Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1138: resurrection

"Is this going to be wiped out? What does this existence want?!"

Gu Ying, the owner of Tianren City, is almost desperate. He doesn't know what this unknown being wants to do, but he can be sure that if this continues, this world will definitely end!

There are also countless human beings who are also holding this idea. At this time, everyone is anxious, as if this crumbling world is ups and downs.


However, at this moment, the power of countless ghosts and souls gathered from the human world before slowly evolved into groups of large and small light spots around the giant hand, and at the same time, the pale giant light group in the palm of the giant hand began to explode. It flew out densely packed slender rays of light, and these rays of light flew into these light spots without exception.

Everyone was stunned for a moment and didn't understand what this meant, but there were still some strong men of the older generation who had existed for many years and vaguely saw some tricks.

"Using the pure soul power as a container to recover the incomplete soul fragments?"

Someone murmured.

This person wasn't completely wrong. At least Jiang Heng was recovering the spirit fragments of these fallen powerhouses at this time. Even the fragments could not be counted. They could only be regarded as some magnetic field fluctuations and pheromones left by the spirits.

Under the influence of the Dao of Reincarnation, it is like analyzing the whole picture of the original information from countless incomplete information.

Just like some computer masters that Jiang Heng saw on the earth in the previous life repaired USB disk data or computer data, some data could not be recovered due to limited means and technology, but some data could be repaired through algorithms.

Similarly, the Dao of Reincarnation is like a large-scale algorithm that burns and copies countless dead people. It can calculate all the information of the dead with great precision, thereby restoring the original soul.

The burden of this method on Jiang Heng is also too great. At this time, Jiang Heng only felt a burst of pain in his brain, as if his brain was about to explode. , as if an overloaded engine was doing a very dangerous operation.

Then Jiang Heng saw that the whole Dao of Samsara under the buff of his Eight Dao Law began to slump rapidly, and the majestic power of the law gushed out and disappeared as quickly as a flood was opened, which became the price for driving the revival of so many souls in the Dao of Samsara.

Soon the first group of light began to change, and this group of light gradually showed some human shapes, and then began to outline a person's appearance very clearly.

At first, it was relatively model lake and even looked a bit mosaic, but soon it began to become more and more refined as if the pixels were continuously optimized, many joints became clear, gradually the facial features began to appear, the outline of the face became more obvious, and the evolution of the hair began to appear. , until finally it completely evolved into a middle-aged man who opened his eyes and was a little confused.

The middle-aged man was in a very weak state of spirit. He looked around in a little confusion. The spirit in his body evolved into the stomach in front of him.

This is obviously a demigod-level powerhouse of the Wuwei Army, and the strength of his soul is about the seventh-order level. He is a veteran of the Wuwei Army!

"I... am I dead?"

Han Li was a little confused. There was something he couldn't explain anyway. He clearly remembered that he blew himself up and dragged two Saint Yuan warriors down together.

This method of suicide can be said to be completely dead, how could there be a possibility of resurrection?

"This...what the **** is going on here?"

Han Li is no fool. He doesn't believe that people will enter the world of the dead after death. For some people who die normally, it may be possible.

But he is not, the annihilation of the soul means complete disappearance, there is no existence at all, and he can enter other worlds after death.

However, what he saw around him made him very confused.

"Doesn't the annihilation of the soul still mean the fall in the true sense? Is there a deeper world of the dead, where is the world that those of us who are annihilated can enter?"

Han Li was confused, he looked around and felt it again, and he was shocked immediately.

"Huh! Wanbaozhai? This is the spiritual world? How is this possible?!" Han Li was shocked after some perception, and quickly continued to investigate, and soon his eyes were finally attracted by the things in front of him.

It was a huge palm protruding from the hideous crack in the sky above the spiritual world, and at this moment, he was suspended near the palm, as small as a speck of dust.

And soon he also understood what was going on with him. Because in his eyes, these suspended light clusters began to change one by one, gradually turning into human shapes, and then turning into phantoms of souls.

"Could it be that I was resurrected like this? Then what is this big hand?!"

Han Li was shocked. With his cognition, he couldn't understand what kind of strong man was able to bring so many of them back to life.

