Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1144: The people below are dishonest

Walking on the dark road, maybe because of what happened last night, Wang Daniu quickened his pace a lot, and felt inexplicably afraid of the night for the first time in his heart.

Soon Wang Daniu came to Liu's house. The Liu's house was still brightly lit today, the body had already been sent back, and a funeral was being held at this time, but the white paper lantern at the door with a memorial ceremony on it really made Wang Daniu panic.

Perhaps it was because Wang Daniu had been standing here for too long, and soon someone came out from inside. The person who came was a dull middle-aged man in white mourning clothes. He looked at Wang Daniu suspiciously.

"Hurry up Wang, didn't you ask this day? You still have to do errands this evening?" Zhang Ming was a little suspicious.

Looking at Zhang Ming, Wang Daniu was still thinking about how to find an excuse. Hearing the words, he forced a smile and echoed, "Yes, the county master has something to keep us up at night. I guess there may be an imperial envoy from above. Everyone You know, the hoarded eucalyptus will have to be disposed of at this time."

"Oh, so that's how it is. Then you can ask, Detective Wang. I know everything about it." Zhang Ming suddenly realized and nodded with a smile.

"Uh, why don't I ask Mrs. Liu." Wang Daniu looked at Liu Xiucai's wife intently. If what Liu Xiucai said was true, he was also worried about the safety of the mother and child.

"Ma'am has been exhausted for the past two days, and she is already resting now. If there is anything wrong, you should ask the little one quickly!" Zhang Ming hurriedly stopped in front and explained.


Wang Daniu was taken aback for a moment, but his eyes were keenly aware of the flash of panic in Ming's eyes in front of him.

"In that case, then I'll come back tomorrow, stop nagging!" Wang Daniu laughed.

"Um, yes! Detective Wang, you're tired in the middle of the night, and it's still daytime. During the day, my wife must have rested."

Zhang Mingqiang nodded with a smile, but in Wang Daniu's eyes, his scene was full of flaws.

Wang Daniu may not have much talent in this line of work, but after so many years of patrolling the streets every day, he has seen countless people and things, so he naturally understands that Zhang Ming is afraid of ghosts in his heart.

Thinking of this, he turned around and left without further entanglement.

However, less than half an hour later, a black shadow came up to the shadows on the side of the street without a sound.

Wang Daniu climbed over the wall very lightly, this kind of skill is not difficult for him, and he quickly climbed over the wall with ease.

The entire Liu family was already quiet. He looked left and right, and his eyes fell on a room in the east that was still lit by candlelight.

Suppressing the sound of footsteps, Wang Daniu slowly moved towards the house.

As it got closer, there was also a whisper inside, and the closer it was, the more clearly it could be heard.

"In the past few days, the county government has been investigating more closely. Just now, Detective Wang came over again quickly. Brothers, we should wait."

Wang Daniu was very familiar with this voice, and it was Zhang Ming.

"Wait? Still waiting? We've been waiting for so long, and this Liu Xiucai's family still has hundreds of taels of silver. After doing this, we brothers can be chic for a long time. And this Liu Xiucai has such a juicy My daughter-in-law, I have been greedy for her for a long time. When will I have to wait?"

"That's right! Our brothers now look at that woman with green eyes every day, and I'm really afraid that we can't help but kill her."

At this time, several voices sounded, Wang Daniu recalled carefully, these voices were also familiar, they should be from the county.

After pondering for a while, he soon remembered that these were the bums in the county town.

"These few sneak around on weekdays, they don't have much skills, and they are not from the Jianghu. From this point of view, this Zhang Ming is not a ruthless character."

Thinking of this, Wang Daniu was relieved, but at the same time, there was a storm in his heart.

Because all this is exactly the same as what Liu Xiucai said in his dream last night, this inscription really tricked a few outsiders to seize his family property, wife and children!

Thinking of this, I feel inexplicably cold in my heart, not because I was frightened by these bastards, but because I was frightened by the real existence of the deceitful god.

At the same time, situations similar to Wang Daniu happened all over the Daqian Dynasty.

For example, the deceased had a dream with his family during the first seven days, telling his relatives that he still had some treasures hidden there.

There are also people who had a similar experience to Wang Daniu, because they found a well-known upright official to entrust their dreams because of injustice.

Then soon the hermits of the Dagan Dynasty uploaded a letter of memorial to the capital of Dagan.

