Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1119: Tragic

No one expected such a sudden change. In an instant, everyone on the tenth line of defense was in a daze, from the beginning to the end.

It wasn't until now that the entire defense line collapsed completely, and it was only after the fact that there were already a large number of casualties. Some demigod-level powerhouses were alright, but there were still countless casualties in the area where the sharp cone hit, and even those below the demigod-level There were so many deaths that they couldn't even escape from the defense line in a starship.

"It's over! It's over!"

Feng Yunhou looked at the area where his Central Army Corps was located, and he was stunned. Because in the area where their central legion is located, a giant sharp cone has pierced through the entire formation of the legion.

The shock wave and destructive power produced by the falling of the giant cone caused many legion soldiers to scream heart-piercingly, because it happened so suddenly that it was too late for the four princes to order the formation.

This was an out-and-out surprise attack, not only the central army, but all the army along the line of defense were more or less severely damaged, this was the case for the Wuwei army, and the same was true for some of the elite army under the Four Kings.

Seeing this scene, the Four Kings and even the Great Zhou Emperor who were sitting in the rear could not help but twitch their eyes.

The five fingers couldn't help but squeeze tightly.

"After this time, this group of foreigners may launch a general attack, and the strong will soon end." Nanwang looked at the battle situation in the distance, his face did not change much, it seemed that the loss of his own troops could not shake his mind at all.

"Meet Tuqiongdagger, they planned very well this time, and the same trick won't work against foreigners." The Great Zhou Emperor sighed softly.

I didn't expect that most of the defense lines built by the axe would be so weak against this group of foreigners, and this was just an appetizer for the opponent. The true god-level powerhouse did not end, and even stronger existence.

It seemed to confirm the conversation between them. At this time, there was a surge in the passage, and another giant beast appeared. This time, the giant beasts were far less huge than the previous ones, and they were more powerful in comparison. They had incomparably sharp With its giant claws, there is no doubt that this big guy can easily tear apart many large war fortresses with one claw.

The whole body is covered with solid and cold carapace, and the speed is more agile than those giant beasts. In a few breaths, they came to the front of the battlefield. At this time, everyone also noticed that there were still a group of people standing on the bodies of these giant beasts.

It was a group of existences exuding the aura of true god-level or dominator-level powerhouses, and among them, there was an existence whose aura was like an abyss.

Interior grade!

The war drum was rumbling loudly, and seeing the leader wave his arms, these war beasts sped up frantically and rushed towards the damaged line of defense. Their goal was the giant war fortress behind the damaged line of defense.

Also launching the charge were densely packed true **** master-level powerhouses, like meteorites crashing into the crowd at high speed, and the battlefield instantly turned into a purgatory on earth.

Some soldiers who had just escaped from the line of defense and took a nearby battleship to retreat to the fortress were hit hard again in an instant. A meteor directly pierced through the battleship, and the terrifying flames instantly engulfed the entire battleship. The strong and these demigod soldiers are as vulnerable as ants.

Often a slap in the air will wipe out a large number of soldiers.

The Central Army Corps, Wuwei Army, and the armies under the Four Kings formed battle formations one after another, but they were pierced by several master-level powerhouses just by holding on for a few breaths.

The battle formation formed by these legions certainly has the power of a true god, but facing the master and even several masters working together, they were pierced through almost instantly.

And when the battle formation is broken, the confidence of the legion is also shattered, and they flee in rout! The big crash appears!

Behind the line of defense, those giant fortresses are pouring firepower crazily, trying to stop these giant war beasts and true **** masters from advancing, but it is of no avail.

To deal with the true **** level, these war fortresses are of course the strongest line of life defense. Even in the face of sporadic true **** level powerhouses, the terrifying fighting power that these fortresses erupt at the same time can block them out.

But it doesn't work now, I saw a war beast whose outer carapace collapsed due to the dense energy tilting, but still rushed forward, waving its huge giant claws and inserting it into the fortress fiercely, and then it was a toothache. Crack.

The fortress, which is huge and protected by layers of formations on the outside, is as fragile as paper in the hands of the giant beast. Boom!

The first fortress cracking sound resounded, and the terrifying explosion was comparable to a master-level peak blow. While killing the war beast, it also turned into cosmic dust.

