Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1116: Kendo I own

Du Ming and even the ancestors of the Du family are grateful to the strong man who brought the Milky Way to where it is today.

Not to mention him, even many people in the Milky Way think so.

"Minister Du! Minister Du, the material has been delivered this time, why don't you go and check it?"

At this moment, a lower-level manager pushed in the door and said respectfully.

This person also came from the Milky Way. It should be said that the millions of people working under Du Ming's command came from the Milky Way.

A galaxy can mobilize millions of people to participate in the construction of the empire's defense line, which is considered a large-scale mobilization.

You must know that if the empire is compared to a common dynasty, that galaxy is equivalent to a very inconspicuous small mountain village under the governance of the dynasty.

What's more, this small mountain village is still the territory of a marquis, not only does not need to pay taxes, but also does not need to bear corvee.

The Milky Way can dispatch so many people, it is completely spontaneous registration.

Although the empire is difficult at present, it has not yet reached the point of subjugation and extinction. At least the empire is still safe before the Shengyuan alien race has launched a general offensive.

The previous plan of the empire was that the central imperial capital and these star regions would raise a total of 100 billion people, and each of the four kingdoms would raise a population of 60 billion. A total of 420 billion people would be responsible for the major infrastructure work of the border defense line.

Don't look at the number of people, but there are many things that need to be done. This is because the empire is smaller.

Rao wants to build groups of war fortresses so much, but the population is still not enough, so try to build ten lines of defense and five super-giant fortresses within a hundred years.

And these populations are not all built together, some need to be coordinated, some need to be responsible for scheduling, some need to be responsible for construction, some need to be responsible for mining, some need to be responsible for transportation, and so on.

And Du Ming and his group of more than three million people from the Milky Way are just inconspicuous specks of dust. The tasks they are responsible for are also very simple, that is, overall planning and supervision of the progress of the fortifications.

It can be regarded as taking advantage of Marquis Wuwei, otherwise, normally, this kind of work would be handled by people from the galaxy personally selected by the Four Kings, or by the powerful and noble groups in the imperial capital.

"Just go and check it out. You kid doesn't know how many things I need to take care of every day. You can be regarded as the second in command. Please pay more attention. You can't embarrass Lord Hou." Du Ming scolded with a smile.

"Come on, Brother Du, don't worry, I'll embarrass you, so I can't embarrass Lord Hou, right?" The young junior administrator said with a smile.

"Your skin is itchy, isn't it?" Hearing this, Du Ming was furious.

After blasting that kid away, Du Ming also packed up and prepared to go out. He really has business to deal with.

That is to accompany the leader to inspect the construction of the defense line.

The leader, of course, is the strongest person in the Milky Way who brought them here this time except Lord Hou. It is said that he was once a close friend of Lord Hou.

Leaving the room, it took a full half an hour to take the starship to arrive at a giant ring fortress that is currently under construction.

This fortress adopts the superposition method of nine rings, which is somewhat similar to a famous fortress in the southern region.

Because the citizens of the southern border supervised the construction and construction here, even the blueprints for the construction of the southern fortress were moved here.

However, the Nine Ring Fortress this time is obviously much larger than the previous one that was destroyed by the Ultra-Dimensional Divine Kingdom in the southern region. It is said that the operation of the Nine Rings can form a nine-ring formation, which can explode with a power comparable to that of the peak of the True God Realm.

I don't know if there is Du Ming, and I'm not qualified to know, but it took too long. Now the ten front lines of defense have been built, and most of the construction teams have come here.

Even if he wanted to complete this big project so much, it wouldn't be enough without tens of thousands of years. Du Ming felt that he would definitely develop another big family offshoot of the Du family here, and his descendants would all work hard to build this big guy.

"Mr. Lu! Sorry for keeping you waiting."

Arriving in a watchtower at the outermost part of the Ninth Ring Road, Du Ming hurriedly apologized.

"It's okay, I just haven't started yet, since you're here, let's go!" The man said with a smile, very approachable and without any pretensions.

This is the strongest person in the Milky Way that Du Ming said, Lu Yixin, Mr. Lu.

The two of them circled the Nine-Ring Fortress in a starship and began to inspect it. The Nine-Ring Fortress is an extremely large fortress comparable to the wonders of the universe.

It covers an area of ​​nearly hundreds of light years, and it is absolutely huge. Right now, it is only working on building the framework of the first ring, so it is still busy for a long time, using a lot of people and materials.

