Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1134: the big picture

"Phew, this guy is very cautious. He has mastered so many complete avenues, and he has accumulated countless years as a peak ruler. I think he is not far from the half-step interior scene. This kind of person is the most cherished life. If he falls before the half-step interior scene, he will die." What a pity."

Daoist Wuwei is also very grateful, this method is usually not so effective, not because everyone is not afraid of inner scene-level powerhouses.

Instead, he knew that once he was marked by an interior-level powerhouse, there was a high probability that he would not be able to run away. At this time, running was useless. It was better to fight to the death and deal with the enemy in front of him first.

It's just that the master of Jianhe should have a lot of interior-level treasures and means of escape, so it's not that there is no chance of escape, it can only be said that it really happened at the right time.

"Phew! Anyway, this beast has been withdrawn. It seems that even if I master the laws of the Eight Paths and become the master, I can't underestimate the people of the world!"

"It's still considered that you have suffered a loss and gained a lot of wisdom. Where are you? Looking at the countless universes, there are not many top masters who have mastered the ten ways. What's more, just like the **** emperor back then, before he stepped into the inner scene, he also accumulated There are more than twelve rules. After achieving the inner scene, the rules have been accumulated to nearly twenty!"

"Master, I know, in the future..."

Jiang Heng, who was talking with Taoist Wuwei, paused as he spoke.

With a little horror in his eyes, he looked at the familiar figure reappearing in front of him.

"Good trick, I was almost fooled by you. Although I don't know how you used the inner-level powerhouse logo, it's a pity that you failed!"

Master Jianhe smiled and looked at the person in front of him. He was really taken aback just now, and almost threw out all kinds of interior-level treasures to get away.

However, after running away for a while, seeing that Jiujiu was not attacked by interior-level means, he soon came to his senses.

No matter how cautious he is at the moment, his brain is not bad yet. He clearly understands that if it is a real interior-level powerhouse who makes the move, it must be Thunder's method. It is impossible for him to hesitate for so long and let him escape.

"Your Excellency is not stupid, but it's a pity that I didn't deceive you!" Jiang Heng smiled lightly, although he was a little surprised, but not so surprised, he had already prepared a desperate fight in his heart.

Fortunately, the delay just made my injury recover a lot.

Jiang Heng sighed. Although it was delayed for a while, the injuries caused by the interior-level treasures were not so easy to recover. Even the injuries caused by Hogos before had not recovered.

These injuries caused by the interior-level treasures can only be completely recovered by another interior-level expert. After all, the injuries caused by the objects outside the picture are equivalent to the original Tao injuries, and it is impossible to completely heal without their own interior.

"I don't know how long the temporarily suppressed injury can last!"

Jiang Heng looked at the other party vigilantly, his muscles tensed all over his body, the power of law was constantly appearing and running behind his back, and he was always on guard for instant strikes.

Seeing that Jiang Heng hadn't made a move for a long time, the master of Jianhe smiled lightly, and the next moment he had disappeared in place, and his figure turned into a beam of light that instantly hit Jiang Heng.

Law of Light? !

The moment the opponent made a move, Jiang Heng also reacted, raising his hand to restrain the ray of light with space and time.

But at this moment, half of the light was quickly swallowed by the darkness. It was an extreme darkness, where darkness and light were intertwined.

And the moment the darkness appeared, a black vortex appeared on the periphery of the light. The incomparably dark black vortex seemed to be able to swallow everything, and the power of time and space disappeared soon after entering it.

Even the surrounding light was quickly swallowed.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng frowned and raised his hand to strike again, but just as he was about to strike, he slammed into the flesh.

A burst of force swept across the whole body, every inch of bone and even every inch of muscle cells was subjected to a sudden violent bursting impact.

He wanted to make an effective counterattack, but his soul trembled violently, and even the sea of ​​consciousness was shaken like a torrent hitting Lu, and the sudden shock directly interrupted the release of Jiang Heng's law.


The ruler of Jianhe who was close to Chichi sneered, and the next moment he slammed one hand on Jiang Heng's front door, and then yanked it violently.

In an instant, a feeling of being torn apart from the soul and body swept through the whole body, no! It should be said that it was tens of thousands of times worse than that kind of pain, and a thick gray-white light was torn from Jiang Heng's body bit by bit.

His body was trembling constantly, as if he was trying to resist, but when he was caught by the master of Jianhe's big hand, all his resistance seemed to be useless.

The law is tearing the soul from the body little by little.

