Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1133: 6 narrow defeats

Everyone saw countless phantoms floating in the palace above like gods, and among these phantoms, a radiant figure behind him slowly emerged. He was wearing a body armor made of silver armor and dragon scales. Hair bundled with golden crowns, hairpins and pheasant tails, uneven treasure belts and beasts swallowed flatly, scattered brocade robes and flying phoenixes. The armored stomach on his body has the style of Vajra Yasha Mingwang. He looks mighty and extraordinary at the same time, he also has a full sense of majesty!

The key point is that the opponent has a tightly closed brow between the brows. When the brow is closed, it looks like a golden mark of a god, mysterious and majestic.

Next to him is a vicious white-haired vicious dog with fair hair. The vicious dog looks around with a pair of nimble eyes. When it sees cows, horses, black and white old women and other gods of the dead, its eyes show humanized contempt.

And when he looked in the direction of the Skull God Mountain, he showed a strong look of disgust.

"It's Your Excellency Xiansheng Zhenjun! If he's here, then this guy must be finished!" The moment he saw this person appear, Ma Shen immediately showed ecstasy.

The strength and strength of the six realms of reincarnation are also different. Among them, their combat power in the three evil realms and the human realm is quite ordinary. They can do whatever they want against true gods below the level of true gods, and they can restrain their souls even in the face of ordinary true gods.

But in the face of some masters, especially this powerful guy who is in a mess right now, he can only be beaten.

At this time, it has to be the most powerful Tianshen Dao and Shura Dao. Those who are often imprisoned and judged by these two Dao are fallen true gods or masters.

It can be said that it is extremely professional.

"However, something is wrong. Why did His Majesty the God Emperor allow these two to appear together this time? With their tempers, I'm afraid they will have to fight again." Seeing this scene, the old woman couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Hearing this, everyone's brows also became worried, obviously they also knew that the two had been disliked by each other for many years.

However, the development of the situation at this time was beyond everyone's expectations, and the terrifying figure at the top of the Skeleton God Mountain, leaning lazily on the god's seat, let out a faint sneer.

"Xiansheng Zhenjun! Today's opponent is a bit tricky. Although I really want to fight with you, this guy is more challenging in comparison, so don't disturb me, let me take this beast first! "

The figure on the throne said calmly.

Hearing that the **** general above the clouds narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly, "Yes! But don't capsize in the gutter, I am looking forward to your defeat!"

"Hmph! You won't see that scene!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the person who fell from the **** seat slapped the armrest suddenly, and the next moment his body burst out, and a monstrous killing intent swept across the world in an instant.

The killing intent, which seemed to be real, turned into a monstrous sea of ​​blood, which seemed to cover the sky and quickly swept along this person's flying pounces.

"Asura battle body!"

A low shout was like thunder rolling and stirring.

In the next moment, this person's joints began to swell, every muscle was bulging, the flesh was squirming, the blood on the surface of the body was squirming, accompanied by the **** thunder flashing, his physical body changed drastically in just a short moment.

But the blood mist dissipated, and the blood-colored thunder gradually faded away. There was a nine-headed thunderbolt, each with a thousand eyes, nine hundred and ninety hands, and eight legs. The terrifying body of light appeared between the heaven and the earth.

His nine heads are blue and black, and he spits fire from his mouth, naked in anger.

A terrifying aura of a peak ruler suppressed this world like an earth-shaking one.

"Asura, the master of the Asura Way, has long heard that he has forcibly raised his rank to the level of dominance by relying on one Asura battle way, and with just one way, he can exert a terrifying strength far exceeding the power of several dominators." Niu Niu God was speechless.

"So this is the master of the Asura Way?" The black and white gods found it very strange, apparently unaware of it.

"Isn't it rumored that he was suppressed by the God Emperor because he angered him? Why did he appear here?"

"It's just been subdued. Among us, he is quite special. The Holy Lord and I are the same as the Shenting system. This Asura used to be a casual cultivator and did not belong to any party.

It is said that he was once the strongest of the local clan who evolved from the Dao of Reincarnation to the Dao of Shura, and later walked further and further on the road of casual cultivation from the Dao of Evolution.

And after the **** emperor practiced and mastered the way of reincarnation thoroughly, the Liao clan was completely on par with the **** emperor. He was unwilling to be enslaved by the **** emperor, so there was the battle back then, but how could he compete with the **** emperor even if he was talented? Contest under the crown? "The old woman shook her head endlessly, knowing only a little about what happened back then.