Looking around the ring fortress, there are large and small star gates that are open at any time. Behind these star gates are the resource-rich mineral galaxies of the empire.

Opening the stargate in the resource galaxy zone is equivalent to directly processing materials there and transporting them directly, saving a lot of time.

Therefore, it can be seen that these stargates are busy with transportation starships all the time, like countless busy ants building a giant nest.

"Mr. Lu, I would like to ask, did you really know Lord Hou back then? Of course, I'm not questioning what you mean, but I just want to know more about it." Du Ming rubbed his hands carefully and said.

No wonder he was not curious, the main reason is that Lord Hou has long been a figure in countless galaxies, and even the people of many galaxies under his rule regarded him as a legendary figure.

Seeing a character who has been in contact with legends before, of course I can't help being curious.

"Hehe, don't be so nervous." Mr. Lu joked with a smile, "You and I are both from the Milky Way, and I don't know how to eat people. Why are you so far away from me?"

"Uh, I have too much respect for you. You are also a legend. I heard about your story when I was a child." Du Ming was a little embarrassed.

But what he said was true. Indeed, in Hou Ye's stories, this person who is like a mentor in life and a teacher and a friend often appears.

"Hehe, if you want to hear about Jiang Heng's past, you shouldn't actually ask me. If you ask me, I can only say that he is also a human being, just an ordinary person like you and me." Mr. Lu said with a smile.

"Jiang,... Lord Hou and you are still different from me. You are gods and you are a demigod. It is said that Lord Hou has killed the true god. How much is the true **** in the whole universe? I can't compare it. No way." Du Ming said with a straight smile.

"There is not much difference. Gods are actually born from human growth. How can gods come from without people?" Mr. Lu seemed to be very touched, and he opened up the conversation a bit, "In the ignorant age, gods were conceived by people. But after that, gods are also People transform.

If you are willing to work hard and make up your mind, you might not be able to transform into a **** in the future. "

"Mr. Lu was joking. The younger one is a supervisor and a manager. After so many years of cultivation, I have relied on resources to pile up to the level of the master of the galaxy. In fact, I don't have much extravagant hope, but I can live through this 10,000-year life in peace. That's it."

Hearing Mr. Lu's words, Du Ming was taken aback, and quickly explained.

"It should have only been a hundred years for you to step into the Lord of the Galaxy?" Lu Yixin asked.

"Well, yes. Relying on the resources and the current superior conditions, stepping into the Lord of the Galaxy will be very fast, but it is impossible for the Lord of the Domain and the Demigod." Du Ming didn't understand what the other party meant, so he had to answer like this.

Nowadays, it is not difficult for anyone with money in the Milky Way to become the Lord of the Galaxy, and it will be very fast, but it is very difficult to step into the domain master, lacking systematic martial arts training, and lack of sharpening of martial arts will, etc.

"Hehe, do you know how much Jiang Heng and I paid to step into the Lord of the Galaxy?" Lu Yixin began to talk to himself, falling into the memories of the past.

"In order to step into the Lord of the Galaxy, he stepped into the starry sky from a very young age, when he was only a low-level warrior. He went through several twists and turns in the galaxy, which was still in chaos at that time, and experienced many fights, and gradually grew into a high-level warrior.

Afterwards, he also narrowly escaped death for the lord of the galaxy..."

Mr. Lu talked a lot, and Du Ming was so fascinated by what he heard, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded inwardly. The success of Xin Dao Dao is really no accident.

All these kinds of crises were things that he had never dared to think about in the past. As a result, Lord Hou just managed to survive.

Tolerate what ordinary people can't bear!

Buzz buzz! ~

Just when Mr. Lu was talking about Jiang Heng's experience as the domain master, a red warning light sounded from the first line of defense in the distance, and then quickly spread to the second, third, and tenth line.

"Enemy attack! Alien attack, let's go!"

Mr. Lu quickly stopped talking, and Du Ming understood.

Both of them had been trained in advance. At this time, these logistics personnel had to quickly retreat into the nearby star gate, leave the front line, and come here only after the war here ended and the star gate opened again.

As for the small number of logistical personnel who stayed within the several lines of defense in front of them, they could not retreat, and those people had to repair the line of defense at any time.

Therefore, those people get the highest salary, and most of them are survivors of the former temples.

