Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1110: Emperor's Legacy

Previously, I kept jumping repeatedly with the help of time and space nodes, and even experienced several time and space turbulence in the middle. I didn't know what time and space, what dimension or even plane I came to.

Now when he focused on this plane, Jiang Heng felt something was wrong.

This space seems surprisingly large, not like a small plane at all.

This is an incomparably vast continent, and its area is no less than a hundred light-years under the glance of Jiang Heng's spiritual sense.

There are dense jungles everywhere in the field of vision, and there are nine stars hanging in the sky, but eight of them have been turned off and reduced to a pitch-black celestial body, and the light emitted by the other one is not very strong.

These nine stellar celestial bodies are extremely huge, far exceeding the outside stars. The light of these nine stars was originally intended to radiate the continent of this nearly hundred light-year area.

It's just that with the extinguishing of the eight stars, most parts of this continent have fallen into darkness and dead silence, except that the area around Jiang Heng is still lush and green.


Through these dense jungles, Jiang Heng found that there seemed to be many old and dilapidated buildings covered by the forest.

Raise the height, and you can see that the large area in front of you looks like an ancient city, but most of it is covered by forests and weeds, and you can't really see it unless you look carefully.

Seeing Jiang Heng's figure slowly descending and landing on the ground, as far as his eyes could see, there seemed to be a brick-like thing buried in the ground in front of him, with a thick layer of dust and fallen leaves accumulated on the surface, making it hard to see clearly.

Jiang Heng exhaled lightly, and a gust of wind blew away the dust and weeds in front of his eyes, revealing the real face of Brick.

But it is a pale golden ruin, which seems to be built with some kind of high-density metal crystal material. I don't know how many years it has been buried here, and it has not been weathered.

"Where is this? It's so extravagant to use such a high-density metal as a brick. The hardness of this brick is no less than that of ordinary demigods."

Jiang Heng couldn't help but gasp.

"This place gives me a very familiar feeling." Taoist Wuwei's voice suddenly sounded.

"Master knows this place?"

"Not sure, you continue to explore one or two."

Jiang Heng didn't say much when he heard the words, he didn't stay here any longer, and continued to move forward.

The further you go in, the surrounding vegetation grows more and more, and there are more and more ruins among the trees and weeds.

After half a sound, Jiang Heng stamped his feet.

Right in front of it was a stretch of huge dilapidated palaces, covering an area of ​​several hundred feet in size and twenty or thirty feet high, all of which were cast with that kind of high-density metal.

Perhaps this dilapidated palace used to look quite grand and magnificent, but this dilapidated palace is now riddled with holes, and some parts have collapsed.

The bricks and stones near the dilapidated palace are even more riddled with holes, as if they have experienced an extremely cruel and tragic fight.

Jiang Heng frowned, and immediately spread out his spiritual sense to explore the surroundings.

After a while, he flashed his figure, came to a brick, raised his hand and pushed the huge brick away.

Under the bricks was a remains, which had now turned into dry bones.

Withered Bones was wearing a dark golden armored stomach costume. Although most of it had been weathered, Jiang Heng could still see that it seemed to be the standard costume of a certain force.

Jiang Heng didn't recognize the pattern on the surface of the clothing, nor did he know what it represented.

"Oh, I didn't expect to see this pattern one day..."

"Master, this is..."

"The symbol of the God Emperor and the Kingdom of God is also the symbol of the God Emperor." Taoist Wuwei sighed deeply.

"So... this is the ruins of the God Emperor and Kingdom of God?" Jiang Heng's eyes widened.

"It can't be wrong....Keep searching to see if there are any living beings." Taoist Wuwei was a little depressed, and the exhausted remnant soul seemed to dissipate at any moment.

Jiang Heng looked at the dry bones, and heaved a long sigh.

The Wuwei army under his command can be regarded as using Shenting's skills, and there is also a causal relationship with the God Emperor.

From Wuwei Dao's mouth, he also heard some descriptions about the grand occasion of Shenting.

However, the God Emperor God Kingdom, which was so powerful back then, has now been reduced to ruins, which makes people feel deeply moved.

Jiang Heng quickly put away his thoughts, and swept his spiritual thoughts over the dry bones. There was no treasure on the dry bones, as if they had been plundered by foreigners.

He didn't care about it, turned around and walked away, and continued to explore other areas of the dilapidated palace, and soon found a few dead bones. Judging by their attire, they should all be strong in the court.

