Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1139: The Fear of Luo Yuting Mountain

"Something is wrong! It seems that there is some big move!" Lord Luo Yu suddenly became vigilant. It is impossible for this kind of vision to appear for no reason. It must be weird.

Lord Tingshan was also aware of the seriousness of the problem. He frowned and observed, and the images observed in his field of vision were spread out evenly.

This is the so-called perspective outside the painting. In this perspective, the inside of the picture scroll is completely dark, which represents the occlusion of the boundary barriers, so the black and lacquered pictures seen are all the dark environment outside the territory, and There is a hole in the middle of the black lacquer, and a two-dimensional portrait is seen in the hole.

There are lights and shadows flickering in the portrait, and soon these images in his field of vision zoom in rapidly, gradually become clear, and finally focus on a slightly familiar face.

"It's this human kid?!"

"Tingshan, do you know him?" Because Jiang Heng is where the soul power is most intense, Lord Luo Yu also noticed it, and also noticed the protagonist Jiang Heng.

"It's not counted as acquaintance, just met once. I was attacked by the mysterious main **** before, and this son is standing with the main god. They seem to know each other, and the relationship is very unusual!" Ting Shan said casually.

"Huh! Isn't this the Divine General Li of the human race?!" Lord God Luo Yu seemed to have noticed something suddenly, and his eyes widened immediately.


This time it was the Lord God Tingshan's turn to be confused, and he looked at the Lord God Luo Yu suspiciously.

"You have not participated in the first conquest of this realm. Back then, I entered this realm with my army. There were four major indigenous forces in this realm at the time, and a force named Shenting and even the four major forces were among the top forces. And This general Li Shen is one of the forces under his command.

However, this person's strength was mediocre at the time, and he was only at the dominance level. Although he had some impressive strength, if this person hadn't shown a challenge at the dominance level, I wouldn't have noticed him.

I thought he died very early, but I didn't expect him to be alive! "

God Lord Luo Yu frowned, obviously puzzled, at first he didn't realize that this was God General Li whom he had met once.

One is that the past is too far away, and even the memory of the main **** is impossible to remember some insignificant and small characters in his heart. Li Shenjiang was still a character back then, but even so, he was still different from his impression several times. The images are compared in many ways to be sure.

"It's still a character from that period. Now it seems that he has stepped into the scene. This person knows us very well! We have to guard against it!" Tingshan Lord God nodded and sighed.

In his heart, he somewhat blamed Lord Luo Yu, saying that you have entered this world once, and it stands to reason that you know much more about it than he does. In the end, how could such a mistake still occur? I didn't even know that those people were alive or dead.

Of course, he also complained in his heart, but he didn't dare to abuse Lord Luo Yu face to face.

"This person attaches so much importance to this dominator-level kid. Judging from the aura he erupts, this human race kid presumably is a top-notch master with no less than seven or eight laws!" Lord God Luo Yu sighed.

"Hey, this... this..."

Lord Luo Yu's eyes suddenly narrowed, which made Lord Tingshan a little confused, and couldn't help saying, "Brother Luo Yu, what did you find?"

"It looks familiar, this kid's tricks!"

Lord Luo Yu rubbed his chin as if reminiscing.

Out of the corner of his eye, he kept paying attention to that area, until he saw Jiang Heng's right arm with blue veins, and when he began to pull it out a little bit, a light in his mind quickly formed a line, and the memory of the past was instantly awakened.

"Damn it! This is resurrection! This human kid wants to resurrect those dead!"

"Huh? Brother Luo Yu, what do you mean? What resurrection?"

Lord Tingshan was a little dazed, he wasn't sure if the resurrection he understood had the same meaning as the resurrection the other party said.

"He wants to resurrect these dead! This is the method of that **** emperor back then!"

As soon as the words fell, the stalwart figure who maintained the iron-blooded majesty at that time in those days unconsciously appeared in the mind of Lord Luo Yu.

That was the first time Lord Luo Yu experienced the feeling of powerlessness, facing that person as if all means were weak.

Even the other party has the means to revive the dead. He has seen the **** emperor reach into the void with one arm, and then just pass by for a while, and pick it up again.

Then they saw the hundreds of millions of creatures slaughtered by them recover instantly, without even a trace of injury, just reappearing in front of them intact as before.

At that time, this move not only shocked the main **** Luo Yu, but also shocked many of the main gods who accompanied him.