But seeing the terrifying **** body with nine heads and thousand eyes, nine hundred and ninety hands, and eight legs, spewing fire, surrounded by a sea of ​​blood, flames and thunder roaring towards the master of Jianhe, he rushed over.

Seeing that Master Jianhe frowned slightly, he felt that the surprise given to him by this place was really getting bigger and bigger.

It's nothing more than seeing a few fake and shoddy interior true gods, but I can still see a guy who specializes in one and sees one's rank abruptly raised to the level of dominance.

It is not easy to raise the rank of the law. If you only rely on your own understanding in this universe, even if you understand it for billions of years, it will be difficult to gain anything, unless you have a great opportunity to come into contact with similar avenues in other worlds. Row.

After all, general masters achieve something by superimposing multiple avenues, and the effort required to upgrade to this level with just one avenue is far greater than that of ordinary masters.


There was a loud noise, and the entire interface shook violently, and there were dense fist shadows colliding with Master Jianhe's fist together.

The two sides are wrestling, one side is the superimposed power of the ten masters, and the other is a single Shura way, but at this moment, the two sides have fallen into a stalemate under one blow.

"Are you good at strength? But there is no lack of avenues that I have mastered that are good at attacking one!"

Master Jianhe grinned, and the next moment there was a stream of guns rising behind him, and the guns quickly collapsed the moment they appeared.

Afterwards, a terrifying phantom of a gigantic beast quickly rose up from the back of Master Jianhe. The phantom was like a tiger with wings, like a cow, and with hedgehog fur.

The phantom covered the sun, the moon and the stars, covering most of the sky.

And the body of Master Jianhe also quickly emerged with dense animal hair, and a pair of wings also sprang out from behind, making his whole body even stronger.

Phantom followed the trajectory of Master Jianhe's punch and also struck away, making a muffled sound, and the next moment Asura groaned and staggered and flew out.

The figure flew far away like a cannonball, and finally hit the barrier of the boundary with all its weight before falling to the ground. When he got up again, there was blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the other party with some doubts.

"It's the embarrassment, Asura!"

The disgusting voice sounded from far away, Asura couldn't help but frowned, and snorted coldly, "Don't speak wild words, Xiansheng, this beast is very powerful, if you have the ability, go up and try the depth!"

He was very annoyed, but he was terrified in his heart. Just now, when Shura Dao was at full strength, even a single punch at the peak couldn't shake the opponent, and he was even sent flying by the opponent, which meant that the opponent's strength was far superior to his own. superior.

And looking at the other party's calm posture, you can find that the other party's strength must not be underestimated.

"Heh! Asura, don't be so self-righteous! Just because you can't take down this beast doesn't mean that this real king can't take it down!"

Xiansheng Zhenjun looked contemptuously at the embarrassed Asura.

The next moment, he swayed, and immediately he brought the white vicious dog beside him to less than a hundred meters away from the master of Jianhe.

"Your Excellency has some abilities, but this place is not a place for you to run wild. Obediently confess your sins and subdue the law, and the True Lord will spare you the pain of cramping and refining your soul!"

He was originally from a famous family, and he was a true **** family since he was a child. At his peak, he was one of the four great generals, holding countless powers in the court of God, second only to the four great lords and the **** emperor.

It's a pity that he fell in the third battle of the gods that year, so he had to be forced to enter the path of reincarnation under the crown of the **** emperor to linger on his last breath.

Generally speaking, the way of reincarnation cannot revive the master of the true god, but it is different to become a guard. In addition to being restricted here, personal freedom is restricted. As long as the way of reincarnation is not destroyed and the universe is not destroyed, then he will not die or die .

"Confess your guilt and obey the law? Haha! Hahaha!" Hearing this, Master Jianhe was stunned for a moment and then let out an extremely wild laugh, looking at Xiansheng Zhenjun with a look that showed that you were not sick.

"Hmph! You are stubborn! Are you a young boy of that side? This true king does not kill the unknown!" Xiansheng Zhenjun is also a little annoyed, talking to you in a serious manner, what is your attitude?

"Which faction? Have you ever heard of Luo Yu, Lord God of the Shengyuan Clan?" Master Jianhe also found it interesting. People here seem to have no idea what the outside world is like.

"Shengyuan Clan? Lord Luoyu God? What? I haven't heard of it. I guess it's the earth **** of the primitive tribe who rose from nowhere recently and dares to speak up here without mentioning it! Xiaotiansha!"

