Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1112: A new configuration of the universe

"Hongjun, that guy said he had already taken that step. I don't know the real situation, I only know that he was already at the peak of the inner scene when he left our universe. He couldn't understand much in this universe, so he wanted to Going out and away, no one knows whether he is alive or dead after so many years.

Back then, the God Emperor and several other powerful forces wanted to contact him, but there was no way to contact him. You also know this, you are still with time and space, didn't you let you chase time and space? You didn't find him either. "The original hibiscus tree said helplessly.

"Well, I know. I thought you knew something I didn't know. It seems I was overthinking." Taoist Wuwei also shook his head and smiled wryly.

"You think too highly of me, old man. I stay in Shenting all the year round. How can I know about Senior Hongjun's all-powerful power? If he is still alive, maybe he really has a chance, and maybe he will take that step now, Such as the strong people of the old days of the Shengyuan alien race."

"But don't put your hopes on him. He hasn't come back for so many years. It can only mean that he may have fallen, or he may not want to come back." Yuanchu Fusangshu sighed.

"Don't mention it in advance, you should have some backhands left by the **** emperor in your body? How can you tell me about it?" Taoist Wuwei laughed.

"Heh, I knew you kid would definitely make this idea. That's right, the God Emperor did leave behind, and it was one of the few complete avenues that the God Emperor mastered back then.

As you know, I can contain the laws of the Dao, and in this inner universe, I can isolate the traction of the Dao from the outside world, so I have been taking care of it all the time, and I have not absorbed these Dao. "The original hibiscus tree road.

"Oh! I don't know which avenues it is?" Taoist Wuwei's eyes lit up obviously.

"You want to give your good apprentice?"

"Yes!" Taoist Wuwei didn't hide it, after all, he didn't need it in this state.

"Your apprentice was favored by the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly, he is indeed qualified to obtain the God Emperor's Law.

The God Emperor once explained, let me carefully choose talents to bestow the law on. only.."

"Just what?" Taoist Wuwei hurriedly asked.

At first, the hibiscus tree was a little tangled, and then said after a while: "It's just that he has to take the old man out with a wisp of spirit."

"I knew there was nothing good going on with you old tree. Why, you're too lonely to stay here and want to go out for a walk?" Taoist Wuwei suddenly said angrily.

Inexplicably, he had the feeling that his disciple was about to be snatched away.

"Wuwei, don't react too much. I haven't seen how good your apprentice is. Of course, the old man has to supervise at any time. Otherwise, wouldn't he live up to the legacy of the **** emperor?" Yuan Fusang didn't think at all. Excuse me.

I have given away several complete Dao laws, what's wrong with such a baby asking for it?

"I agree at this time, but first tell me which rules the God Emperor left behind?" Taoist Wuwei frowned.

"Order, strength, reincarnation, and destroy these four, how about it!" Said the original hibiscus tree, which was quite self-satisfied.

Taoist Wuwei has been silent.

How is this, it is simply frightening.

"Is what you old tree said true? Didn't you deliberately lie to me to make me happy?" Taoist Wuwei's voice trembled a little, as if he was afraid that the other party would answer yes, I was just lying to you.

"Hmph! I knew you wouldn't believe it, so be optimistic!"

The original hibiscus tree snorted coldly, and as soon as the words fell, he saw groups of Dao dharma rings floating on his dry and huge branches, and these dharma rings were like rapidly growing fruits.

They are pure white, crimson, blue, and dark. The aura emitted by each avenue is different. Among them, the pure white law of order exudes the purest order, and the power exudes thick and heavy power. The law of reincarnation It seems to contain a big millstone inside, and the Avenue of Destruction is more like pure destruction, the power to destroy everything.

Seeing clearly these few familiar auras, Daoist Wuwei would still doubt it at this time.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that His Majesty the God Emperor would keep some of his strongest avenues, this..." Taoist Wuwei couldn't help but gasped.

"Hehe, naturally there will be no **** left behind under the crown of the God Emperor. The God Emperor knew that the catastrophe was unavoidable, so he had prepared in advance for the old man to implant a tree seed in his body. Once he fell outside, He will voluntarily strip these rules and let my tree species absorb them and take them away.

If it is an ordinary person, it is still impossible to divert a few crucial avenues from the place surrounded by enemies by the side of the **** emperor. "The original hibiscus tree is even more proud.

