Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1145: Looking for longevity

As time passed, the attitude of Dagan Jingshi was obvious.

The high-level dignitaries are still drinking and singing, and they don't pay attention to the situation at the bottom. They don't even hear the news from the hidden world organization.

This is especially true for His Majesty the Emperor. As the saying goes, the upper and lower are effective, and the people below are not far from the people above.

But Shen Jun, the emperor of the 1320th generation, has some interest in this.

It has to be said that this is Lu Yun's miscalculation.

It is true that Lu Yun used to be a favored minister, but now as his power has grown and his relationship with the emperor has become increasingly distant, he has even left the step of currying favor with the emperor.

He has gradually established a huge network of relationships among the powerful, and he can even cause a dynastic turmoil if he wants to.

However, due to his status as the emperor's servant, even if he wanted to, he couldn't do it.

Because Lu Yun knew very well that even though he was fighting fiercely with the powerful, if he wanted to ascend to the position of great treasure, those powerful would jump out and oppose him immediately.

This is not a question of whether the relationship is good or not, but that Lu Yun is not qualified at all.

To be crowned a great treasure, all dynasties have either been powerful dignitaries, reckless men who started as rebels, or princes and frontier generals.

Do you have a royal family dog ​​too?

Based on various reasons, Lu Yun and the emperor are at odds with each other. If it wasn't for Lu Yun's current power, Shen Jun would have pulled out his skin long ago.

That's why Lu Yun really doesn't know enough about the current emperor.

Seeing the secret report, Shen Jun's first thought was that the courtier Lu Yun might want to do some tricks.

But after his mind calmed down, he was immediately driven by a desire, a greed.

That is longevity!


This king, who is not good at guarding the city, can even be called incompetent, has begun to extravagantly seek longevity as he gradually ages.

Since Shen Jun took the throne at the age of 28, he has been diligently handling the government affairs and trying his best to turn the tide and become the master of ZTE.

Don't think that every emperor wants to be on the throne from the beginning. This is impossible. They all want to do a big business from the beginning.

But how easy is this?

The royal family's cultivation of their children, since the turmoil of the princes five hundred years ago, the royal family's cultivation of their children has been extremely slack.

Especially for those princes who rank lower, they will not be taught the basic lessons of being kings, but will only teach them etiquette and morality, as well as some piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Only the top few princes who are qualified to compete for the throne will be carefully cultivated.

But with the passage of time, this dedication has gradually changed in quality.

Among them, the rise of Confucianism in the imperial dynasty two hundred years ago, the weakening of the Legalist military strategists, and now that the Dagan has already swept the world, and there have been no wars for many years, this has led to Confucianism scholars gradually occupying the center of the court.

Naturally, the prince was also led astray by these scholars.

As for the warriors of the military family, they gradually declined, and their attitude towards scholars became more and more respectful.

Shen Jun was naturally deeply influenced by it. When he was young, his martial arts practice was normal, and at the age of twenty-eight he had stepped into the realm of fifth-rank martial arts.

In the Daqian Dynasty, Wufu of the fifth rank can only be regarded as a middle-level figure, but in fact, he can be regarded as a party figure in the Jianghu.

But in reality, it is not the case, the higher the level, the more difficult it is, and the greater the gap in strength.

The Dagan Dynasty divided the realm of martial arts by nine ranks, of which the first rank was the strongest, and the ninth rank was the lowest.

And the first rank is the low-level warrior, but in the Daqian Dynasty, it is not called the low-level warrior, but the Wuxian!

Do you think it's ridiculous?

In fact, this is indeed the case. Inferior warriors can be enemies of ten thousand or one hundred thousand. In the eyes of ordinary people in the Daqian Dynasty, they can be called gods and demons.

And since the glorious period of martial arts in Silence passed, middle and high-level warriors have almost disappeared from the entire Qinglan Star.

In the beginning, there were still some low-level warriors in some hermit sects, but after tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years passed, these low-level warriors gradually withered.

Half a million years after the fall of Silence, there are only a handful of inferior warriors in the entire Qinglan Star, and then only one exists every few hundred years.

Often those people will become the founding monarchs of the country, such as the founding monarch of the Daqian Dynasty, who was the only low-level warrior in the Shen family back then.

The ancestor lived for more than 800 years, and was already 500 years old when he established the Daqian Dynasty, so he only reigned for 300 years.