And this was like a signal, and soon another war beast rushed in, also rushing into it under the fierce bombardment, finding a fortress and hitting it hard.



Violent explosions are everywhere on the battlefield at this moment, and even in other distant places in the universe, it is estimated that the sudden flashes of dazzling light at the edge of the universe can be seen.

At this moment, the edge of the universe, which was originally dim and lightless, is flickering like the center of the universe.

"It's over, it's over! How can we still fight?" Dong Wang leaned on a corner of the podium with trembling hands, his expression was no longer ugly, but he was about to cry.

Dongwang's character is quite fiery, and he is even more enthusiastic about fighting, but now he can't arouse this interest.

The elite under his command collapsed not long ago, and it is unknown how many people are left now.

Not to mention him, among the four kings, the Western King and the Northern King are all like this, only the Southern King is relatively calm, but the slight twitching of the corners of his eyes still betrays his mood at the moment.

"As father's heirs, do you still dare to fight?" The faint voice of the Great Zhou Emperor resounded, which was particularly abrupt in the command room where the needle drop was already almost audible.

"Dare! Why don't you dare! Isn't it death? If you don't make a move now, you will be death!" Dong Wang was the first to agree.

He was terrified, but he didn't bother to think about it so much now, he was going to die anyway, and now maybe he could die at the brightest time of his life.

If you don't fight now, you can only retreat, but if you retreat now, will the empire be able to form an armed force far beyond its current scale?

The answer is no! Those gathered here are the elites of the empire. Abandoning them now is equivalent to discarding all the elites of the empire in one go. Although space can be exchanged for time in the future.

But once the enemy cannot be contained here, it will be a joke to exchange space for time.

The premise of exchanging space for time is the premise of being able to evacuate the elite in an orderly manner.

Without this premise it is a joke.

"Well, now we have no way out, I'm ready to make a move." Nan Wang took a deep breath and said.

Bei Wang also nodded, "Then let's do it."

Xi Wang pondered for a while and then nodded. Everyone is now in the realm of true gods, and they are not at the ninth-level level.

"Let's go!" The Great Zhou Emperor was very concise and to the point. He rushed out first in a flash, and the aura all over his body immediately attracted the attention of many foreign gods!

"This person is the Lord of the Great Zhou Empire in this world, killing him is a great achievement!"

"No one should rob me, he is mine!" Everyone scrambled to rush over, fearing that someone would take the credit.

The three masters and the ten true gods quickly used their means to surround the Great Zhou Emperor.

Several people came out with all means, and the Great Zhou Emperor did not panic at all. With his backhand, a big seal smashed in the past. The surging force directly shattered the body of a true god, and then another backhand seal smashed back the oncoming master.

At this time, the four kings had also left the stage, and they were warmly received respectively. They were surrounded by several true gods and even masters.

However, many true **** masters have been held back here, but the battle situation is still showing a crushing posture as always. Snow God, Zhao Xin, and the old master are also fighting and retreating.

The three of them were not in good condition, except that Xin Zhao himself seemed to be in good condition, Snow God and Xin Zhao had a lot of injuries on their bodies.

The two of them didn't become gods in the flesh, and they were easily injured in the face of siege, and they would hurt the root after many times.

Even if the Snow God re-entered the Dominant Realm by refining the power of the law from the corpse, it was still not optimistic to face the siege of several Dominant Realm.

Du Ming didn't know why there was such a shocking reversal in the battle situation all of a sudden. The defense line that was solid a second ago was crumbling to pieces in the next moment.

Fortunately, the situation in the rear has stabilized. Those foreigners who suddenly appeared from the star gate have all been beheaded by Mr. Lu. At this time, Du Ming looked at Mr. Lu with even more reverence.

It is worthy of being a strong man who grew up with Master Jiang, but he cannot be compared with ordinary demigod masters.

Du Ming was very emotional. When the war broke out here, there were some demigod-level officials who fought here. It's just that those people often need to fight for a long time when facing a foreigner.

On the other hand, this Mr. Lu, with one sword strike, dozens of hundreds of foreigners fell, and countless deaths in this man's hands were caused by the constant swing of the sword.

"Mr. Lu, why don't I withdraw first? There must be imperial masters on the front line, so there's no need for us to get involved." Du Ming said hastily.

