Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1136: Fishing for the dead against life and death (Part 2)

"Master, you mean Senior Li Shenjiang?" Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows.

"Who else could it be but him? Could it be that the little boy named Valkyrie is going to take action? A half-step interior scene can't stand the point where he can compete with the power of the universe's rules!" Taoist Wuwei snorted softly.

Hearing that Jiang Heng was a little embarrassed, it seemed that he had cheated Senior Li Shen many times, and now he handed over this trouble to the other party, somewhat embarrassed.

"Don't worry, he is the real inner scene. As long as you are fast enough, it's not a big deal to hold it for a while." Taoist Wuwei shook his head and chuckled.

After pondering again and again, Jiang Heng felt that compared to saving nearly ten million people, begging God General Li seemed nothing.

So Jiang Heng appeared in front of General Li again.

"What? Help you carry the power of the universe's rules?" Hearing this, Li Shenjiang was stunned, and he said suspiciously, "It's not a problem to carry it, but what exactly are you going to do, need to compete with the power of the universe's rules?"

Because of the embarrassment he suffered in front of this junior before him, Li Shenjiang felt a little ashamed and agreed without any hesitation.

"This senior doesn't need to ask any more questions. You just need to hold on to the power of the universe's rules, and the longer you hold on, the better." Jiang Heng said a little embarrassedly.

"Squeezing this **** with the power of the rules of the universe is no longer a problem, but how long do you want this **** to carry it?" Although Li Shenjiang's brain is not working well now, he always feels that something is wrong.

"Just for a while, senior waits for the junior to open your mouth, and you will no longer resist the force of the rules." Jiang Heng said hastily.

"That's no problem!" Hearing this, Li Shenjiang nodded confidently. He felt that as long as he carried it for a while, his own strength was nothing.

Seeing that Li Shenjiang agreed so resolutely, Jiang Heng was somewhat embarrassed.

But how can we retreat now? Taking a deep breath, Jiang Heng mobilized the laws in his body to pull the power of the avenue.


The power of the law surged into the limbs, especially the right arm, where layers of twisted and dense reincarnation marks emerged.

The Daoist of Reincarnation slowly emerged from behind, and at the same time, there was also a phantom transformed by Xingtian's divine power. At this moment, Xingtian phantom did not hold the giant ax in his palm, but a phantom of a compass.

Jiang Heng stared straight at a certain place in the void, and at the same time stretched out his right arm slowly, as if grasping something in the void.

But when the arm was stretched out, it quickly disappeared into nothingness, but a twisted vortex appeared in the area where the arm was protruded, and there seemed to be terrifying ghosts roaring in the vortex.

At the same time, through this twisted vortex, one can see countless dead souls whistling over there, which is where the spiritual world of Wanbaozhai resides.

It is also the last missing node in the six paths of reincarnation, the node of the world.

At this time, the spiritual world Tianren City—

Countless strong men whose spirits have entered this place are chatting with the people around them, or buying and selling, and some are on their way. The entire Celestial City still looks like it is bustling.

However, the spiritual world during this time period is much colder than when Jiang Heng entered it back then.

This is because most of the demigod-level domain master-level powerhouses in the empire and the entire universe participated in the war just now, and now many people have fallen or are seriously injured and have no time to enter the spiritual world to exchange items.

"Who is on the front line? Do you know the battle report from the front line?"

Some people are asking the people around them, the latest big event is undoubtedly the battle of the realm. Almost as long as the domain master level powerhouses and above are concerned about this war, the whole universe is paying attention.

Even many ordinary people below the domain master have heard about this.

"I don't know. How do we know that? That's where the dragon's pond and tiger's den are. Even if there's a truce over there, it's dangerous for us to approach. I don't want to be dragged away by approaching."

Some people shook their heads, with a look of fear on their faces.

They are all casual cultivators. As the Great Zhou and the Ultra-Dimensional Divine Kingdom issued a compulsory recruitment order to the entire universe, these casual cultivators either hid in the neutral area, or hid in the small plane to retreat and ignore world affairs.

After all, everyone is the emperor of the earth, and they are all the ancestors of one side. No one wants to go to the front line to be reduced to cannon fodder and die.

"Hey, with this war, this place is too deserted. It used to be a bit popular when the temples still existed, but now it's really a ghost here." Someone sighed.

