Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1140: return home

"This...why is there so much breath?"

Almost as soon as the physical body was reshaped, a breath of new life emerged immediately. At this moment, many wounded on the battlefield showed expressions of astonishment.

"It's the breath of the Legion Commander. Isn't the Legion Commander dead? How can I still feel his breath?"

Someone exclaimed that this was a surviving member of an elite legion in the western region.

The surviving number of this legion was less than a hundred, and their legion commander, deputy commander and even all senior generals were killed in battle.

However, at this moment, all the hundred people could feel the presence of their superiors, from the legion commander to the centurion, and even some familiar ten commanders, etc. all appeared one after another.

"'s my brother! My brother's aura appeared, he still alive? But he fell right in front of me!"

A demigod soldier covered in scars couldn't help but burst into tears. He felt the breath of his own brother, which made him burst into tears uncontrollably.

All kinds of things kept popping up everywhere, and everyone was shocked and weeping with joy, and at the same time, they were also confused and dazed.

"I...I'm not dreaming, am I? Could I have lost my mind? How? My wife, she...she...her she still alive?"

A soldier who joined a legion with his wife even cried bitterly. He saw his wife fall in front of him and planned to go with him.

However, because the enemy retreated too abruptly, it made it impossible for him to exchange his life for his life.

This made him want to live, to live until the next battle, and then desperately kill the enemy until he fell completely.

However, at this moment, he was shocked, unbelievable, suspicious, weeping bitterly, ecstatic, and various emotions emerged in his heart one by one.

Countless emotions were intertwined, and everyone seemed to be crying at this moment, and even some iron-blooded tough guys couldn't help but burst into tears at this moment.

This is the great joy that comes after despair. Under one joy and one sorrow, some people with poor psychological quality fell into drowsiness, and more of them were ecstasy, because all this seemed to be real, because a majestic and grand voice was in their minds sounded.

"Now, you can meet your relatives and colleagues!"

After the voice finished speaking, there was no follow-up to the voice.

Then everyone saw the dense aura in the distance, and these auras turned into streamers and flew towards their familiar acquaintances in the same robe.

"Haha! I didn't expect that I could live again!"

A high-ranking demigod let out a hearty laugh, his flying speed increased, and he soon came to the familiar place nearby.

There are also many people in the same situation as this person. After the initial surprise, everyone began to search for their followers and acquaintances.

"Father, didn't you say that this is absolutely impossible to succeed? Why..." At this time, the Great Zhou Emperor also felt countless vitality, and he had gradually recovered from the shock.

"This... this... It seems that my father is right about this kid, let me just say, he is very unusual, he is worthy of being a talent that my father values!" Martial God was a little embarrassed, and immediately laughed Cover up the past.

Hearing this, Emperor Zhou was a little speechless, and thought to himself, old man, whatever you say, it is impossible for me to refute you.

"Father, the ability shown by Jiang Heng is indeed unimaginable. You said that this is the method of the **** emperor. Does this mean that we will have no worries in the future?" The Great Zhou Emperor was a little excited. After all, if the soldiers can be revived infinitely , then he has the confidence to really fight to the end with the Shengyuan alien race.

"Still not!" Wu Shen shook his head.

"Look, there!"

As he spoke, Martial God pointed to where General Li Shen was.

"The interior scene-level powerhouse helped him bear all the pressure of the rules, but this also caused serious damage to this interior scene-level senior. The inner universe in the body is estimated to have suffered great trauma. If you want to repair the beard and take care of it slowly, you must have a Hundreds of millions of years will do."

The Martial God pointed directly at the core, and the Great Zhou Emperor immediately understood when he heard it, and was somewhat disappointed in his heart.

If you can revive infinitely, then you really have the confidence to fight to the death, but this method cannot be copied infinitely, and the cost of using it once is too high.

It is impossible for him to let the inner-level powerhouses pay such a price for resurrecting a large number of demigod-level powerhouses, because it is the inner-level level that really determines the trend of the victory.

"Let's go, that kid is exhausting, and I also want to pay a visit to that senior!" The Valkyrie smiled, anyway, he resurrected everyone in one go, which is indeed something to be happy about.

As soon as the words fell, the two quickly flew away one after the other.

"Your Majesty, the founder of the Great Zhou Empire in this world, has admired the demeanor of his predecessors for a long time, and is here to pay his respects!"

