Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1128: Killed and besieged

"Get out! If I really had a second hand, I would have already taken it out!" Da Zhouhuang immediately scolded.

There is also a fart backhand, the previous backhand is the old man.

However, the condition of the old man is also not good. After several communication with Valkyrie, he knew that Valkyrie did pay a huge price just now, and unexpectedly severely injured the other party.

But after all, the other party is a strong person at the inner scene level, even if he suffers a serious injury and loses his strength, he is not something that a half-step inner scene level Valkyrie can provoke at will.

After a hard fight, Valkyrie is now even more disadvantaged, and the current situation of this family can be described as tidy.

"Have you noticed that the person who crossed the tribulation just now seems to have succeeded, and the aura that suddenly appeared, I can't see through that person!"

At this moment, Nan Wang, who had been relatively silent, suddenly said that his condition was also not good, but his physical body tempered degree was higher than that of the other three kings, second only to the Great Zhou Emperor, so he was considered the best among all the suffering brothers and sisters.

"That aura is an existence at the inner scene level." The Great Zhou Emperor also remembered the strange strong man who suddenly appeared to help the person who had crossed the catastrophe to wipe out the catastrophe.

"Unfortunately, the distance is too far, I didn't see who it was."

The Great Zhou Emperor felt a little regretful, not to mention clearly who the other party was, he didn't even know if the other party was a human race.

"He should be one of us!" Nan Wang said again.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"If it's the enemy, can we still be alive now?"

These words made them all stunned.

That's right, if it's an enemy, they, the few true god-level powerhouses who are still supporting them, are particularly eye-catching on the battlefield.

The other party has no reason to let them go. For inner-level powerhouses, killing a few of them is a matter of convenience.

"If this is the case, can it be explained that the person who broke through the true **** is also one of us?" Xi Wang looked excited, and he said excitedly again, "Brother Huang, you still said that there is no second hand, so you are hiding here!"

The Great Zhou Emperor was a little confused at this moment, did he really prepare a backup?

But why don't I know?

"Besieged and killed by us, you dare to lose your mind, court death!"

Almost at the moment when Emperor Zhou was distracted, a sharp claw slammed through the barrier of his body, taking away a large piece of flesh and blood, exposing the dark golden skeleton.

Granules grow rapidly on the surface of the bones, but compared to the normal Taoist god-level powerhouse with a physical body, the growth and recovery speed of these granulations is extremely slow at this time.

The body behind the Great Zhou Emperor looked very dim, he quickly backed away, puff! Another sharp blade pierced through the chest directly from the spine.

The terrible penetrating injury made Emperor Zhou short of breath.

"He can't hold it anymore. To be honest, these damned physical existences are really disgusting!"

"Haha! So what? He can't even recover the basic physical body now. That is to say, none of us are good at soul means, otherwise we would have slaughtered them all!"

Several Saint Yuan aliens who besieged and killed the Great Zhou Emperor laughed wildly. It's not that there are no soul-related law experts among them.

But those guys are very arrogant, and they are indeed scarce, and the Shengyuan alien race has developed for so many years, and there are already many factions inside.

For example, Luo Yu Lord God, his subordinates have existed for billions of years, and his factions have long solidified.

For example, those strong people who are good at soul means are a small faction, and their single means are also a faction.

Every time the two sides attack each other for the conquest, this time it is their group who grabbed the main attack position.

No need to think about it, that group of people wished they were frustrated, and then took over, but now it's over, it doesn't matter if a lot of effort wasted.

"Is it over?"

The Great Zhou Emperor sighed in his heart, as the lord of the Great Zhou Empire and the ruler of almost half of the universe, he never thought that he would die in battle.

But at this moment, he found himself very calm.

The sea of ​​consciousness began to roar violently, even if he died, he would create a big trouble for these guys.

But the next moment, he began to slow down the trembling of the sea of ​​consciousness, his eyes were a little dull and he looked ahead.


A familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of him with a spear in his hand, and then he pierced the spear through the person in front of him so defenselessly.

Juggernaut bleeding, this Juggernaut-level Saint Yuan turned his head in disbelief.

But before he could turn his head, severe pain quickly spread from his chest to his whole body.

A terrible black flame quickly swept across his body along the spear.

All the masters of the saints and alien races were shocked by the scene before them, and they didn't have time to react for a while. Looking at the master, they were just burned by the raging black flames.