Everyone was silent for a while when they heard the words, and they all agree with this, but their hearts are a little complicated.

There is jealousy and hatred arising from shame. After all, so many people have gone to the battlefield, doesn't it seem that they are timid and selfish?

Sometimes human nature is like this, whether it is common people, demigods or even true gods.


Suddenly someone was surprised to find that the earth was trembling.

"The earth dragon turned over? No, how could the earth dragon turn over here?"

Some people are surprised, isn't it nonsense that the spiritual world can turn itself around?

"Look! Above!"

Someone finally discovered what looked up at the sky and was horrified.

Hearing this, everyone also looked up one after another, their eyes widened and they were at a loss for what to do.

I saw that the always gray sky in the spiritual world cracked a hideous opening at this time, and the gray clouds in the sky were stirring to form a terrible vortex around the crack.

And within that crack, a huge eyeball was looking around inside, and then the eyes disappeared, replaced by a big hand slowly poking into it from the crack.

That big hand was a hand of pure flesh and blood, and the moment the palm poured into this boundary, thunder broke out, and countless thunderbolts rolled in all directions like dragons and quickly entwined towards that big hand.

It was as if the most terrifying catastrophe was constantly beating on the huge giant hand, and everyone just looked at it and felt that everything was so shocking.

The size of the giant hand seems to be able to cover the sun and the moon, and the huge Celestial City may be completely crushed with just one finger.

But they found that the ferocious black and white thunder crackled on the giant hand but couldn't hurt the giant hand at all.

"Who dares to trespass into the world of the dead with flesh and blood?!"

With a roar, a figure in a black cloak flew into the sky from the tallest building in the city, suspended in mid-air.

"It's the Lord of Tianren City!"

"The city lord has made a move!"

"Since the city lord has made a move, everything will subside soon."

Seeing that person, everyone was excited.

The Celestial City Lord is a sixth-order powerhouse, standing in the top echelon of the demigod rank.

For people of great power, this strength is naturally nothing, but in the eyes of this group of casual cultivators, this is a big man who is on top of one!

Cheers continued, but they didn't know that the Celestial City Lord they worshiped was already panicking in mid-air.

He looked up at the sky with cold sweat, and when he saw clearly the things above, he knew that it was over, and he was a little impulsive.

Before in his City Lord's Mansion, he just felt that there seemed to be some bad intentions outside, thinking that the universe has changed a lot recently, and all major forces are busy with wars. At this time, there are still people who dare to cause trouble. Does the City Lord of Tianren City take it seriously?

So he didn't even think about launching a thunderous blow as soon as he soared into the sky, but now he regrets it a little.

"Huh! Fortunately, this terrifying existence has not locked me, but is this world of the dead starting to be in turmoil now?? When will someone of this level appear?"

Gu Ying, the owner of Tianren City, is a bit annoyed. In the past, the universe was peaceful, and the big forces of all parties would send big figures to sit in this world of the dead. Now it is different. The cosmic war broke out, which seems to be related to an ancient catastrophe.

Gu Ying felt that this was none of my business. It's good that you big forces are busy with the war. I just happen to be able to take care of my three-acre land.

"Damn it, the world of the dead is not stable now, do you want to find a chance to leave here?" Gu Ying, the city lord, felt that he should think about the way out, and find a chance to hide in some hidden places in this world of the dead for a few days. Hundreds of thousands of years.

At the same time, in Wanbaozhai, the chief and deputy pavilion masters were also looking up at the sky, but they didn't move at all. They could feel it clearly and couldn't move.

The owner of the giant palm has not been fully revealed, even though the aura it showed still overwhelmed them, they were unable to use even the slightest means of spirit and soul.

Especially the terrifying aura lingering on the surface of the giant palm seems to have a natural restraint effect on the flow of spirits and ghosts.


At this moment, the big hand slammed down, the speed soared, and the giant palm touched the ground all at once, and the whole world shook more violently. At this moment, almost all the powerful people in the Wanbaozhai branch city in the entire human world felt abnormal up.

Everyone looked in the same direction in surprise.

"Did you find out?"

"F... What did you find?"

"What else can it be, don't you feel that the Yin Qi here is declining?"

