Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1131: Show off their skills

"Hmph, then each will use his means!"

As soon as the voice fell, the master of Jianhe only hesitated for a moment, and quickly returned to the painting again.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng no longer hesitated to enter the painting as well. If the other party did this, his behavior would be obvious.

The two sides wanted to use non-interior-level means to determine the outcome.

Returning to the painting again, Jiang Heng activated the Space Dao almost instantly, and his figure quickly disappeared in place.

At the same time, the power of time is also gushing out, the power and the way of destruction are mixed in it, and in the next moment, it comes to Lord Jianhe, and calmly punches out.

The physical body is the main way, and the destructive power and air way are merged into one, and the terrifying power quickly swept away.

Dao of Destruction is originally the attacking law of the top echelon. Although the Dao of Power is a little inferior, it is also slightly inferior to the Dao of attacking the first echelon.

Secondly, although Qi Dao is the avenue opened up by Jiang Heng himself, it can also rank in the first echelon with the Dao of Strength in the level of the Dao of Attack, second only to the Dao of Destruction.

As for the Dao of the flesh body, if it is in the ordinary Dao, it may be considered a very powerful Dao, but it is still quite awkward in front of these top Dao and the first echelon Dao.

If it is said that the Dao of Destruction, the Dao of Power, the Dao of Qi, and the Dao of Qi are real damage to the opponent, then the damage caused by the Dao of the physical body is scraping.

However, if you want to control such a variety of top avenues of attack, you must not lack the way of the physical body, otherwise the ordinary true **** can't handle the physical body with such destructive power.

Even so, Jiang Heng felt a burst of pain in his muscles and bones when he punched out.

This made Jiang Heng startled. Although Taoist Master Wuwei always said that his physical body was still a bit lacking, Jiang Heng himself knew that he was absolutely invincible at the same level compared to the current universe. It may not be invincible at the same level against the ancient times, but it is definitely one of the few strongest existences in the physical body.

Such a strong physical body, and possessed of divine bones engraved with tens of millions of natural inscriptions, would still cause the divine bones to be on the verge of collapse.

Cold sweat gradually flowed from Jiang Heng's forehead. The damage to the divine bone can be healed by the physical way. There have been many times before that the divine bone suffered devastating damage.

But it's different now. Jiang Heng had been attacked and killed by interior-level treasures many times before, but now his body is shattered to the limit, and he tries his best every time he makes a move.


Space and time seemed to have collapsed, and the sudden appearance of Jiang Heng made the leader of Jianhe a little astonished, but with the initial confrontation, he also had a general understanding of Jiang Heng's opponent, and he was naturally able to act calmly when he was prepared. response.

A round of dark yellow dharma ring quickly rose from the law behind him, and the dharma ring collapsed quickly. The next moment, Jiang Heng felt that his opponent's fist and palm intersected, and the expected picture of the opponent being crushed by a punch did not appear.

On the contrary, under this blow, Jiang Heng felt a surge of repulsion, which counteracted his own strength. Immediately after the repulsion was over, the same Destructive Dao counterattacked.

After that, an emerald green magic ring rose up, and then a green vine emerged from the opponent's palm, and the vine quickly turned into a round shield to block all the remaining impacts.

After the blow, the two retreated several hundred meters away.

"Copying avenues? And repulsive and magnetic avenues? And wood-lined avenues?" Jiang Heng's face was serious, and he was a little puzzled.

The opponent is from the world of Shengyuan, so there are many differences between the opponent's laws and the laws of his own world. It may seem that there are many specious meanings on the surface, but in fact Jiang Heng can't figure out the opponent's routine.

But with such a powerful blow from myself, it stands to reason that the ordinary master would have been wiped out long ago, but the opponent could accept it calmly.

"I have good eyesight, but it's a pity that the avenue of your world is different from that of our Shengyuan clan. This seat uses the Dao of Mirror Image, the Dao of Yuan Magnetic, and the Dao of Vitality!"

Master Jianhe said with a smile, apparently he didn't mind introducing the Dao he had mastered, because the two sides didn't belong to the same world, and it was impossible for the other party to find any flaws in a short time.

"Mirroring Dao, did you just use this Dao to copy my Dao of Destruction?" Jiang Heng felt that the other party's laws were very interesting.

There is no such thing as the Dao of duplication in our own universe, but the Dao of duplication belongs to the small way in this universe, that is, the law that cannot become a god, and there are inherently insufficient existences in the ranks.

