different immediately.

Hoo hoo!

"Run! Run!"

Jiang Ming murmured in a low voice, sweat drenched the back of his clothes, his chest heaved violently, absorbing the surrounding air like a bellows. He ran like crazy and looked back from time to time.

This glance is the soul of the dead.

On the dark tree-lined path, the pale moonlight shone on the potholed ground, reflecting the coldness and eerieness like bones everywhere.

Ha ha ~ ha!

From time to time, the strange laughter like a ruptured throat came to Jiang Ming's ears from behind the deep alley, as if piercing the soul.

A face with a pleasant face, but pale as snow, always maintaining a stiff and strange smile was deeply imprinted in the depths of Jiang Ming's mind.

It was a woman in a red wedding gown, with a head of hair that was as smooth as black blood and was moving in the wind.

It was only ten steps away from Jiang Ming. The strange thing was that no matter how fast Jiang Ming ran, the strange woman behind him always kept this distance from him.

The woman didn't run, but took a strange posture, her legs suspended her whole body, as if something was hanging her up from the spine, and she was constantly moving and chasing after her.

This also caused the woman's glamorous face to droop, but her eyes stared firmly through the loose black hair, and she kept staring at Jiang Ming with a weird smile all the time.

despair! Dead silence! fear!

All the emotions pulled Jiang Ming into darkness at this moment.


Only then did he realize that his whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and he looked around in shock.

"Hoo hoo!"

Antique wooden walls, withered flower tables and chairs made of sandalwood, and exquisite porcelain tea sets. A pair of vigorous calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall, and a hollow wooden bed with withered flowers.

"Is it this dream again?"

There was confusion and despair on Jiang Ming's still-shocked face, which gradually became calm in the end.

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【The Overlord of Fist】【】


But then I just felt an unbearable cough.

His breathing also became heavy, and Jiang Ming quickly sat up from the bed, gasping for breath.

There was already fine cold sweat on Jiang Ming's forehead, and his face was pale. He sat on the bed for a long time, until his breath gradually stabilized and his complexion recovered a little, then he let out a long and helpless sigh.

"The body is getting worse again, can't you get rid of this nightmare?"

Recalling the terrible memories that still remained in his mind, Jiang Ming gave a wry smile.

After getting up with some difficulty, he put on a long gown hanging on the wooden shelf next to him, and then habitually poured a bowl of tea from the sandalwood table next to him and drank it in small sips.

Jiang Ming is very thirsty now, but he has to be so careful.

Just because this body is so bad, who would have thought that the body would be changed after a night of sleep?

Not only has it changed, even the times have changed.

where is this Jiang Ming didn't know very well, he only knew that this was a feudal country named Dagan, but many details were different from any dynasty in modern history.

Jiang Ming was a strong sports enthusiast in his previous life, he liked boxing, martial arts, fitness and so on. Physical fitness is definitely above the passing line.

But after time travel and rebirth, he turned out to be a frail scholar.

That's all, if you pay attention to health preservation, you can live a good life.

But since that strange encounter, this body has been getting worse day by day, getting weaker and weaker day by day, as if something is constantly eroding the body's functions in the body.

Because of that incident, Jiang Ming knew that the world might be different.

Rubbing the center of his brows to calm himself down, he got up and opened the door to go out.

It has been a month since that incident, and his body has been weakening. During this period, he has also tried small exercises to try to reverse the situation.

But it didn't help. At first, I was able to walk like a normal person, but in the past few days, I was out of breath after just walking a few steps. Often, the whole person breaks out in a cold sweat before finishing half of the yard.


Standing outside the door was a young man about sixteen or seventeen years old. The young man was wearing a light green melon cap and had two mustaches at the corners of his mouth. His eyes seemed shrewd. It's just that this appearance is a bit chilly, and the pockmarked face is not very good-looking.

"Master, is he having nightmares again?"

There was some worry and worry on the brows of this young servant. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"It's okay, it's an old problem."

Jiang Ming smiled wryly, the young man in front of him was named Jiang Guang, and he was a book boy who grew up with Jiang Ming.

"Master, Madam sent a lot of things again! There are some high-quality silks and satins and some medicinal materials are for the young master!

Oh, and the young master's favorite sweet-scented osmanthus cake! "Jiang Guang slapped his head and suddenly remembered something and laughed aside.

Hearing this, Jiang Ming frowned slightly.

"What's the matter with you, young master?"


"Oh!" Jiang Guang nodded, then frowned again and became worried.

Jiang Guang glanced at his young master, secretly distressed.

"It's all the master's fault for letting the young master come here. Now even the wife is not allowed to visit."

Jiang Guang was very helpless in his heart. He was the young master's book boy, and almost grew up with the young master. Although he was a master and servant, he was actually no different from a brother.

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【The Overlord of Fist】【】

He was very worried about the young master's situation.

Just because the wife was born as a maidservant, and the young master was cold-tempered, so he didn't like it very much, and he was born as a bastard. Over time, it becomes marginalized.

Finally sent to this remote place to manage the Jiang family's foundation here, it can be regarded as preparation in advance.

But if it weren't for this, the young master wouldn't be in the current situation.

"By the way, young master, Scholar Yang came again today, saying that he will redeem that painting no matter what!"

Seemingly remembering something, Jiang Guang said hastily.

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