Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1130: Jianhe Master

The Master of Jianhe is a peak master who masters the nine ways, and belongs to the head of the three masters under the command of Lord Luo Yu.

In addition to him, the peak master of the nine paths, there are two other peak masters of the eight paths and seven peak masters.

And he, the master of Jianhe, is the closest person to the half-step interior scene. Whether it is talent or strength, that is, too many avenues of his cultivation have slowed down his own cultivation progress. Otherwise, it is said that he would have been qualified to enter the half-step interior scene long ago.

Even so, he is far from being comparable to ordinary peak masters. The main reason for his strength is that he has a half-step interior artifact and various trump cards bestowed by the Lord Luo Yu.

This made him, the old man who was the first to follow the main **** of Luo Yu, experienced countless conquests during this period, and even faced a half-step interior scene directly. Even so, he can still live until now. This is enough to explain many problems.

"Master Jianhe, don't we need to put in more effort? Although this world is the second conquest, it is still an opportunity to gain military exploits. If we..." A ruler obsequiously followed beside the ruler of Jianhe is humble.

This master has mastered the five avenues, and he can be considered an exceptionally powerful existence, but he still appears humble when facing Jianhe.

Hearing that the master of Jianhe just sneered, he looked at this world and looked around before he said leisurely, "I was the first to follow Lord Luoyu Lord God, when Lord Lord Lord accompanied my Shengyuan army to conquer this world for the first time. Also fortunate to be a part of it.

It is precisely because of your participation that you have no idea how tragic the battle was. Even if the top powerhouses in this world had been almost desperately killed back then, and even the true **** who had been killed at one time disappeared.

But this also means that this world has great potential, it can give birth to such an era of shining stars, and maybe it can give birth to a second time! "

Master Jianhe ignored the surprised eyes of the people below, and continued, "Now is a battle to destroy the world.

Although the source of this world has done some tricks as early as those years, don't underestimate the resistance of the source of the great way. It can vaguely sense that we are carrying the malice of plundering the origin of the world this time.

It will not be caught without a fight, it will definitely fight back at the last moment. In this case, you can be regarded as an old man who has conquered the world many times, and you should know what will happen! "

"It will give birth to some people with great luck, but so what? My lord, are you too pretentious? The so-called children of luck we have encountered in these years are nothing, but some low-level cultivation, but many methods guy.

Dealing with that kind of guy might take a bit of effort, but they are the last effort made by the origin of the world, after all, it is impossible to breed a strong insider in a short time.

And even if you give birth to an inner scene-level powerhouse, we still have Lord God. "The lord felt that what the lord of Jianhe said was wrong, but he couldn't express his objection, he just expressed his own opinion.

"Oh, forget it, I don't care about you, anyway, we don't lack military exploits, so why bother to go to such a small amount of credit? Wouldn't it be better to let them guys take action?"

Master Jianhe shook his head and smiled lightly. After so many years of conquests, his age has already reached tens of billions of years, only 100 million years younger than the immediate boss, Lord Luo Yu.

Looking at the batches of existences under the Lord God Luo Yu who have been killed in battle and made up again, he is the oldest existence under the Lord God Luo Yu.

Years of conquests have made him lack interest in this kind of plundering conquest, and fighting has made him feel boring.

Perhaps an opponent worthy of his all-out shot will get his attention.


Suddenly, Master Jianhe turned his head to look somewhere, and raised his eyebrows.

next moment.

"The soul of this place is vulnerable within a hundred light years!"

As soon as a cold voice fell, a cold snort sounded in Master Jianhe's mind.


It was as if a blast exploded in his sea of ​​consciousness space, which made him muffled, and his brows frowned suddenly.

Just as he was about to make some countermeasures, another soft haha ​​sound swept across.

The humming technique came in an instant.

The next moment, Jiang Heng's figure quickly came to the Jianhe master, and he saw clearly that this was the leader of the group of true masters, and he was the first to kill him.

The long spear in his hand was stabbed out quickly, and under the acceleration of time and the space shift, the long spear was about to sink into Jianhe Juggernaut's chest very quickly, almost instantly.


With a muffled sound, I saw a big hand firmly grasping the barrel of the front end of my spear, which also stopped the forward momentum of the spear.


Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, but Master Jianhe had a smile on his slightly pale face.

