Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1129: counterattack

"Be careful! This human race is so powerful, he must be the master of five or more ways!" The four masters looked extremely dignified, and he felt that his power of fear could no longer be maintained.

The opponent's will to resist was unexpectedly strong, which made his law extremely effective.

"Then... what should we do then? None of our methods seem to have much effect on him!" Some people have already started to shrink back.

They are all direct descendants of Luo Yu Lord God, that is, the strong members of the Shengyuan clan.

If it is a vassal group, it may be more fearless at this time, because they urgently need to show their value to the Shengyuan family, because only in this way can the group behind them not be destroyed.

But they, the powerhouses of the Shengyuan clan, are different. They don't have any worries about this. Sometimes they lose when they lose. The superiors will blame and punish them later, but they will never kill them.

"Hmph! Don't think that I'm not clear. You still have cards. Use everything you have at this time. To tell the truth, I can only hold on for three breaths. You think you can wait for three breaths. Can you survive in the hands of the strong? Can you escape?"

The words of the four rulers were like a heavy hammer that completely shattered their illusions.

"Okay! Then don't hide your clumsiness. Isn't it a treasure? If you use it this time, it will be a big deal and you can earn it back with merit!" One of the masters hesitated for a moment and had to grit his teeth.

Seeing this, everyone no longer hesitated, because they knew very well that it was impossible to escape if the opponent had mastered the Space Dao and was a strong man with more than five Dao in three breaths.

Everyone finally reached a consensus this time, and soon one after another treasures were sacrificed by them.

There are different methods, most of which are one-time treasures, which belong to the Shengyuan clan and can be exchanged for military exploits.

The price is extremely high, but no one is deceiving, as if what they sacrificed is a one-time treasure refined by the existence of the ten avenues of the peak dominance realm.

And almost at the same time, they found that the man started to move.

However, perhaps the fear power of the master of fear is still at work, and it is extremely difficult for him to move.

"Within 100 meters from here... there are no laws!"

Perhaps the other party felt that there was no way to hide when he was suppressed, so he had to speak very hard.

Everyone was still a little suspicious, but at the moment when the words just fell, these methods that burst out with various colors of brilliance and contained the power of terrifying laws suddenly seemed to be dumb when they were within a hundred meters of the opponent.

The light of various laws on the surface quickly dimmed, and when people approached, they only felt that the space was about 100 meters in diameter. Their previous methods had lost their effectiveness, and the laws seemed to disappear suddenly, unable to be sensed and recovered.

Even the Master of Fear was stunned, because his power of fear had disappeared in that space, and no matter how he used his power of fear to suppress the opponent again, it would quickly dissipate when he was a hundred meters away from the opponent.

Feeling the disappearance of all kinds of negative states in his body, Jiang Heng let out a long breath, moved his body and felt a little scared.

"Are you so crazy just after you become the ruler of the Eight Paths? Don't you think that the master of the Eight Paths is already invincible at the same level?" Taoist Wuwei scolded in his mind.

"I'll pay more attention next time." Jiang Heng was also a little helpless, he was overwhelmed at first, and for a while he really looked down on the people of the world.

"It's good to know, you know that although you are indeed not afraid of many people in the face of ordinary methods, you may not be able to resist some special laws such as emotions, spirits, karma, fate, etc.

This is also because there are not many avenues among the opponents. Once the eight or even ten avenues use the avenue of fear, you may be restricted to death. It is estimated that you can only be immersed in fear for a long time. This kind of feeling is not good. After a long time, fear will leave a seed in your heart, which will definitely have a huge impact on your future growth! "

Taoist Wuwei still didn't let Jiang Heng go, and started chattering.

Jiang Heng has already turned his attention to the enemies in front of him.

He loosened his bones slightly, made a crackling sound, and smiled, "Then start the second round now!"

The figure quickly rushed out within a hundred meters, and the power of law emerged from the body again, and the influence caused by the Tao of Order was almost the same.

Seeing this, the rulers of the four realms immediately wanted to grab Void.

"All space means are prohibited within a hundred light years of this place!"

As soon as the words came out, it was as if the words were followed by the law, and the four masters grabbed it and immediately caught nothing, and the portable space could not be opened!

He was terrified in his heart, and just wanted to turn around and use the power of fear.

However, before he could make a move, a mantra was spoken again, "It is forbidden to manipulate emotions in this place for a hundred light years!"

