Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1135: Fishing the dead against life and death (Part 1)

"Could it be that they were too worn out and temporarily retreated?" Someone was puzzled.

"Are you kidding? They are at a high loss? Our loss is ten times that of theirs!"

Immediately, someone retorted. After all, everyone saw the previous battle, and the situation was one-sided. There was almost no wave on their side.

Some elite legions can survive the war, but that's all. Didn't you see that the Wuwei Army, the most elite legion in the empire, is now disabled?

"Could it be that His Majesty the Valkyrie has already cut off the opponent's interior scene?"

A high-ranking general expressed his opinion. After all, the middle and low-level generals and soldiers didn't even know the concept of interior scene.

Ling Haixue Zhanhou also gathered together at this time, the two looked at each other, and immediately smiled wryly.

Both of them are now bloodstained, their bodies are covered with golden skeletons, their stomachs are even more tattered, and the magical weapons in their hands are like dilapidated garbage. Not to mention them, even the people behind the two were in a state of distress, looking like an army of beggars.

"Does the deputy army chief know what's going on? Could it be related to the army chief? I saw the army chief make a move before!" Xue Zhanhou said first.

"Yeah!" Wen Yan Linghai nodded, and said in a deep voice, "The head of the legion has indeed joined the battlefield. I don't know where he is at the moment, but even if the head of the legion is powerful and unrivaled, the only way to influence this war is to I'm afraid it's also..."

Ling Hai didn't continue to say anything, but the meaning was obvious.

The **** battle is also clear. When the war comes to this level, even if they trust the leader of the worship legion, it is impossible to hypnotize themselves.

This is not a war that can be reversed by one or two true god-level combat powers, but at this time there is such a strange scene in the war.

"Be careful, these alien races probably have other schemes, maybe they are hiding a big killer!" Ling Hai thought for a while and could only say so.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the majestic voice of the Great Zhou Emperor resounded in his mind.

"My lords! This battle... our army has won a complete victory!"

Following the words of the Great Zhou Emperor, on the battlefield, no matter whether it was the surviving mortals or the high-ranking demigods and even the true gods who had already been scarred, they were stunned.

It took a full minute to burst into cheers from all over the broken battlefield.

Many people have already embraced each other with people nearby, and at this time, regardless of their gender or the formation of the legion, they just hug each other and cry.

This battle is too difficult!

Whether it is an old soldier who participated in the last war or a new recruit, they are all weeping with joy at this time.

not easy! It's not easy!

At the beginning of the war, the old soldiers were relatively relieved, and even had time to comfort the nervous new soldiers.

However, when engaging in close combat with alien races, whether it is an old soldier or a new soldier, his heart will keep slipping into the abyss until he finally becomes desperate.

It is normal for new soldiers to be desperate, and it is normal for old soldiers to be hopeless.

Because with the passage of time in the war, everyone has been killed and feared, the captain of the ten thousand fell, the commander of the thousand was on the top, the commander of the thousand fell and the master of the five hundred fell, and the master of the five hundred fell on the top of the centurion, until finally there was almost no command It's fighting on its own.

Because there is no such thing as an establishment in the future, everyone has no establishment, and many legions even have a full establishment.

From the regiment commander down to the ordinary soldiers, all fell without exception.

There are also quite a few entire legions with only a few hundred people left who are still struggling. The only ones who still have a little organization are the Wuwei Army, the Central Army, and one or two of the most elite legions under the Four Kings.

Among the four kings, the Southern King's legion has the most people, even if it is the strongest under the Southern King's command, the Jiyuan Legion that was once ruled by Ji Yuan Hou no longer exists, and the entire legion has fallen without exception.

It is precisely because they are not afraid of death that they unleash the strongest blow of the weapon category, turning their life-long cultivation base and even their lives into the brightest brilliance, creating some vitality for other brother legions.

Because of all these things, everyone knows how incredible it is to win a war that almost destroys the country in this desperate battle.

There were even some people who suffered from the sequelae of the battlefield, shivering and shrank aside, and hadn't recovered from the retreat of the alien race.

Seeing the many cheers, and even celebrating the starry scene where his halo of law erupted and illuminated the broken battlefield, Jiang Heng couldn't help but sighed softly.

He also has a deep understanding of the hardships of this battle. If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of a lunatic General Li, the defeat of this battle would have been a foregone conclusion.

"Senior, wait for you later, this junior will deal with it first!"