Since his fall, the entire Dagan Dynasty has continued to decline.

To this day, the entire Daqian Dynasty can't even find a low-level warrior, that is, a first-rank warrior.

The only court warrior, that is, the strongest existence in the world, is only second rank.

The difference between the second rank and the first rank seems to be only one rank, but there is a huge gap between heaven and earth.

The second rank was placed in Jiang Heng's Qinglan Realm back then, which was actually the realm of the Grand Master, while inferior warriors were able to hold important positions in some ordinary galaxy-level wars, which shows the gap.

In addition, the lifespan of the second rank is only about two hundred years. Now this court warrior is nearly one hundred and eighty years old, and it is estimated that he will not have a few years to live.

However, Shen Jun was very envious, because after all, he had already lived to be a hundred and eighty years old, and had experienced the change of nearly ten emperors.

After all, for today's Daqian Dynasty, every emperor actually doesn't live long, such as Shen Jun's father, who died at the age of forty-five.

His grandfather was even shorter, he died at the age of thirty-eight, the grandfather lived for forty-two, and the average reign time of the top ten people was about ten years, and the average age was about thirty years old before he died.

It stands to reason that although every emperor is neglecting cultivation nowadays, they are generally between the seventh and fourth ranks. Their physical fitness is already different from ordinary people. Coupled with the excellent living environment of the royal family, it is not a problem to live to a hundred years old .

But the situation is just the opposite. This is because the emperor is too busy. After all, there are too many beauties in the harem.

Today's emperors who don't work hard every day, it's **** if they work so diligently for a long time if they don't ruin their bodies.

Shen Jun didn't think it before, after all, he was a fifth rank, and his cultivation base was relatively high among the last ten generations of monarchs. Coupled with his youthful vigor, he couldn't control it, so he could be called a party every night.

As a result, in recent years, he feels more and more powerless, not only in terms of time, but also in physical fatigue.

He used to feel that he would be able to fight tigers and leopards, but now he is out of breath after walking a few steps, and his gray hair has already appeared at the age of thirty-eight, which made him flustered a lot.

For this reason, he noticed this court warrior. This court warrior was named Liu Jian, and he was the number one swordsman in the world during the Dagan Dynasty.

In his early years, he was a man in the world, but later Shen Jun's grandfather, the eighth emperor from the top, took him under his command and became a close bodyguard. After that, he served as a martial arts instructor for the princes in the royal family for generations.

After some conversation, Shen Jun didn't listen to Liu Jian's martial arts advice at all, but he was very envious that the other party could live so long.

So he asked some knowledge about longevity, and this master Liu was indeed knowledgeable, after all, many ancient books of the royal family were open to him. No one else was interested in these books, but he read them tirelessly, saying that he was looking for opportunities for breakthroughs from the ancient powerhouses.

So Liu Jian told Shen Jun about the great ancestor who founded the country, he lived a full 800 years, just like the king of another dynasty thousands of years ago also lived 800 years.

Liu Jian listened to these words with great interest, and when he asked how to live forever, Liu Jian said that he could step into a first-rank martial artist!

This directly poured cold water on Shen Jun. If he could break through to the first rank, he wouldn't have to be bullied by these ministers every day.

But Liu Jian's words reminded Shen Jun, he heard what his grandfather and father had said, that the first ancestor of the Shen family lived a long time ago and lived for three thousand years, and the inheritance of the Shen family is peerless martial arts.

But at that time, Shen Jun just listened to it for fun, and his grandfather and father also said it for fun. Obviously, they didn't think the family's ancient records were true, it was pure nonsense, what if their Shen family had peerless martial arts? Didn't the descendants become peerless warriors through martial arts research?

Of course, members of the royal family like Shen Jun also believed that their Shen family's martial arts were at least much superior to those in the Jianghu. After all, the founder of the country was a legend, and there were precedents before.

Soon Shen Jun read the records about the silent ancestor in the ancestral hall. It is a pity that after so many years of inheritance, the records about that ancestor have become very vague and even have the concept of distorted facts by later generations.

However, there is one thing that is clearly recorded, that is, the ancestor lived for three thousand years, and some members of the Shen family later appeared some old monsters who lived for one thousand or even eight hundred years.

"Could it be that people in the ancient era lived a long time?"

Shen Jun frowned and thought.