The power of the four ruling laws gushes out, and you will understand when you see that the person in front of you is not affected at all.

The next moment a long spear struck quickly, piercing the space, and in the blink of an eye, there was no escape, and the tip of the spear quickly pierced his body.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying black flame swept across his body.

Any one of the abilities of Jiang Heng's Eight Paths Law will become extremely terrifying, and it is far from being blocked by the masters of the four paths.

This is also the reason why the order of his words cannot be violated at all!


The four masters wailed, and turned into a speck of cosmic dust in front of the eyes of the other five masters.

The morale, which had been forcibly stabilized by the four masters, could no longer hold back at this moment, and the five scattered like birds and beasts, using their own hiding abilities to quickly flee away.

It's just that they forgot whether they were facing a Space Dao master, or a Space Dao powerhouse with eight boosts.

In just an instant, they were overtaken one by one, followed by a clean instant kill.

If Jiang Heng hadn't mastered the destruction and the half-step interior spear, maybe they could hold on for a while, and even if they were lucky, they might escape one or two in the end.

But the Dao of Destroyer is too domineering. Back then, the God Emperor insisted on attracting the attention of the Shengyuan Clan with this move. Not only were there many interior-level masters dispatched, but each of them was the best of the best.

It is because of the unscrupulous destructive power of the Dao of Destruction.


There was a roar, and Jiang Heng appeared in front of the Fourth King of the Great Zhou Dynasty and others in the next moment.

"It's a good luck!" Jiang Heng grinned, but he still hurriedly saluted the old man respectfully.

At first, seeing Jiang Heng reappeared as the Great Zhou Emperor was somewhat awkward, but seeing this ceremony, the corners of his mouth immediately raised uncontrollably.

At the same time, he took a deep look at his younger brothers, as if to say, see, this is my virtuous son-in-law.

You are so powerful, you have to bow obediently when you see that I am different.

Where did the four kings notice the careful thinking of the Great Zhou Emperor? They were still in shock, and didn't know what attitude to use to face this mighty Marquis for a while.

"Thank you Wu Wei Hou for your help. I never thought that the vision of crossing the catastrophe just now would be drawn by Wu Wei Hou, and it could lead to such a terrifying catastrophe. No wonder Wu Wei Hou has such amazing strength, I am amazed!" Xin Zhao said at this time. It broke the embarrassment of everyone.

"I've seen Director Zhao!" Jiang Heng smiled and cupped his hands.

"I can't deserve this gift from Wuweihou, I should thank Wuweihou for saving my life!" Xin Zhao was a little panicked.

How dare he accept this gift from Wuwei Hou now, with his impressive record just now, he probably killed himself just by thinking about it.

"Father-in-law, the four kings, and Mr. Zhao, the Snow God, the old Marquis. The situation of the battle is still undecided, so it's inconvenient for me to talk about the past. Let me go and deal with it!"

As Jiang Heng said, he bowed his hands to everyone, and then used space teleportation to quickly disappear from everyone's sight.

When it reappeared, there was already a true **** of the Shengyuan clan wailing from a distance, followed by the wailing of the true god-level dominator-level powerhouse.

Seeing this scene, the Four Kings Zhao Xin and others looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Wuweihou is really the most amazing, talented and beautiful person I have ever seen. I think that when I saw him for the first time, he just stepped into the demigod, and in the blink of an eye, he achieved it at an incredible speed in just over 100,000 years. True God." Looking at the rapidly changing situation in the distance, Nan Wang couldn't help feeling deeply.

"That's right, it's still the law of multiple ways to become a god, and the number of ways it masters is by no means less than five ways, it may be more powerful to have such strength!" Snow God was also amazed.

It's not that she hasn't seen a genius like Jiang Heng in ancient times, but she hasn't seen one who mastered eight complete avenues in one leap just after becoming a god.

In fact, there were many masters of multiple avenues in ancient times, and there were many masters of ten avenues, eleven, twelve or even thirteen avenues.

But those existences are all slowly accumulated through hundreds of millions or even billions of years of penance after becoming gods. Among them, there are factors of talent, and more are accumulations.

And it's unbelievable that someone like Jiang Heng who has just become a **** is the master of many ways.

And her vision is also considered vicious, she had some guesses before, but after watching Jiang Heng slaughter those strong members of the Shengyuan clan, she became more certain.

"The Dao of Destruction? Isn't this the Dao of His Majesty the God Emperor? How could he inherit His Majesty the God Emperor?