The treasures on these withered bones also disappeared, and presumably they were all taken away by the strong foreigners.

After a while, Jiang Heng searched the ruins of the dilapidated palace inside and out, but still found nothing.

He was a little disappointed in his heart, he didn't stay here any longer, and flew forward.

Jiang Heng flew forward for a moment, his expression suddenly changed.

The bricks and stones in front suddenly collapsed, forming the terrain of a huge basin, and the shadow of a dilapidated palace appeared in it.

Fall in the basin.

The area of ​​this basin is quite open.

The masonry in the basin is flat, and a layer of glazed bricks is paved everywhere, extending to the end of the field of vision. Palaces of all sizes are located, extending to the end of Jiang Heng's field of vision.

This seems to be an important place.

The basin is not immune to destruction, and there are signs of the war everywhere, but the materials used in the palaces here are stronger, and most of them are still well preserved.

Jiang Heng was slightly expectant in his heart, and while exploring the surrounding situation, he walked towards the depths of the basin, and soon came to the depths of the basin.

However, the deeper the basin, the more intense the battle remains. There are many dead bones here, including not only the people of the Kingdom of God, but also many strong foreigners.

After investigating all the way, he found that the basin looked like a huge military fortress, with many criss-crossing streets, and the palaces on both sides of the streets looked like war fortresses.

If it hadn't been destroyed, this place should be an extremely magnificent fortress of the true god.

Along the way, Jiang Heng also found some scraps of treasures.

He walked to the end of a wide road, and suddenly opened up in front of him, and a rather wide platform came into view.


Jiang Heng glanced quickly on the platform and couldn't help but be taken aback.

Immediately, it quickly landed in front of a huge temple directly in front of the platform.

This palace is taller than other buildings, almost straight into the sky, the surface is made of jade-like bricks, and the surface exudes a faint white mist, like a fairy palace covered in clouds and mist.

Jiang Heng knew this jade well. It was the main material for forging ninth-order semi-sacred artifacts. White phosphorous jade gold was a material with excellent hardness. Some weaker true artifacts could also use this material as an auxiliary material. This is definitely a big deal, how much white phosphorous jade gold was used?

However, facing the white phosphorus Huangyu Jin Jiangheng seemed to be quite calm, but when he felt the breath in the palace, he couldn't hold on anymore.

The aura emitted by the things inside was not strong, but it shocked Jiang Heng's spirit.

This is the aura of the avenue of law, and it is not an ordinary law, it is the aura of the avenue of complete law.

If that's all it is, Jiang Heng can feel that there are many complete Dao laws in it.

Jiang Heng hesitated for a while, but carefully inserted his divine sense into it, and at the same time, an avatar entered immediately.

The incarnation of spiritual thoughts began to explore the scenes inside separately. It is no wonder that Jiang Heng is cautious. In fact, the more the temptation is huge, the greater the danger.

Judging from the previous corpses, it was obvious that the place had been looted by foreigners. And there are many complete laws here, judging from the previous situation of the foreign race here, it is impossible to keep multiple complete laws in place.

Although foreign races cannot directly use the laws of their world, if they are taken away from this world, it is like a treasure of laws that can be fused with their own similar laws.

Just like Donghuang Taiyi's fire element is to get rid of the fire element of the universe, and also integrate the laws of other world fire elements, so as to break through the existing rank. It's just that this integration is very risky, and it's best to dare to do so if you have a strong background.

When the avatar enters the palace, what impresses the eyes is a dilapidated scene, with destroyed walls everywhere, all kinds of luxurious decorations being smashed to pieces, and skeletons lying on the ground.

These bones still exude divine brilliance today, and they are the bones of true god-level powerhouses.

Most of the skeletons of these true god-level powerhouses are skinny. This is because they fought too much before they died, and the power of law in their bodies had already been exhausted.

It can be seen from this that the fighting here is far more intense than outside, and it has been a fierce battle for a long time, and it is not a one-sided massacre. If it was a one-sided massacre, even the corpses might not be preserved. Even if the corpse can be preserved, it can be kept as it was before death.

Only the true god-level powerhouses who died after exhaustion and exhaustion of the law, the corpses will show a dry and flat posture under the erosion of time.

Jiang Heng was secretly startled. Compared with the situation here, the situation of Wuji Dao Tianzong seemed to be worse, because Wuji Dao Tianzong was attacked and killed by a powerful enemy in an instant.