"This this...."

After hearing the words, everyone felt that the decline rate of Yin Qi was too obvious, and Yin Qi was the most comfortable environment for their spiritual bodies after they left their bodies.

Some demigod-level powerhouses and domain master-level powerhouses do not need to care about leaving their physical bodies for a short time, but those aborigines living here are miserable. They are already dead, and they are like fish living in water at this time. I watched helplessly as the amount of water continued to decrease.

"No! What is this?"

However, just as everyone recovered from the decrease in Yin Qi, they soon felt a terrible suction force pulling them towards a certain direction.

This suction force was small at first, but soon swept across the entire world of the dead like a sweeping force.

Countless ghosts below the domain master level were first sucked into the sky, and then they saw that the source of the attraction was the terrifying giant hand.

Immediately afterwards, the domain master-level powerhouses couldn't hold back this terrifying suction vortex, and were pulled to the sky one after another.

"No no no! What is this, I don't want to die! I still have a body, I still have a family, I can't die here!"

"I will soon step into the demigod level and have millions of lifespans. I can't die here!"

Many domain master-level powerhouses began to scream heart-piercingly, crying and wanting the nearby demigod-level spirits to lend a helping hand.

Just because they looked back, those ghosts who couldn't hold back being sucked first had already arrived near the giant hand, and then they were smashed into a pure ghost by a layer of terrible vortex near the giant hand. The power is wrapped in the vortex.

These domain master-level powerhouses don't know what this giant palm wants to do, but they can know that this is to kill all of them!

No one wants to die. Although this is the world of the dead, there are only 50% of the real aboriginals, and the other 50% enter it through the Wanbaozhai Token.

These people still have physical bodies, it's not that they have exhausted their lifespan, they still have a lot of time to become gods and ancestors in the outside world!

In the outside world, they are the masters of countless creatures and the overlords of one side, but at this moment they are nothing but ants who are powerless to resist the general trend!

However, they wanted to ask for help from the demigod-level spirits, but how could these demigod-level spirits have such leisure at this time.

I just felt that the suction force was getting more and more terrifying, and there were already low-level demigods who couldn't bear this terrible suction force and were pulled to the sky and approached the giant hand unconsciously.

"Activate the array!"

At this time, at the branch of Wanbaozhai in Tianren City, following the order from the old woman who was the main pavilion owner, the whole Wanbaozhai was shrouded in a hazy halo.

At the next moment, the old woman and the deputy pavilion master were sitting in front of the formation. The two of them were of sixth rank and seventh rank, and their strength was not too strong. The people in the fasting branch couldn't bear it.

These people are all their subordinates, and they are also the aborigines here. Naturally, they can help as much as they can, not to mention opening the formation in advance to prevent the further increase of the subsequent suction force.

The arrangement of the two in advance is still correct, because the force of suction is gradually increasing. At this time, the suction power is no longer something ordinary middle and low-level demigods can compete with.

Many domain masters and low-level demigods have been crushed by the strange vortex near the giant hand and turned into pure soul power and ghost power.

The formation of the Wanbaozhai branch began to crumble, and Gu Ying, the owner of the city floating above the Tianren City, gritted his teeth and held on.

He is almost regretting it now. If he had known earlier, he would have stayed in the City Lord's Mansion. At least there is still a formation there, which is not like struggling alone now.

He just watched many of his subordinates in the city being sucked into the sky one after another, then quickly captured by the attraction, and then smashed into pieces by the vortex near the giant hand.

Dense ghosts and spirits were thrown into the vicinity of the giant hand, and there were patches of black clouds moving towards the giant hand everywhere, which were composed of countless dense ghosts and ghosts from cities all over the place.

Because there are too many of them gathered together, it is like a piece of black cloud with great momentum!

Fortunately, it lasted for about a full minute, and the suction force was only maintained at this level. Gu Ying barely managed it with his many years of experience.

But he was a little sad, and he didn't know how long he could carry it if it continued.

However, at this moment.


Suddenly the entire plane began to tremble violently, and the giant hand was slowly pulled up from the ground, slowly lifted and retracted into the crack.

Seeing this scene, Gu Ying was taken aback for a moment, and then he was ecstatic.

Is this terrifying unknown existence finally planning to let them go?

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