Xiansheng Zhenjun couldn't help but let out a low shout.


As the master Xiansheng Zhenjun opened his mouth, the big white-haired dog that had been roaring for a long time could no longer hold back its growl, and leaped violently with its hind legs, and its figure swelled several times in mid-air.

A ferocious huge dog's head appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The moment the dog's head appeared, the surrounding world changed, and ten clear phantoms of the avenue suddenly appeared in the original blood-colored sky, like thick ropes suspended above the head of Jianhe Juggernaut.


Master Jianhe was taken aback for a moment, vaguely feeling that something was wrong, he stretched out his hand and was about to slap this big white-haired dog flying away.

But when he waved his hand, the speed of the big white-haired dog increased sharply, and he bit one of the thick ropes in an instant.


Accompanied by the sound of sharp teeth rubbing against something hard, outsiders didn't feel anything, but Master Jianhe trembled all over, and his whole face turned pale.

His face suddenly changed, and his indifferent face suddenly became extremely ferocious.

"The vicious dog is really hateful, it dares to bite the Dao of this seat! It should be killed!"

The ruler of Jianhe was furious, and a terrifying roar gushed out of his mouth. The huge sound wave was accompanied by a terrifying pressure, and the expression of the big white-haired dog that was originally showing a fierce look suddenly showed fear, and the tail that kept flicking It is also clamped, and the gnawing action is even more violent.

A big hand quickly slapped the white-haired dog.

But at this moment, a three-pointed and two-edged magic weapon quickly stabbed, and just collided with this big palm, clang!

"Get out of here!!"

Accompanied by a crisp sound, in the unbelievable eyes of Xiansheng Zhenjun, the tip of his three-pointed two-edged knife seemed to be subjected to some terrible force, and a burst of dense cracks appeared on the surface, and then his figure was also affected by this force. Shocked back again and again.

The power of the palm fell on the big white-haired dog without any loss.

Accompanied by a whine, the white-haired dog flew upside down like a sack, smashing it far away, twitching on the ground, trying to stand up but still unable.

Xiansheng Zhenjun glanced at his pet dog with an ugly face, and then turned his eyes to the person in front of him. At this moment, he felt that this guy might be really not simple.

At this time, Jiang Heng was still staring at the phantom compass in his palm with full attention, watching the three nodes meet again, his attention was always on it, and he could see the fierce battle inside at this time through the nodes.

"The strength of this beast is too terrifying. I'm afraid the ancient guards inside will not be able to take him down!"

Just after some inspection, there is a care in my heart.

Any one of the six guards here would be regarded as a great figure outside, and it is estimated that they will not fall into a disadvantage when fighting with ordinary true **** masters.

But facing this person, he seemed too weak, and the other four methods were useless at all. When the master of Jianhe took it seriously, it would be effortless to slap him.

As for the two guardians of Tianshen Dao and Shura Dao, they can wrestle with one another, but they can't last long.

Sure enough, just a few minutes later, the compass trembled again, and the three nodes that originally converged spread out again to restore their original positions.

The light of the node representing Shura God's Second Dao began to dim, but it was still brighter than other nodes.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng sighed, clasped the compass with one hand and began to turn the compass slowly with the other hand. As the compass turned, the void not far away was distorted, and a figure appeared immediately, which was the Lord Jianhe who was still trapped in the path of reincarnation before.

Looking left and right, Master Jianhe's eyes fell on Jiang Heng, "Have you run out of tricks? I underestimated you before, and there are quite a lot of tricks."

"It's But you'd better escape as far as you can now!" Wen Yan Jiang Heng not only didn't panic, but said surprisingly calmly.

"Huh?" Master Jianhe was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what this meant, but the next moment he seemed to notice a sudden change in expression.

"Sign! Interior-grade sign! You!"

Feeling a sudden extra mark in his body at this time, Master Jianhe still doesn't understand what's going on, although he doesn't know where the strange interior scene is staring at him, but he is in the most cautious period when the breakthrough is imminent, and he dare not Neglect, turn around and leave.

After the other party left for about a minute, Jiang Heng relaxed and tensed his nerves.

"Thank you Master for your help!"

Taoist Wuwei had an idea just now, and tried the idea of ​​hitting a stick first if there is no date, but the result is generally not a particularly effective method, but it will actually work.

It can only be said that the master and the apprentice just happened to meet the special case of the ruler of Jianhe.

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