Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1117: There is no more oppression in this world

Not to mention the sudden change in the rear, at this time, in the largest flagship fortress among the ten defense lines on the front line, the Great Zhou Emperor and a group of high-ranking generals of the empire gathered together, all of them looked at the scene in front of them with serious expressions. .

The space channel, which was not particularly large at first, has now expanded enough to a huge hole of hundreds of light years. Looking at the hole, everyone felt that they were facing an extremely huge black hole, as if it could swallow everything.

And this is just an illusion. On the opposite side of the passage is the barren zone of the universe. It may be tens of billions or even billions of light-years away from the nearby universe. With such a long distance, it is naturally difficult to see the light source with the naked eye.

Even if someone can see billions of light-years away at a glance, the nearby universe they see is just a tiny light source as insignificant as dust.

"Are they crazy? Are they planning to launch a general offensive?!" Some people frowned in confusion. According to the analysis of the empire's decision-makers, it was only a hundred years since the foreign invasion. There should also be a buffer period of millennia.

"I don't know, most of the foreigners are prepared. Otherwise, after suffering so much last time, they dare to make a comeback so quickly this time. No matter how you think about it, it feels wrong." A general shook his head.

"Okay, let's prepare for the battle!" The Great Zhou Emperor waved his hands gloomily. He naturally had to continue when the foreign tribes attacked, but he was always in a bad mood for fighting.

Although the defensive circle that has been built up quickly by spending so many years of savings here was originally prepared to meet the foreigners, but once the war breaks out, all that is lost is the foundation of the Great Zhou, not to mention the aggressiveness of the foreigners every time they attack. It was like this last time, no matter how you think about it this time, it will not be worse than last time.


As soon as the words were finished, the Great Zhou Emperor suddenly sat up straight, his eyes looked around like a torch, and he looked at the dark passage outside the porthole.

Not to mention him at this time, even many senior generals present were shocked.

"Your Majesty... there seems to be some changes in the rules of the avenue, which feels very strange, and I can't explain it because of my humble position." Xin Zhao at the side felt a little guilty.

The rest of the demigods also showed confusion and solemn expressions. They all felt that there seemed to be some changes in the Dao, and they really couldn't tell what the changes were.

The Great Zhou Emperor frowned, and sighed: "This means that the power of the realm has been completely dissipated, and our world will no longer be able to suppress this group of alien races of Saint Yuan!"

"This... how could this happen? It doesn't mean that it will take tens of thousands of years..." Xin Zhao looked shocked.

They all knew what that meant, and the real big trouble was coming.

And they also understood why the Shengyuan alien race made a comeback so soon after the last time. They were clearly prepared and wanted to fight!

"Boundary barriers are gone, I'm afraid interior-level masters are about to come, everyone should be mentally prepared!" Great Zhou Emperor sighed.

Hearing this, everyone's faces were extremely ugly. Although the true god-level powerhouses felt powerful, they were not invincible.

Now relying on the empire as a base, the overall defense line is indestructible, and when it stretches out, there are densely packed large-scale formations. With so many formations and the gathering of powerful people, it is difficult for even a true **** to survive the massive attack for too long.

The true god-level physical body is indeed terrifying, but so many giant celestial body defense lines here are not just decorations. Most of them are filled with a large number of high-level demigod formations. With the superposition of these multiple high-level formations, even the true gods cannot be said to be completely ignored.

Only the interior level, the powerhouse of this span can no longer use the crowd tactics and the so-called line of defense to compete.

"Let's prepare for the battle! Everyone go to their respective formations and take their positions!" The Great Zhou Emperor waved his hand, and everyone agreed after hearing the words and disappeared into streams of light.

Soon there were only the Great Zhou Emperor and Zhao Xin left in the entire command room.

"Trust! I let you break through some time ago, has it had any effect?" The Great Zhou Emperor looked at Xin Zhao leisurely, as if chatting.

"Fortunately, Your Majesty!" Zhao Xin bowed slightly and smiled, "Your Majesty, you have given me such a great opportunity. If I can't grasp it, then I will disappoint Your Majesty's good intentions."

Hearing that the Great Zhou Emperor nodded in satisfaction, as expected, a mark quickly appeared between Xin Zhao's brows, which is the mark of the law and personality that can only be shown in the true **** state.