But this is also normal. This is the Kingdom of the God Emperor, and there are many true god-level powerhouses gathered in it. Not only are there true god-level powerhouses, but there are also many master-level powerhouses. feel strange.

"These are the elite commanders and generals of the Shenting Army. They died defending the Shenting." Taoist Wuwei sighed softly.

"Master, do you know what is stored in it? Could it be that there are several complete laws stored there?" Jiang Heng was a little stunned.

It would be great if there were a few complete avenues. What kind of means can cover the avenue traction and bind the complete law avenue here.

"Let's go in and have a look." Taoist Wuwei shook his head, "The territory of the Kingdom of God under the crown of the God Emperor is huge, and this place can be regarded as a part of the God Court. The nine suns you just saw were originally nine true artifacts. The magic weapon and the nine yang pearls are combined into one. In the hands of the **** emperor, you can arrange a large array of interior scenes, making this place a world of its own.

But it seems that these Jiuyang beads have been damaged, and you can take these few Jiuyang beads away when you leave. Although they have been destroyed, if the materials of the real artifact are refined a little, they can restore some of their former glory. "

Jiang Heng nodded, didn't ask any more questions, and continued to let the avatar explore the palace.

The space inside the palace is huge, and the first floor alone is extremely vast. It seems that a certain degree of space expansion has been carried out inside, and at the same time, there are still many powers of formations left.

Such as the trapped array, killing array, lost array, etc., but it is also because they are already broken, otherwise Jiang Heng feels that the avatar will get lost as soon as he enters it and will disappear quickly.

Flying all the way into the palace, there are traces of violent destruction in the corridors and buildings below. The corpses on the ground include those of foreign races and those of the gods.

The layout of the palace is divided into layers, with a total of nearly nine floors. The first floor is similar to the hall and indoor garden. Because the space inside is huge and there is a phantom array to simulate the outside world, so entering it is like entering a world.

However, because the phantom array was also damaged, this caused the scene here to be mottled.

The second floor, the third floor, and the fourth floor are somewhat similar to an office. There are many various work compartments. It can be imagined that this place belonged to the center of power and handled many affairs of the galaxy plane under the rule of the gods.

The fifth to sixth floors are somewhat similar to the tearooms among the high-ranking people. You can see a lot of seats for the big shots. There are also some beautiful illusion arrays here, but they are also very mottled.

The battle here has become more intense, and many corpses exude the aura that once belonged to the master class.

And on the seventh floor and the eighth floor are all kinds of storage racks. There are jade slips with the names of each item written. Through these jade slips, Jiang Heng knows that the seventh floor is the collection of books such as classics, skills, secrets, magic powers, etc., and the first The eighth floor is the storeroom for all kinds of precious materials, elixirs, and magical weapons.

Every shelf here is empty, and most of the shelves have been pushed down, and there are many traces of being destroyed.

And the battle here is even more tragic than before, and there are more corpses of strong aliens on the ground, but there is only one corpse of a strong man in Shenting.

The aura emanating from this person made Jiang Heng startled, like a collapsed world, unable to detect or look directly at it.

"This old dragon did not escape the catastrophe." Taoist Wuwei sighed softly.

"Master, this senior is..."

"Guardian of the Divine Court, Bing Long. An interior-level existence who sits in the Divine Court all the year round. He is also a servant of the Emperor's Crown, and has followed the Emperor's Crown all his Jiang Heng nodded, and Bing Long is a strong internal viewer To die silently and silently in the place he defended is a worthy death.

"Put my star map of the universe on his body, he still has the power of the inner scene, which can help me restore some inner universe." Taoist Wuwei said.

Taking out the star map and putting it on the corpse, Jiang Heng continued to explore here, controlling the avatar to enter the ninth floor first.

However, as soon as the avatar stepped in, he didn't see anything, when his eyes went dark, and he lost contact with the avatar.

"Master, my avatar is gone! This ninth floor..." Jiang Heng felt a little difficult, and looked at Taoist Wuwei as if asking for help. After all, his master was also a member of the God Emperor back then, so he wanted to understand the situation here.

"The so-called ninth layer is the illusion of the inner universe of the emperor. At first, I thought that if the emperor fell, the inner universe might no longer exist. Naturally, the ninth layer may not exist. Now it seems that the inner universe of the emperor The universe remains."

Taoist Wuwei said with some anticipation, "Turn through the body of the dragon to see if there is a token."

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