Just because he knows a lot, he is very clear that this is almost impossible to do, let alone the strongest martial **** today, it is estimated that even countless ancient powers would have great difficulty in achieving this.

However, Han Li felt that the aura emanating from this big hand was vaguely familiar, but because the aura was too different from the one in his impression, he couldn't make a decision for a while.

Looking at this huge hand, I saw that the number of nearby light clusters changed into human shapes more and more and faster.

Gradually one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, three million, five million, six million, eight million, nine million!

Up to 1.195 billion!

This number is far beyond Jiang Heng's initial estimate, because it was only nine million at first.

However, Jiang Heng found that there were still many logistics mundane, domain master-level powerhouses who had completely disappeared. These people may be far inferior to a demigod-level powerhouse, and it seems worthless to be resurrected.

But Jiang Heng knew that these people were equally important, especially the people who dared to go to the front line and contribute their strength to the front line war were even more great.

They have the experience of quickly cooperating with demigod-level powerhouses and many mature technologies, and the value of resurrecting these people is no less than millions of demigod-level powerhouses.

Of course, the most important point is that compared to resurrecting these demigods, the cost of resurrecting the mortal is lower.

For example, the soul of a demigod has a mass of 10,000, while the soul of an ordinary mortal has a mass of only 0.0001.

It can be said that so many mortals have been resurrected, even if there are some domain master-level powerhouses among them, the total mass of them is equivalent to 100,000 demigod-level powerhouses.

Since the resurrection of more than 9 million demigods has been done, is it still short of the addition of 100,000 demigods?

So at this time, when viewed from a distance, the densely packed spots of light around Jiang Heng, like the bright stars, quickly turned into black spots in less than a minute, and the dense black spots looked like a giant hand wrapped around it from a distance. The black clouds are terrifying and abnormal.

Absorbing the pure soul power of the demigod domain masters who had been sacrificed countless times by the Human World, and then rebuilding the soul by the Samsara Road, these resurrected people seemed very weak at this time.

This is why Jiang Heng couldn't help but sweat.

Of course, wanting to resurrect so many people cannot be undertaken by oneself alone, after all, one cannot resurrect others with one's own soul power.

Even if he is the master of the Eight Paths, that kind of soul power can only resurrect hundreds of thousands of demigod-level powerhouses, and it is impossible to resurrect everyone and drain him.

So Jiang Heng used the method that the **** emperor used to resurrect others back then.

That is to use the soul power of the dead in the Six Paths of Reincarnation as a nourishment to resurrect the person who wants to be resurrected, so that he is only equivalent to a transfer station, and the price he needs to pay is still within an acceptable range.

Considering that there are also some acquaintances here, Jiang Heng did not completely kill them all. Fortunately, there is barely enough nourishment, otherwise there will be big troubles.

Seeing that the light group has evolved all the spirits and ghosts, Jiang Heng let out a sigh of relief. In fact, this step has been considered a successful resurrection.

But this only means that these people can only survive in the human world. Unless the people here are domain masters and demigod-level powerhouses, they simply cannot reshape their bodies by themselves.

"I have done this step, and I am not short of the last step!"

Jiang Heng shook his stupefied head, gritted his teeth and let out a low shout.

Accompanied by the explosion of the low drink, the right arm protruding into the human world suddenly opened up with full strength, the whole right arm swelled suddenly, and the veins were exposed.

Behind Jiang Heng's back, the power road and the physical body road, the two avenues of blessing strength, began to rumble and collapse, and a surge of power poured into his right arm at this moment.

However, the right arm trapped in the human world moved slowly, and the speed of pulling it up was as slow as a turtle.

"Get up!!!"

Jiang Heng roared, like a savage giant roaring to the sky, with his arm protruding into the human world as the center, ripples were quickly stirred up in the surrounding universe.

"This kid, I thought he would fall on this step, but I didn't expect to be able to reach this level!"

Seeing this scene, Taoist Wuwei couldn't help but look at the original ancient tree next to him and sighed.

Hearing this, Yuan Chu Gu Shu couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said with a sneer, "He's your apprentice, don't you know what your apprentice is capable of?"