"It's a good sneak attack method, and the strength of the law is very good. You should have no less than seven laws. But it's a pity..."

The master of Jianhe smiled, he had never encountered this kind of sneak attack before, but it was rare to see such a fierce and unusual attack.

If it weren't for the existence of multiple treasures that protect the soul in his sea of ​​consciousness, he might have fallen with the opponent's series of tricks.

Cold sweat broke out on his back, but the person in front of him quickly disappeared, and even the gun with which he was holding the other party disappeared in front of his eyes, which made him catch nothing.

"Space?" Master Jianhe didn't care, just now he saw that the other party seemed to have mastered a few very good top laws.


Suddenly, Master Jianhe's expression changed suddenly, as if he had sensed something, he quickly swayed around and brought out an afterimage in the void, as if he was avoiding something dangerously.

"Using the space to complete the jump? But how can you jump out before the interior scene and complete the attack?"

Master Jianhe has lived for so many years, so he naturally knows the situation of each law well.

He also knows the characteristics of mastering the complete spatial path.

After a little thought, he smiled.

"Is it an interior-level treasure? Interestingly, there is this kind of treasure. It seems that you are the son of luck. The chance of killing a treasure on a guy like you is no less than that of an ordinary interior-level powerhouse."

Master Jianhe smiled faintly while talking to himself, and a strong look of excitement emerged in the depths of his eyes. He has met many children of luck, and every time he has met with great explosions.

There may be nothing good about the children of luck born in some weak worlds, but he has experienced a conquest of this world once, and he knows very well that the children of luck born in this world definitely contain no less than a strong person at the inner scene level. net worth.

"Not bad! The source of so many laws, although not the laws of my Shengyuan world, but looted is also a good treasure, very suitable for fusion of perception. There are also interior-level treasures, and there may be many rare treasures."

Master Jianhe said, and suddenly completed another dodge, just in time to dodge another blow.

Seeing the other party dodging his attacks again and again with slickness, Jiang Heng, who was floating outside the painting, frowned.

This person gave him the feeling that he was confident, very confident!

"I'm an old hand, it seems that I have mastered the same number of laws as you." Taoist Wuwei's voice suddenly sounded.

"Not inferior to me?" Jiang Heng also had this guess.

Not to mention that the opponent can dodge the attacks one after another, it is really extraordinary to be able to receive the almost fatal shot.

After all, there is a lot of foreshadowing ahead, and one link after another is more convenient for sneak attack. At least Jiang Heng feels that he will die on the spot when facing this situation.

As a result, the other party easily dodged it.

Of course, what Jiang Heng didn't know was that Master Jianhe was still a little traumatized.

"He is a very powerful son of luck, stronger than anything I have encountered before!"

Master Jianhe looked at the void with a solemn expression. Although most of the attacks were avoided by the shock wave just now, the soul was still inevitably traumatized, but it was because the fatal shock of the soul turned into a wound.

His mind was not particularly concentrated due to the impact on his soul, but Master Jianhe felt that this did not affect him too much.

"Boy, you are very nice, it's a pity you met me!"

Master Jianhe shook his head and smiled, and the next moment he saw that his palm was about to reach out to absorb something from the void.

"Space intake is prohibited within a hundred light years of this place!"

As soon as the words fell, the master of Jianhe caught the air. He was slightly taken aback, and then he smiled casually and didn't care. He quickly grabbed the pendant hanging on his chest and pinched it lightly.

The next moment, Jiang Heng found that the master of Jianhe in the painting he was originally in actually jumped out of the painting and looked at Jiang Hengyao.

"How about now? The ability to formulate rules should be order or some special kind of avenue?" Master Jianhe chuckled, "It's a pity that it is useless now."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng fell silent, because what the other party said was correct, and the other party had already jumped out, which meant that the general rules were useless to him.

It should be said that almost all the laws are useless, unless Jiang Heng has stepped into the interior scene level, and the power of the interior scene level cultivation base can activate the law to fight outside the picture. Right now, it can only be the purest physical fight, or the interior scene level Fight among treasures!

Almost instantly, Jiang Heng wanted to understand everything, and was about to rush forward with a half-step interior-level spear, but he saw the man flicking it lightly, and a string of beads on his wrist flew towards Jiang Heng.

The moment this string of hand beads flew out, it scattered in all directions and turned into twenty-four small crystal clear beads. This kind of beads is extremely fast and can burst out terrifying precious light here.