Martial God came to the vicinity of Li Shenjiang first, and did not dare to get too close and just bowed from a distance.

However, there was no response after waiting for a long time. The Valkyrie was stunned for a moment, and then he looked up and was stunned.

There seems to be something wrong with this senior...the senior's state.

Li Shenjiang was quietly suspended in the void like a dead dog. The pagoda above his head had shrunk to an ordinary size and circled around him, still emitting a faint divine light.

His eyes widened and turned white, his lips were wide open as if he was in a daze, and he looked like he was being dry and forced.

Li Shenjiang's current state is indeed very bad. He is completely crushed by the power of the rules. Fortunately, Jiang Heng is strong enough at the last moment, and he completed the entire process of reversing life and death before his consciousness fell into a complete depression.

Even so, he has also fallen into the lake of sluggish consciousness, but his physical body is recovering rapidly, and the inner universe of the pagoda is also rapidly entering a state of self-healing.

It has to be said that Li Shen will master another power of law, called Memory Dao!

This avenue can make everything he touches and grasps have a certain memory function. No matter how badly damaged any treasure in Li Shenjiang's hands is, it will slowly recover to its original state within a certain period of time, just like the one in the original memory.

Back then, following the God Emperor to fight against the alien race of Sheng Yuan in the outer domain, Naming seemed to have fallen, but in the end he was able to live to death, relying on this memory path.

At the beginning, there were still some remnants of his soul, and only this little remnant remained. Over the past 100 million years, he recovered little by little, and even stepped into the inner scene level in one fell swoop during a long journey of foreign lands.

This is due to the great insights gained from the real life and death wandering before, and also due to the opportunities obtained during the travel.

So the Valkyrie's worries are useless. It takes hundreds of millions of years to recover from an injury like this in a general interior scene, and it needs to be cultivated carefully.

But General Li Shen is different. His body is not very strong, but he is resistant to sex, and his resilience is amazing. It is estimated that he can recover after tens of thousands of years.

Seeing that he couldn't wake up the senior, the Martial God gave up and turned to look at the area where Jiang Heng was.

At this time, Jiang Heng's figure also shrunk and turned into normal, his face was terribly pale.

The back represents power, the physical body, and the laws of reincarnation all appear dull, the surface of the body is covered with cracks, and there are faint signs of a shattered realm falling.

Mastering the complete law does not mean that you have it completely. If you use it to the extreme limit, or if it is severely damaged, it may be broken up. Even if the broken part of the law road returns to the universe or is intercepted by others.

"My son-in-law has met his father-in-law!" Seeing the Great Zhou Emperor Jiang Heng was quite polite.

No matter how strong he is now, he is his father-in-law after all, and he must give enough face outside.

Of course, I have to be polite in private, who told me to sleep with someone else's daughter.

"Haha! Good! Good boy! I didn't expect you to do such a big thing without saying a word. Now you have become the savior of this nearly tens of millions of troops and hundreds of millions of frontline officers and soldiers!"

The Great Zhou Emperor's words are not exaggerated. It is foreseeable that Jiang Heng's prestige in the army will be the number one person in the Great Zhou Empire in the future!

This is also the strongest way to win people's hearts in the Tao of Reincarnation. Who can refuse a boss who can resurrect himself?

Following such a boss, it can be said that the worries of the future have been resolved, and all I have to do is to work hard.

Jiang Heng just smiled politely, and Weng and his son-in-law started chatting, mainly because the Emperor of Zhou asked him about his current strength and his previous achievements.

After hearing Jiang Heng say that the number of avenues he has indeed mastered is eight, the Great Zhou Emperor fell silent.

But this is not the end, when he heard that Jiang Heng killed no fewer than seventy or eighty true **** masters in one go, he became even more silent. Some fall into autism.

Fortunately, although the Great Zhou Emperor was proud, he was not as proud as his father, the Martial God.

It's also fortunate that Valkyrie didn't hear it, otherwise he would have been more autistic.

Thinking of this, the Great Zhou Emperor felt a little lucky. His old man was strong all his life. He complained before that he had no opponent. Now that there are so many arrogances and even a strong insider, it is estimated that his psychological endurance should be strengthened a lot, right?