"The avenue of stripping the law and the soul? What kind of avenue is this?!"

At this time, in the inner universe, Taoist Wuwei and the original ancient tree who saw this scene all showed expressions of surprise and uncertainty.

"What a vicious method, even the Dao can be stripped, and the same is true for the soul!"

The original ancient tree was stunned.

"Even you haven't seen it?" Taoist Wuwei frowned and asked.

"This is not any avenue in our realm. Although there are many avenues in the universe that have the same avenue, there are also some local characteristics."

"Law of Distinction? This vocabulary is a bit..."

Not to mention how the two of them talked, at this moment Jiang Heng only felt that he was encountering an unprecedented catastrophe. Yes, this kind of pain was even stronger than ordinary catastrophes. The terrible tearing sensation swept through every inch of the body and even the soul, and the huge pain Let him unconsciously let out a heart-piercing growl.

"Huh? How dare you take action against the person whom the **** general likes! Court death!"

At this moment, a cold snort like thunder exploded in Master Jianhe's mind.

The sudden situation directly led to the suspension of Master Jianhe's large peeling technique.

This time, the master of Jianhe lost his previous decisiveness and hesitated instead. He stopped and frowned and looked at Jiang Heng who had gradually calmed down.

"This set again?"

Master Jianhe sneered.

" can choose to stay here." Jiang Heng smiled weakly.

"Well, I will kill you first!"

Master Jianhe shouted in a low voice, raising his hand as if he was about to make a move, but at the moment he made the move, he seemed to sense something, his expression changed suddenly, and he turned his head to look not far away.

Naturally, there is nothing in the direction you are looking at, except for the vast battlefield in the distance, there is only a vast starry sky left.

But Tong Kong, the master of Jianhe, shrank abruptly, and the hairs on his back stood on end.

"not good!"

He quickly grabbed it from the void, because Jiang Heng was injured and his soul was damaged, so many previous methods were naturally forced to be interrupted, including the ordered order.

An incomparably crystal finger knuckle appeared in the palm of his hand, and a small golden awl appeared in his other hand. There was a flash of flesh pain on his face, and he immediately smashed the knuckle quickly.


The joints shattered and turned into crystal powder, and the powder whirled around Master Jianhe and quickly covered his body surface, forming a set of white bone armor.

Accompanied by the moment when the bone armor's stomach just emerged, something suddenly seemed to hit it in the nothingness, Peng!

Seeing Master Jianhe as if he had been hit hard, most of the white bones covering his body were shattered at this moment, exposing the dilapidated flesh inside.

"The real main god-level powerhouse?! How can there be a main god-level powerhouse?"

Master Jianhe was horrified, and looked in disbelief at a certain place in the void above, but he couldn't see anything. He probed and quickly took out a small and delicate pendant from the void. Inside the pendant was a hideous Bloodshot eyes.

Wearing the pendant, I saw that eyeball opened suddenly, turning around quickly and focusing somewhere in the void above, at this moment Master Jianhe finally saw clearly the situation outside the picture, where a majestic figure holding a pagoda was floating there.


With just one glance, looking at Master Jianhe through the interior-level treasure, one can feel the avenue of law trembling, and the space of the sea of ​​consciousness is crumbling.

The figure quickly disappeared into the main universe, and when it reappeared, it had already come out of the picture.

It is impossible to rely on the plane of the main universe to escape. In front of the inner scene level powerhouse, no matter how fast the escape in the main universe is, it is as slow as a turtle, and it is impossible to hide everything at a glance.

And the white bone armor stomach on his body can be regarded as a one-time interior-level treasure, which was evolved by destroying a section of the knuckle of an interior-level strong man. With this set of one-off interior scene armor, he can travel outside the picture in a short period of time.

However, the moment he entered the outside of the picture, he had already grabbed it again, and grabbed dozens of interior-level treasures from the portable space.

These are all his savings for many years, and he doesn't care about wasting them at this time, so let's talk about surviving first.


There was a buzzing sound, and as soon as Master Jianhe jumped out, dense electric arcs appeared all over his body, and he was able to cast laws outside the picture. It was obvious that this was another interior-level treasure.

The thunder flickered, and suddenly exploded a ball of dazzling light. The next moment, Master Jianhe turned into a bolt of thunder and fled wildly towards the outer boundary of the universe.

"Huh! Dominant Realm can still use interior-level methods so frequently?!"

Seeing this scene, Li Shenjiang was slightly stunned. His brain was not working well, and he hadn't thought of the reason why he used the interior-level treasure. He was still in the surprise that the opponent survived his own blow.

