Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1142: The fastest way to break through the interior

"So? What exactly are you thinking?" Taoist Wuwei nodded frequently, and Jiang Heng still listened to his previous analysis of the interior scene.

That's great.

But he still didn't understand what Jiang Heng was thinking.

There is an unimaginable gap between the master and the inner scene. Even though he was gifted in the past and then received the support of the God Emperor and the Mother God, it still took hundreds of millions of years to step into the inner scene.

And Jiang Heng wanted to step into the interior scene, not because he didn't believe in Jiang Heng, but because it was really a night talk.

It's not that you can't step in, but the time must be extremely long.

You must know that even in the ancient times, when Juggernaut crossed the hurdle of interior scenes, even if his talent was outstanding, it would take hundreds of millions of years for the foundation, and a billion years for the routine.

Even if it takes a long time, that's all. The key point is that it takes too long to break through the interior scene.

"Master, don't worry, I haven't finished yet." Jiang Heng smiled, and continued slowly without rushing, "Master, then the second condition for breaking through the inner scene is to master enough semi-finished laws."

This is to master the incomplete law, and to master it thoroughly to reach the level of a true god, just to master it to the level of a demigod.

This belongs to enriching the number of inner universe laws, thus accelerating the formation of inner universe.

The greater the number of laws, in addition to speeding up the breakthrough, it can also have a more stable and powerful inner universe after stepping into the inner scene in the future.

"Besides, the third prerequisite is to open up a space for the physical body!"

Jiang Heng continued, the so-called physical body space, mentioned earlier, is the physical embryonic form of the inner universe.

The sea of ​​consciousness space is the incorporeal prototype of the inner universe. The combination of the two is the real inner universe controlled by the inner scene.

"Why did you say so many things you mentioned before? Tell me, what do you think?" Taoist Wuwei became a little impatient.

How did this guy become so dizzy?

"Master, what should be said is still what needs to be said. The next step is the key point. I can slowly polish my physical body and universe now, which belongs to water grinding."

Wen Yan Wuwei Taoist nodded, this is true, because Jiang Heng is now the master of the Eight Paths as soon as he breaks through, and his background can already open up the space of the physical body.

Moreover, what Jiang Heng mastered was the Dao of Space, the Dao of Time, the Dao of Reincarnation, and the Dao of Order. These avenues that have a stabilizing effect on space will not be too slow to develop, which is not difficult for Jiang Heng.

And this is not the focus of Daoist Wuwei's attention. He is more concerned about how Jiang Heng can collect and master more laws, and how he can improve the existing Dao.

You must know that in addition to collecting and mastering more incomplete laws, you must continue to improve the existing laws, and you must take the few core complete laws mastered by the master level to a higher level of understanding, not to mention breaking through the ranks, at least approaching The limit of this level.

Only in this way can we touch the threshold of breakthrough, but this accumulation is an extremely slow process.

I think Taoist Wuwei himself sat for 200 million years in order to comprehend time and space, and to observe the vision at the beginning of the birth of the universe in the ninth dimension.

After that, led by the mother god, I went to the universe to observe the changes and trajectories of time and space in the outer domain, so as to gain some insights and then complete the accumulation process.

Rao is still highly praised by the mother **** and the **** emperor, and later regarded as a fellow Taoist because of this talent and the two top laws he has mastered.

And now it's Jiang Heng's turn, he doesn't know what idea his apprentice has to take a shortcut to complete this step.

Jiang Heng nodded, this is also the difficulty he needs to overcome at present.

But he smiled casually, and said immediately, "Master, as you said, multiple rules form an interior scene. Generally, two avenues can be used as the initial supporting nodes."

"Well, indeed. Wait... don't you want to use time and space as the initial support node?" Taoist Wuwei suddenly realized, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

In his opinion, taking time and space as the initial node is the most sensible and most suitable way to stabilize the initial inner universe, because this almost builds the basic structure of the inner universe, whether it is to continue to fill in other law nodes or add imperfect laws to it. It's perfect.

Jiang Heng smiled and nodded when he heard the words. He did intend to use time and space as the basis according to what Taoist Wuwei said at the beginning.

But now he feels that it doesn’t have to be like this. The time and space are certainly good and perfect, and even perfectly fit the initial node construction.

But...but this thing is so hard.