The hermit is one of the eyes of the emperor of the Daqian Dynasty, and any disturbance in the dynasty will be transmitted to the emperor through them.

It's just that after so many years of development, the hermit has long developed into a deformed organization, the leader of the hermit organization, and the hermit has gradually developed this power into its own private power.

Once it becomes a personal power, the emperor's eyes will be more than half useless, and because of this power, the contemporary hermit, this middle-aged man named Lu Yun, gradually exchanges interests with other dignitaries in the capital. He gradually became a hidden rich man in the capital.

It holds great power.

It's just that today he looked at the densely packed secret reports, and he felt a little troubled, because the events shown in these secret reports may not be very good, but the contents inside have one thing in common, that is, they involve the **** of deception!

"Spiritual?" Lu Yun frowned and pondered.

"My lord, it's not that the group of guys below are trying to do some tricks, right? Suddenly they made a strange statement to attract your attention, my lord. What are they planning?"

At this time, another hunched middle-aged man in the room frowned.

This person's name is Lu Qiu, Lu Yun's cousin, and also his confidant.

"Well, I think so too." Lu Yun nodded, it's not common for subordinates to make small moves, but what happened this time is obvious.

To put it simply, it is because the people below have some ideas. To put it complicatedly, this group of guys seems to be united. The contents of the secret reports are so similar. What does this mean?

Lu Yun is a person with a strong desire to control, he hates the restlessness of the subordinates, and this is the harbinger of the restlessness of the subordinates.

"Then, what should we do, my lord? Do you want to give them some color?"

"No need, we always eat meat and they drink soup. It seems that they are a little unwilling and want to share meat with me." Lu Yun sighed, this feeling of being out of control made him very unhappy.

"Well, let's send these reports to the palace with some key points."

"Send... to the palace? My lord, is this inappropriate? If His Majesty finds out, I'm afraid it will make His Majesty suspicious of Your Excellency."

Lu Qiu's consideration was not unreasonable, after all, the emperor would only think that this was what Lu Yun wanted to show him.

What does it mean to suddenly send these secret reports with strange rumors? Did you, Lu Yun, do some tricks?

"It's okay, I just want His Majesty to know!" Lu Yun waved his hand calmly.

"Ah? Brother, is there any explanation for this?" Lu Qiu stopped calling him an adult at this time, but changed it to a more intimate title.

"Your Majesty is suspicious by nature. It is inevitable to have such doubts. But I just want him to be suspicious." Lu Yundan smiled, "If His Majesty doubts, he will ask me to re-examine the matter. The original intention is for me to give an explanation. And I can also because of this You can take advantage of this group of little guys below.

If I want to do it privately, it is inevitable that I will do too much, but with His Majesty's word of mouth, I can not only do it, but also do it openly! "

"Brother! You have such a wonderful idea!"

Lu Qiu hurriedly echoed his flattery.

Obviously, neither of them thinks that this is some kind of spooky theory, but that the people below are uniting to play tricks.

In fact, this is also normal, and soon some of these secret reports were sent to the Dagan Palace and presented on the platform of His Majesty the Emperor.

However, Lu Yun never thought that His Majesty the Emperor would check these secret reports immediately, and the fact is indeed the case, the Emperor is happy to miss Shu in his harem.

It wasn't until a few days later that the emperor felt a little sore and backache, and then he heard the **** say that there was a secret report from the hidden world.

After casually flipping through a few books, the emperor slapped the secret report to the ground.

"Your Majesty!" Seeing the emperor's anger, the old **** below quickly fell to his knees trembling.

I don't know how Lu Yun angered His Majesty.

"This Lu Yun is really becoming more and more dishonest. To play this kind of trick in front of me, send an order to tell Lu Yun, let him investigate this matter thoroughly, and give me an explanation."

The emperor ordered in a cold voice, of course he didn't really want an explanation, he just wanted an explanation from Lu Yun, otherwise he would have to make a move with Lu Yun.

Although the emperor's authority is not as good as before, Lu Yun's power still stems from him as the emperor. If he was a feudal official, he really wouldn't dare to move, but Lu Yun could beat him up.

Tell these emperors to go back to their rooms to lie down and rest when they grow up, they are too tired.

Don't think about how much integrity the current emperor can have, and it is impossible to practice martial arts to strengthen his body. When he was a prince, he might have paid more attention to martial arts, but once he became an emperor, he would basically be like this.

