Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1111: old tree and inaction

Hearing this, Jiang Heng hurried forward to check, fortunately, whether the corpse has been suppressed by the inner universe of the Taoist, otherwise he really dare not touch the wreckage of the inner scene-level powerhouse.

When touching the interior scene of Wuwei Taoist, Jiang Heng didn't feel much, just like entering a special space, unable to sense the law.

But when touching this corpse, Jiang Heng's feeling became more obvious. Not only was he unable to sense the law, but his perception was also blocked. The power of the law also disappeared, leaving only the power of the flesh itself.

The surface of the corpse is full of crazy distortion power, and the strong distortion power makes Jiang Heng's heart tremble. Fortunately, there was no Taoist to suppress it, otherwise, any touch of these distortion forces would be enough to instantly deform a ninth-level demigod.

This is not the degree to which a ninth-level demigod can resist suppression, even if the true **** realm is estimated to be distorted and plunged into a state of madness soon.

From this, it can be seen what kind of strong man the owner of the corpse encountered. After some searching, Jiang Heng did not find any treasures stored in the other party, not even some items containing energy laws on his body, only one piece was unremarkable small wooden sign.

There are crack marks everywhere on the surface of this wooden sign, and Jiang Heng feels that as long as he exerts a little force, this thing will collapse in an instant.

"Master, is this thing?" Jiang Heng was a little unsure, there was really no power left on the wooden sign.

That is to say, the material of the wooden sign itself is not bad, and it can still maintain a barely shape after such a long time, but he estimates that the wooden sign will completely decay in a few hundred million years.

The font on the surface of the wooden sign has been blurred, and only a few traces of chiseling can be vaguely seen, but due to erosion, it is no longer possible to see what it is.

"Well, this is it. This is a token of the God Emperor. It does not have any power to bless it. It was given to him in the early days before the rise of the God Emperor. As long as this thing wants to come to the ninth floor, it will open to you. , unless the remnants of the **** emperor no longer exist."

Jiang Heng immediately understood when he heard it, that is to say, whether this thing can be used depends on whether the universe in the God Emperor can recognize it.

And this identification mechanism is the **** emperor's lingering thoughts. If the **** emperor didn't even have a lingering thought in the inner universe, he might not be able to recognize it.

After all, this thing does not have any aura of energy law, and this kind of thing does not have the identification function for some places such as the ruins of secret organs, unless it is manually identified.

Jiang Heng feels that the inner universe of the God Emperor is still there, and there is a high probability that the God Emperor still has a ray of remnants.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Heng divided into an avatar again, and went to the ninth floor with a wooden sign in his hand.

With the display of the wooden sign, the avatar entered the ninth floor again. This time, the avatar did not disappear immediately, but a clear picture came from Yimumu.

What came into view was a blood-red void world, everywhere was blood-red, and there was nothing in the blood-colored void, only the central area seemed to be shining faintly.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng was not surprised. The universe inside the body of the inner scene-level powerhouse is indeed a small universe, and it is generally full of vitality. Just like when the universe was just born, there will be a large number of explosions and movements of celestial bodies, which are quite active.

But the current situation is almost the same as Wuwei Taoist's inner universe. It is a manifestation of the fall of the body and the trauma of the inner universe.

The wounded body of the inner universe died, and most of the operations of the natural inner universe were seriously affected, even on the verge of exhaustion.

This is a dead universe that is about to decline, a universe that is just in the process of giving birth to life and then enters the return of life.

The avatar moves forward at high speed, where the laws cannot be used, and the spiritual sense cannot be perceived. You can only use the naked eye to carefully discern the way forward, and you can only use the power of your body to move forward here as if traveling, and the speed cannot be fast at all.

Time passed little by little, and it took several days for Jiang Heng to reach the place where the faint light flickered. At this time, he could already see the whole picture of that area clearly.

What came into view was a majestic ancient tree. The ancient tree was extremely huge. Standing in front of the ancient tree at this moment, Jiang Heng was like an invisible speck of dust.

The surface of this ancient tree is full of cracks, and there are no bare leaves on it, just like a dead tree that is completely dead.

"Trees? The avenue of trees?" Seeing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help blurting out.

However, just as he finished speaking, a very weak voice came into his mind, "Who are you? Where is that old dragon, Bulong? Why are you holding his token?"