After this incident, Shen Jun began to secretly inquire about ways of longevity. As for longevity through martial arts, he didn't even dare to think about it.

Are you kidding, living a long life by practicing, not to mention whether his aptitude can do it, even if he can do it, how tiring it is.

Not being able to sing and sing every night is simply a kind of torture.

So this matter fell into a stalemate, until Lu Yun submitted this secret report, which once again ignited Shen Jun's idea of ​​wanting to live forever.

"The prince!"

"Your Majesty is here, what can you tell me?" An old **** said with a low eyebrow.

"Didn't you ask you to cultivate some confidantes before? How are you doing?" Shen Jun said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the old **** Wang Gonggong's eyes suddenly lit up. This is a signal, an excellent signal, that His Majesty is finally willing to let him do things freely.

Thinking of this, the prince's heart became hot.

"Returning to Your Majesty, your Majesty asked your servants to do errands, and your servants dare not be negligent. They have already trained hundreds of elites. They are not only good at fighting but also good at disguising. They are trustworthy confidants and very clever!" the prince hurriedly said.

"En!" Shen Jun nodded in satisfaction when he heard the words, and he smiled, "Well, let these people out."

"I don't know what His Majesty wants these people to do?" Wang Gonggong asked.

"Looking for longevity, looking for everything related to the theory of deceitful gods!" Shen Jun said firmly.

Hearing this, the prince suddenly understood. As the emperor's servant, he knew very well what His Majesty was thinking recently.

Although it is impossible to see through the surface, some tendencies can make a rough guess, and Shen Jun's order now confirms his guess.

Your Majesty wants to live forever!

Thinking of this, Wang Gonggong sighed in his heart.

This prince is also a talent. In fact, he did not enter the palace since he was a child. He was once the son of a criminal official and had an extremely elite education since he was a child.

However, because his father was wronged and framed, which implicated the whole family, he was sent away overnight by his mother.

It's just that how can a person walk in this world without a guide or an identity?

In the end, he went around and entered the palace, became a eunuch, and changed his name.

He felt a little pity in his heart. He had read many dossiers of previous kings, and knew that at the end of the reign of a generation of kings, they often had the same characteristic, that is, the desire for longevity.

At this time, His Majesty also had such a sign, and he knew it was time to make a decision.

Obtaining the emperor's will, the prince walked out of the palace and came to his residence.

Soon there were several young eunuchs serving tea and water and giving intimate massages.

"Godfather, does Your Majesty have any orders for godfather this time?" A clever little **** asked with a smile.

"Something, it's still a troublesome thing."

After taking a sip of tea, the prince sighed.

"Troublesome?" Hearing this, several young eunuchs were startled.

Although my godfather is no more powerful than those rich and powerful, he is still very powerful. Things that can make a godfather feel troublesome, that would be such a troublesome thing.

"This time, Your Majesty asked me to search for immortality, the myth of deceitful gods, and the illusory immortality. UU Reading Don't you think this is a big trouble?" Wang Gonggong glanced at these clever god-grandsons. .

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Several god-grandsons did not dare to say more and fell into silence.

However, after a while, a young **** rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Godfather, this is actually a good opportunity!"

"A good opportunity? Heh! You're just clever? You mean to deliberately make some auspiciousness to please His Majesty? Then His Majesty will reward me, and then as long as I drag it on, everything will be fine after I drag it down, right?"

The little eunuch's back shivered when Wang Gonggong said this, because he thought so.

However, the prince didn't know about this kind of routine, because he had seen the former eunuch's top **** do this routine before, and the final result was horrible.

After many years of calculation, the old emperor left a will, which was to kill the old guy.

So that leader was directly taken by Kacha.

Then the bones were buried with the old emperor.

Thinking of this, Eunuch Wang knows, don't treat the emperor as a fool, especially since the case of the old emperor just happened, Eunuch Wang can't guarantee whether this man will do the same thing now.

When the will is issued and he goes with the emperor, it will be too much for the loss.

"Okay, tell me to go on, everyone work hard, you let those guys who have been eating and drinking for so many years go out, find it for me! Find anything related to longevity and ghost gods!"

After thinking about it again and again, Wang Gonggong still ordered so, he felt that this matter should be done to the fullest no matter what.

"Yes! Godfather!"

"Godfather, should we also prepare for a retreat, His Majesty is very suspicious, if we do not do well..."

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