Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1118: break defense

The person who spoke was an old master of the Great Zhou Empire, not like Ba Yuehou, but belonged to the echelon of Ba Yuehou's father's generation. When he was young, he followed the Martial God for a while.

But at that time, he was just an ordinary general, and later on after the Great Zhou Emperor ascended the throne, he got seniority and became Lord Marquis.

The age should be regarded as the largest group of veterans in the Great Zhou Empire, which is comparable to that of the Chief Commander. The reason why he has such a long life is due to the particularity of his laws.

Mu Xing Dao, in the early years, he took the treasure of life by chance and coincidence, and his vitality is extremely long, but now he is approaching the age of dying.

Hundreds of millions of years old, ninth-level peak cultivation base, originally this time he was unable to fight this time, and belonged to the group of people who should have retired long ago, but the situation is similar to that of Xin Zhao, who has recently refined the laws in those corpses, and now it is Break through the Realm of God.

Therefore, this old man looks very old in appearance, but he is full of spirit, and he has the posture that a veteran can fight.

"What do you think, Lord Hou?" The Great Zhou Emperor seemed very polite, and he was also the one who watched him grow up.

When he ascended the throne, his brothers were all dissatisfied. At that time, if there were no platforms from the older generation, the throne would not be secure.

"I can't talk about the opinion, it's nothing more than procrastination, let them in first. Of the ten lines of defense, keep the tenth line, and release all the rest. Of course, it's not really giving up completely. It's good to resist and kill some enemies appropriately.

It's like fishing, fishing, you can't pull it all at once, you have to put a long line to catch big fish, and you have to keep pulling to wear down the strength of the fish. The same is true here! "

This old Hou Ye is probably a senior fishing veteran, so he always uses fishing as an example.

"But the suppressing power disappears, what should happen next?" The Great Zhou Emperor asked again.

"It's still the same reason, fishing, since we use the method of killing the fish, once the fish approaches, there are only two ways to keep the fish from getting off the hook, one is to directly use the net to catch the fish, and the other is to pull it hard. Do not give the other party a chance to decouple."

Old Hou Ye laughed and said, "Of course the disappearance of the suppressing force also means that some unexpected big fish will come in the fish pond. To deal with this kind of fish, we can't deal with them with the fishing skills we used to.

Since this is the way to make the best use of everything, Your Majesty should understand this better than me. "

The Great Zhou Emperor was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, he didn't understand, the ghost knew what strange things would appear on the other side of the passage.

"When I'm fishing, I usually encounter fish that I can't handle, and the fishing friends next to me will come to help. The cooperation between the empire and the super-dimensional kingdom of God was very good before." Old Master Hou said with a smile.

The Great Zhou Emperor understood, and just asked for help.

But he didn't say anything, the situation is critical, and it is certain to ask for help. I just don't know if there will be any unforeseen circumstances over there.

As for the decision to give up the first nine lines of defense and trade space for time, even if he doesn't issue an order right now, the following will do the same.

This swarm of flying insects was coming so violently, and everywhere they passed was a destructive posture, almost no one could stop them.

Each line of defense can last a few minutes at most, and will collapse after a few minutes.

Time passed rapidly, and soon the interception area of ​​the first nine lines of defense had been completely penetrated, the army of flying insects had also reached the tenth line of defense, and a large number of long-range strikes driven by formations roared away.

After the tenth line of defense, there are still many military fortresses. These fortresses are also terrifying war fortresses. The firepower that can be unleashed in an instant is enough to wipe out a team of high-ranking demigods in an instant.

The only flaw was that they couldn't move, but it didn't matter. Under the terrifying firepower, the army of flying insects finally suffered a large number of casualties.

Flying insects, like ignited fireballs, kept hitting the tenth line of defense according to inertia, and the roar continued.

However, even this impact was resisted by the defense line barrier, and many defenders in the defense line breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, a large number of troops gathered on the tenth line of defense, not only the entire Wuwei Army, but also the central army of the empire, several ace troops under the command of the Four Kings. There are also many defeated troops who have retreated from the front line of defense.

A large number of defenders and elite elements make everyone in the defense line feel very at ease. At least this line of defense should not be destroyed in an instant like the previous lines of defense.

"Huh, are these foreigners taking drugs this time? Why are they so violent?"