A series of inquiries made Jiang Heng a little confused. The voice was exhausted and old, like an old man who hadn't spoken for many years, and his hoarseness revealed incomparable exhaustion.

"Senior Pie Long has fallen, disciple Jiang Heng, master is the master of time and space Taoist Wuwei!"

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Jiang Heng hastily introduced his background. Having gotten along with Taoist Wuwei a lot, he also knows that in ancient times, he didn't have a good impression of other people's intruders without reason. It's best to report his origin directly, otherwise don't blame the host for being rude.

"Lord of time and space, Wuwei's disciple?" The voice seemed a little confused, as if his memory was chaotic or even incomplete because of too much time.

After a while, he continued, "So it's the disciple of that guy who likes to spy on others everywhere."


Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, as if he had heard something extraordinary.

"Senior, what did you say? My master has always been upright, and even taught his disciples to be upright in doing things. You can't slander your master at will!" Jiang Heng was filled with righteous indignation, and his tone seemed as if you didn't explain clearly, and I would never stop talking to you .

"Haha! This fellow Wuwei is really open and lies, and his temperament has not changed. I believe you are Wuwei's disciple."

The laughter in that voice was extraordinarily carefree, and the tired voice seemed a little excited.

"Wuwei was not a good guy when he was young. When he hadn't achieved the true **** state, he often liked to use the power of time and space to spy on other people's secrets at will. Then the Space Dao randomly broke into other people's secret realms to eavesdrop on others' Xinmi, and used the Time Dao to pursue them. In the past, others have dug up a lot of scandals about the past of the strong, and because of this, they have been hunted down for hundreds of millions of years.

If it wasn't for the **** emperor and the mother goddess who were optimistic about this kid, they would try their best to protect him. This kid died a long time ago, how can there be such a master of time and space later! "

Jiang Heng heard black lines all over his head, and a strange look appeared on his face. I didn't expect my teacher to be really... quite indescribable back then.

He now understands how his teacher honed his exquisite time and space technique.

"Senior, what else do you know?" Jiang Heng urged.

"Huh? I didn't expect you to be pretty bad, kid. How is your teacher doing now?" the voice was a little weird.

"The master has fallen, and now there is still a ray of remnants living in the inner universe, and now it is outside." Jiang Heng said truthfully.

"It turns out that he also fell, a ray of remnants, even resurrection is difficult, but fortunately, he can still retain a ray of remnants under your catastrophe, which is not bad." The man sighed.

"Senior is under the crown of the **** emperor?" Jiang Heng tentatively asked, and now he still doesn't know who the other party is.

"God Emperor? Haha, this seat is not the case. The God Emperor has fallen under the crown, and even the remnants no longer exist. This seat is just an ancient tree planted by the God Emperor back then. Now the power of the inner universe of his old man is still alive. That's all."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng immediately looked at the ancient tree in front of him, but he didn't expect that it was the ancient tree in front of him who had been talking to him.

"Senior, you're being polite. How dare you ask senior's name when I'm going down Jiang Heng?" Jiang Heng bowed his hands and said respectfully.

"The old man's body is the original Fusang tree, you can call me Fusang."

"I've seen Senior Fusang!" Jiang Heng said hastily.

He couldn't help but understand in his heart that the original hibiscus tree was mentioned by Taoist Wuwei, and it was one of the few original ancient trees in the divine garden.

At the beginning of the creation of the universe, several ancient ancient trees were born in the universe. In addition to the congenital hibiscus tree, there are also ten star trees, ancient bodhi trees, and immortal trees.

These ancient trees were all divided up by the four major forces back then, and of course some were destroyed by accidents not long after the birth of the universe.

The original hibiscus tree is a kind of original ancient tree related to the fire line. It is said that it comes from an incarnation related to the fire line. The shape of the original hibiscus tree is like a hibiscus tree, and the whole body is red.

This is why the color of this world is as red as blood.

"How is the outside world now? I think your bone age should not be too old. Now hundreds of millions of years have passed since the catastrophe. If you can become a ninth-level demigod, it seems that the catastrophe has passed?" the original hibiscus tree guessed.

"Senior, the last catastrophe has indeed passed, but now the second catastrophe has come." Jiang Heng said solemnly.

"Huh?!" Yuanchu Fusangshu said in a solemn tone, "tell me in detail."