"Huh! So what? I still want to escape in front of the **** general, but if you really let me escape, how will the **** face the emperor's crown?!"

With a soft snort, Li Shenjiang flashed his figure, flicked his wrist, and the pagoda that was always dragging in his palm flew out in an instant. The golden light suddenly appeared, and a terrifying rank and even the suppressing power of the inner universe fled crazily. The ruler of Jianhe covered the past.

"Senior, what's the matter?"

Seeing Li Shenjiang reappearing in front of him, Jiang Heng hurriedly asked without caring about his injuries.

"Escaped by this rat!"

Li Shenjiang shook his head, with embarrassment and shame on his face, in his opinion, it was a humiliation to him to escape.

"The thief has a lot of tricks, all kinds of interior-level tricks, the **** general was careless and failed to take down this beast in a short time!"

General Li was also helpless. He was indeed careless at the beginning, but he became serious later on. As a result, the initial miscalculation quickly formed a chain reaction.

The opponent's interior-level treasures emerged one after another. In just a few tens of breaths of escape, the opponent used more than 20 interior-level treasures, and at the same time used hundreds of interior-level treasures to make shots.

It is also by virtue of this inhumanity that at all costs, Master Jianhe escaped from this universe in a narrow and dangerous way.

At this time, when returning to the temporary camp in the outer domain of the Luoyu Lord God's Department through the passage, I saw the existence of Jianhe Lord, the Luoyu Lord God, appearing alone, and many logistics personnel came up to greet him, but they were facing Jianhe Lord. That face was as black as a pot of charcoal.

Immediately crushing to death a few powerhouses of the vassal clan who came forward to flatter him, Jianhe Master's complexion improved a little.

But the heart is still bleeding.

"Damn it! Damn it! Most of my savings over the years have been destroyed."

Arriving in his own camp, when there was only one person left around, the leader of Jianhe began to curse angrily.

After escaping, he destroyed more than a dozen interior-level treasures, which were already half of his net worth over the years. And that's all, when he was escaping, his original source was also severely injured, and it is estimated that it will take tens of millions of years to recover.

The process of stepping into the interior scene level has to be postponed again, so how can this not make the master of Jianhe angry.

In contrast, Jiang Heng felt a little regretful when he heard what Li Shenjiang said, but he was also relieved.

"Senior, didn't you fight against that internal scene-level powerhouse before? What's the situation over there?" Jiang Heng remembered that Li Shenjiang was still fighting against the internal scene-level powerhouse of the Shengyuan clan before.

"Uh...cough cough, don't mention it, let that guy escape too. How can these **** thieves be so good at running away? The strength is sparse and the normal escape ability is extremely good!"

Li Shenjiang's face became even more embarrassed, and he couldn't lift his head even more when facing Jiang Heng, a junior.

The brain circuit of a lunatic is sometimes like this. The current Li Shenjiang does not have the majestic appearance before, but looks a bit like an embarrassed and ashamed child, very wronged.

Jiang Heng nodded, but he didn't think it was too strange when he heard the words.

He would only find it strange if this general Li Shen slaughtered the inner scene of the foreigner.

"Also ask senior to help me heal."

"Small things!"

Jiang Heng's injury was the most terrifying Taoist injury to him. He had been severely injured by interior-level treasures many times. After a period of time when he could not suppress the injury, these injuries would completely crush Jiang Heng like a bank bursting.

But for the inner scene level powerhouse, this is a trivial matter. Because they are strong insiders and belong to people outside the painting in the true sense. In their view, this is just to repair or even smooth out the damage on Jiang Heng, the person in the painting.


Feeling that the injury recovered in a blink of an eye, Jiang Heng also let out a sigh of relief.

This time it's really too Senior, but can you see the fight between the two inside-level powerhouses on the other side? "

Jiang Heng is still more concerned about the situation on the side of Valkyrie.

"It's over. My God General just passed by and gave that guy a hard time." Li Shenjiang said this with a bit of complacency.

At this time, Jiang Heng also discovered that the situation on the battlefield had changed. The Shengyuan clan, which had been pouring out of the passageway, started to retreat slowly.

Even the Shengyuan fighters who were fighting at the forefront seemed to have received the order, and they did not hesitate to abandon the opponent in front of them and retreat like a tide.


"Why did they retreat?!"

At this time, many soldiers who were on the verge of collapse stared blankly at this group of slowly retreating enemies, very confused.

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