"That's right, it's too strange. It wasn't as scary as last time. This time the line of defense would be broken. If I hadn't been on duty here for many years, I would have thought it was a tofu project!"

Everyone is skeptical about the intensity of this alien invasion, it is really weird and too violent.

It would be fine if it was a little bit stronger than last time. The point is that the number of people dispatched seems to be less than last time, but the destructive power has obviously increased by several levels.

"This time they gave me the feeling of order. Those foreigners gave me the feeling of a mob, but this time they gave me the feeling of an orderly and well-trained army. The intensity is naturally extraordinary.

And you see, the carapace on these guys seems to be a standard armor, and there are these flying insects, which seem to be some flying insects with amazing destructive power, but if you look closely, do you feel that these are warships? Don't those giant worms look like some kind of giant war fortress? "

When Ling Hai, who was standing in the Wuwei army, said this, many people suddenly nodded.

"It's strange, this group of wild beasts and savage monsters still have standard armor. Could it be that they have a special service arsenal?" Ba Yuehou on the side shook his head and frowned.

"Of course there is an arsenal, so don't underestimate this group of Saint Yuan aliens!" Ling Hai's face darkened suddenly when he saw that someone still treated the Saint Yuan aliens with contempt.

"Deputy Army Commander, I don't mean to underestimate them. Their strength is indeed strong, at least stronger than ours. I just can't understand how they can equip such good things. There are faint battles between battles." The shadow of the array." Ba Yuehou said helplessly.

"It's nothing surprising. Didn't the empire send out the information about the Shengyuan alien race to every general? Didn't you forget to read it?

The Shengyuan Alien Race is a powerful ethnic group that has been operating and conquering for tens of billions of years or even longer. This ethnic group has been either conquering or on the way to conquer for such a long time. Is it an accessory for conquering other domains? "

What Ling Hai said is indeed very reasonable. After all, since the alien race of the Saint Yuan race has a culture of conquering foreign countries, it is bound to focus on this aspect of technological development, and maybe they are also good at ultra-long-distance navigation technology.

Otherwise, there would be a gap between the universes, not to mention that there are dozens of worlds between the Shengyuan world and their world, and it would take a very long time to come to this universe from the nearby world.

If it is a true god-level powerhouse who escapes normally, it will take tens of millions of years to fly from one universe to the other.

"Understood, that means we can't compare to others." Ba Yuehou smiled helplessly, he felt a trace of despair.

"You can't say that, these people lack faith." Ling Hai shook his head.

Ba Yuehou couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart, faith? Faith has an egg under the absolute strength gap.

"Yes, we have the belief that as long as the losses of these **** are large enough, they will measure the gains and losses, but we are not. This is a war of extermination for us, and none of us can retreat." Xue Zhanhou said at this time.

"Speaking of the deputy army chief, the army chief hasn't come back yet?"

"No, why are you asking this?" Ling Hai asked suspiciously.

"I didn't come back, okay, I know." Xue Zhanhou nodded, his face was a little ugly, this **** adjutant dared to lie to me.

"Hi! Those from the Wuwei Army, can you come over and talk?"

At this moment, shouts sounded from the area of ​​the Central Army Corps not far away, and if you look again, you can see Feng Yunhou in the Fenghuo Forest shouting loudly.

Seeing this **** battle, Ba Yue looked at Ling Hai one after another, Ling Hai nodded after a little hesitation.

"Forget it, anyway, they won't be able to break through the fire coverage here for a while, and at least they have to maintain the firepower for a period of time to deter the outsiders. In this short time, they can move around." Ling Hai explained.

Naturally, it was impossible to walk around at will before the battle, especially the more important figures of the legion. Once these important people walk around at will, it will be difficult to open the military formation in time when the war breaks out, and it may be a disaster at that time.

A few people came to the side of the four masters of Fenghuo Forest, and everyone has improved a lot in cultivation.

After Ling Hai's breakthrough for the first time, he broke through again and stepped into the eighth level. Bloody Battle also reached the eighth level, and Ba Yuehou reached the ninth level.

As for the four masters of Fenghuolin, they all came to the ninth level of cultivation. This is all thanks to the generosity of Zhou Huangkang.