Jiang Heng sighed in his heart, and then he saw everything he had learned in detail, including the recent wars and the situation of foreign invasions.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that they would not give up the last time they repelled them. It's a pity that the **** emperors and other figures have fallen, and it is impossible to resist the evil obstacles of Shengyuan." Yuanchu Fusang tree sighed.

He didn't expect that after so many years, the Shengyuan alien race would once again set off a war, and this time they had no possibility of playing games with each other again.

The fall of the old generation of powerhouses, the new generation of powerhouses feels like rubbish.

That's right, after listening to Jiang Heng's description, the original hibiscus tree was completely contemptuous of the current mechanical masters, Valkyrie, and Great Zhou Emperor.

What the hell, this kind of waste material is still playing with wool.

"Senior is too pessimistic. Don't you want to drive out the alien race of Saint Yuan again, and even turn the tide of the battle?" Jiang Heng was a little annoyed when he heard this. Don't ask the old man for help, at least don't say such frustrating words, right?

"Heh, it's not that I don't want to drive away the alien race of Saint Yuan, nor that I don't want to turn the tide of the battle. As far as the contemporary powerhouses you mentioned, in my opinion, they were not even worthy to carry the emperor's shoes back then.

The old man does not ask you to come up with an existence comparable to an emperor, even if it is an ordinary one, but unfortunately you don't have one. Not to mention interior scenes, what can a mere half-step interior scene do? "The original hibiscus tree was very rude. He lived a very long time and has seen too many great talents.

In his opinion, a half-step interior scene is really not enough.

It's normal, he has seen the era of great powers in ancient times, and now these are indeed crooked melons and jujubes in his opinion.

"Senior also..."

Just as Jiang Heng wanted to refute, the original hibiscus tree had already interrupted, "What are you talking about so much, old man, isn't your teacher outside? Let him come in, and I will talk to him in person."

Jiang Heng's tone froze, and he felt insulted for a moment.

But there is no way, these old men really can't offend, so they have to summon Taoist Wuwei.

Taoist Wuwei's figure quickly entered this universe, and he only needed to cover the old dragon's corpse with his own inner universe to absorb it without any delay.

"I thought it was the emperor who summoned me, but I didn't expect it to be an old tree like you!" Seeing the original hibiscus tree, Taoist Wuwei was a little annoyed.

He glanced at the original hibiscus tree cautiously, and then said strangely, "You old tree, are you talking nonsense?"

"Hehe, Wuwei, do you still need me to talk about those embarrassing things you did back then?" Yuan Chu Fu Sang Shu sneered.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Jiang Heng vaguely felt that something was wrong. The two old men would not fight.

"Jiang Heng, you go out now. Talk to this old tree alone as a teacher."

Jiang Heng naturally had no choice but to obey Taoist Wuwei's orders, and hurriedly drove the avatar to leave this universe.

And just after Jiang Heng left, Taoist Wuwei immediately snorted coldly: "Old tree, you are not ashamed, I don't want to arrange you, how dare you tell the juniors that I am not?"

"Hehe, I don't know how many ridiculous things you did back then? Well, I didn't quarrel with you. Tell me, how did you fall in love with this kid? To be able to be taken in by you, this kid is somewhat unusual, right? "The original hibiscus tree said solemnly.

Seeing that the other party mentioned something serious, Taoist Wuwei also became serious.

"This kid is really good, and the path taken by the old man is almost the same, mastering time and space together, and there is a good old guy hidden in his body."

"Huh? The old guy you're talking about isn't you, is it?" Yuanchu Fusangshu said with a smile! Of course not, I'm talking about the good luck jade butterfly! "Inaction is humane.


The original hibiscus tree was obviously very surprised.

"You didn't lie to me? Good Fortune Jade Butterfly chose him? Well... I probably know why you fell in love with him."

"Hehe, of course, my vision is fine." Taoist Wuwei laughed.

"It's not that you have a good vision. I'm talking about the Jade Butterfly Creation. The owner of the Jade Butterfly Creation in the past is not ordinary. Of course, the guy from the Council of the Ancients doesn't count. Most of the people selected by the fortune jade butterfly themselves are extraordinary, and Hongjun back then is one of them." The original hibiscus tree said.

"By the way, speaking of Hongjun, do you know where he went after he left this world? I hadn't grown up when this senior left this world, but you old tree must have known the situation back then after living for so long.

If senior Hongjun is still there, maybe there is still hope for this catastrophe. "Wuwei Taoist said in a deep voice.

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