Could it be that he is the reincarnation of the **** emperor? "

This outrageous guess is not because of Xue Shenwu's lost imagination, but because she was in the Shenting system back then, and knew that His Majesty the God Emperor has four avenues that are most famous, namely destruction, reincarnation, strength, and order.

Destruction, power brought the **** emperor the terrifying force to control one side and build a huge strength.

Order is to create a unique order for the **** emperor to establish the court.

Reincarnation is the existence of the **** emperor to attract people's hearts to the existence of countless divine court systems. There is the way of reincarnation, and almost any existence below the true **** can be resurrected in the reincarnation way of His Majesty the **** emperor.

These kinds of laws are particularly famous, even those who have followed the mother goddess all the year round and have not had much contact with the gods of the snow **** know it well.

She saw very clearly just now, that is destruction!

"No! In addition to destruction, there is also the power of order just now, and it seems that there is also the power of reincarnation. Is he really the reincarnation of His Majesty the God Emperor?!"

The Snow God was horrified. Back then, there were rumors that His Majesty the God Emperor mastered the Dao of Reincarnation. In addition to granting immortality to all beings below the true gods under his command, he could also reincarnate himself through the Dao of Reincarnation.

This can be done by keeping only a wisp of remnant soul.

"Could it be that the **** emperor didn't completely fall back then, and there is still a wisp of remnant soul left?"

Snow God is now in a complicated state of mind, and his eyes looking at Jiang Heng in the distance reveal a variety of emotions, including doubts, joy and anxiety.

If the **** emperor is really reincarnated, then it must be a good thing for this universe, and he has found an organization.

In addition, the premise that made her have this idea was because she felt a familiar atmosphere before.

"The man who helped Wuwei wait for the robbery before, his aura seems to be quite similar to that of General Li Shen back then."

Unlike Taoist Wuwei, Snow God has really lived from ancient times to the present, and his soul memory is intact, so he is naturally keen on the aura of those people back then.

"Although the aura is slightly different, it can't be wrong. It must be God General Li. I didn't expect that he is still alive, and his aura has become much scarier than before. He helped Wuwei Hou Dujie. Does this mean that …”

Snow God is now persuaded by his brain, it is really too many coincidences.

Who would have thought that Li Shen would help Jiang Heng just because his brain was abnormal.

At this time, Ling Hai and the others were already cheering. They watched in astonishment as the head of their army just entered and exited seven times like entering an uninhabited land, wantonly crushing those Shengyuan clan who had slaughtered them before.

"It's the Legion Commander! The Legion Commander is back!"

There was a small group of Wuwei soldiers standing on the broken line of defense lingering in tears. Just now, when they were almost desperate, the regiment commander suddenly rushed in, and with a soft snort, he was aggressively besieging and strangling them. Countless fighters of the Shengyuan clan stagnated in place one after another.

Immediately after the sound of Ha, these Saint Yuan fighters fell to the ground like puppets who had lost their souls, losing all vitality.

A random move caused millions of Saint Yuan clan fighters to lose all life responses.

At this moment, whether it was the remaining Wuwei Army or the Central Army, the remnants of the elite army under the command of the Four Kings were stunned.

The Emperor of the Great Zhou was a true god-level powerhouse in their knowledge, but the previous blow of the Emperor of the Great Zhou's long-distance support would have wiped out tens of thousands of people.

In the previous battle, hundreds of thousands of people could be wiped out, but this time it was different. These were all the troops of Luo Yu Lord God's Headquarters. It was the Great Zhou Emperor who could kill tens of thousands of people with one blow.

Everyone doesn't know about these But the gap between Jiang Heng's move is too obvious, how can everyone not be shocked or cheer.

"Wuwei Hou!"

"Wuwei Hou!"

At this moment, both the Wuwei Army and the remnants of other ministries were shouting a name.

Jiang Heng didn't care about this at all. The efficiency of using the Dao of Destruction to clear up miscellaneous soldiers was too slow. In contrast, he found that the Hum Ha Ershu is very effective in mass destruction.

The soul method is silent but extremely deadly, and the power of the humming technique performed by the master of the eight realms is incomparable.

Even in the face of ordinary true **** masters, Jiang Heng quickly ended the battle with two hums.

However, in the face of some difficult enemies, it is necessary to use all means.

Soon Jiang Heng locked onto a master again, and there were several master gods gathered around him, and it seemed that he was still an existence with a high status.

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