Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1146: shock

"I will handle this matter, don't worry, godfather will not let you be buried with His Majesty."

Eunuch Wang sneered, he was well aware of the concerns of these little brats.

If he wants to be buried with him, then he will definitely not let go of the group of brats below. Since he is going to leave, it is so lonely to be alone, so you should follow along.

In addition, if you raise your mouth, you can do the same thing with any handle.

It can be said that when the grievances are repaid.

So soon, the undercurrent surged again in the capital, and the hermit organization and all the **** forces under the emperor's command came out in full force.

However, the dignitaries didn't notice such a big move, and a few very perceptive people noticed something was wrong, but they couldn't figure out why there was such a big move, so they had to wait and see.

It's just that no one expected that the development of the situation would gradually deviate from Lu Yun's and even Wang Gonggong's expectations.

Three months passed quickly, and both Lu Yun and Wang Gonggong had gained a lot.

At this moment in Lu Yun's mansion, he was sitting in the hall, listening to Lu Qiu's report, his face was full of shock and disbelief.

"So you also saw the **** of treachery with your own eyes? Are you sure you read it right?" Lu Yun stared at Lu Qiu with serious eyes.

"Brother,'s true, my younger brother went to several nearby states and counties with his subordinates, and saw things that couldn't be explained by common sense three times along the way.

Once I saw some unidentifiable guys floating in a cemetery. They looked like ordinary people, but they had no feet, their bodies were floating, and their bodies were illusory.

However, two figures, one black and one white, appeared soon and captured the phantoms one by one and disappeared. Isn't this the spirit messenger in the novel? "

As Lu Qiu spoke, a look of horror appeared on his face unconsciously.

Lu Qiu couldn't help being frightened, he had never seen such a creepy and terrifying scene in most of his life.

"anything else?"

Lu Yun frowned, he knew that Lu Qiu would not lie to him, they were blood brothers, they had a very close relationship, the two were both prosperous and the other was hurt, there was no need to join forces with others to entrap him.

"The other thing is that someone can really come back from the dead. When I passed by a village, there happened to be a funeral there, and a large group of people walked by carrying the coffin.

But soon there was the sound of fingernails rubbing in the coffin, and then...then..." At this point, the fear in Lu Qiu's eyes could no longer be suppressed, and even thinking about it, he only felt hairy.

"Then the ghost thing lifted the lid of the coffin and jumped up, killing several people in the first place. We were almost scared to pee at the beginning.

After calming down, we went to help, but the zombie was too strong, and several of our sixth- and seventh-rank masters couldn't handle that **** thing. It was a fourth-rank martial artist in the team who suppressed and killed that thing! "

"Ghost Zombie? Why is there such a thing now? But it doesn't make sense, why haven't I seen these things appearing before, and now they suddenly popped up?"

Lu Yun's brain is not dead yet, he analyzed rationally, but the more he analyzed, the more he felt that it didn't make sense, it didn't make sense.

"Yeah, I also find it strange. I have never encountered so many evil things when walking at night before. On the way back a few days ago, I encountered a beautiful woman who fell down in the mountains.

At that time, several brothers rushed up to check, but when those guys saw the girl, they rushed up and gnawed on her as if she couldn't move. As a result, the woman was not a **** human at all, she turned into a fluffy humanoid fox, biting several brothers to death one by one.

Although we slaughtered that woman later, we still suffered a lot when we came back this time. There were more than 20 people when we went, but now there are only seven or eight people left. "

Lu Qiu sighed, fear still remained on his face.

"Oh? Is this the ghost in the story book? You said you killed that thing, but did you bring the body back?" Lu Yun was a little curious. He had never encountered such a thing in his life for so many years, and he really wanted to see these things. Demons and ghosts that only exist in story books.

"Of course, it's not because I'm afraid that big brother won't believe me. I brought the corpse!"

As Lu Qiu clapped his hands, he saw two strong men walking in carrying a stretcher outside. The stretcher was placed on the ground and the two hurried out, as if they were afraid to avoid it.

The stretcher was covered with a white cloth, and the outline of the white cloth was indeed a humanoid object.

Lu Yun didn't have many worries, he is a third-rank martial artist, as the saying goes, a man of high skill is bold, so he directly lifted the white cloth with his hands.