After giving Li Shenjiang an order, Jiang Heng immediately used space teleportation and disappeared in place.

Although Li Shenjiang was crazy, it was precisely because of this madness that Jiang Heng knew that he had to be more cautious in dealing with it.

When Jiang Heng suddenly appeared in front of Ling Haixue Zhanhou and the others, the two of them were taken aback. They had been on high alert and thought that the foreign race was coming again and almost used force.

But feeling the familiar atmosphere, the two of them were stunned for a moment, and then both of them were overjoyed.

"Legion Commander!"

"Legion Commander, you are here!"

Seeing Jiang Heng, the heart that was still hanging in the air was inexplicably let go at this moment.

The longer they joined the Wuwei Army and followed Jiang Heng, the more trust and peace of mind these veterans of the Wuwei Army had in Jiang Heng, the regiment commander. It seems that no matter how you follow the legion commander, you can save yourself from danger.

"How's the situation? Has the casualty statistics come out?" Nodding his head, Jiang Heng looked at the two of them.

Hearing that Xue Zhanhou and Ling Hai looked at each other, he smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Legion Commander, this...the situation is not optimistic. It is estimated that there are less than one-tenth of the full staff of more than 500,000 people. As for the statistics of casualties, I am afraid that they will not be available for a while. The outbreak of the war is too chaotic. It was too tragic, many people were scattered, and now they are all mixed together, and no one knows whose establishment."

What Ling Hai said is true, just like the more than 10,000 people he is currently leading, it is estimated that many of them are defeated soldiers from other legions.

After the outbreak of the war, all legions fought on their own after being initially crushed, that is to say, Ling Hai's previous strength on the battlefield was impressive enough, which attracted many defeated troops to follow.

"Let everyone rest on the spot first!" Jiang Heng sighed.

Hearing this, Ling Hai nodded, but he frowned and said hesitantly, "League Commander, there are still many people who are seriously injured. If they can't be treated in time, they won't last long!"

This is also the worry of many people at present. Almost none of them who have survived until now are covered with scars. The light ones are severely injured, and the serious ones are burnt too much life essence and blood and even the original source, and even fatal injuries. , I guess I won't live long.

"No problem!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a milky white aura rising rapidly from behind Jiang Heng. This aura emitted an extremely soft radiance, and the radiance quickly spread out and enveloped tens of thousands of people nearby in a short time.

It is a life path that is still at the ninth level!

This is also the only ninth-order avenue that Jiang Heng has not fully mastered, although the good fortune jade plate can make all avenues completely perfect and become a true god.

But only the way of life is special, this is the law of the way that Jiang Heng got from the mother god. And the Mother Goddess herself is a strong internal scene, and a surviving internal scene. Although she has fallen into madness, she firmly occupies the avenue of her own life.

According to Good Fortune Jade Plate, he already has the master's avenue, and he can perfect it below the inner scene level, but he can't do it if the master's avenue is mastered by the living inner scene level strong.

Still for that reason, the inner scene-level powerhouse possesses the inner universe, and already has the qualifications to face the strongest person who opened up this universe face to face.

Although the Good Fortune Jade Plate was born at the beginning of this universe, in the final analysis it is only an original treasure bred by this universe.

Speaking of the primordial treasure, Jiang Heng couldn't help but think of those treasures that were forcibly seized in the ruins of the temples of the gods that day.

At that time, he almost lost his life because of those treasures, and was even targeted by an unknown and terrifying existence. Fortunately, there have been no accidents until now, which made Jiang Heng feel relieved.

"When the great war subsides temporarily, we have to think about those primordial treasures!"

Jiang Heng was secretly planning his next steps.

As for the mysterious strong man back then, Jiang Heng no longer cared about it.

That guy may be the incarnation of the will of the Dao, but he is now the master of the Eight Paths, so he really doesn't necessarily deserve him.

And the master said that with that guy's performance, it seems that he has not recovered to the internal scene level strength.

If the other party is really a remnant soul of the internal scene-level powerhouse that the Shengyuan family placed in Hanoi, the great avenue of the universe, a long time ago, then I really need to remind him.

But Jiang Heng felt that was the case. After all, if the opponent's strength really recovered, then he would have no possibility of escaping that day, let alone succeed in snatching food from a tiger's mouth.

His eyes fell on the many wounded present.