This matter has been held back for hundreds of millions of years, and it is natural to show off when I finally meet several people from back then.

"With these avenues, even a peak master can rival the half-step inner scene."

Daoist Wuwei was sincerely moved, why he was still willing to be under the command of the God Emperor when he mastered the two top avenues of time and space at the same time.

This is naturally because the **** emperor is the most terrifying to attack and kill one of the many powers.

These four avenues represent the four main powers of the **** emperor, and power is the extension of the physical way to attack and kill, allowing the **** emperor to have infinite power.

Order allows the **** emperor to follow his words and maintain the majesty and orthodoxy of all orders in the court.

Reincarnation allows the gods under the command of the **** emperor to easily resurrect the strong men under his command. As long as there is no more than half a step inside, the **** emperor only needs to engrave a reincarnation seed in his law.

The fragments of the divine soul that dissipated after the fall will not be completely dissipated by the universe, but will enter the God Emperor's Great Way of Reincarnation, and the God Emperor will pay a small price for resurrection.

Destruction allows the God Emperor to have further destructive power. With the rest of the avenues, the God Emperor can be called the most attacking and killing power among all interior-level powers.

Daoist Wuwei felt that it was impossible for the God Emperor to kill himself, but it was not enough to kill the God Emperor. In a head-on confrontation, if the power of time and space does not operate in time, there is a high probability of being killed in seconds.

Seeing these main avenues of the **** emperor appearing in front of his eyes, Taoist Wuwei vaguely realized that his apprentice might really be the child of luck.

This luck is really out of the question.

In the past, although he often mentioned luck, he actually dismissed the theory of luck. In his opinion, the theory of luck is only mentioned by those who are powerful in deducing karma and fate.

Now he can't believe it, it really doesn't make sense.

In one escape, the ruins of the ancient **** court were discovered by mistake, and the broken inner universe of the **** emperor was discovered, and even the backhand left by the **** emperor was discovered.

When he learned that there would be one more person leaving this time, Jiang Heng was a little confused, but the original explanation of Hibiscus Tree was to go out to see the scenery.

Well, the old man has been holding back for hundreds of millions of years and wants to go out to relax.

However, when I heard that the original hibiscus tree was going to pass several avenues, I was a little uneasy.

Although it is not clear what kind of avenues they are, at least the complete avenue law, which starts at the level of the true **** level, if there are two or more, it is the master level.

Just when Jiang Heng was immersed in fantasy, Taoist Wuwei's voice interrupted, "Don't think too much, there are a total of four complete avenues passed on to you this time, but don't think about getting fat all at once.

The law of the great way can only be taught up to the ninth level, and after that, you have to condense the godhead. The so-called godhead is the personality. Only those who have personality can be regarded as true gods.

And dominion is to condense two or more personalities, and the more personalities there are, the more they will be in a state of mutual influence. This is why both the true **** and the master clearly only master the complete laws, but the latter masters more than the former, but some common methods are much stronger than it. "

Listening to Taoist Wuwei's description, Jiang Heng roughly understood that this is a buff effect.

The more complete avenues you master, a buff will be superimposed on each other.

The true **** has only a single personality, and there is no buff blessing.

For example, dominion is the superposition of multiple laws. In this way, with the same means, the **** is a level stronger than the true god, and the more avenues you master, the more powerful you will be.

Some true god-level powerhouses who master the top laws may be able to fight across the ranks, but if there are some existences with extremely deep foundations and a large number of avenues, the top laws are not enough.

"Master, that's okay, but when will the Dao transfer be carried out?" Jiang Heng didn't care, and now he only thought about how to quickly accept those few rules.

Before stepping into the true **** level at the ninth level, Jiang Heng was limited by the law and had no chance to break through. Now that he has four complete avenues, although he can't become fat in one go.

But as long as Qi Qi steps into the ninth level and spends a certain amount of time polishing, these unique laws cannot be escaped. It is much, much easier than others to become a true god.

It is equivalent to the road has been paved, the car and oil are available, and now it is waiting for you to drive.

"It's better to go to the main cosmic plane to transfer the avenues. These avenues have been trapped in my body for too long. To receive them requires a lot of energy accumulation. With the help of the energy of the main cosmic plane, set up a large energy gathering array there .I don’t want this place to be drained and lead to collapse, this is one of the few things left under the crown of the God Emperor.”