Immediately, Lu Yuntong shrank, the thing in front of him was not a long-haired woman as Lu Qiu said, but a fox-headed woman covered with fluff all over her body.

A fox's tail was exposed behind the corpse, and there was an obvious palm print on the chest of the corpse. It was obvious that she was slapped to death by the martial artist with a powerful palm.

"The powerful palm technique of qi and blood is the hand of the fourth-rank martial artist under your hand, right?"


"En!" Lu Yun nodded. After the initial shock, he quickly calmed down and began to analyze, "Did that person say how strong this beast is?"

"This beast didn't fight him for a long time, and it was killed by one blow. But this is the case when this monster was besieged and entangled by several people under my command. Normally, this beast has half-step fourth-rank strength, and it is easy for ordinary people to face. She is absolutely one bite at a time. She is much more ferocious than ordinary tigers and leopards!"

Lu Qiu's evaluation is pertinent. After all, a fifth-rank martial artist can kill tigers and leopards. This beast is stronger than a fifth-rank martial artist, so it is naturally more difficult to deal with than tigers and leopards. In addition, this beast is good at camouflage, and if it is not careful, it will only be more terrifying.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect such deceitful theories to exist nowadays. It seems that this day will change!"

Lu Yun sighed, and there was light flickering in his eyes.

It is obvious what this means when the ghosts, sprites, monsters and goblins appear.

The original literati in power will be reversed.

"Brother, do you want to present this thing to His Majesty?" Lu Qiu asked with some uncertainty.

"Look! Of course you have to show it to His Majesty, not only to His Majesty, but I also want to present this thing in front of the civil and military officials of the court tomorrow morning! Let everyone see this thing!"

Lu Yun's eyes sparkled and he spoke excitedly.

Once this thing appeared, it caused an uproar after all.

At that time, his status is bound to rise sharply, and perhaps the position that has been unable to move for a long time should also be moved.

He is powerful, although holding an important position now seems to be extremely powerful, but this is not what Lu Yun wants.

He wanted to take a step closer and get in touch with the military power, but those civil servants had always been extremely sensitive to this matter, and they would sing the opposite every time, but His Majesty's attitude was unclear. But this may be the best time.

Early the next morning.

The early court of the Daqian Dynasty was not once a day or once every three days.

Usually once in March, sometimes once a month if the emperor is in a good mood, or once a year if the emperor is in a bad mood. In short, the current Daqian Dynasty is very arbitrary.

Even if His Majesty gets up late during the morning court, the morning court will be extended to noon, becoming the middle court, or even the late court. In short, after so many years of evolution, the Dagan Dynasty's court system has long since become arbitrary, and it has almost been ruined by successive emperors.

However, today the emperor did not convey the meaning of changing the time, which surprised everyone.

Because in recent years, as His Majesty has become more and more obsessed with the affairs of the harem, he has risen very late, and every court meeting will be postponed until noon or even night, and everyone is used to it.

What happened today was beyond everyone's expectations.

Many ministers waited outside the palace gate early to be summoned by the eunuch.

"Hey! Lord Lu? What's the wind blowing today?"

Seeing Lu Yun appearing in the waiting crowd, many people let out a sigh.

It's really strange that Lu Yun appears here. It's not that Lu Yun is not qualified to go to court, but because of the particularity of Lu Yun's official position. He doesn't have to go to court most of the time. After all, he can directly contact the emperor, and many things are private. Just say it below, there is no need to participate in the court meeting at all.

"My lords, I have something important to announce today, so I came here on purpose!" Lu Yun smiled and cupped his hands towards the officials.


Hearing this, everyone suddenly became interested, and everyone who was a little nervous because they got up too early became energetic.

"I don't know if Mr. Lu has something important to say, can you reveal one or two things?"

"That's right, it's going to be announced anyway, how about Bufan let me know in advance?"

Everyone smiled and looked at Lu Yun.

Those who spoke were all people who had a good relationship with Lu Yun on weekdays, and there were constant exchanges of interests in private.

But Lu Yun didn't give them any face, just shook his head and said with a smile, "You guys should wait, it will be soon, and everyone will know by then."

As Lu Yun said that, he kept his mouth shut and stood there quietly, watching his nose, nose and heart.

