Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1143: Reappearance

Wang Daniu was a yamen servant in a small county in the Daqian Dynasty. According to the usual practice, he was just going to the street to play the autumn wind, but the county yamen suddenly received news that there was a death case in the city.

He had no choice but to rush to the scene of the death with his colleagues in his hands, carrying a water and fire stick.

When we arrived at the scene of the fatal accident, there were already a sea of ​​people and a large number of people gathered here. The fatal accident happened at Caishikou, which is a densely populated place, so it is not surprising that there is such a situation.

But the fate is particularly unappetizing, because there is a high door next to the entrance of the vegetable market, and at this time, a corpse is brutally nailed to the door.

At this time, a large number of people were pointing at the corpse, many of them turned pale with fright, and the surrounding air was filled with a bad smell, obviously many of them vomited.

The death of this man was very miserable. He was still wearing Confucian fir. Every joint of his limbs was nailed by a coffin nail, and his throat was also nailed to death by a coffin nail. His chest and abdomen were wide open and his internal organs fell out. fall to the ground.

"Tsk tsk, isn't this Liu Xiucai?"

"Yes, he is a good man. Although he has a hundred acres of fertile land in his family, it was passed down from his ancestors. He never did anything that encroached on the fertile land. He also got along with us kindly."

"Isn't it? A few days ago he bought a chicken from me and gave me a few extra copper coins."

"It's too miserable, but Liu Xiucai is such a nice person, I haven't heard of anyone he has feuded with?"

Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Wang Daniu also nodded in agreement.

He also knew this Liu Xiucai, and he couldn't find any faults in his behavior, and his family had a lot of assets, but he never went out to mess around, and he also had a virtuous and beautiful wife, and a pair of children.

The family is harmonious and beautiful, it is very good, but how can they be killed by such a vicious method?

Wang Daniu couldn't figure it out. According to the usual practice, he cooperated with other colleagues to take down the corpse, and decided to send it back to the Yamen for Wuzuo to check it out.

After carrying the body back, Wang Daniu and his colleagues were busy investigating the eucalyptus almost all day long.

Of course, don't think about how dedicated the servants of the decadent Dagan Dynasty are.

That is to go to the parties' homes to inquire about the situation at random, and if there is no doubt, they will go back and make a simple summary, and then see if there are any clues there. If not, it will be delayed for a while until it is quickly concluded.

Wang Daniu felt that this should be the case. Although Liu Xiucai was a scholar, his family had already fallen.

Although the family has a little money, it is still too difficult to feed the county master and try his best to investigate the case.

Shaking his head, Wang Daniu was even more confident when he heard a clueless answer from Wu Zuo when he went back.

When he returned home at night, Wang Daniu almost fell asleep. Although he saw the cruel scene during the day, it was already common for a person like him.

As the Daqian Dynasty gradually became corrupt, chaos occurred frequently in these places.

This kind of murder is still a trivial matter, and the real big trouble is those bandits.

Now there are thieves and bandits all over the place. It is said that there are rebels in many counties in the south. Those guys kill people without blinking an eye. It is said that they have already occupied the land of two counties.

But Wang Daniu didn't care about these things. According to his inherent thinking, he felt that this small rebellion would probably be put down within a year or two.

It's just because similar things have long been rare and common. As early as his father's generation, there were rebellions in the Daqian Dynasty.

Nowadays, rebellions of all sizes appear every year, but that's about it.

What about the land of one or two counties? The Dagan Dynasty has 180 counties in Kyushu, 2 million standing troops, and 300,000 elite cavalry, and there are many masters.

The strongest master in the world is in the capital, so Wang Daniu subconsciously thinks that although life is a little bit hard now, it is still passable, and the rebellion is still far away from him.

Xu was too tired, Wang Daniu slept very deeply.

But this time Wang Daniu was dreaming.

In the dream, he was still in his own house, and he could even see his wife sleeping next to him, and he could also see himself lying on the bed.

But he was suddenly surprised to find a stranger standing beside him.

The other party lowered his head and couldn't see clearly.

"You... who are you! How did you get in here!" Wang Daniu realized that this was a dream, but he still couldn't help asking.

Hearing the voice, the person's head moved, and then lifted up little by little.