"This... what is this? It's gone? Is it gone?"

All the alien races of Saint Yuan were terrified, and the fall of the master was nothing, but being killed by one blow without any defense was really beyond their imagination.

"Destruction! It's the breath of destruction!"

"Kill him! Quick! Don't let him..."

All the saints and alien races were extremely anxious, and they obviously understood the horror of Ruin Dao, but the next moment, the true **** who spoke was suddenly pierced by a long spear.

The tip of the spear is like breaking open tofu, and the powerful body of a true god-level powerhouse is extremely fragile in front of this long spear.

The Great Zhou Emperor now wondered if he had misread it.

Seeing that Jiang Heng is like a ghost, the use of space teleportation is smoother, and there is almost no pause when teleporting, which makes him kill the last enemy with one shot one second, and he is in another area the next second. A true **** has been stabbed to death again in his hand.

And what is this black flame?

Last time Jiang Heng's performance on the battlefield was clearly seen by the Great Zhou Emperor, but that time was far less shocking than this time.

A kind of terrible coercion exists almost all the time. Every time the coercion comes, one person will be locked in advance. Under the coercion and suppression, space and time will be blocked, and the other party will remain motionless like a target being beaten.

In less than ten breaths, the more than ten aliens who had surrounded and killed him had all fallen and were burned by black flames.


As soon as he opened his mouth, Emperor Zhou felt inexplicably embarrassed, but he held back.

"Father-in-law, wait a moment, let me solve other troubles!"

As soon as the words fell, the Great Zhou Emperor saw Jiang Heng disappear in place, which made him even more embarrassed.

This son-in-law has grown up, but what should he do now that he can't beat him?

Education is definitely impossible to educate.

Jiang Heng doesn't care what the old man thinks, he feels a little strange. Recently, the old man seems to be changing names one after another.

Um, it may be that the memory declines too quickly when you are old.


Moving quickly and switching battles non-stop, the four kings saw a figure just appear and then quickly disappear in place, and then suddenly appear in other areas.

The Four Kings, Xin Zhao, Snow God, and Old Hou Ye were all stunned at the moment.

What the **** is passing by?

Jiang Heng's speed was too fast, so he paused when he helped the old man at the beginning, otherwise he quickly turned to fight and kill the Quartet.

Under the increase of the Eight Paths Law, the top law Space Dao really showed its horror. In addition, the law of Destruction Dao, which ranks in the first echelon of attack and kill, also showed its fangs.

However, there are still a few strong masters who have reacted. Among them, there are two masters and three masters, and the tallest one is a four master.

"Here comes a ruthless character, everyone, don't hold back, it's the Dao of Space and the Dao of Destruction!" The leader of the four masters shouted.

The meaning of these words is very clear. If you don't show your hole cards in the face of such a terrifying enemy, you may die without knowing how to die.

"Give me the power of fear!"

The leader of the four masters took the lead. This person was covered with black hair, with two rows of sharp fangs on his lips, a pair of horns on his head, and a slender tail behind him. He was dressed in black and looked like a demon god.

The purple-black body behind him emerged, then quickly collapsed into a point, and a purple-black flame in the space of the sea of ​​consciousness erupted in an instant.

A layer of terrifying intangible intention spread wildly to the surroundings, swaying fearful aura wantonly.

Because the enemy's speed is too fast, he can only attack as indiscriminately as possible.

Under the impact of fear, everyone nearby, whether they are enemies or friends, showed a look of horror, and a thick layer of fear surfaced in their hearts.

Nanwang reacted the fastest, because this guy was his previous opponent, and he was extremely difficult to deal with. Every time he was frightened by divine power, his movements would deform and slow down, and he would become timid, and his combat power would naturally be greatly reduced.

He wanted to remind the mysterious strong man who helped them, but when he opened it, he found that he didn't have the courage to speak out. This kind of fear had forcibly suppressed his martial arts will, making his behavior out of line with normal times.

A figure quickly staggered out of the void, and it was Jiang Heng.

"Hey, fear will make everything cowardly and weak!" Seeing this, the ruler of the four realms grinned grinningly. He was holding a strange scarlet trident with purple-black flames around the surface of the trident, and he resolutely threw it at the enemy in front of him. .