"Interior-level treasure?!"

clang clang clang!

Several times in succession, Jiang Heng hastily picked up more than a dozen crystal beads with his spear, but there were still scattered beads that shot through Jiang Heng's body.

Jiang Heng looked down with an ugly face, and saw that the wound pierced by these beads could not be healed for a long time. With his strong body, he was as vulnerable as paper in front of these beads.

This is the power of inner-level treasures. Unless it is half-step inner-level or above, all defenses are useless in front of them no matter how strong they are.

"How many times can you block it?" Master Jianhe said calmly.

He felt sad for the child of luck in front of him, so what about the child of luck in one dimension?

If the group of them hadn't invaded this world, perhaps this person would not have become a child of luck. But this is nothing more than stubborn resistance.

How can a world that is about to collapse be comparable to the world of Saint Yuan, which has a huge heritage and can conquer countless worlds!

Master Jianhe felt that killing the opponent in front of him was only a matter of time. If it wasn't for this place but off-screen, he couldn't even capture the space, otherwise with his treasure background, it would be faster to kill the person in front of him!

Puff puff puff!

The sound of breaking into the body came one after another, and Jiang Heng's face became paler. Facing a treasure of this level, he could do nothing.

In addition to resisting the attack of several beads as much as possible, there are still many beads repeatedly attacking repeatedly. As long as they hit, the body and even the bones of the gods cannot stop the possibility of the beads breaking out of the body.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, he saw that he was blocking the attack of five consecutive beads at this time, and he could hit the opponent again with the next few beads, but at this moment, the opponent suddenly threw a series of beads from his arms.

Ok? !

Master Jianhe's complexion suddenly changed, and he was about to evade it. He thought it was also a set of interior treasures.

However, the speed of the bead and the force of the impact made him feel relieved, but he wrinkled after a little relief.

"Although this set of twenty-four beads can only be regarded as a true **** level, I can't use the law here. I can't bear the blow of this kind of treasure with my body alone for a long time!"

The ruler of Jianhe is now in a dilemma.

And this is also the method that Jiang Hengzai came up with just now. The god-suppressing pearl was one of the means of surprise attack that he wanted to use before. Since Jiang Heng wanted to make a surprise attack, it was almost like a lion fighting a rabbit with all his strength.

It's just that he didn't expect that the opponent would resist several waves of his attacks one after another, so it would be a bit difficult to use the God-suppressing Orb, which is relatively hip-stretching now.

But now it is the most appropriate. Although the treasure is not at the interior level, it is difficult to inflict fatal injuries on the opponent here. Even if it is torn apart like paper by the opponent's beads, it can deal with the master of Jianhe.

Because the Master of Jianhe is not an interior-level unit, if so, it is a quality-level unit.

So right now the two formed a relatively stalemate situation, Master Jianhe wanted to take back the beads and clean up these annoying beads around his body first.

But once the beads are removed, the opponent will rush forward without hesitation.

Once he was approached by the opponent, he couldn't bear to use the opponent's interior-level treasure to give him a few ruthless blows. In the end, it was estimated that both sides would suffer.

But if he didn't do this, it would be a lose-lose situation if he dragged on. He couldn't bear the constant harassment of this set of true god-level treasures.

The ruler of Jianhe is a little annoyed It would be great if he carried a few interior-level treasures with him, so that he wouldn't end up with insufficient treasures now.

In terms of inner-level treasures, he has quite a few. After all, the accumulation of so many years is not comparable to ordinary masters, and his net worth is even richer than ordinary new inner-level treasures.

"You don't want to die, do you? If you remove these orbs, how about I spare your life?" Master Jianhe said with a smile.

"Your Excellency, you don't want to be seriously injured. I may die, but if I want to make you suffer serious injuries, that's okay."

Jiang Heng spoke with difficulty, being attacked by these interior-level orbs, he couldn't hold on now.

Hearing that Master Jianhe was silent for a while, what the other party said was correct, but he just choked his life again.

He is about to break through the half-step interior scene. If there is no accident, he will step into the half-step interior scene in a hundred thousand years, and in a million years, relying on his solid accumulation, he will complete two consecutive jumps and step into the interior scene level. Luo Yu is at the same level as the main god, completely getting rid of the situation of being a courtier.

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