The next moment Wang Daniu saw the other person's appearance clearly, he froze in place, and then couldn't help being afraid and panicked.

This... Isn't this the Liu Xiucai I met during the day?

He... isn't he dead? !

Yes, this is a dream, but how could I dream of Liu Xiucai appearing in my home?

Wang Daniu only felt that one head was bigger than the other, and he was more afraid.

It's not that he didn't have nightmares when he saw the murder scene for the first time, but they were all specious and chaotic scenes, and he hasn't had nightmares since then.

After all, I am used to it.

Today, however, the dream was so clear that he couldn't help wondering if it really happened.

"Catcher Wang!"

Liu Xiucai's complexion was pale and his figure was unreal, but his speech was exceptionally clear.

His appearance remained almost exactly the same as when he was alive, not the hideous appearance when he was killed, which made Wang Daniu feel less fearful.

He suppressed the fear in his heart, and said in a calm tone as much as possible, "You...what do you want to do? Or do you have any unfulfilled wishes?"

No wonder he was so fearful, it was a deceitful story that he had only heard from some storytellers, and he didn't believe it.

Don't wonder why this kind of people from the ancient dynasty didn't believe this, because Wang Daniu dealt with the dead all the year round, but he never encountered a ghostly god, so he naturally didn't believe it over time.

And this was the first time he encountered such an outrageous thing, the disbelief in his heart suddenly collapsed.

"I know I'm dead, don't worry I won't hurt you. I know that you are a good man, Detective Wang. You helped me because of a quarrel with someone before.

But this time, please ask Butou Wang to help me again! "

"Help you? Help you for what? I'm just a small policeman, and my abilities are limited!" Policeman Wang also thought that he had indeed helped Liu Xiucai.

At that time, Liu Xiucai came to thank him with a basket of eggs for this reason.

"I know who killed me. His name is Zhang Ming! It was my family's servant, and he killed me. Because when I went to the toilet at night, I heard him discussing with several outsiders about how to seize my property and conspire. They found out about taking my wife and daughter away.

That's how they killed people, now my wife and daughter are in danger, and that person usually behaves submissively, I'm afraid...I'm afraid..."

Liu Xiucai didn't dare to go on, but his concern for his wife and daughter was beyond words.

Wang Daniu fell silent. He knew Liu Xiucai's situation very well. He had a very virtuous and beautiful wife and a pair of lovely children.

His wife's beauty is well-known far and wide. When she was young, many people wanted to pursue her, but in the end she chose Liu Xiucai, who has a kind personality.

Obviously, this is a matter of plotting to seize the family property and plotting against the owner's wife and children. There have been some similar situations.

Therefore, most of the wealthy households in the city will choose some relatives in the clan to serve as stewards and important positions.

But Liu Xiucai's family is not very wealthy, and can only belong to the middle class. At this level, only one servant can be hired to handle family matters.

In the end, it turned out to be such a sinister and malicious villain.

He has seen that Zhang Ming before, he is a dull and honest person with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, who can't hold back a word, but who would have thought that such a person is actually a cruel and merciless villain?

But even so, Wang Daniu did not respond for a long time.

His brows were furrowed, he was in trouble, because it was difficult for him to handle this matter.

Normally speaking, if he knew who the murderer was, he should report to the county government early tomorrow morning and inform the county master to arrest him.

But, no one would believe this, and even if the county lord believed it, Wang Daniu knew very well that the county lord probably wouldn't care if he didn't see rabbits and wouldn't scatter hawks.

It's no good, the county master doesn't bother to take care of it.

"What's the problem with Detective Wang? I...I...I really have no choice but to ask Detective Wang to save my wife and daughter!" Liu Xiucai had already knelt down with a snot Crying and pleading with tears.

Seeing this, Wang Daniu sighed, and had no choice but to say, "Liu Xiucai, I really can't do anything about this matter. I also have a wife and children. The county master won't take care of this matter. If I take care of it, if I die in the hands of those villains, What do you want my wife and children to do in the future?"

Although Wang Daniu is a yamen servant, the yamen servants these days don't know much about martial arts.

There is a family handed down martial arts book at home, but martial arts training costs a lot of money, life is hard these days, how can there be money to practice martial arts.

However, he also knew that the yamen servants did not know martial arts, but those gangsters in the Jianghu had a lot of martial arts experts. Facing those people, he felt that he would probably have to confess to them.