Yes, taking time and space as the node is perfect, basically it means that as soon as these two nodes are constructed, it is equivalent to skipping half a step of the interior scene and jumping into the interior scene.

But is it necessary?

In Jiang Heng's view, there is really no need for this. If the current situation in the universe is very stable, it is unnecessary for him, and he can completely follow the way of Taoist Wuwei.

But it's different now, he can't guarantee when the next attack of the Shengyuan alien race will be, he must achieve the inner scene as soon as possible.

Not to mention interior scenes, half-step interior scenes are also acceptable, because half-step interior scenes already have the ability to jump out and jump out to attack.

Mastering the way of space gives him the ability to jump out, but like a target that can only be hit, he doesn't want to encounter that kind of situation where he is passively hit.

"How can this work? This is the most perfect plan. Do you know that in ancient times, many people envied the teacher who could lay the initial node based on time and space from the beginning. I don’t know it!”

Taoist Wuwei has a posture of hating iron and steel, and his words are very angry. In his opinion, this kind of behavior is heresy, it is a crime, and it is a waste of such a good foundation of law.

Jiang Heng was unmoved, smiled and said, "Master, I am determined at this time! I plan to use the Dao of Reincarnation and the Dao of Order as the initial node. I believe that these two laws will also be an extremely stable inner universe. node!"

Taoist Wuwei was silent for a moment when he heard the words, not to mention, it was true.

Because these are the two nodes when the God Emperor first opened up the inner universe. After all, although the Dao of Destruction is extremely good at attacking, it is really unreliable as the initial node.

It's too extreme. If you start with these two methods as the basis, you can only follow a single law in the future.

The Dao of Power is okay, but the Dao of Destruction is extremely aggressive. It is estimated that if this thing is used as the initial node, it will not be accommodated if it wants to integrate into other Dao later, and it will easily cause turmoil in the inner universe.

"This...but this is not very good, it is still a little worse than time and space! Listening to my teacher, choosing time and space is definitely the best choice!"

Taoist Wuwei is still stubborn, thinking that the Tao of time and space is the best in the world.

Jiang Heng was about to open his mouth to persuade, but at this moment the relatively silent original ancient tree spoke.

He sneered and said with a sneer, "Wuwei, you don't want to praise your first theory of time and space. Time and space are of course the optimal solution, but you know the difficulty of perfecting time and space.

Even if you have perfected these two ways to the limit at the current stage when you broke through the interior scene, even if you fell in the end, you never raised these two ways to a higher level, right? "

The original ancient tree's words immediately made Taoist Wuwei even more silent.

What a blatant truth.

This made Taoist Wuwei speechless, and it was true.

At that time, Taoist Wuwei began to fill in many other incomplete avenues after stepping into the interior scene. At the same time, he was also thinking about continuing to improve the two ways of time and space, and wanted to raise them to a higher level.

After all, after the inner scene, in addition to the strength of the inner scene is one of the ways to improve one's own strength, the rank of the law is also one of them.

Your internal scene is strong and stable, but the level of law is not enough. When encountering the same level, if the opponent's law is higher than your level, then it will be difficult to show your law advantage.

For example, one person has mastered the top-notch Dao of Space, while the other only masters the regular Dao of the Five Elements and Fire Dao.

They are all interior scenes, but the law level of the former is weaker than that of the latter.

According to normal circumstances, it should be the former who violently beat the latter, but in reality, the high probability event is that the two will fight to a tie.

Under the pressure of rank, Huoxingyiyi, a conventional avenue, will also virtually smooth out the gap with the top avenue, and to a certain extent, it can even burn through the space blockade of interior-level space powers.

So rank is still very important.

And this also speaks of the thorn in Taoist Wuwei's heart. He was indeed powerful for a while back then, but his name was not that famous.

It is completely incomparable with the leader-level powers of the four major forces, and can only be regarded as a second-tier existence.

And in the catastrophe at that time, it was even more hip-pull, although in the early stage, it showed its power with the treacherous and unpredictable ability of space and time, and killed the master of the unknown true god, and even some interior scenes.

But in the end, he was beaten to death when he faced a powerful inner scene who also controlled space.

Without him, rank suppression!

The original ancient tree continued to mend the knife, and said with a smile, "After mastering the complete law, the follow-up cultivation of the Dao of Law will be divided into three levels.