For Xin Zhao, the Great Zhou Emperor was quite satisfied. After destroying the temples of the gods, he also confiscated many corpses of the true **** level and master level.

There are still a lot of law power left behind by their masters in those corpses, so it is not difficult to choose a few corpses with physical bodies.

And Xin Zhao's situation is similar to him, they have both stepped into the ninth-order level for a long time, but they lack enough laws to break through. Now the law is natural enough to cross that threshold easily.

At this time, black mist was constantly spewing out from the passage, and ferocious giant beasts protruded from it. These giant beasts walked through the passage in the void, and each of them was several light-years in size.

On the side of these giant beasts, there are constantly small insect eggs spraying out, like spreading seeds, and then seeing these eggs bursting and turning into very streamlined flying insects, these The flying insects whizzed and rushed towards the defense line.

These small flying insects discharged by the giant beast seem to be very small. This is compared with the giant beast. In fact, they are also huge biological battleships. There seems to be an internal container inside the chest cavity of the flying insect, and there are faint figures inside. walking around.

Last time, the alien races of the Shengyuan still flew and charged individually, but this time they all turned out biological fighters.

In fact, this is the real regular army of the Shengyuan Alien Race. Most of the mobs who rushed to kill before were just vassal groups and belonged to consumables. The Shengyuan Alien Race would not feel distressed.

The densely packed flying insect fighters were ejected by the giant beast, and soon formed a strange and overwhelming insect swarm.

The first wave of defense quickly detected that the enemy army had reached the reachable range, and the defense lines that stretched across the entire star field were lit up with scarlet light.

All kinds of long-range means, such as roaring beams, cannon fire, thunder and thunder, blasted past in a saturated manner.

Under the first wave of long-range strikes, everyone waited for a second, because they wanted to watch the results of the battle, so as to continue or postpone the next wave.

After all, resources are limited, so saving a little is a little bit. This is a little trick summed up from the last battle of alien races.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that under the first round of blows, the flying insect army in the front row was still safe and sound except for a small number of flying insects that were damaged.

"Fire! Fire! Keep firing!"

An officer yelled sharply, and at this moment he had suddenly realized that the enemy he encountered this time was by no means comparable to the last time.

Many array equipment began to recharge violently, but the speed of the flying insects was too fast, and it was estimated that it had reached the limit of the ordinary ninth-order peak.

The speed of the ninth-level powerhouse is naturally extremely terrifying, and it may only take two or three breaths to go from the passage to the defense line.

And at this very moment, without waiting for the defense line to recharge, huge flying insect fighters suddenly pounced on the defense line, opened their huge mouthparts and began to bite and destroy the military equipment on the defense line.

At the same time, when these flying insects shook their wings, they saw figures flying out from between their wings. These figures were also wearing armor like insect carapaces.

They all hold a special bone saber and chop at anyone they see.

These foreign fighters who flew out of the flying insects were all in the fourth to sixth ranks of demigods, and occasionally there were high ranks.

But the combat quality and the equipment on his body are enough to crush the previous vassal groups.

With the excellent armored knives on their bodies, these guys are even more vicious when fighting alone than they are one level above them, and these foreign fighters seem to have some faint battle routines.

It is inaccurate to say that it is the battle formation. To be precise, it is the armor and stomach on their body, which seems to have a blood connection function, which can allow their strength to flow to each other. The damage can be converted and shared equally.

Previously, the Empire fought against the motley army and it was extremely difficult. This time, when they fought against the regular army, the defense line was torn apart.

"The first line of defense is completely finished, let's prepare for the second line of defense, fire with all your strength and don't stop." Xue Zhanhou, who was sitting on the second line of defense, closed his eyes and sighed.

Although the first line of defense is not their Wuwei Army, there are also a small number of Wuwei Army and Imperial Army members, and more are fanatics of the Temple of Gods.

He didn't have much hope for this group of people in the **** battle, but he never thought that they would be destroyed so easily. You must know that the people in charge of the middle dispatch are all veterans of the Wuwei Army who participated in the last war. It's a pity Right now, this group of people has all turned into the souls of these monsters.

With the lessons learned from the first line of defense, the second line of defense is almost full of firepower, and the overwhelming firepower network has never stopped. The long-range strike power of a large number of first-order demigod formations as the driving core will naturally not be weak, so The damage to the Flying Insect Army under the saturation attack is still limited.