"Of course I know about him in the past, but since the fight with that foreign race, I can't see through this kid! He...he performed very well, far better than I expected!"

"Tsk tsk, it's rare, it's rare, I can hear such willing praise from you." The original ancient tree couldn't help but teased.

"Hmph! He's my apprentice, what's wrong with master boasting about his apprentice?" Taoist Wuwei sneered.

The original ancient tree choked when he heard the words, and his mother was pretended by this old boy again.

"Oh! It's not that simple at this time. He's too greedy. It's enough to resurrect those demigods. I didn't expect him to want to resurrect those mortals! Although the quality of each of these mortals is not much, the sum of them doesn't seem to be very good, but The greater the number, the more obvious the force of the rules will be squeezed.

It depends on whether he scoops up people quickly, or how long that Li boy above can carry it! "

The original ancient tree said with a smile.

Taoist Wuwei's face darkened when he heard the words.

Obviously the current situation is like this, whether the resurrection can be successful depends on how fast Jiang Heng scoops up people.

If it is too slow, Li Shen will not be able to carry it anymore, and everything will be over. In the end, the two of them may fall together and turn into ashes!

Also paying attention to this situation are Lord Luo Yu and Lord Tingshan, who are looking at this place through the boundary channel. After these two brothers and sisters escaped from each other, they immediately quarreled.

The Lord Luo Yu naturally complained why the Lord Tingshan didn't make a move in the first place. If they used the thunder method directly at the beginning, then no matter what accidents happened later, at least they could catch each other off guard.

However, Tingshan Lord God's rebuttal is also very reasonable, that is, if I hadn't been cautious, I'm afraid that both of us would have to be attacked by surprise and there would be even bigger troubles.

So Lord Tingshan recounted the sneak attack he had encountered before with a mysterious interior-level powerhouse, Lord Luo Yu frowned upon hearing this, and wanted to refute and angrily denounce Tingshan as a coward.

However, after some weighing, Lord Luo Yu still gave in.

If he was in the past, he must have been the dominant player. When would a guy like Master Tingshan, who was so powerful and hip-stretching, not be respectful to him?

As a result, I can stand up and talk to him now. Why? It's not because his realm has fallen to half a step.

The realm has fallen and the strength has been greatly damaged. Naturally, the main **** Luo Yu can't be hardened.

"I can discuss this battle in Tingshan later, UU reading, but I hope that you still need to worry more in the future, otherwise I don't mind going back and talking face-to-face with the old corona!" Lord God Luo Yu The main **** of Tingshan glanced across and snorted coldly.

"Brother Luo Yu, don't be angry. You also know my difficulties. This time I brought all my belongings with me, and you also know my strength. I paid a lot of money to escape this time. Don't worry, next time I will Will definitely go all out.

But brother Luo Yu, you have also seen that the human race in this universe seems to have a lot of cards, do you think the next attack can be delayed by one or two? "

Lord Tingshan cursed inwardly, but on the surface he still smiled softly. He knew very well that his relationship with the ethnic group was not as strong as Lord Luoyu.

Even if the strength of Lord Luo Yu's strength has declined sharply now, he doesn't dare to be too arrogant, who knows what cards this Lord Luo Yu has.

And even if Lord Luo Yu was slaughtered, he might not be able to explain clearly when he went back to face the group of colleagues behind Lord Luo Yu.

"Wait for the next battle! Wait until the other main gods come over. Right now we have to temporarily close the passage, those two guys are a bit tricky."

Lord Luo Yu quickly responded almost as soon as he thought about it, he was also very worried, how could he have any intention of continuing to start a war.

It is thankful to be able to keep the opponent from killing at the moment, especially the opponent who heard what Tingshan said, Luo Yu Lord God feels that it is not easy to deal with.

And this time, two internal scene-level combat powers can suddenly appear, so who can guarantee that there will be a third and fourth internal scene-level powerhouses?

After losing two consecutive battles, Lord Luo Yu was already a little ashamed at this time, and felt timid even if he didn't believe in evil.

"Hey! Don't close the passage, there seems to be something wrong here!"

"Huh? Why is there such a strong concentration of soul power here?!"

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