The resurrection of the dead is not unmanned, but in the Shengyuan clan, there is only one person who has this method, and that is the old necromancer, one of the three old days of the Shengyuan clan.

Every once in a while, the main **** will revive a large number of people who have died in battle with meritorious deeds. It is also because of this that many fighters of the Shengyuan clan are not afraid of death, especially those whose meritorious deeds are enough to exchange for a chance of resurrection.

In Luo Yu Lord God's impression, resuscitating the dead should be a method at the level of the old days, so many of them were frightened at the time, thinking that there was an old one in this world.

They have a deep understanding of the power of the old days, and it is no exaggeration to kill dozens or hundreds of internal scene-level powerhouses with a single palm. Especially the old days who sit in this universe are comparable to invincible existences.

Unless you encounter a more terrifying existence, the old days will remain invincible. Anyone who enters the universe will be dead, and there is no escape.

However, after experiencing that great war, Lord Luo Yu and his personal experience also understood that this is a method similar to the method of resurrecting the dead.

It's not only the old days that have the means, as long as the inner scene has the capital to compete with the power of the rules, it can be done, but it can't be as arbitrary as the old days.

In the Shengyuan clan, resurrecting the dead is as simple as eating and drinking for the old days. Generally speaking, resurrection below the interior level has no effect on the old days.

But when it comes to interior scenes, even the old days are very difficult. To revive the interior scene-level powerhouses, not only need to reshape the soul of the interior scene-level powerhouses, but also reshape the inner universe. The complexity of it is enough to make the old days retreat. .

Therefore, in the Shengyuan clan, inner-level powerhouses are generally not eligible for resurrection.

Unless it is the direct subordinate of the old days, no matter how great the credit is, it is impossible.

Lord Luo Yu didn't think it mattered, because there was an old sun behind him, but it was not the old sun of the dead, but the old sun of the rising sun.

Although the Rising Sun and the Necromancer had a normal relationship in the past, they could still ask the Necromancer to do so if they paid some money.

But unless it is absolutely necessary, Lord Luo Yu doesn't want to die. The relationship between him and the boss behind him can be said to be used less once, and it is better not to be used once, so as to maintain the closest relationship.

"Although it's not the method used by the old necromancer, it's about the same. It belongs to the same type of law method. He wants to resurrect all the dead in one go!

No wonder that Li Shen will help him bear the power of rules! "

Lord Luo Yu sighed softly.

Hearing that Tingshan Lord God's eyes lit up, he quickly said, "This is not a very good time, why don't you and I go in right now, taking advantage of that Li Shen will be weak, and I will be caught off guard when I kill one!"

Lord Luo Yu was really excited for a while, this is indeed a great opportunity.

However, he hesitated a little and shook his head.

"No! The situation in this universe is unknown right now. The spies we placed in it before have all fallen, and now we know nothing about the situation inside. If there are a few more interior scenes, you and I can escape again. come out?"

Lord Luo Yu's words made Lord Tingshan smile embarrassingly.

Lord Tingshan didn't say anything more, he was a cautious person, and he just suggested that if he wanted him to go in again, he would have to hesitate for a long time.

"But don't worry, even if we don't make a move. They are suicidal!" Lord Luo Yu sneered.


"Resuscitating the dead is certainly a great event, but it also means that it is difficult. What **** emperor could do it back then. That's because that guy is a character with a very strong inner scene. This kid is only in the dominance realm. And although that general Li Shen is an interior scene, but I think his cultivation level seems to have broken through not long ago.

It might be extremely difficult to hold back the force of the rules to squeeze them, and the final result is that both of them were crushed into powder by the rules! "

Speaking of this, Lord Luo Yu could not help but smile on his face.

I was still thinking about how to deal with this group of humans, but the opponent started to kill himself.

"Oh, in this way, wouldn't we have eliminated the two generals of the opponent without bloodshed?" Tingshan Lord God was also very happy when he heard it.

He didn't care about the dominator-level kid, what made him happy was that General Li Shen was among them, and this **** guy beat him up a lot.

Little did he know that Lord Luo Yu was looking at him contemptuously at this time.

"This Tingshan is really trash. After so many years in the interior scene, he was beaten so miserably by a newcomer to the interior scene. It's shameful!"

As he was talking, Lord Luo Yu was stunned, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to be similar.