Moreover, he was also laissez-faire in the training of the princes and princesses, directly throwing them to the teachers below, and did not ask anything else.

It's just that the emperor's actions did not surprise Lu Yun, and soon Lu Yun's big cleansing began.

The main purpose was to cleanse the power left by the previous hermit. This cleansing lasted for several months. At the end, when the cronies of the leaders of the hermits in various states and counties rushed to the capital to report to him, he realized the truth of the matter. Something is wrong.

Those who should be purged were indeed purged, but these confidantes told him a piece of news that the myth of ghosts really existed.

"You said that all these ghosts and ghosts broke out together a few months ago?" Lu Yun looked gloomyly at a large group of cronies sitting in the hall.

"My... my lord, it's like this. At first we thought it was just rumors spread by peasants in the countryside, but I have personally experienced it a few times. It's really weird." A trembling hermit near Jingshi prefecture Weiwei said.

"That's right, my lord, I have also encountered that kind of thing in humble positions. Someone cheated on the corpse, and killed several enemies in one breath. At that time, I saw those yamen servants chopping that ghost thing into several pieces with knives, but it was still able to move." Bite people, and finally set fire to burn it completely!"

A hidden world also said hastily.

"That's right, my lord, the same is true for the low position. A deceased person once dreamed of the low position to avenge him. At that time, I thought it was a dream, but I ignored it at all in the dream. But the next day, what the person said in the dream All those people who demanded their lives are dead! It's so strange that the death is miserable and the cause of death cannot be found out!"

Listening to the chatter of people below, Lu Yun's expression was as gloomy as ever.

The story of deceitful gods?

Oh, he didn't believe it at all.

Even if these people are confidantes, he still feels that this has nothing to do with the theory of deceitful gods, and there is probably another reason.

"I remember that a few months ago, it happened to be the day when the members of the Floating Life Sect set off a rebellion with 100,000 troops in the five southern counties?" Lu Yun said suddenly.

The speed of this tactful conversation really caught them a little.

No one responded for a long time.

It took a long time before someone said hesitantly, "Sir, do you mean that this is all chaos caused by members of the Floating Life Sect?"

This person is a person with a clear mind, and he quickly expressed the doubts in Lu Yun's heart.

"That's right. You are all my confidantes. It stands to reason that you shouldn't be fooled by appearances. What you did today really disappointed me!" Lu Yun sighed and shook his head.

After hearing the words, everyone was silent for a while, and several people opened their mouths to speak, but they were stopped by the eyes of a few intelligent people next to them.

"What your lord said is true. I was not alert enough to be deceived by those Floating Life Sect evildoers. It really shouldn't be!"

The sensitive person before said hastily. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This person made a start, and it could be regarded as setting a personality for this matter, so there was a cloud of responders, all of whom were swearing at the Floating Life Sect.

In view of the general environment, this site may be closed at any time, please move to the permanent source change app as soon as possible,]

Lu Yun nodded, and after ordering his subordinates to behave themselves and guard against the Fusheng Sect, he stood alone in the hall.

"Brother! Are these people's hearts fluttering? Could they have been connected with the Floating Life Sect?" At this time, Lu Qiu, who had been hiding in the dark, came out immediately.

"Is that how you see it?" Lu Yun looked at his brother.

"Uh, brother, you mean..." Seeing what Lu Yun said, Lu Qiu was a little uncertain for a while.

Lu Yun shook his head and said with a light smile, "I know the quality of my group of people very well. They are not stupid. You can understand such a simple truth. If they are really connected with the Floating Life Sect, then you think you can Find?"

Hearing this, Lu Qiu was suddenly stunned.

"It's my brother, I didn't think about it."

"It doesn't matter, you have to investigate this matter yourself. You take some cronies under your command, disguise yourself and go to the nearby states and counties to inspect and see if there is anything strange!" Lu Yun commanded in a deep voice.

"Ah? Brother, do you really believe in that deceitful myth?" Lu Qiu was stunned, unexpectedly, Lu Yun actually believed it.

"It's better to believe it or not. Of course, your main task is to investigate this group of guys, mainly to see what they are doing in private, and to see if they have any connection with each other!"

Saying that, Lu Yun waved his hand, "Okay, you can go down."

When Lu Qiu left, Lu Yun still sat on the ground with a gloomy expression. He always felt that this matter was not so simple.

Time flies and another half a year has passed.

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