The two of them didn't dare to neglect and hurriedly drove the starship and prepared to go to the nearby stargate. There were many starships like them, and at this time, there were long queues at each stargate.

Fortunately, there are still ten lines of defense in front, even if the alien race of Shengyuan invades, it is impossible to break through the ten lines of defense and come here in a short time.

"Mr. Lu, I heard that Lord Hou is not on the front line recently, and the big battle is about to start now. Will Lord Hou show up?"

Since there was a line in front, it was impossible for the enemy to call in a short while, so Du Ming was not in a hurry, and continued to chat.

"I don't know. He has grown to the point where I look up to him. At his level, I can't understand or touch him." Lu Yixin shook his head, but there was not much frustration on his face.

In his opinion, he should be even more happy for his old friend who has grown to this stage.

Without looking at Du Ming again, Lu Yixin stared directly at the galaxy outside the porthole, and the densely packed starships with tail fins, and gradually became a little lost in thought.

"Jiang Heng, I have a chance to show you the current strength of your old friend!"

Thinking of this, Lu Yixin just smiled. After so many years, he has not made no progress, it should be said that he has made remarkable progress.

Since Jian Wushen introduced him to the way of swordsmanship, Jian Wushen also fell shortly thereafter. Since then, he has monopolized the top ten fights in the way of swordsmanship in the world!

Letting out a breath, there seemed to be a commotion from the starship cockpit, and then the cockpit door opened, and the pilot inside looked terrified.

"What happened?" Seeing this, Lu Yixin asked with a slight frown.

"Lu...Mr. Lu is not well. The space coordinates of the star gate in front...the front suddenly changed, and a lot of monsters rushed out of it!" The driver stumbled but still spoke quickly.


Hearing this, Lu Yixin quickly pushed aside the driver and came to the cockpit, where he could clearly see the situation ahead.

At this time, a chaotic scene was imprinted in front of the eyes, and the queues began to flee in all directions, but a large number of monsters pouring out of the star gate had already begun to slaughter.

It was like meteors shooting at the starships in sight, and explosions appeared one after another.

Under the slaughter of these monsters, the starship is as fragile as paper.

Moreover, these foreigners are all demigod-level powerhouses, and the speed of these transport ships is simply not as fast as them.

"Mr. Lu, this is not a good thing. We are in the construction area, far away from the front line, and there is no patrolling armed force at all!" Du Ming also saw this scene at this time, and his face was anxious.

There is no cruise armed, which also means that everyone here is a lamb to be slaughtered for foreigners.

die! Yes, it's just a matter of early death or late death.

Boom boom boom!

Not far away, foreigners had already crashed towards the circular fortress, and continuous explosions emerged, and a large number of construction units were directly destroyed.

"They want to ruin our hard work! It's hateful!" Du Ming gritted his teeth.

At this time, he didn't care about being afraid. Before the projects he had been in charge of for many years, he didn't care about those.

"I see, you first get your starship away from here quickly, don't be afraid, no one can hurt you!" Lu Yixin comforted.

"Huh? Mr. Lu, you want to..." Du Ming was surprised.


Said that Lu Yixin left the cockpit, entered the isolation compartment, and finally opened the hatch directly and disappeared into a stream of light.

This is a small starship, and there are only three people in the ship. At this time, the only two people can't help but look at each other.

I didn't expect Mr. Lu, who is usually gentle and, to be so reckless right now.

"Mr. Du...Mr. Du, why don't you persuade Mr. Lu? Mr. Lu seems to be only at the sixth level of demigod. He...he won't have any accidents, right?" The pilot is also from the Milky Way, so he naturally knows this Mr. Lu's name.

"Wouldn't it be auspicious for you to speak? Mr. Lu will be fine." Du Ming couldn't help cursing.

He wanted to cry for a while, but he wanted to persuade him, but Mr. Lu acted too fast. In a blink of an eye, the person went out.

And he is also anxious. Although Mr. Lu is a good friend of Lord Hou, he is a legend in the eyes of the Milky Way. But if he died in battle here, it would become a dead legend.

"Let's just pray that Mr. Lu is okay, otherwise neither of us will be able to apologize for committing suicide!" Du Ming said viciously.

Although Mr. Lu is not as important as Lord Hou in the eyes of the people of the galaxy, he is also a legend. If Mr. Lu dies before their eyes, then they will be the sinners of all the people of the galaxy.

Thinking of this, Du Ming blamed himself.

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