The original Fusang tree sighed, at this time he had already occupied the previous dragon corpse. Relying on the remaining energy in the corpse of the inner-level powerhouse, coupled with the unique affinity of the original ancient tree, he has no problem controlling it.

It has been several days since Jiang Heng fled indiscriminately and strayed into the ruins of the Shenting, and at this time the situation in the temple of the gods has been settled.

A large number of super-dimensioned powerhouses of the empire come and go through the stable star gate built.

All kinds of starships even established a star gate near here, and the empire and the super-dimensional kingdom decided to carve up the territory of the temple after discussion.

Naturally, both forces need to send a large number of starships and strong men to the territory of the temples to receive these sites, and at the same time spread the news that the temples are gone.

And the Great Zhou Emperor and the Mechanic Overlord even summoned many neutral forces at the beginning of the destruction of the temples, and many neutral forces who received the news were unbelieving and questioning at first.

What a joke, how could the temple of the gods, one of the three major powers in the universe, be destroyed as soon as it was destroyed. Before the Great Zhou Empire and the Chaowei Kingdom of God, there was no news about it. Such a bomb was thrown out of nowhere. I don’t believe it is affirmative of.

Free Covenant—

This is where the yin and yang elders practice. Of course, the chamber of commerce and some family forces here are governed here. At this time, the official letter meeting sent by the Great Zhou Empire and the Chaowei Kingdom is being held in the Liberty Star Alliance Council.

"The official letter issued by His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Zhou Empire, and the seal of Director Zhao, it stands to reason that the official letter of the Great Zhou Empire is very credible. I don't know what everyone thinks?"

"Impossible! How is this possible? The temple of the gods has a profound background. Its heel comes from the orthodox forces of the old Zhou Dynasty. The true **** of fire and his two true god-level powerhouses have ruled the territory for many years, and their base camp is even more arranged. I don't know how many backhands.

On the other hand, the Great Zhou Empire and the Super-Dimensional Kingdom of God, these two forces were originally split from the old Great Zhou. Although they have grown up now, even if the two forces join forces to destroy the temples, they will not be so fast .

We didn't even get any news before this, which is really a bit unbelievable. "

Indeed, this congressman expressed the aspirations of many congressmen present. Which previous three-party exchange of fire did not cause a long-term sensation?

Even in many cases, some small frictions spread for several years or even tens of thousands of years, which also made these neutral forces feel that the three major forces are always thunderous and rainy every time, and the war is always grinding.

There was a thunderstorm suddenly, which was really unconvincing.

"But... After all, this is an official letter from the Empire and the Kingdom of God, and the two countries have also sent a joint official letter. Isn't this a foregone conclusion? His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor and His Majesty the True God of Mechanism will never fight their own Face?" someone asked.

As soon as this remark is made, the presence is silent, and indeed this is an indisputable fact.

Soon the direction of the meeting suddenly changed. The meeting that originally debated whether the matter was true or not turned into a question of whether to completely surrender to the Great Zhou Empire or the Chaowei Kingdom, or to continue to remain neutral.

Such a situation as the Liberty Star Alliance is happening in various forces in the neutral area at this time.

After all, judging from the current relationship between the three pillars, it is definitely impossible to continue to remain neutral.

It is inevitable that everyone will have some concerns if they are completely invested in one They are all accustomed to being emperors, and suddenly reduced to small landlords, which really makes them hesitant.

And the movements of the upper echelons of the neutral forces also affect the people below.

Originally, some citizens of the Great Zhou Empire often needed to keep a low profile when they entered the neutral area. After all, some places did not look good to the three major forces of the universe. In their view, freedom belonged to them, and the people of these three major forces were heterogeneous.

Of course, on the other hand, there are many prisoners from the Great Zhou Empire and star robbers who once roamed the territory of the Great Zhou Empire among the neutral forces.

For example, these groups of people are very common in neutral forces, because this place does not belong to any party, and the Great Zhou Empire cannot come over to arrest them blatantly.

It is also because of the existence of these people that many people in the neutral forces do not have a good impression of the citizens of the three major forces.

However, the atmosphere has changed recently. Some chambers of commerce from the Great Zhou Empire came here and were surprised to find that the business was unexpectedly smooth, and the previous difficulties disappeared.

In the past, encounters with star thieves in neutral areas have also decreased. Even if they are robbed and reported to the neutral forces in the film afterwards, those local officials will no longer shirk.

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