Seeing this, these people frowned slightly, but it was hard to say anything, after all, it was hard for people from other camps to see that they were at odds,

Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long. After the **** opened the palace gate, everyone filed in. However, after waiting in the hall for a long time, the emperor finally arrived after the prince sang.

Different from the mental outlook of the emperor that everyone saw in the past, today's emperor looks very energetic, as if he is ten years younger.

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The eyes of many old ministers are shining brightly. These people are the generation who worry about the country and the people and want to persuade the emperor to be diligent. Seeing that the emperor's face has changed a lot today, it is completely different from the previous careless appearance. Naturally, it is in his heart ecstasy.

I have already begun to calculate in my heart that I must persuade His Majesty to be diligent in politics later, reverse the current decadent situation of the dynasty, and clear away the slackness among the ministers.

Accompanied by the eunuch's words of returning to court if there is nothing to do, ministers soon began to play.

The first ones who couldn't wait to jump out were naturally those veteran ministers, who were a long list of clichéd words of advice.

These old officials were all in high spirits, but when they finished speaking, they found that the emperor's eyes were very calm, and then saw His Majesty wave his hand.

"Okay, I already know, back off."

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of these veterans suddenly turned cold. How is His Majesty's appearance today different from what they imagined.

Helpless can only temporarily retreat.

Naturally, there will be some relevant information reported by officials of various ministries, and then there will be reports by some officials on the recent rebellion.

But the emperor didn't seem to care much about these things, which made everyone a little guilty.

Something is wrong with the emperor today!

Obviously, the emperor looked at this posture today as if he was going to make some big moves, but he didn't respond to those old antiques, and he didn't care about the rebellion and people's livelihood in various places. What kind of trouble is this?

At this moment, Lu Yun, who hadn't spoken for a long time, came out.

"Your Majesty Qizuo, I have something important to say!" Lu Yun's words used a little energy and blood to make his voice almost cover the entire hall.

The sound is like a bell!

"Oh! Aiqing, what's the matter?" Seeing Lu Yun's serious attitude, Shen Jun sat up straighter.

"It's about His Majesty asking me to investigate the rumors about deceitful gods some time ago, and now I have gained something!"

As soon as Lu Yun said this, the court hall immediately heard the voices of the officials whispering.

Everyone still doesn't know that the emperor sent Lu Yun to investigate this matter.

After some discussion, someone jumped out soon.

"Qizou Your Majesty, the humble official also has advice!" The first old official said directly.


"My minister wants to accuse Lu Yun of harming the country! Your Majesty cannot listen to Lu Yun's slander. The matter of longevity is a matter of deceiving people. Who in this world can live forever? Even the founding ancestor of my dynasty only lived for 800 years." .And this is the result of breaking through the realm with martial arts in a dignified way!"

As soon as the veteran opened his mouth, he directly fired at Lu Yun. UU reading

Seeing this, many neutral ministers are optimistic about the show, and they are not surprised by this. After all, didn't the last emperor waste a lot of national power on the matter of longevity?

In the end, the bamboo basket fetched water in vain.

"Guo Butang! I have never talked about longevity! From the beginning to the end, what I have said is just the theory of deceitful gods!" Lu Yun also directly replied, not to be outdone.

"you you..."

"Okay!" Seeing that the two of them were about to fight, Shen Jun waved his hand and interrupted, "Okay, Lu Qing's family, tell me what you have gained."

Hearing this, Lu Yun, with his head down, had a smile on his face, and immediately bowed and said, "Return to Your Majesty, I finally got something after sending people to investigate for three months, and found that many things that cannot be explained by common sense have occurred in various states and counties recently. , Some people are resurrected from the dead, some ghosts wander, some ghosts claim their lives! This matter can't be stopped!"

"Luan Miao!" The old official immediately sneered.

The onlookers also frowned, especially those who had friendship with Lu Yun frowned. They didn't know why Lu Yun went crazy today, why they all started talking nonsense.

"In addition, the people under the humble rank still have evidence to present!" Lu Yun continued with a disdainful glance at the ministers.

"Oh? Can you provide evidence?" Shen Jun said.


Following Lu Yun's instructions, soon two people came in carrying a stretcher.

When the white cloth was lifted, there was an uproar in the entire hall in an instant.

Followed by more noisy boiling.

Many ministers looked pale because of the relatively close distance, and some military officers moved a little closer after the initial surprise to see the whole picture of the thing clearly.

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