At this time, Lu Yixin solved the trouble here, let out a long breath and landed back on the starship, hearing this, he couldn't help but look towards the front line.

He had a great time killing before, but he didn't know what happened on the front line, so he was stunned when he saw it.

"What's wrong, how could the front line be corrupted to this point?" Lu Yixin was very suspicious, the collapse was too fast, how long did it take, and the front line was almost blown up.

"Yeah, it's so wrong. But this matter is beyond our ability to get involved. It is said that there are all existences at the level of true gods fighting over there. There is no need for those of us who are engaged in logistics to get involved. Even if we evacuate now It's legal and compliant." Du Ming explained again.

He was really afraid that this Mr. Lu would be overwhelmed. Although Mr. Lu's strength is extraordinary and demigod-like, there are all true god-level powerhouses fighting there.

"I have solved the trouble here, and I think there will be no more problems in a short time. You can find a safe stargate to evacuate for the time being. I'd better go and have a look!"

Without waiting for Du Ming's persuasion, he turned into a sword light and rushed towards the front line in an instant.

Seeing this, Du Ming was stunned, but he was powerless to stop him, so he could only heave a long sigh.

He was weak, so after thinking about it, he ordered the driver to evacuate first.


Lu Yixin frowned as he slapped a true **** away with a sword, and his face turned pale.

I didn't expect that the first enemy I faced when I first came here was the true **** level. It's not that there are no enemies below the true **** level, but there are many.

It's just that most of the people in the empire are running backwards, and Lu Yixin was the first one to rush forward, so he was noticed by a true god-level foreigner.

Naturally, there was nothing to say, Lu Yixin came up with a sword, and the two sides kept colliding, and the more they hit Lu Yixin, the worse his condition became.

He is indeed the master of swordsmanship now, and with some of his early years of specialization in swordsmanship, this makes him stronger than ordinary demigods in the swordsmanship of a sword, but it is still not enough to face the real god-level powerhouse .

Instead of fighting, this foreigner might as well be playing tricks on Lu Yixin.

"Haha! Your sword seems to be getting weaker and weaker. If the next sword doesn't improve, then I will have no patience!" The foreign **** laughed.

Lu Yixin frowned, and didn't say much, he still slashed out with a sword, and he knew how to do it. Because of this, he was able to fight the opponent for so long with this sword.

"Brother, I will help you!"

At this moment, a loud shout sounded, and Lu Yixin subconsciously gave up his body when he heard the words, and immediately saw a person holding a blood-colored halberd fiercely projecting towards him.

The long halberd flew into the air and swelled suddenly, turning into a blood-colored streamer. The foreign **** seemed to feel something, and his complexion suddenly changed to dodge, but the blood-colored streamer was so fast that it pierced through his eyebrows in the blink of an eye.

The halberd pierced through the opponent, circled in mid-air, and flew back to its owner's hand again.

Only then did Lu Yixin see clearly who was coming. This person was covered in blood, and his realm seemed to be a ninth-level cultivation base, but the **** power on the surface faintly increased the opponent's strength. Raised to the level of the real gods.

"Your Excellency is..."

"Blood Zhanhou!" Xue Zhanhou grinned He looked Lu Yixin up and down and smiled, "Your Excellency's swordsmanship is also good, among the people I've met, you are the strongest in this area. There were two before, one was Jian Wushen and the other was Ji Yuanhou, but these two were short-lived.

I hope you live longer this time. "

"Um...thank you." Lu Yixin was taken aback for a moment. Did someone say something like that? After thinking about it, he still had no choice but to nod in thanks.

"Okay, you'd better clean up the existences below the true **** level, the true **** level is not something you can mix in." Said the **** battle, turned into a streamer and quickly rushed towards the next target.

He didn't belittle Lu Yixin, but he saw that Lu Yixin was not in the right state.

Lu Yixin had been through a fierce battle for a long time before, and now he was wrestling with a true god-level powerhouse for so long, so he naturally appeared a little exhausted.

"There are quite a few strong men in the empire, but this battle is difficult." Lu Yixin frowned as he looked around at the purgatory-like scene around him.

This is no longer a situation that can be reversed by a few more true gods.

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