The opponent's Mirror Image Dao is obviously of a very high rank, reaching the aptitude of becoming a god, and the number of laws of the opponent should exceed his own, under the mutual increase. ,

The result of this is that the copied law can be consistent with the strength of the original law!

You must know that there is a flaw in the laws of copying, that is, the copied laws are inherently weaker than the ontological laws.


Jiang Heng frowned tightly, his strongest way of destruction was unable to hurt the opponent in the slightest.

And the usefulness of the copy path goes far beyond that.

Sure enough, Master Jianhe chuckled and spoke quickly, "All space movement is forbidden here!"

In just an instant, Jiang Heng felt that the surrounding space became extremely viscous, and this feeling has never appeared since Jiang Heng stepped into the Juggernaut.

Before stepping into Juggernaut, Jiang Heng and the space feel extremely close, as if they are one with each other, and he can instantly reach any area of ​​the universe with a single thought.

Right now, the perception of space remains the same, but the space has become extremely viscous, and it is impossible to tear the space apart.

He copied Order!

"Well, you should also enjoy the feeling of being restricted. I have to say that the rule-based avenues on your side are really interesting, but when I kill you, all the avenues on you will become part of my perception."

As soon as Master Jianhe finished speaking, his figure quickly disappeared in place. It wasn't the way of space, but a direct copy of Jiang Heng's way of time, traveling through time and disappearing in place.

not good!

Jiang Heng's heart was full of alarm bells, and he did not dare to neglect but also quickly used the way of time.

For a moment, the area became very strange, and there was no one there, but in the next moment, two people appeared together.

However, with the appearance of the two, there are also dense figures intertwined and colliding with each other, nearly hundreds of millions of Jiang Heng and Jianhe Master are fighting each other, time afterimages continue to appear and collide, and finally in a short breath Then calm was restored.

Hoo hoo!

Both of them were panting violently in their chests, and both the time path and the copy path were consumed in a short moment.

"Interesting and interesting! The way of time is so wonderful to use!"

This Master of Jianhe is worthy of being a veteran master who has accumulated countless years. He has mastered many wonderful functions of the Tao of Time just at the moment of copying the Tao of Time.

This may be because he has seen the Time Dao powerhouse many times, so he can quickly imitate and apply it, but it is undeniable that this guy has a strong learning ability.

"Copying Dao is really disgusting, just fighting with the exact same self!" Jiang Heng snorted coldly.

But as soon as the words fell, he turned into an afterimage again and rushed towards Lord Jianhe.

This time, Jiang Heng's figure stepped forward and everything around him quickly rotated and moved, as if the sky and the earth completed a rotation in an instant, and quickly pulled the master of Jianhe in front of him, which was an advanced application of the way of reincarnation.

The Dao of Reincarnation not only reincarnates life and death, but also rotates the world. Although it cannot be used as freely as the Dao of Yin and Yang, it can still be done with simple use.

"This kid usually looks silly, but he didn't expect to be so strong in learning in life and death?!"

At the same time, in the inner universe, Taoist Wuwei couldn't help being speechless looking at the scene in front of him.

I have been with Jiang Heng for a long time, and I already know my apprentice Wuwei Taoist very well, and this scene in front of me has refreshed my previous cognition.

"It's not bad. Even back then, he was an extremely top fighting talent, a bit like Xing Tian, ​​the original god!" said the original ancient tree with a serious expression.

"Huh?! Primordial **** Xingtian? When did you think so highly of my apprentice, Old Shu?" Taoist Wuwei was very surprised.

You must know that although Xingtian had fallen when Taoist Wuwei rose, Taoist Wuwei had heard rumors about Xingtian. It is said that when Xingtian fell, he was besieged by countless true gods and even inner-level powerhouses. Rao still paid a big price for this.

"The way of fighting is very similar, and there is only the posture of fighting more and more bravely in a life-and-death fight." Yuanyuan Gushu said with a smile.

Taoist Wenyan Wuwei was a little silent. Although the original ancient tree tried his best to explain, he still felt that this evaluation was a bit extraordinary.

It was His Majesty the God Emperor who received such a high evaluation from the original ancient tree last time, and because of this, this ancient tree has followed the God Emperor for countless years.

At this time, the battle is still going on, the speed of the two sides' confrontation is far faster than that of ordinary masters, and strangers are not allowed to enter the battle area.

"This avenue is a bit strange, it's interesting if I haven't seen it before!"

