Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1120: interior level confrontation

"What would he do if it was him at this time?"

Lu Yixin found that such an idea suddenly came to him, and immediately he smiled wryly, "Forget it, why did I have such an idea, the scale of the battle here has risen to the level of true **** **** or even higher, even if there are one or two more true god-level combat power What can I do?"

Throwing away the ridiculous thoughts in his mind, Lu Yixin continued to rush to help the defeated soldiers he saw along the way.

At this time, the battlefield is very chaotic, and the establishment of each legion is almost broken up. Everyone can only fight on their own, and some who can still find the main general will approach the main general. But it would be even worse that way, because most of the people with high cultivation bases received special care.

Before the **** battle, he was able to break out of the encirclement and then enter again, it was because his own realm was too confusing.

In fact, in the current battlefield environment, his combat power has been seriously underestimated. At this time, the strength he displayed is no less than the peak cultivation base of the general True God Realm, and this is the limit he can achieve. After all, he is not Jiang Heng, and he does not have the so-called Xing Tian's power!

A demigod-level powerhouse was slaughtered. Although the army sent by the foreign race is not many, only tens of millions, but the overall quality is not the same. This is the direct line of the main **** Luo Yu.

And this is just one of the legions under his command. He has nine similar legions, and they are all pouring in now.

Looking at the wailing of the legion, Lord Luo Yu was very happy standing on the head of a war beast. Of course, he was extremely happy that the legion was winning the battle.

"It's almost time to end this war. I didn't expect this world to be so miserable. It seems that I was too worried before!"

Seeing that there was nothing unexpected, Lord Luo Yu was completely relieved.

And after the certainty was confirmed, he was completely released, and a surge of inner cosmic power began to spread rapidly. In just one breath, almost all the strong men of the Great Zhou Empire felt that their surroundings seemed to have changed slightly.

Then everyone's complexion changed suddenly.

"The power of law has disappeared! What's going on?"

"I can't feel the existence of the law, what's wrong?"

"The **** of war is above, the most powerful is above, and the ancient gods are above. What is going on here? Is the sky going to kill us?"

Everyone exclaimed and wailed in disbelief. For demigod-level powerhouses, the law is their source of strength. Now they can't even sense their strength. How can they fight this battle?

No! It shouldn't be the reason for how to fight, but how they live. Now they can't even escape in this situation!

"It's the Inner Universe, the inner scene-level powerhouse of the Shengyuan alien race has made a move!" Nan Wang sighed, he could only quickly get out of the battle with his physical strength.

The opponent in front of him was not in a hurry, he just looked at the lamb waiting to be slaughtered sarcastically.

Without the power of the law, Nan Wang, a hard nut to crack, will soon fall, so what if his body is strong? If you lose the physical body, you will not have the ability to revive the physical body, and you will not be able to use the powerful means of true gods. It is already a piece of cake on the board.

"What the **** is Inner Universe? By the way, Inner Universe, they still have inner-level powerhouses, it's over, there's nothing left to fight!" Xi Wang, who was the least courageous, had no intention of fighting.

Even the Great Zhou Emperor had a serious expression on his face. He knew more, but he couldn't help being secretly anxious at the moment.

"Why doesn't father do anything? Or is there nothing he can do in the face of this situation?"

Right now is indeed the most critical moment for everyone. If they lose the power of the law, everyone may die if they meet each other.

The surrounding area is pitch black, and everyone cannot see the outer starry sky here, but only the purple stars emitting purple flames and the pale stars emitting pale flames in the inner universe that symbolize the law of Luo Yu Lord God.

Two huge stars stand in the very center of this inner universe. The two stars are extremely huge, and the flames they spit out contain the terrifying law fluctuations of Lord Luo Yu.

Not to mention that they lost the law, even if the law was in their bodies, they would not dare to tease these two stars. Just one spark can burn the whole body.

"Haha! You are finished! The Lord God Mian will make a move, and you will die before you tie your hands!"

Some Outer Gods laughed arrogantly and rampantly. These people are already credited with their achievements, and they are not in a hurry.

"Kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe I can accept you as a slave!" Another foreign **** laughed.

"Haha! The pathetic group does not have a master god-level powerhouse, it is the original sin, and they will die..."

A foreign **** laughed and was about to make a move, but he froze in the middle of speaking.

"Oh, has the weather changed?"

The sky has indeed changed. At this moment, everyone found that the original sky curtain formed by the inner universe was divided into two at the moment, and the other half was bloody. The **** sky began to crowd out the original sky of Luo Yu Lord God, and the two were just like that. stalemate.

"What a rat!" The huge phantom of Lord Luo Yu appeared above the inner universe. He roared and roared, and the terrifying sound shocked many demigods and true gods.

"You are the idiot, and your whole family is a idiot! I give you a treasure!"

Another roar came from the void, and a huge phantom appeared, and the other party directly smashed a stream of light into the inner universe of Lord Luo Yu with a wave of his hand.

"not good!"

Inner-level powerhouses are the most taboo against collisions between inner universes, because at this level, it is easy to encounter opponents' plots if they rashly resort to inner scenes.

Just throwing unknown things into other people's inner universe like this, if something terrible is likely to cause unknown consequences, obviously Lord Luo Yu also thought of this.

I saw that he was about to grab the streamer with his big hand, but he was stunned when he grabbed it.

"How come? Contains a trace of karma? No, you... you... this thing has already cut off the karma of the past and the future, untouchable and unstoppable? What is this?"

Lord Luo Yu was He didn't understand what was worth the other party's expense so that it could be sent to his inner universe smoothly.

"You will know soon!" The voice of Valkyrie sounded.

The fact is indeed the case, the stream of light quickly passed through the palm of the Lord Luo Yu like an invisible substance, and landed very precisely in the purple star of the Lord Luo Yu.

Almost at the moment when this law entered, everyone could clearly feel the violent tremors in the inner universe of Lord Luo Yu, and dense cracks began to appear on the outer surface of the inner universe.

The star that originally radiated purple flames began to wither rapidly at this moment, and the flames on the surface quickly dimmed until they were completely extinguished.


Lord Luo Yu let out a miserable howl, the miserable howl of a strong interior scene, one can imagine what happened to this strong interior scene?

Many Saint Yuan alien races didn't understand why, but everyone in the Great Zhou Empire was ecstatic.

The pain of the enemy is our own victory!

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