The power of fear has locked on the opponent, and under the forcible suppression of all his power of fear, it is difficult for even masters of the same level to break free from this fear in a short time.



Unexpectedly, the trident hit the opponent did not happen, but was firmly grasped by the opponent.

But the masters of the four paths were just a little dazed before they saw the clues through the details. The opponent's martial arts will was indeed strong, but the slightly trembling hands showed that the opponent was holding back.

It's just that this guy seems to have extremely strong resistance, but it doesn't matter, even if his halberd misses the opponent, this thing is not something that can be touched casually.

Emotional avenues like Fear can maximize the impact on opponents without causing obvious trauma.

"He has been temporarily suppressed by me, why don't you make a quick move?!" The four masters shouted at their companions.

Needless to say, the other five masters also used their means together, and saw a long whip covered with thorns and vines quickly rolling towards the river.

This long whip is very strange, like a living thing quickly wrapping around Jiang Heng's body, and the thorns on the surface of the long whip, which obviously contain the terrifying sharp-edged law-breaking power, began to try to pierce the skin of Jiang Heng's flesh.

But to the amazement of the shooting master, when these thorns stabbed and scratched the opponent, a series of sparks emerged, which could not sink into the opponent's flesh.

Besides this master, the other master was holding a purple ball that was sticky to the lake, and just flung it towards Jiang Heng with all his strength.

The purple ball in mid-air began to split rapidly, and thousands of densely packed purple-black **** rapidly evolved on the way, and a circle quickly stuck to the surface of Jiang Heng's body.

Seeing that all these poisonous treasures of his have successfully attached to the opponent's body surface, the master suddenly showed a look of surprise, and his heart was also determined, so he has done a great job in this battle.

"Be careful, these small **** are highly poisonous, they can quickly melt into the body and corrode the body, even the laws of the body can't last long! They still have a strong ability to devour laws!"

Because the rulers of the four realms had to suppress Jiang Heng with all their strength, at this time the Great Zhou Emperor and the others had all recovered.

The most miserable Xi Wang opened his mouth to remind him that this guy was one of his opponents just now, no, it should be said that he was the main attacker. The reason why he is so miserable now is because of this guy.

Indeed, there is no good meat on Xi Wang's body, and there are traces of poisonous corrosion everywhere. It looks like a skeleton infected by purple toxin, and there are some purple-black granulation attached to the surface of the skeleton, but these The granulation probably also lost its activity, and there was an unpleasant stench all over his body.

If it wasn't for Jiang Heng's attack, he would have died prematurely in a few breaths.

Xiwang is really unlucky to meet this kind of highly poisonous law powerhouse. This thing can not only hinder the recovery of the physical body, but also devour the laws in the body. The more you urge the power of laws to resist, the more vigorously the opponent will devour the poison. The faster it spreads!

Sure enough, those balls, like viscous slugs, began to soften rapidly and penetrated into Jiang Heng's body surface like a stream of water.

In just an instant, a strange purple layer appeared on Jiang Henghun's body surface.

In addition to these two, there are three others who use a method of cursing the target after dragging themselves through some kind of self-mutilation.

There is a line of stars that pulls the power of stars in thousands of nearby super galaxy clusters, and a line of cutting performed by a person whose limbs are all in the shape of sharp sabers, densely packed with extremely sharp slashes that seem to be able to cut everything. Cut across the river.

All kinds of means come All the masters of the Saint Yuan are showing hideous faces, they are very clear that the person in front of them is definitely an extremely good figure in this world, and their status is not low based on the combat power they have shown before .

Killing this kind of people is far more creditable than beheading this group of guys in front of them.

But after a breath, they all frowned slightly. They expected that the other party's body would be dismembered quickly, the remaining body would be infected with toxin, wiped out by the stars, and killed by the curse did not appear.

On the contrary, the other party still maintains a good physical body, except for the temporarily suppressed body shape, there is no other abnormality.

Surrounding him was densely packed with terrifying and high-pressure star power, and several sharp cutting blades on his shoulders, neck, waist, abdomen, and limbs were constantly stalemate, trying to break through the opponent's physical body, but he couldn't.

The only thing that made the opponent a little abnormal was that the skin color turned purple, which meant that the toxin had indeed invaded.

The master who can release toxins is not happy at all, because this is very inconsistent with the situation he has encountered in the past.

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