Among them, when the complete law has just been mastered, this is called the first state. When the comprehension gradually deepens, and even integrates the comprehension of similar laws of other universes, the second realm is after the breakthrough.

In addition, there will be a third realm in the future. It is rumored that the third realm has been cultivated to a successful breakthrough, and there is a high probability that it will be the so-called old realm of the Shengyuan alien race. At the same time, the inner universe will also undergo drastic changes. Everything has completely transformed.

According to the saying back then, the first realm is nothing, only the second realm is considered the backbone, and it can be regarded as a party figure outside the territory. If it is the Three Realms, then sitting in the universe can be almost invincible, and no one can compete unless the old days take action.

As for Wuwei, you are just a realm. Back then, relying on the ability of time and space, you were able to flourish in the secondary battlefield, but in the main battlefield you could only run for your life. Oh, no, it is still possible to pester the masters of the second realm. "

The original ancient tree had a great time talking, while Jiang Heng listened to the gossip with great interest.

How can you not be excited to hear about the black history of your master from the mouth of senior Gu Shu?

Taoist Wuwei has completely shut himself off. He said this in front of his disciples. How can he break it?

"Ahem, that's all, that's all, tell me why you chose the second way of reincarnation and order. It is not easy to perfect these two ways. Rather than asking me to think so, I might as well continue to choose the second way of time and space." Taoist Wuwei sighed.

"Master, I have a deep understanding of the two ways of reincarnation and order in the previous fight, especially after the reversal of life and death, my understanding of the way of reincarnation has reached a higher level. I have a hunch, at least hundreds of thousands of years. , as many as one million years, I will be able to practice the way of reincarnation to perfection.

As for the way of order, although it is not good enough, I am confident that it will be completed within millions of years! "Jiang Heng said in a very firm tone.

"Oh?! Are you so confident?"

Taoist Wuwei was really surprised now. If Jiang Heng wasn't bragging, it would be a wiser choice to choose the second path of reincarnation and order.

He has seen Jiang Heng's ability to use the two ways of time and space before. Although he has improved very quickly after each battle, to be honest, he is still too stretched.

"I wouldn't have dared to speak such wild words before, but now, I have confidence." Jiang Heng said with a mysterious smile.

"Is it because of here?"

Taoist Wuwei didn't know why, but he had a hunch that Jiang Heng's confidence was here.

"Yes!" Jiang Heng nodded without hiding anything.

"Tell me what you think!"

"I plan to completely cover this planet with the second way of order of reincarnation, and pull everyone into this second way of coverage. Let them experience the real reincarnation and the order I made!"

"Are you planning to use this place as a testing ground?" Daoist Wuwei frowned, UU Kanshu used a large population of an area as his own to experiment with the operation of simulation laws, something that Da Neng often did in ancient times.

This method is easy to use, it is indeed easier to use, but most of them still fail.

Because this requires a method, and it also needs the characteristics of the law to be echoed. Some laws can't see much core just by looking at them.

And the experimental method is to understand the situation of countless people under the influence of the law through observation.

But gradually, Taoist Wuwei discovered that the two ways of reincarnation and order are really suitable for experimental methods.

These two paths are relatively soft, and if they are controlled properly, they won't even hurt other people's lives. Instead, they can simulate a small six-path reincarnation mechanism and order rules.

"Then how do you realize that you have mastered enough incomplete laws?" Taoist Wuwei nodded as he temporarily approved Jiang Heng's method, but there was one last point.

"This requires a clone!"


"Yes, evolve thousands of incarnations, through these avatars, through their perceptions to help me understand more laws! So that I can master them and use them!"

An incomparably bright light burst out in Jiang Heng's eyes, that is self-confidence!

Originally, he didn't think of these things, but after returning here, after watching these ordinary worlds, he thought of a lot.

Thinking of the matter of cultivating through the incarnation, and also thinking of Mr. Jin back then, that person is very mysterious to Jiang Heng now.

Note: The protagonist doesn't know that Mr. Jin is actually the incarnation of Dao Will, the current "True God of Space"

But Mr. Jin has a very unique technique of incarnation. Through incarnation practice, he can share his cultivation level and make the humans and animals he pretends harmless.

But it is undeniable that the method of incarnation is indeed the fastest way to comprehend.

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