As Jiang Heng exerted his power of life, Ling Haixue Zhanhou could clearly feel a surge of vitality bursting out of his body. It was very obvious to them with such a cultivation level, and the ordinary soldiers felt it even more clearly.

Many of the lightly wounded who were visible to the naked eye recovered in a short period of time, while the seriously wounded were pulled back from the dying state.

"Thank you for your help, Legion Commander!" Seeing this, Ling Hai was overjoyed and hurriedly said.

"It's okay, but it's a pity that my cultivation of the Dao of Life is limited, so I can't help everyone!"

Feeling that the Dao of Life was consumed within a short period of time, Jiang Heng was also a little helpless, the Dao of Life was no different than others.

Because it has not been fully mastered, it cannot enjoy the superposition of other complete law gain effects, it is just a pure ninth-level level.

Even the power of time temporarily borrowing the complete life path in the future cannot do this.

Because this involves the knowledge of the time paradox, there is a mechanism required by the Dao of Time, that is, it is now necessary for the Dao of Time to make a judgment on its own situation, and it can only be borrowed if the judgment is successful.

Just like the reason why he was able to borrow the True God-level Time Dao before, it was because Jiang Heng himself had the background to step into the True God-level Time Dao, and there is no internal scene-level Time Dao powerhouse in the world, so this prerequisite can be borrowed.

But now that the mother **** exists, and this mighty existence exists, Jiang Heng can't just destroy the mother **** right now.

"Legion Commander, you have done enough, it's just the others...others..." Ling Hai sighed softly while speaking.

This battle was too tragic. Dozens of legions, together with some standing armies and even casual cultivators from all over the country, as well as demigod-level powerhouses among the fanatics of the temples, nearly tens of millions of demigod-level powerhouses, are now tens of millions of demigod-level powerhouses. Not one.

The extent of its tragedy can be imagined, and it is foreseeable that in the tens of millions of years after this battle, it will be difficult for the entire universe to regain its former vitality.

Jiang Heng was also silent for a while. Of course he knew that he could clearly feel that the number of breaths on the battlefield had decreased by a lot compared to the initial one.

Even many subordinates who were once familiar with him had very little breath.

"Do you want to revive those deceased, kid?"

Suddenly, Taoist Wuwei's voice sounded in his mind.

"Master, why do you ask disciples like this?" Jiang Heng was puzzled, the old man was not making fun of him.

Now is the time to joke around.

"Hmph! Let me ask you if you want to!" Taoist Wuwei seemed a little annoyed.

"I want to! Of course I want to!" Jiang Heng said firmly.

If those who have died can be resurrected, it means that the universe has not suffered any loss after this battle. Let alone resurrecting all of them, even if half of them are resurrected, the universe will not be seriously damaged. It can recover a lot even if it takes a lot of resources to restore millions of years of.

"In this case, you can try one or two yourself!"

"Try? How can I have such a great ability?"

Jiang Heng was stunned, resurrecting the dead, is this something he can do? What are you kidding?

"The way of reincarnation controls life and death, and all the rules under reincarnation are made by you! Life or death, even this universe can't stop you! In the way of reincarnation, you are the **** who really controls everything!"

"But Master, I really can't do it!" Jiang Heng felt helpless.

Of course he knows the ability of the reincarnation way, and his mastery of reincarnation has been further improved with the previous battles, and he also understands a lot of inside information.

"Since it is, then you should know that using the six realms of reincarnation as a transit point, you will pull all the scattered soul fragments in this star field into the realm of reincarnation to reshape your soul, and then put them into the six realms by category.

There is a high probability that these demigods will enter the way of the gods, and then they only need to be fished out of them! "Wuwei Taoist said slowly.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng became even more bitter.

Of course he understands this truth, but how can he say it so lightly.

He sighed, and had no choice but to explain, "Master, even though this is true, if you want to resurrect others through the way of reincarnation, you must first have the inner universe, and use your own inner universe to counteract the power of the rules of the universe.

Otherwise, the power of the rules of the universe will not allow me to bring the dead back to life, not to mention that my apprentice is now the ruler of the eight realms, even the masters of the ten and twenty realms cannot compete with the power of the rules of the universe! "

"That's right! The God Emperor was indeed at the interior level back then before he could retrieve the souls of the dead from reincarnation, but who said that you must fight against the power of the universe's rules by yourself. Isn't there a ready-made helper here?" Taoist Wuwei looked resentful Iron does not make steel.

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