"Okay, son-in-law, you are exhausted today. You should rest for a while, and I will discuss with others about the follow-up of this battle. If you want to experience this defeat, the Shengyuan alien race should also weigh it carefully for a while." Time, there should be no more wars in a short time."

The Great Zhou Emperor expressed his condolences very kindly.

Jiang Heng nodded, his current state is really not good, and several avenues are unstable. He had just stepped into the Domination Realm not long ago, and after going through several battles, he was so exhausted regardless of the cost, that he couldn't bear it any longer.

"Then please trouble your father-in-law. My son-in-law still needs to stabilize his realm and heal the injuries in his body so that he can stay!"

Jiang Heng made a salute, and immediately used space to quickly jump away from this area.

When he reappeared, he had come to the southern border at the other end of the universe, which is indeed the Milky Way.

He didn't choose to enter a certain hidden space or plane, and he didn't even choose to enter his own cave.

Without him, it is still impossible for him to hide the inner scene level powerhouse in his current state, but it is really not difficult to hide the master and the following existences. Unless the opponent masters the five complete laws, otherwise, as long as Jiang Heng does not want him to find out, then He couldn't detect any breath of Jiang Heng at all.

Standing in the gazebo in the lake, looking at the quiet lake around him, Jiang Heng let out a sigh of relief.

After so many long years in the past, this place is still the same as it used to be.

This is the Qinglan star after reconstruction. The aborigines of the Qinglan world have been living here for nearly a million years, and they have multiplied countless generations of magnificent dynasties here.

Yes, although this was Jiang Heng’s former second home, he did not allow it to be exposed to outside technology, and he also strictly ordered the outside world to provide assistance to this place. Any existence that intentionally touches here will be sanctioned by the Luohui Empire of the Milky Way.

Of course, the current Luohui Empire has gradually moved closer to Jiang Heng's lord's mansion. Relying on Jiang Heng's relationship, the Milky Way Luohui Empire has a lot of say in many super galaxy clusters in the entire Jiangheng territory.

Moreover, under the development of the Luohui Empire for nearly a million years, many strong people have gradually emerged, some of them are domain masters, or they may become demigods, His Majesty the Emperor of the Luohui Empire.

He is also an old acquaintance of Jiang Heng, formerly His Royal Highness of the Luohui Empire.

But these Jiang Heng deliberately concealed them when he came back this time. As long as he wanted to, no one here could discover his existence.

As for the current Qinglan star, it is very strange. After nearly a million years of change, countless dynasties here have changed.

Because of the situation of letting it develop, this planet has experienced five large-scale wars that swept across the entire civilization, and the population was once reduced to several million people.

And another wonderful point is that technology has never appeared on this planet from beginning to end.

It seems that it has been stuck in the ancient dynasty, or the situation of the Now here is a great unified dynasty, the Daqian Dynasty.

The Dagan Dynasty has now developed for nearly a thousand years, which is incredible for an ancient dynasty in the mundane world to be able to maintain such a long rule.

And Jiang Heng found it even more interesting when he released his divine sense to investigate at will, because the royal family of this dynasty is actually surnamed Shen!

The surname Shen is not uncommon in Qinglanxing. Just by casually scanning, Jiang Heng found that there are no less than a few million people with the surname Shen here, and the population of the entire Daqian Dynasty is almost 30 million.

For the ancient dynasty, it was indeed very prosperous, but also because the development time has been too long, the royal family has gradually decayed, and the officials have become corrupt. The entire dynasty is like a rusty giant machine, cumbersome and unbearable.

But in the imperial ancestral hall, there is a portrait that Jiang Heng didn't expect.

In the portrait, a slightly calm middle-aged man is kneeling in front of a couple.

The characters in the painting are very clearly depicted, and they seem to be redrawn every once in a while. Among them, the couple's appearance is ordinary, and the appearance of the woman is also ordinary, but they have a detached temperament.


Seeing the portrait, Jiang Heng smiled, because the couple in this painting were none other than himself and Lin Yanwei.

And that middle-aged man was the registered disciple he and Lin Yanwei accepted when they left this place, silence!

I remember that I gave this silent a promise at that time, if he was qualified to leave this planet before he died, then he could contact himself through the channel of the Milky Way.

And I will give him a real big opportunity and put him in the gate wall.

But in the past so many years, he has been silent until he died of old age and did not send him any messages, which also shows that he has not taken that step. died on this planet.

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