Seeing the army of flying insects getting closer and closer, Xue Zhanhou frowned deeply.

"General, is it a formation, or some special method! Look at the light emitted from them, it seems that they can continuously transfer and even disperse energy!"

An adjutant pointed to a flying insect and explained.

Xue Zhanhou also noticed this, not only the strange armors on the foreign warriors who jumped out of the flying insects, but even the flying insects themselves were very strange.

The carapace on their body surface seems to emit a sharp cone-shaped energy light wave, and every time the energy strike covers it, it will continue to spread, and it is difficult to cause substantial damage to it. Unless multiple hits land on the same spot, it's hard to kill this big guy.

"This group of guys who only know about slaughter still have such a systematic thing, it's outrageous!" Bloody Warlord cursed, and he swung his knife and shouted, "Everyone, prepare to fight on board!"

His task is to sit here, but the requirements above are not to stick to it. After all, the empire has experienced it last time and knows that blindly sticking to a line of defense will easily lose a lot of elite talents.

On the contrary, the empire and even this universe still has a lot of space, and the empire has also prepared multiple lines of defense this time. The purpose is obvious, and it intends to exchange space for time.

However, Bloody War Hou was originally a battle-hardened character, so it was impossible for him to withdraw without slashing or killing anyone.

Accompanied by the roar of the **** warrior, densely packed flying insects also bit the second line of defense, and a large number of foreign warriors in armor jumped out of their wings at the same time. These guys formed neatly and orderly groups of three or five The small phalanx quickly charged into the crowd like wolves and tigers.

Most of this second line of defense is still dominated by fanatics, which are the former foundations of the temples of the gods.

Now it is used to fill the top five lines of defense. On the one hand, it is used to test the next attack of foreigners, and on the other hand, it is also to reduce the loss of the empire's own people.

If they can survive in the end, it will be the gold washed out of the sand by the big waves, and the empire will naturally not be stingy with rewards or even entrust them with important tasks.

Right now, everyone is indeed just living as cannon fodder. Only by making it through this wave can we prosper. If we can't make it through, we will be dead bones in the grave!

It's just that as soon as these foreign fighters rushed to kill, the whole situation tilted, and the trend of crushing began to appear.

When these fanatics were still in the temple of the gods, they might still have considerable combat effectiveness, but now that the temple of the gods has been destroyed, they have lost their faith, just like puppets without their souls.

Rationality occupies more of the blood. What is rationality? At this time, it is to survive. How can it cause any trouble for this group of foreign warriors under the condition of sacrificing their lives?

Almost devastated, the foreign fighters began to sweep across the second line of defense.

Xue Zhanhou was also fighting, and the power of law behind him began to expand, and the power of war gave him a powerful increase in combat power.

It's just that no matter what he is, there is only one person, even if dozens of personal guards are counted, it will not help.

"General, retreat! Retreat to the third line of defense before it's too late!" An adjutant yelled anxiously.

"Retreat? Why retreat? I have no retreat in the **** battle!" The **** battle was in a hurry, and he only cut down five foreigners.

It has to be said that each of these foreign warriors wearing carapaces is really a tough nut to crack. Right now, his combat power is about to increase to the ninth-level level, and it will take a lot of effort to kill a seventh-level foreign warrior.

And if you fight one, it is equivalent to playing a small They share their strengths, and it is extremely difficult to keep switching.

"General, this is Lord Hou's general order! If you don't obey the general order, then you will have to report it to Lord Hou!" Seeing this, the adjutant gritted his teeth and took out a token from his pocket and shouted.

"What? How could it be? Isn't Master Hou not in the army?" Xue Zhanhou was shocked, and after a closer look, he really was Wuwei Houling!

"Okay, **** it, he will use Master Hou to suppress me! Withdraw!"

Xue Zhanhou shook his head, his figure turned into a **** light, turned his head and fled.

Seeing this, the adjutant also breathed a sigh of relief, Wu Weihou was naturally not in the army. He asked the deputy army commander Ling Hai for this item in advance.

The purpose is to prevent this kind of situation from happening, he knows that his own **** battle, others will obey Wuweihou if they refuse to accept it, and bring out Wuweihou to ensure that it will work.

"This time, the progress of the Shengyuan alien race is very fast. Last time, they were stopped by only a few shallow lines of defense. This time, each line of defense has several times the weapons of the previous line of defense, and the defeat was even faster. "

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