This is also the reason why Wang Daniu is helpless. In his heart, he really wants to help, but he can't let his family suffer because of this.


Liu Xiucai also understood, and couldn't help crying even more sadly.

"Liu Xiucai, you have other wishes. If you can achieve it, I will do my best." Wang Daniu sighed and decided to help.

However, at this moment, there were gusts of wind hanging around.

The sudden wind in the dream made Wang Daniu a little surprised, the wind was really too real, he felt the cold side bone in the dream.

But then his eyes widened, because the door creaked and the wind blew open the next moment.

Immediately afterwards, two phantoms, one black and one white, floated in from the door.

One of these two phantoms was tall and thin and the other was short and stout, one was holding a mourning stick and the other was holding an iron chain, neither of them looked at Wang Daniu, but Wang Daniu felt that he couldn't move even the slightest bit.

"Liu Bingshen, your time is up, come with us!" One of them said sadly.

"You... who are you? Why should I go with you? I won't go. I want to find my wife and daughter. I want to find Zhang Ming. I want revenge!"

Liu Xiucai immediately became excited, and his intuition told him that these two ghosts were not kind.

"It's not up to you, life and death are fate, since your time is up, then report with us below, let's go!"

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The tall and thin figure was obviously impatient.

However, upon hearing these words, Liu Xiucai became even more excited, and he hurried through the wall to escape.

Wang Daniu felt that today's dream was too bizarre. Everything that happened in the dream was so real, but it was so similar to some ghost stories described in the novels.

Liu Xiucai's sudden escape was not surprising to the black and white duo. They were motionless and didn't even bother to chase, which made Wang Daniu a little flustered.

I thought that these two deceitful gods couldn't catch Liu Xiucai and wanted to use him to fill up the number.

But he still thought about it, and saw the figure in black flick the chain in his hand, and the chain flew out with a clatter, passing through the wall so quickly.

After a while, the chain stretched and it was obvious that something was entangled, and then under Wang Daniu's astonished gaze, the chain was pulled back little by little, and Liu Xiucai, who was tightly entangled, was brought back like this.

"Name, Liu Bingshen, Yangshou 35, it's very good, then let's go!"

The man in black took out a notebook as if he was comparing something, and after confirming that it was correct, he dragged the struggling Liu Xiucai to leave.

"Brother! Brother! This guy is also in the state of leaving the soul. Do you think he is going to go down too?"

At this moment, the man in white suddenly spoke. These words frightened Wang Daniu immediately, but at this moment he was so frightened that he couldn't move and naturally he couldn't do anything. UU reading

The man in black nodded when he heard the words, "That's right, let's confirm, don't miss the performance, this month we have to be the first in all groups."

Hearing the inexplicable words of the man in black, he saw the man take out the black leather notebook again.

"Name, Wang Daniu, Yangshou 65, now 43. Huh?"

After reading, the man in black was stunned.

"I made a mistake, this person should have been taken out by this guy, and he will automatically return to his soul after a while. Let's go!"

Saying that, the two figures went out the door, but before they stepped out of the door, the two figures gradually blurred and completely disappeared.

Looking at the room that had completely disappeared and returned to calm again, Wang Daniu let out a sigh of relief, and the fear in his heart continued to grow.

But gradually, he felt that his mind was a little dizzy, and his consciousness gradually faded.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that the sun was already shining in outside, and the sound of his wife cooking could be heard outside.

After rubbing his swollen head, Wang Daniu got up.

"What, you said you dreamed of Liu Xiucai last night? And you told you that the murderer was Zhang Ming, a servant?" The colleague was full of novelty when he heard Wang Daniu's narration.

Seeing this, Wang Daniu sighed, he knew that this guy should be listening to it as a story.

After another day of official duties, Wang Daniu couldn't fall asleep for a long time when he returned home.

He has a lot of preoccupations today. On the one hand, the dream last night was too real. On the other hand, he inexplicably wants to verify it. He wants to go to Liu's house to see if Zhang Ming is really hiding something. , Is it really the murderer?

With such mixed thoughts, Wang Daniu could not sleep at all, quietly got out of bed, put on his casual clothes and left home, after thinking for a while, he picked up his saber.

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