It is not a solution to leave those ancient corpses like this. They lack the central things of the general platform, and they cannot be awakened again at all, so it is better to use waste.

The Great Zhou Emperor would like to elevate all the high-ranking demigods under his command to the Real God Realm in one go, but this is unrealistic, he does not lack the power of the law now, but everyone's background is here, such as Zhao Xin, Lao Houye, Those who could be promoted, such as the Four Kings, were promoted.

As for those high-ranking demigods whose background is not enough, they still need the baptism of war, and it is not impossible to break through by force, but the combat power they will display at that time will be a little bit stronger than the ninth rank, at best it can only be regarded as the realm of false gods .

"What's the matter with you guys? The war is tense right now, so I'll make a long story short." Ling Hai still had a serious face as usual.

"Hehe, don't worry, I don't need to wait for the current situation. Let's talk a few words. Does your army commander have any news? Do you know when he will come?" Feng Yunhou asked with a smile.

The Great Zhou Emperor blocked Jiang Heng's news, saying only that he had a mission, so no one knew where he was going.

Feng Yunhou and others thought that Ling Hai and the people in Jiang Heng's headquarters should be aware of it, so they asked this question.

It's just that Ling Hai didn't know, he smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "Everyone, I don't know exactly when the Legion Commander will come back, and now even I don't know the exact whereabouts of him."

"This is troublesome. Without the powerful help of Wuweihou, I'm a bit hopeless!"

Feng Yunhou's words were not sarcasm, but sincerity. They, members of the Central Army Corps, also saw it in the last war, but they saw Jiang Heng behaving abnormally with their own eyes, and slaughtering the true **** was like slaughtering chickens and dogs.

If there is such a pillar here in the battle, everyone can feel at ease.

Why didn't Ling Hai and the others think so? They were also worried, but there was nothing they could do. Right now, the head of the legion is not there, so they can only take their troops to the top.

"Hey! What's that?" Suddenly, it was Bloody Hou, who had been paying attention to the situation in the distance, let out a light hey.

Everyone was suspicious and followed the sound, and they were all taken aback for a moment.

I saw in the distance that the giant war beasts that had been in a state of silence after releasing a large number of flying insects began to swell slowly at this moment. The appearance of these war beasts was like giant worms covered with carapaces. same gas.

Everyone went inside without knowing, just staring blankly, not understanding what the fuss was about.

But the expressions of the people changed in the next moment, and the mouth of the giant beast began to squirm, and the body that swelled several times suddenly compressed, as if a majestic high pressure was released in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, sharp thorns spewed out of the mouths of these giant beasts in a spiral manner at high speed. The thorns did not look big from a distance, but they came to the defense line in just an instant. At this time, everyone felt that this How huge are the sharp thorns ejected from the giant beast's mouth.

Each one is nearly one light-year in length. Compared to the overall length of the defense line, it is naturally as short as a burr, but compared to the cross-section of the defense line, this thing is like a giant celestial body falling down, huge and terrifying.

The high-speed rotating sharp thorn quickly collided with the energy barrier, and the barrier flickered with obvious light, as if resisting for a while, but in the end it couldn't stop the powerful defense breaking with a single point.

Breaking through the barrier in a moment, the thorns that seemed huge to everyone just fell from the sky and pierced through the defense line by section.

"Ah! Help..."


The moment the giant thorn fell, it was like a space-based weapon magnified countless times and violently impacted. When one fell on the defense line, the entire defense line would be cut through the middle.

And this is not The terrible impact brought by the falling of the giant thorn will spread out along this line of defense, which leads to the fact that after a giant thorn falls, apart from the initial explosion, , and there will be continuous explosions that spread to the left and right sides.

Countless soldiers standing above the line of defense were shaken into the air by this impact, and some maintenance workers below the demigod level were shaken into blood by themselves.

As for the military equipment deployed along the line of defense, they burst under the impact like paper lakes.

The demigod-level powerhouse who was close to the sharp thorn was directly shaken by the impact, and his body collapsed. Even a ninth-level demigod couldn't bear it at close range.

The power of such a high-speed and extremely heavy sharp stab attack is no less than that of a real god's peak blow, how can it be carried by a ninth-level powerhouse.

" me!"


Countless people wailed, and even more people didn't even wail. Under the impact of the moment, they died without even a chance to groan.

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