Master Jianhe was a little strange, and saw him grabbing with both hands, and the next moment, a vortex hole was quickly grabbed around.

The void is not part of the cosmic space. The opposite of the vortex void is more like a world of the dead. If you look into it carefully, you will find that it is the spiritual world where the Wanbaozhai General Altar is located.

As soon as the other party grabbed it, he saw an illusory ninth-level demigod being captured.

Master Jianhe squeezed the shivering statue in his hands. The ninth-level powerhouse who was capable of calling the wind and rain in the spiritual world was a bit bored. Immediately, with a force, this ninth-level powerhouse was crushed into a group of soul fragments, and turned into speckled and squishy. The river dominates a breath inhaled into the body.

"You're a quick learner!"

Jiang Heng gritted his teeth, but the next moment he moved forward quickly, and his palm quickly touched a strange handprint in the void.

The handprint was printed, and a mysterious and weird seal was quickly condensed in the void, and the seal quickly sank into Jianhe Ruler's eyebrows.


Master Jianhe was taken aback. He had never seen the truth of reincarnation before, which is why he copied it and could only superficially absorb the souls of the dead in the world of the dead.

And Jiang Heng's move really caught him by surprise.

Feeling a little bad in his heart, he was ready to copy Jiang Heng's operation just now, but he saw Jiang Heng put his hands together quickly, and the halo of law behind him suddenly began to spin at a high speed.

The sudden change made Master Jianhe subconsciously feel that something was wrong.

"Today, I sentence you to the heinous crime, and you must... go to... the three evil ways!"

Jiang Heng spoke suddenly, at this moment his voice was ethereal and vast, like the final verdict issued by the will of the universe.

As the words fell, Master Jianhe felt as if he was wrapped by some mysterious power.

In the next moment, a black vortex surrounded him, and the vortex quickly swallowed him.

The three evil realms are divided into the realm of hell, the realm of hungry ghosts, and the realm of animals.

And Jiang Heng's Samsara Dao and Three Evil Dao Samsara, which he used with the power of the eight masters, are the first three ancient alien planes that directly communicate with this universe.

Generally speaking, the fall of the creatures in this universe should directly enter the spiritual world, which is the world of the dead, but this is the case after the fall of the **** emperor.

When the God Emperor was still alive, all living beings in the territory ruled by the God Court at that time would enter the three good and three evil ways after their fall.

The so-called three virtues are the way of the gods, the way of the world, and the way of Shura.

Just like the Shura tribe that Jiang Heng met in the southern border back then, they were actually creatures bred from an ancient alien plane of the Shura Dao.

And when the God Emperor was still alive, the God Emperor would use the Dao of Order to judge all the fallen creatures, and then put them into the three good or the three evil ways according to the results of the trial.

If it is a kind-hearted person, it is very likely to enter the three good ways, and ordinary people will enter the human world again, and thus be reincarnated by the **** emperor in the way of reincarnation.

And if there are great achievements, or if you are a part of the Shenting Army, you will directly enter the Heavenly God Way.

At that time, the **** emperor will enter the heavenly **** way every once in a while and directly bring these meritorious people back to the universe, that is, directly resurrect them.

And Asura Dao is some meritorious and murderous dead. This group of people and **** emperors will also resurrect them, but they will directly convert them into the Asura clan to strengthen their fighting instincts.

As for the three evil ways, people who enter it will experience triple purgatory, and finally will experience different reincarnations according to the three evil ways.

At this time, Master Jianhe first entered a dilapidated gray-white space, which seemed to be very empty. As soon as Master Jianhe entered, he looked around with great interest.

The surrounding area was quiet as if there was no one around, but soon the gray-white forest in the distance resounded with the sound of shaking and saw a monster with the head of a cow slowly walking out of the forest.

The monster with the head of a bull exudes a true god-level aura. This is a true **** left by the **** emperor.

Although the God Emperor has fallen, the space here is different. It is part of the evolution of the Great Dao, and it is extremely difficult for outsiders to detect it. Those who are not masters of the Dao of Reincarnation do not have the ability to enter this space at all.

"There's even a little guy?"

Master Jianhe only thought it was fun, and didn't worry about getting hurt at all.

However, his contemptuous smile angered the monster.

"You heinous people dare to despise the God of the Dead, and seek death!"

The bull-headed human-body monster let out a roar, huh huh huh, and saw him shake it vigorously, and a thick chain was swept away quickly.

Immediately afterwards, under the surprised gaze of Master Jianhe, these chains quickly wrapped around his body.

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