That's really the case, he is a dignified senior internal scene, and he can be ranked in the middle level among the Shengyuan clan, but he was abruptly knocked down by a half-step internal scene.

Although the fall in this realm was more due to the fact that the opponent did not hesitate to waste a complete avenue for a sneak attack, but it is undeniable that he was indeed overshadowed by the half-step interior scene, and he was so successful.

For a moment, Lord Luo Yu's face turned blue and white.

But when they had different thoughts, they didn't realize that in that area, Jiang Heng, who they thought was mortal, had pulled out half of his arm at this time.

The wrists have been pulled out of the path of reincarnation, so the palms are still in the path of the human world.

"Senior, can you still hold on?!" Jiang Heng's forehead was covered with blue veins and his body was sweating profusely. This sentence was almost transmitted through gritted teeth.

He is already doing his best now, using all means that can increase his strength.

With this amount of strength, Jiang Heng reckoned that a single punch could kill an ordinary dominator-level powerhouse, but it turned out that it was as difficult as heaven to lift his palm.

At this time, Li Shenjiang was already unable to speak. Seeing no response for a long time, Jiang Heng also subconsciously let out a little attention towards Li Shenjiang to sense it.

Immediately, he was startled, and saw that Li Shenjiang, who was originally majestic, had turned his eyes a little upwards at this time, his arms were stretched to the left and right, his muscles were bulging, his veins were protruding, and his left and right palms seemed to be touching a layer The invisible wall of air is fighting.

And his physical body has been transformed into a majestic giant with tens of light-years in length, but this giant is shrinking a little bit, it seems that with the inward push of the invisible air walls on both sides, his physical body Then it was compressed and shrunk down a little bit.

As for a huge pagoda exuding bright golden radiance floating above his head, the pagoda has become extremely grand as a whole, with the pagoda body supporting the squeezed barriers on both sides.

It is said to be a pagoda, but in fact it is Li Shenjiang who has sacrificed his inner universe to resist.

It’s just that the effect is not very obvious. Jiang Heng can clearly see that there have been many cracks and cracks on the surface of the pagoda. Many gold pieces on the surface of the pagoda are falling, and the whole pagoda is constantly trembling and creaking under the squeeze. There was a screeching sound.

It's hard to imagine how much power Li Shenjiang has withstood. You must know that when he dealt with the main **** of Nating Mountain, the inner universe was unscathed, and now there is such damage.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng was inexplicably impatient. This impatience caused the law of operation to go wrong. As a result, only the palm part remained inside, UU reading www.uukanshu. All of a sudden, the whole forearm fell into it again.

"Don't worry, kid! It's useless to be anxious at this time. If you don't want the two of you to be reduced to ashes, then earnestly fish out these countless souls bit by bit! Complete the resurrection process in such a way that the power of the rules will naturally dissipate!"

Hearing the calm and vicissitudes of Taoist Wuwei's voice, Jiang Heng suddenly became much calmer.

Yes indeed!

If you don't want to perish together with General Li Shen, and if you don't want your previous efforts to go to waste, then you can honestly fish them out little by little.

With this in mind, Jiang Heng exerted his strength again, and this time his martial arts will became stronger.

Martial Dao will is like a certain kind of perseverance of ordinary people. People with firm perseverance can often explode several times their strength in one thing.

Similarly, martial arts will is also a kind of perseverance in the True God Juggernaut, it can integrate all the forces together and explode with incomparably terrifying power.

"Give me up!!"

Jiang Heng yelled again, and countless golden inscriptions appeared all over his body. In the next moment, four arms quickly appeared on the waist and ribs on both sides. A total of five arms all dragged the right arm that was trapped in the path of reincarnation and began to exert force like a tug of war.

Fanwu Saint Body, Beihe Great Zhou Tianxing Divine Art, Star Body, Power of Xingtian, Dao of Power, Dao of Flesh Body, etc., these existences that represent power in Jiang Heng's body began to gradually converge into a rope to exert force together.

Booming, the space with Jiang Heng as the center is vibrating, as if he is pulling out some stubborn thing submerged in this place of the universe, causing violent fluctuations under the action of huge force.

Accompanied by violent tremors in an area tens of thousands of light years centered on Jiang Heng, the entire right arm was pulled out.

As soon as the right arm was pulled out, flesh and blood tissue began to emerge from the countless dense phantoms of spirits and ghosts near the right arm.

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